Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 463: Winning Impact


Chapter 463 The Impact of Victory

The Kingdom of Water, the Hidden Mist Village.

Shuiying Building, conference room.

All the five Kirigakure executives in the huge conference room had gloomy faces.

As happy as Konoha’s top brass are, they are angry.

Originally, I went to rob Konoha with the idea of ​​taking advantage of the situation, but in the end I didn’t take advantage, and the loss was not small.

Not only were the seven Ninja Swordsmen outnumbered, but even the specially crafted precious Ninja Swords were not recovered, and all five Ninja Swords were seized by Konoha.

For Kirigakure, those ninja swords are actually more important than the sword’s owner. If the person is gone, you can continue to choose, but if the sword is gone, how can you choose someone?

What makes the senior management of Kirigakure even more speechless is that the Ninja Sword Seven to Five is not even the biggest loss. They Kirigakure even lost a three-tailed Jinchuuriki. A six-tailed jinchuriki.

Moreover, two well-known strong men in Kirigakure such as Shuiwuyue Hanguideng Canyue also died on the battlefield, becoming a stepping stone for Mu Yue to become famous.

Compared with these losses, the losses of the Kirigakure ninja troops were not very large. Goju Yagura’s measures effectively preserved the strength of the Kirigakure ninja troops.

“Let’s talk about how to deal with Gotachibana Yagura first.” The third Mizukage said with a cold face, looking as if he was determined to punish Gotachibana Yagura severely.

The other senior management of Kirigakure looked at each other vaguely, and for a while they couldn’t figure out what the Third Mizukage was thinking.

Everyone knows that Gotachibana Yagura is the candidate whom the Third Mizukage values. They cannot tell for a while whether it is the Third Mizukage who is disappointed with Gotachibana Yagura and is ready to give up, or whether the Third Mizukage does not want Gotachibana Yagura to bear it. The punishment is too severe and then you take the initiative to speak.

“Yakura betrayed the trust of the village and repeatedly made misjudgments in major initiatives, causing our Kirigakure to suffer heavy losses. If not punished, what will the ninjas in the village think?” The third Mizukage continued when no one spoke. said.

The Third Mizukage said this, and the senior management of Kirigakure understood that the Third Mizukage still didn’t want to give up on Goju Yagura, so a decent-looking formal punishment would be enough.

“Although the war was lost, Yagura is still a dedicated commander. He successfully prevented the Kirigakure ninja troops from suffering heavy losses and retained their strength well, so that we will not be so passive in the future.” Genshi thought. Want to say.

He did not want to have differences with the Third Mizukage over the position of the Fourth Mizukage. Kirigakure Village was already in a bad situation, and if there was any more civil strife, it would really lead to the abyss of decline.

Besides, there are no good candidates for Genshi. Among the people of Gouju Yagura’s generation, Gouju Yagura is the strongest, and he is also good in other aspects. He is already the most suitable person to become the Mizukage.

“The failure of the war cannot be entirely blamed on Yagura. Originally, we, Kirigakure, had a great advantage. It was the time when Minazuki Han and seven people with ninja swords were defeated by Hanyu Mugetsu that the situation turned from good to bad. The war Han Minazuki is very responsible for the defeat,” the monitor of the Kirigakure jounin class also said.

Compared to Goju Yagura, who is still alive and may become Mizukage, Minazuki Han, the famous dead Kirigakure, is obviously more suitable to take the blame.

Everyone is dead anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you have a bad reputation.

“The Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Demons and the others were also ineffective.” Advisor Kirigakure pulled out the seven dead Ninja Swordsmen and took the blame together.

After a few words between a few people, Goju Yagura became the MVP of the losing side. The failure of the war was all due to the lack of ability of Minazuki Han and Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni.

All the senior officials cleverly avoided Kiden Zanzue, not because Kiden Zanzue performed well so they couldn’t bear to let him take the blame, but because the Kiden clan is now quite powerful in Kirigakure, and they have to consider the feelings of the Kiden clan.

The Third Mizukage nodded, agreeing with what the senior officials said, Gotachibana Yagura had both mistakes and merits, and the main fault was not Gotachibana Yagura.

In the end, Gotachibana Yagura was punished by being dismissed from all current positions and entering ANBU to contribute to Kirigakure and atone for his sins.

“The five ninja swords seized by Konoha must be recovered. They are our Kirigakure’s precious property.” Then the Kirigakure consultant talked about the five lost ninja swords.

