Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 462: The blazing sun bathes in the moon (please vote for monthly tickets every day)


Chapter 462: The blazing sun and the moon (please vote every day)

“Kill a complete tailed beast with your own hands, Muyue-kun. After this battle, your name and slash will be completely spread in the ninja world. I will report your achievements to the higher-ups later.” Orochimaru Noodles He walked up to Mu Yue with a smile and said.

He rarely showed this kind of smile, but he knew it would make him look more approachable.

“It’s just a trick, and it’s everyone’s credit. Without the attack of the troops and you, Orochimaru-kun, to create opportunities for me, I definitely wouldn’t be able to kill the Jinchuuriki.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

Mu Yue is not too modest. This battle is indeed the result of the joint efforts of all members. Whether it is Mu Yue and Orochimaru who are the main output, Ino Shika Die or ordinary Konoha jounin, there are some The effect is just a question of how much.

“The strength of the troops is important, but your final fatal attack, Muyue, is even more critical.” Orochimaru shook his head slightly and said.

Jinchūriki’s heads are not easy to get, so Mu Yue’s Flying Thunder God played a vital role.

After finishing speaking, Orochimaru stopped chatting with Mu Yue. He just chatted for a few words and then went to arrange work.

He knows how to maintain a certain degree of control. Being too obvious and strong will only offend people, and Orochimaru is indeed very busy right now.

Although the battle was won, the battle on the east coast battlefield was not completely over. Goju Yagura escaped with a large number of Kirigakure troops, which was a big problem.

Orochimaru still has to report the battle process and results to the top management of Konoha, and finally Orochimaru has to arrange various subsequent tasks.

“Teacher Muyue, what’s the name of your ninjutsu that creates a little sun in the sky?” Seeing Orochimaru walking away, Obito couldn’t wait to step forward and asked.

That ninjutsu is so cool, Obito really wants to learn it.

Being able to directly turn an area in the dark into daylight, Obito considered it to be an immortal skill.

“The art of the blazing sun.” Mu Yue thought for a moment and replied.

The name “Da Qingtian” is somewhat inconsistent when used as a ninjutsu name, so Mu Yue directly gave him a Hokage-style name.

“The Jutsu of the Fierce Sun.” Obito muttered, “It’s so appropriate. After using it, a scorching sun appears.”

Then Obito looked at Muyue with expectant eyes and asked: “Teacher Muyue, do you think I can learn this ninjutsu?”

“You can learn if you learn.” Mu Yue replied affirmatively.

At this moment, Obito had already thought about his future titles, Obito the Blazing Flame, and the Tiger of Konoha’s Most Fierce Fire.

“But I don’t recommend that you come to learn now.” Mu Yue added and the flame in Obito’s heart was extinguished.

“Why, isn’t this ninjutsu very strong?” Obito asked in confusion.

If Mu Yue hadn’t suddenly used a sunny day, it would have been even more difficult for Konoha to win the battle just now.

“In summary, the effect of the Burning Sun Technique is indeed very strong, but in daily small-scale battles, the Burning Sun Technique is not as useful as you think.” Mu Yue explained.

Mu Yue tested it when she first obtained the Sunny Day. It is better to use the Breath of Fire Chakra mode directly to use the Sunny Sky. It has a stronger effect and saves chakra.

Sunny Day is equivalent to opening a field that can strengthen fire escape and weaken water escape. The duration and strength of the field range depend on the chakra consumed.

During Mu Yue’s test, he spent 40,000 points of chakra but only used a sunny day covering a range of 200 meters, and the duration was only five minutes.

On the battlefield this time, Mu Yue consumed a lot of chakra and sacrificed some of her strength to cover the entire battlefield.

Two hundred meters is really not enough for normal team battles or single-player battles. It is easy to reach a clear day range, but sacrificing strength for range is really not as good as using more ninjutsu in Breath of Fire Chakra mode.

“And this ninjutsu is very difficult. How difficult is it? It’s difficult to shoot the curtain with a strong face! It’s the last hurdle of the death coffin.

The difficulty of Sunny Day is too high, which is why Mu Yue thinks that Obito does not need to study at this stage.

Otherwise, even if it is not used very often, Mu Yue will not mind if the disciples use more methods. After all, it can be used if it is not useful.

The most difficult ninjutsu that Mu Yue has seen so far is localized transformation, which he has no idea how to teach.

