Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 433: The mysterious strong man


Chapter 433 The mysterious strong man

After returning to the camp, Loquat Juuzang, who was seriously injured, went directly to the medical ninja for treatment, while Kuribori Kushimaru, who was slightly injured, reported the mission situation before Gotachibana Yagura.

“When we were on a mission, we encountered a powerful Konoha team. The opponent had one more person than us. We fought hard but were ultimately defeated. During the battle, the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost was killed. “Kuri Sugawara said with a solemn expression.

Kirigakure is a ninja village with cruel rules, so Kushimaru Kuriraki has to use language arts to mitigate the impact of their mission failure.

In a sense, Kurumi Kushimaru didn’t lie. Kakashi did have one more person than them, although not everyone in Kakashi’s team played a big role.

“The sacrifice of the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost was not in vain. Several ninjas in the Konoha team were also seriously injured by us. However, due to the greater casualties on our side, in order not to affect the battle situation, we finally chose to retreat, but At this time, a ninja who mastered ice escape stopped us.

Fortunately, Master Han also came to support us. Because Juuzang Loquat and I were seriously injured, we retreated back to the camp early, while the rest of the ninja swordsmen worked with Master Han to deal with the Konoha ninjas. “Kurira Kushimaru briefly explained the entire battle process.

Kurihara Kushimaru believes that this mission should not be a big problem. Although one member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen was lost, the losses on Konoha’s side were definitely greater.

You must know that this is a genius team that can defeat the Seven Ninja Swordsmen head-on. If they don’t die, their future strength will be visible to the naked eye.

“What ninjas are there in the powerful Konoha team, Ino Shiga Butterfly?” Goji Yagura thought for a while and asked.

The full deployment of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is Kirigakure’s big card. There are very few Konoha teams that can defeat the Seven Ninja Swordsmen on the east coast battlefield. Gotachibana Yagura believes that only Ino Shikacho or Orochimaru are the only ones. It’s only possible if you lead a team.

But if Orochimaru leads the team, the battle will not be a lose-lose situation, so Gotachibana Yagura directly asked Ino Shikacho.

The face under the Kushimaru mask was a little embarrassed, but he still honestly named Kakashi and the others, “There are Konoha super geniuses such as Kakashi Hatake, Metkai, and Obito Uchiha. ”

Although Shisui’s performance was also amazing, Kurumi Kushimaru didn’t know Shisui’s name.

A look of astonishment flashed across Goji Yagura’s face. It couldn’t be said to be slightly different from what he had imagined, but it could only be said to have nothing to do with it.

As one of the senior officials of Kirigakure, Goju Yagura is no stranger to these three names. He has seen the report of the Genshi leading the team to participate in the Chunin Exam, and knows that these three people appeared in the Konoha Chunin Exam. Genius, even defeated several young geniuses that Kirigakure specially found.

“You mean you lost to a few Konoha ninjas who had just become chuunin two years ago?” Goji Yagura’s eyes became sharp.

Goju Yagura knows that Kakashi and the others are geniuses, but this is not the reason for the failure of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. You must know that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are already famous ninjas, and genius is just their previous stage.

Feeling the strong pressure coming from Goju Yagura’s body, Kurumi Kushimaru could not control the cold sweat on his forehead.

Unlike their debut as a group, Goju Yagura is a truly powerful and powerful figure in the ninja world, and is very likely to become the fourth generation Mizukage.

“Yakura-sama, our intelligence is lagging behind. Their current strength is much stronger than during the Chunin Examination, especially Metkai.

Metkai mastered a powerful physical technique called Golden Skyline. He only used it twice in battle. The first time he severely injured the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, and he only regained his fighting power after having the same shark muscle treatment. The second time he used it in battle. The beheading sword was shattered for the first time and almost killed Loquat Juuzang. “Kuri Kasumiwan explained bravely.

Although lies can be used to fool the past, the body must be recovered after the battle. When the time comes, if the memory of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost is different from what he said, then he will really suffer the same crime, so Kurikatsumaru We can only try our best to use facts to explain.

“Not all of them are genius ninjas. There is also a middle-aged taijutsu ninja. If he hadn’t blocked the Tongcao Yebaiman and the Black Hoe Thunder Fang, we would have definitely killed Metkai and the others.”

Gotachibana Yagura showed a thoughtful expression.

Although the defeat of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is outrageous, the information revealed is horrifying to think about.

A few talented ten-year-old ninjas actually have the ability to compete with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. They are like this at the age of ten, but they will be able to do it when they grow up.

“But if there’s water in the air, they probably won’t be able to leave.” Thinking of this, Goju Yagura calmed down.