The two strongest swords among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are Samehada and Konoha. Now that both of them have been captured by Konoha, how can Advisor Kirigakure be willing to do so.

“It is certain to recycle the Ninja Sword, but how to recycle it is a problem.” said the monitor of the Kirigakure Jonin squad.

“With the current situation, either we will send ninja troops into the Land of Fire to fight Konoha and defeat Konoha.

Either negotiate with Konoha and get the ninja sword back by signing a peace treaty. ”

Kirigakure took the initiative to start a war with Konoha. It is impossible for Konoha to return five precious ninja swords to Kirigakure for no reason.

Konoha is now at war on multiple fronts. If Kirigakure is willing to negotiate peace, even if Kirigakure makes some demands, as long as they are not too excessive, Konoha will most likely agree.

“I’m afraid it would be inappropriate to start a war again in a short period of time. Konoha’s morale is now strong, but our morale is low. The decline of one and the other will be very detrimental to our Kirigakure.” Genshi said.

He is firmly opposed to starting another war immediately, which will be a thankless task.

“A peace treaty cannot be signed.” The Third Mizukage rejected the plan to sign a peace treaty.

“The Ninja Sword must be recycled, but never in such a humiliating way.”

If there is a real peace talk, then the whole incident will be Kirigakure voluntarily declaring war on Konoha, and then proactively suing for peace after defeat and begging Konoha for a ninja sword. It is really too embarrassing. The Third Mizukage does not want such a clown to happen. during his tenure.

The monitor of the Kirigakure jounin class has nothing to say. This is not okay and that is not okay. So what should we do?

“Don’t make unnecessary moves next, let’s wait and see what happens.” The Third Mizukage thought about it and expressed his thoughts.

He believed that with Konoha’s current situation, even if it had the upper hand, it would be impossible to break into the Kingdom of Water. This meant that Kirigakure could just sit back and watch the fight between tigers and wait for the opportunity.

When Konoha shows its decline, they can come out again to attack Konoha. If they win, they will not only gain fame and fortune, but also get the ninja sword back.

As for Konoha’s victory over all enemies, the Third Mizukage never thought of such an ending.

After the meeting, Yuan Shiwei sighed and left the Shuiying Building.

This war made him aware of Kirigakure’s weakness.

Although there are two jinchuriki, neither the three-tailed jinchuriki nor the six-tailed jinchuriki are perfect jinchuriki, and there is no way to fully transform into a tailed beast while awake.

The strength of the new generation of Kirigakure ninjas is far inferior to that of Konoha. Konoha has the yellow flash Minato Namikaze who can defeat Kumogakure’s new AB combination, and Hanyu Muzuki who can kill the jinchuriki. Their new generation of Kirigakure There is no ninja who can achieve such a name in the ninja world.

Not only one generation, but even the ninjas of Goju Yagura’s generation were outclassed by Konoha.

Except for Goju Yagura, who can compare with one of the three ninjas, neither Minazuki Han nor Kiden Zangetsu can compare with the three ninjas.

Minazuki Han and the others were even killed by Konoha’s new generation of ninjas. Both Minazuki Han and Onito Zangetsu died in Mu Yue’s hands.

“Master Genshi, do you have time now? I’ve been having some trouble with my water escape training recently.” Terumi Mei said when she saw Genshi’s eyes light up.

“What’s the problem? Let me hear it.” Master Yuan asked with a kind smile when he saw Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei is a genius ninja discovered during his joint Chunin Examination. Genshi is optimistic about her future and feels that Terumi Mei can become the leader of Kirigakure’s new generation.

Terumi Mei quickly spoke out the problems she encountered.

Master Yuan gave the answer after thinking for a while. Although he didn’t practice much because of his age, he used to be a famous water escape expert in Kirigakure.

“Thank you so much.” Terumi Mei bowed and thanked her.

“You have to practice hard. The opponents you met in Konoha have already made quite a reputation on the battlefield.” Yuanshi encouraged with a smile.

Three of the four most famous young geniuses in Konoha all participated in the joint chunin exam that Terumi Mei participated in. Among them, Uchiha Obito even lost to Terumi Mei in the second game. .

“The opponent I met in Konoha?” Terumi Mei showed a thoughtful expression.

Of course it was impossible for Kirigakure to spread the news of his defeat in the village. Except for Mu Yue, who was already famous throughout the ninja world, Terumi Mei didn’t know much about Obito and their deeds.