The next step is Sunny Day. The first difficulty of Sunny Day is that it requires a high-level fire attribute chakra property change level. Obito can actually barely meet this requirement because the Breath of Fire Chakra mode has a bonus.

The second difficulty of Sunny Day is the extremely high difficulty of training. With the speed at which Obito is learning ninjutsu, Mu Yue estimates that he will have to concentrate on learning for half a year before he can use it.

If you have this time to concentrate on learning other things, your strength will improve even more.

As a thunder escape sword technique, Wuxiang Yida is actually more difficult than Daqingtian, but this product of training even if it is not successfully practiced can actually improve the strength, so after Kakashi meets the training requirements, Mu Yue Taught it directly to Kakashi.

Obito had an uncontrollable look of disappointment on his face. Even if this ninjutsu couldn’t play a big role, Obito still wanted to learn it. At most, it wouldn’t be used in combat, but would only be used to show off.

However, I was relieved when I heard that it would take a long time to learn Obito. Strength is the foundation, and all ninjutsu that affect the improvement of strength must be eliminated, otherwise the disciples will lose in the civil war.

Obito doesn’t want to be punished for doing questions all the time just because he wants to look cool. The cost is too high.

After chatting with several disciples, Akimichi Dingzao and the others found Mu Yue after successfully treating Metkai.

“Muyue, thanks to you for today’s battle, otherwise I would have been in trouble if the tail fell off.” Akimichi Tingzao thanked with a smile.

“If you need help with anything in the future, just tell me. Although my strength is not comparable to that of Mu Yue, I have many channels for practicing secret medicine.”

Mu Yue’s mind moved, and he remembered that the Akimichi clan had some secret medicines that specifically matched the secret technique, and had done a lot of research on the secret medicines. The Nara clan, who had advanced and retreated with the Akimichi clan, was in the medicinal material business.

“We are all companions, and we should help each other.” Mu Yue smiled gently at first, and then showed a somewhat distressed look.

“I don’t have much demand for secret medicine. I just have some medicinal materials that I want to buy recently, and some of them are rare and difficult to buy.”

Mu Yue has a prescription for the secret healing medicine, and she can refine the secret healing medicine by herself. However, some of the medicinal materials are indeed too rare, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy them.

Akimichi Tingza laughed and hugged Nara Shikaku’s shoulders and said: “Then you are looking for the right person. Konoha’s medical system is maintained by the supply of medicinal materials from the Shikaku family, so you are right to find him.”

Nara Shikaku nodded slightly, “Muyue, if you have any medicinal materials you want to buy, please give me a list, and I will have someone watch and prepare them.”

The three families of Ino, Deer and Butterfly are one. Mu Yue saved Akimichi Tingza, which is equivalent to saving their Nara. Nara Shikaku doesn’t mind helping out a little.

Even if this didn’t happen, Nara Shikaku would most likely help because he was optimistic about Mu Yue’s future.

“Thank you so much Lujiu. I will write out the list for you when I have time.” Mu Yue smiled and thanked you.

He was only going to give some rare medicinal materials to Nara Shikaku to buy, and buy the common ones himself.

The effect of this thing is a bit too outstanding, and it is easy to cause trouble if it is released.

Next, Orochimaru did not let the troops chase Kirigakure overnight, but let the troops rest all night, and then sent a large number of Konoha ninjas out to sweep the east coast during the day.

Gotachibana Yagura seemed to have guessed that Orochimaru would choose to beat up the dog in the water, and directly fled back to the country of water with the Kirigakure troops. Orochimaru only scanned a few Kirigakure ninjas who were left behind to explore intelligence.

The war on the east coast battlefield came to an end with the victory of the Konoha ninja troops.


Konoha Village.

Hokage Building, conference room.

“Hiruzhan, if you had already heard me and sent Mu Yue to the battlefield, maybe we in Konoha would have achieved more significant results.” Danzo Shimura stood up excitedly and fired at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He had long said that he would send Mu Yue to the battlefield to help Orochimaru, but it was only when Orochimaru was transferred to the east coast battlefield that Sarutobi Hiruzen relented.

Now that Mu Yue’s record is better, it means giving Shimura Danzo a face, and at the same time, he is slapping Sarutobi Hiruzen in the face, which strongly proves that Shimura Danzo has a better vision than Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Shimura Danzo knew that he was a little too proud. Sarutobi Hiruzen was the Hokage after all, but he couldn’t control it and couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

No way, this was really a slap in the face for Danzo Shimura. All the rebuke Hiruzen Sarutobi had given him turned into a boomerang and hit Hiruzen Sarutobi.