No matter how promising the future is, it is still a matter of the future. As long as we kill them all before reaching the future, so that they have no future, the problem will be solved.

Although Minazuki Han is not good at things, Gouju Yagura still recognizes Minazuki Han’s strength.

I have no brains to begin with. If I wasn’t strong enough, how could I have been able to hang out in Kirigakure for so long and become the leader of the ninja clan?

After asking for some details, Gotachibana Yagura sent Kurirasumi Kushimaru for treatment, and then sent Kirigakure to the battle location to check the situation.

However, when the intelligence personnel sent by Goju Yagura came back, he got information that he did not expect at all.

“Han-sama is missing, Suikoyama Fugu Oni-sama and five other seven ninja swordsmen are missing. There are only corpses of village ninjas on the battlefield.” Kirigakure reported in a low voice.

He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Goji Yagura’s face, because he knew that Goji Yagura would be very angry now.

“Minazuki Han is missing?” Goju Yagura looked at the information Kirigakure expressionlessly, and his tightly clenched fists showed that he was not as calm in his heart as he appeared on the surface.

Information Kirigakure nodded, “There are traces of Lord Han’s ice escape on the battlefield, and there are a lot of broken ice on the ground.”

Gotachibana Yagura asked Kirigakure to retreat with a sullen face.

“Mizunazukihan, you are a loser who fails to succeed but fails to succeed!” Gouju Yagura couldn’t help but cursed in his heart.

Missing is just a nice word. There are only two possibilities for missing on the battlefield. The first possibility is that you became a deserter and defected, and the second possibility is that you were killed or caught by the enemy.

As Minazuki Han, of course he would not defect. He is the leader of the Ninja clan and one of the vested interests of the Ninja Village. Minazuki Han has no reason to defect.

Since he either defected or was killed or captured, with Suzuki Han’s strength, he would not be captured alive, so in Goji Yagura’s heart, Suzuki Han was already dead.

It’s really hard for Goju Yagura to hold back, because not only Minazuki Han died, but also five members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

If the seven Ninja Swordsmen use five to save two, it is basically useless, and the remaining two can only be used as stronger jounin.

The dead Minazuki Han plus the seven ninja swordsmen who existed in name only meant that Kirigakure lost two big cards at once.

“This is very detrimental to us. Who is the ninja who killed Minazuki Han? Are there any strong people in Konoha who use ice escape?” Goji Yagura’s expression became gloomy.

Now he can’t wait to resurrect Minazuki Han and beat him up, and he can’t wait to send away the remaining Loquat Juuzou and Kuritari Kushimaru so that the seven Ninja Swordsmen can go down together.

Although it was just a simple encounter, it destroyed all the advantages Kirigakure had in the Land of Fire, and even put them at a considerable disadvantage.

The death of Minazuki Han was not just as simple as the loss of a strong man. Minazuki Han had many arrangements of Kirigakure in his mind, including the camp location, supply route and combat plan. Minazuki Han knew all about it.

Because of Minazukihan’s death, Goju Yagura must immediately change all the arrangements of Kirigakure on the east coast battlefield. This is no small project.

Feeling the horrifying murderous aura in the camp, Kirigakure who was guarding outside couldn’t help but sweat and observed a tenth of a second of silence for those who offended Goju Yagura.

Although Gouju Yagura really wanted to kill someone to vent his anger, he knew that this was not the time to punish his subordinates. On the one hand, Gouju Yagura quickly ordered to adjust the strategy, and on the other hand, he summoned Juuzang Juzo and Kurumi Kushimaru to inquire about the details.

Gotachibana Yagura must first know who the ninja who killed Minazuki Han is. If it is Orochimaru or Inoshikacho, that’s it, but if it is not them, it means that a new Konoha strongman has arrived on the battlefield. .

“I didn’t see his appearance, I only saw the ice escape ninjutsu he released.” Loquat Juuzang shook his head and said.

Kushimaru Kurihara also nodded, they left too early.

Goju Yagura’s face darkened, and he struggled not to put his fists on their faces.

Ace Assassination Squad? Waste team!

Kurihara Kushimaru looked at Goju Yagura who was so angry that he was very confused in his heart. He didn’t understand who had offended this battlefield commander. He was obviously fine not long ago.

“What happened? Black Hoe Leiya and the others haven’t come back yet?” Loquat Juuzang suddenly remembered something.

It is rare for ninjas to have such a day-and-night battle. It had been a while since they left the battlefield, so it stands to reason that the battle is over.

“They can’t come back. If nothing else happens, they will all be killed by Konoha ninjas.” Goji Yagura said coldly.