“Kakashi the Thunder Fang Hatake, and Metkai the Green Beast of Konoha, they were all ninjas who participated in the Chunin Examination with you.” Master Yuan briefly told Kakashi and their deeds on the battlefield. Again.

Terumi Mei’s eyes widened and her mouth opened unconsciously, her face full of shock.

Terumi Mei knows very well that Metkai is very strong. After all, she has not forgotten the scene of Metkai beating up Kisame’s team.

But she really didn’t expect that Metkai and the others would become so terrifying in strength, and they could actually repel the Seven Ninja Swordsmen head-on.

As a Kirigakure ninja, Terumi Mei is very clear about the value of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are a special team directly under Mizukage. Each member is carefully selected from among the Jonin, and each one is equipped with a powerful Ninja Sword.

She really couldn’t imagine what Kakashi and the others had gone through during this period of time to have such terrifying fighting power. They were the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Obviously during the Chunin Exams, Kakashi and the others fought back and forth with Team Kisame.

Terumi Mei feels a little ashamed. She is occasionally proud of her current strength. Her former opponents have reached another level.

“You have to practice harder.” Terumi Mei decided to work harder to become stronger and catch up with Kakashi and the others.


Due to the great results and Konoha’s deliberate propaganda to boost morale, the news of Konoha’s defeat of Kirigakure Mugetsu and the Killing Chuuriki quickly spread throughout the ninja world.

Earth Country, Rock Hidden Village, Tsuchikage Office.

“Kirigakure actually lost one jinchūriki. Konoha’s threat will be raised even more.” Ohnoki was a little surprised when he looked at the latest information in his hand.

In his imagination, Kirigakure would have to spend two years with Konoha on the east coast battlefield to wear down Konoha’s strength.

“Lieyang Hanyu Muyue…” Onoki sorted out all the information in his mind, feeling that this ninja named Hanyu Muyue would be difficult to deal with.

According to existing information, Hanyu Muyue not only has a strong flying thunder **** technique, but also masters a strong fire escape. In addition, his ice escape level is not low.

“We have to speed up our actions in the Land of Rain.” Onoki became more determined to continue making enemies for Konoha.

Konoha is too strong, we must find more enemies for Konoha.

Isn’t Hanyu Muyue’s fire escape strong? Let’s let the ninja master Ka Yi Hibiscus and Mu Yue compete to see if Hanyu Muyue’s fire escape can be better than the ninja who is known as the strongest fire escape. Teacher?Add medical treatment?br/>

Konoha has four young geniuses, and the Ninja sect has the mysterious and difficult Nagato. The more Onoki thinks about it, the more he thinks it is a good idea for the Ninja sect to confront Konoha.

Cloud Hidden Village, Raikage Office.

“How come Kirigakure was beaten back so quickly? What a bunch of useless things.” The Third Raikage was speechless looking at the information in his hand.

In fact, Kumogakure has never taken any serious action against Konoha. A considerable part of Kumogakure’s power is attacking Sunagakure.

The Third Raikage’s idea was to first take down Sunagakure while Sunagakure was weak, then defeat Konoha in one go, and finally deal with Iwagakure, becoming the undisputed leader in the ninja world. The strongest ninja village.

As for Kirigakure, Kumogakure doesn’t have any ideas, because the Kingdom of Water is an island, so it will be more troublesome to fight, and defeating three of the five great ninja villages can already prove his strength.

“It’s just right, it also shows that Kirigakure Village is nothing to worry about.” The Third Raikage looked at it with openness.

Although Kirigakure cannot consume Konoha’s power as Kumogakure expected, the weakness revealed by Kirigakure during the war also left Kumogakure one less opponent in his struggle for hegemony.

“Now that I have become familiar with the power of the Eight-Tails, neither the blazing sun Hanyu Mogetsu nor the yellow flashing wave Feng Minato will be the opponent of our Kumogakure AB combination.” The third generation Raikage has a strong impression on Kumogakure’s new AB combination. of confidence.

After Bubi’s death, Kirabi, the new AB group, will serve as the new Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

In terms of becoming a jinchuriki, Kirabi showed great talent. The third generation of Raikage saw in Kirabi a future that was stronger than Bu Bi.

His son, the fourth generation Ai, is not much worse than him, and coupled with a stronger competition, the new AB combination is expected to become the strongest AB combination.

Sunagakure Village, Kazekage’s office.