At this moment, Danzo Shimura’s affection for Mu Yue has reached its peak. He feels that Mu Yue is simply the perfect work of Genbu and his most successful work since he founded Genbu.

Because there has never been a root member who could hit Sarutobi Hiruzen in the face.

“If it hadn’t been for that period of time, Mu Yue might not have been as brilliant as she was on the east coast battlefield.” Sarutobi Hiruzen retorted.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed a little embarrassed, but he didn’t feel too much like being slapped in the face, because Muyue was considered half of his disciples.

How could Hiruzen Sarutobi feel that his disciple was so promising? He only felt that his teaching ability had been proven once again.

Although Mu Yue was not weak when she emerged from the root, and was considered an elite among jounin, she was far from what she is now.

Although Mu Yue’s current strength cannot be said to be entirely due to him, it is still partly due to him. He rewarded Mu Yue with many ninjutsu and also taught Mu Yue the change of his nature.

“It’s also possible that Mu Yue will gain experience on the battlefield and become stronger than she is now!” Shimura Danzo said forcefully.

He is really confident now, because Mu Yue going to the battlefield is exactly what he has been recommending.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Shimura Danzo with a black look. If Shimura Danzo hadn’t contributed, Sarutobi Hiruzen would have wanted to kick him out of the conference room. He stared at one point and kept talking. Those who didn’t know thought that It was him, Shimura Danzo, who killed the jinchūriki.

“There is no need to argue too much about this issue. Both of you have contributed. Danzo, you discovered Muzuki Hiruzen and trained Muzuki.” Mito Katoyan came out to talk to Nini.

Normally, he would favor Sarutobi Hiruzen, but it is really hard to say that about Shimura Danzo today.

“Let’s discuss the business next, how to deal with the relationship with Kirigakure in the future.” Koharu continued after sleeping.

Shimura Danzo’s expression gradually returned to calm and then nodded.

Based on his understanding of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he should be on the verge of getting angry now. He has to stop for a moment, otherwise if he really makes Sarutobi Hiruzen angry, he may have to have his roots trimmed.

Although Shimura Danzo felt that everything he did was for Konoha, many of the things he did did not comply with Konoha’s regulations and could not withstand investigation.

“Let Kirigakure Village compensate for the war losses, otherwise the war will continue.” Shimura Danzo directly expressed his thoughts.

They Konoha not only killed the three-tailed Jinchūriki of Kirigakure, but also killed powerful Kirigakure warriors like Minazuki Hanuki and Langetsu. It can be said to be a complete victory. If there were not other battlefields, Danzo Shimura shouted the slogan of destroying Kirigakure Village.

“Too radical. According to the information passed by Orochimaru, Goju Yagura still led a considerable number of ninja troops back to Kirigakure. In addition, Kirigakure also had the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki. It was not that they did not fight. With such power, it is impossible to agree to give Konoha a large amount of compensation,” Sarutobi Hiruzen analyzed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has read the casualty report. From the beginning to the present on the east coast battlefield, more than 700 Kirigakure ninjas have died. This is not a traumatic event for the five great ninja villages with deep foundations.

Coupled with a Six-Tails Jinchuuriki, Kirigakure actually still has considerable combat power.

“Then what should we do? We can’t take the initiative to seek peace unconditionally after a big victory, right?” Shimura Danzo asked rhetorically.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen really wanted to do this, Shimura Danzo would strongly object, it would be really embarrassing.

“Of course not.” Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

How could they still seek peace unconditionally after being invaded and hit the mainland? This is something that no Konoha ninja can bear.

Fight with your life against the invaders, finally win the victory and even seek peace unconditionally.

“Compensation is not possible, not unconditionally, so what do you think we should do?” Shimura Danzo asked bluntly.

It can’t be that Konoha compensates Kirigakure, then he really wants to see what Sarutobi Hiruzen has in his head.

“Since the Kirigakure troops have withdrawn from the Land of Fire, let’s ignore Kirigakure for the time being.” Sarutobi Hiruzen expressed his thoughts.

“Although the Kirigakure troops still have the strength to fight, they have also lost a lot of strength. Such a major failure will definitely make them dare not easily start a war with Konoha again. We will dispatch forces to deal with Kirigakure after our other battlefields are over. .”

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s idea is actually very simple, that is, to maintain a tacit peace.