“You are so stupid? You escaped death because of your injuries.” Gouju Yagura did not conceal the ridicule contained in his words.

He was really **** off. With such a battle damage, he didn’t even know who the opponent was, so how could he fight?

Just the information about Ice Escape cannot locate any strong person in Konoha, because there are no known strong people in Konoha who use Ice Escape.

Loquat Juuzang and Kurisu Kushimaru looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other’s eyes.

They never expected that Minazukihan and the others would actually die. What kind of strength would it take to kill them all? Could it be that Orochimaru will also come on stage later?

“Are there any talents worth noting among that genius team?” Gouju Yagura asked.

Now that Minazuki Han is dead, those genius ninjas are likely to survive. Gouju Yagura must update their information and increase their priority at the same time.

“There is an Uchiha ninja who is younger than Uchiha Obito and is also a genius.” Kushimaru Kushimaru quickly drew a sketch of Shisui based on the memory in his mind and handed it to Gotachibana Yagura.

After receiving the sketch, Goju Yagura asked a few more questions. Seeing that he could not get much useful information from the two of them, he asked them to retreat and recuperate.

Goju Yagura quickly adjusted the layout of Kirigakure and reported the latest information to Kirigakure Village.

His side has insufficient combat power. If he wants to continue to succeed on the east coast battlefield, he can only ask Kirigakure Village to provide support.

Otherwise, the living space will be gradually compressed by the Konoha ninja troops until they are driven out of the Country of Fire.

Gotachibana Yagura believes that Kirigakure must send reinforcements to continue fighting Konoha, because this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Normally, if you encounter a failure of this level, you can usually prepare to defend your homeland, but Kirigakure’s opponent is Konoha, which is under siege.

Konoha is currently at war on multiple fronts. If Kirigakure retreats, Konoha will not be able to pursue it, let alone invade the Kingdom of Water on the sea.

In other words, Kirigakure can go to war without any scruples, and even if he loses to Konoha, he doesn’t have to worry about being asked for compensation.

If Konoha really dares to ask Kirigakure to accompany him to continue spending time, it will be up to Konoha to see if Konoha can pass three great ninja villages.


Hokage Building, conference room.

At this time, all four top executives of Konoha gathered in the conference room.

“This Hanyu Mizuki actually killed four members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen while fighting Minazuki Han. I’m afraid Minato wouldn’t be able to do better.” Mito Kadoen admired.

They were discussing the latest battle reports from the front line.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and stroked his goatee. Although he knew Mu Yue’s strength, he did not expect that Mu Yue could create such dazzling results in a short period of time.

“Hiruzen, if you had sent Mu Yue to the battlefield as I told you, the war situation would definitely be much better than it is now.” At this time, Shimura Danzo couldn’t help but tease Sarutobi Hiruzen, he always said He had long wanted Mu Yue to help Orochimaru achieve success, but Sarutobi Hiruzen had always rejected him.

“Mu Yue is an excellent root member that I trained, and I know exactly where he can play a role.” Danzo Shimura emphasized.

Mito Katoyan and Koharu, who had gone to bed, looked at Shimura Danzo with a somewhat surprised look. They did not expect that Mu Yue was trained by Shimura Danzo.

“First of all, Mu Yue was not suitable for the battlefield at that time. Secondly, Mu Yue’s current strength was mainly due to her own efforts and was not cultivated by you. Did you teach him Danzo the combination of ninjutsu? Or did you teach him to fly? Thunder God’s Jutsu?” Sarutobi Hiruzen retorted.

He taught Mu Yue ninjutsu and he didn’t say that Mu Yue was trained by him. Shimura Danzo said that Mu Yue was trained by him just to put gold on his face.

From Sarutobi Hiruzen’s point of view, Mu Yue’s main reason was that he was talented enough and worked hard enough. In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen also gave him enough resources, so Mu Yue became what he is today.

As for the roots, that purely restricted Mu Yue’s development, otherwise how could Mu Yue be separated from the roots and grow faster.

“Mu Yue has laid a solid foundation at the root!” Shimura Danzo said forcefully.

Of course he knows that Mu Yue’s current strength has nothing to do with his roots. It was only after Sarutobi Hiruzen trained him that his strength took off. However, he must share the credit for cultivating Mu Yue. After all, Mu Yue is also his root ninja. Although it was cultivated illegally.

Seeing what Shimura Danzo said, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not refute. After all, Mu Yue was considered an elite among the Jonin when he first emerged from the root.

After a brief exchange of words, they continued the meeting to discuss whether to spread Mu Yue’s deeds to increase morale or to temporarily conceal Mu Yue’s deeds and let Mu Yue become a surprise soldier.

(End of this chapter)


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