“A war on the third front can still achieve such results, Konoha is too dangerous!” After reading the information, Luo Sha frowned deeply, and he had a strong sense of crisis.

The location of the Country of Fire is very good, almost in the center, and it is basically only separated from other big countries by one or two small countries or a sea.

If Konoha wants to attack Sunagakure, it doesn’t have to be as troublesome as Kumogakure and has to go around and around. Konoha can directly enter the hinterland of Wind Country by passing through Kawa no Kuni.

Although there is no reason for Konoha to start a war on three fronts again against Sunagakure, but the current Konoha will not mean that the future Konoha will not. Luo Sha knows the truth of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

For Sunagakure Village, it is best for Konoha to be beaten up by Iwagakure and others, and then become weaker than Sunagakure. Only in this way can Konoha be a good neighbor.

“If Konoha continues to maintain this momentum, Sunagakure must take action.” Luo Sha secretly thought.

When the time comes, Rasa would rather negotiate peace with Kumogakure than go to war with Konoha. After all, Sunagakure and Kumogakure are much further apart than Sunagakure and Konoha.

Not only the major ninja villages that took the initiative to collect information, but also Minato Namikaze, who was commanding the battlefield in Yuno Country, heard some news about Muzuki.

Minato Namikaze felt a little emotional. When he first met Mu Yue, Mu Yue was just a chuunin teacher. Now, more than two years later, Mu Yue has become the famous Lie Yang Mu Yue in the ninja world.

Namikaze Minato and Kushina taught Mu Yue the sealing technique together in order to give Mu Yue more power to protect himself in this chaotic situation. He did not expect Mu Yue to reach the level of fame in the ninja world so quickly. .

Mu Yue’s rise was too fast. Before Namikaze Minato became the yellow flash, he was also a famous powerful jounin in Konoha. It took Mu Yue a total of two years to go from ninja to jounin and now to the title of Fiery Sun. many.

“Muzuki has been on the battlefield for so long, and I don’t know if Kushina has caused trouble to the ANBU.” Minato smiled bitterly, thinking of Kushina who was still undergoing special training in Konoha.

Mugetsu’s cuisine has magical power. Once you take one bite, you will never forget it. Kushina and Minato once argued about eating Mugetsu’s cuisine, otherwise they would tie up the surveillance ANBU and sneak out to find food. .

Minato can actually understand Kushina. After all, if he has the opportunity to eat Muyue’s food, he will choose to eat it. However, Minato is more tolerant. If he feels that it is too troublesome, he will choose to hold back.

“But Mu Yue should be back to Konoha by now.” Minato thought to himself.

High-intensity fighting will make people physically and mentally exhausted. Muyue has established great achievements one after another. Under normal circumstances, he will go back to Konoha to train for a short period of time before being assigned war missions.

Repelling Kirigakure has solved Konoha’s urgent need. Konoha is not that short of combat power now.

Thinking of this, Minato wrote a letter and sent it back to Konoha.

He and Mu Yue haven’t communicated with each other for a long time. Mu Yue was in Konoha when he was on the battlefield. Later, when he returned to Konoha, Mu Yue was in the east bank battlefield, and Minato went after he returned to the battlefield. is also another battlefield.


Just as Minato imagined, Orochimaru and Muzuki returned to Konoha after Kirigakure retreated, leaving only a group of ninjas to guard the border in case Kirigakure raided again.

To celebrate this great victory, Konoha held a special event for the East Coast Ninja Troops.

At the event, Hiruzen Sarutobi personally told the various results of the East Coast Battlefield, expressed condolences to the ninja troops on the East Coast Battlefield, and at the same time carved commemorative monuments for the ninjas who died on the East Coast Battlefield.

Of course, the final and indispensable thing is the reward for the ninja troops.

After settling the war mission commission fee, ninjas who meet the promotion conditions will be promoted. Obito is one of the chunin who was promoted to Jonin.

Obito almost burst into tears when he got the new ninja certificate. It was not easy.

He was finally able to get rid of his status as the only chuunin among Mugetsu disciples. He, Uchiha Obito, could finally stand up on the ninja level, and Kakashi could no longer use his status as a jounin to suppress him.

After becoming a jounin, Kakashi can never be more advanced than him, because a jounin is the highest level of ninja.

As Obito was successfully promoted, reward information also popped up on Muyue’s panel.

PS: This chapter is also 5k, but I won’t know if it will be available later. I will post it as soon as it is written.



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