Konoha will not go to Kirigakure to demand compensation, and Kirigakure will recuperate honestly and not mess with Konoha. In this way, both parties will not lose face and get what each other wants.

Konoha temporarily lost one enemy, and Kirigakure didn’t have to pay the price for losing.

“Hiruzhan’s idea is very good, and he fully considers the current situation of Konoha.” Mito Kadoyan nodded in approval.

He felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen’s idea was the most suitable measure for the current situation in Konoha, which would not only save face but also achieve the purpose of reducing enemies.

“It’s really inappropriate to ask for compensation. Asking for less is meaningless, and Kirigakure won’t be able to give more.” Koharu also agreed with Sarutobi Hiruzen’s plan.

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen was passed with an overwhelming advantage of three to one regarding the follow-up processing of Kirigakure.

Shimura Danzo snorted and said nothing.

When he thought about it carefully, he felt that what Sarutobi Hiruzen said did make sense, but Shimura Danzo was rarely proud of Sarutobi Hiruzen today, and he did not want to bow his head.

After discussing the biggest issue of attitude towards Kirigakure, the next step is to make some arrangements for the ninjas on the east coast battlefield, and then to reward meritorious ninjas and which ninjas will be promoted to promotions.

Due to Obito’s further achievements on the battlefield and Orochimaru’s recommendation, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally decided to promote Obito to an official jonin.

Although Obito’s theory is flawed, his strength is really excellent, and with his sufficient resume, Sarutobi Hiruzen has no reason not to promote Obito. This is a war period.

In order to publicize this great victory and boost the morale of the Konoha ninjas, Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered the staff of the Konoha Newspaper to work overtime to produce a new issue of the Konoha Newspaper for publication, and at the same time mobilized forces to promote it in the Land of Fire and other countries.

“Great results were achieved on the east coast battlefield, the three Jinchuriki of Kirigakure were killed, and the ninja troops were defeated and escaped from the Land of Fire!” Tsunade nodded while looking at the newspaper Shizune bought while shopping for groceries.

Killing the jinchuriki is quite a big deal, and driving out the only ninja village that has invaded the mainland is also of great significance.

Tsunade was stunned when she saw the first subtitle of the newspaper.

“The tacit understanding battle between the three ninja Orochimaru and Konoha’s new generation Lieyang Hanyu Mozuki killed the complete tailed beast”

Because the scene of Mu Yue releasing the Great Sunny was so shocking, the title of Sun Mu Yue spread among the Konoha ninja troops after the battle with the tailed beasts. The newspaper contributor thought it was good and wrote it directly.

“Tsk, is this boy Mu Yue so strong? It turned out that he and Orochimaru killed the jinchuriki together.” Tsunade was a little surprised.

Tsunade is not very clear about Mu Yue’s strength. After all, Tsunade doesn’t care much about Mu Yue’s strength. For Tsunade, Mu Yue’s cooking skills are the most important thing.

However, Tsunade really did not expect that Mu Yue could create such a record. The information reported by Konoha is generally credible. If Mu Yue did not play a significant role with jinchūriki, it would be impossible to be ranked in front with Orochimaru. .

“It’s enough to practice step by step if you are so strong. I also want to develop a sealing technique to store chakra. I really don’t know where this guy can get such a strong motivation to practice.” After reading the content related to Mu Yue, Tsunade said I threw away the newspaper and continued to lie on the sofa and enjoy life.

With the release of the latest Konoha Newspaper in Konoha, Lieyang Muyue’s name quickly spread throughout Konoha.

The ninja school teacher who had worked with Mu Yue couldn’t help but feel a little emotional when he heard the news. We were still colleagues two years ago.

Two years later, Mu Yue became a jounin and a vice-principal. Now she has made such a big name on the battlefield, which is really unimaginable.

But someone soon discovered a problem, that is, the yellow flashing Namikaze Minato and Lieyang Hanyu Mozuki are not only similar in age, but also have similar hair color and appearance, and they can even fly the thunder **** technique.

This can’t help but make some people subconsciously compare the two.

Some people think that Mu Yue is stronger because Mu Yue killed the jinchuriki, while Namikaze Minato only drew with the new AB combination.

Some people think that Namikaze Minato is stronger, because Mu Yue killed the jinchuriki with Orochimaru, and there was help from the ninja troops.

But what everyone agrees on is that they are one of the strongest new era ninjas in Konoha and even the ninja world.



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