Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 432: Ten thousand years of genin? Elite Jonin!


Chapter 432 Ten Thousand Years of Genin? Elite Jonin!

This time Orochimaru did not summon all the Jounin of Konoha, but only several Jounin who held important positions on the current battlefield.

Convene a general meeting for small matters, and a small meeting for big matters. Since the decisions made at the meeting will affect the final direction of the entire battlefield, the content of the meeting itself is confidential.

Except for Mu Yue, Orochimaru only invited five Konoha Jonin to attend this important confidential meeting.

These five jounin are Hyuga Hizashi, who serves as the squad leader of the sensing squad, and all members of Ino Shikacho. It is worth mentioning that Nara Shikaku is the deputy commander of the unit, and the last jounin is responsible for logistics and medical care. Class monitor.

“Just today, Mu Yuejun, Matt Dai, and the team of Mu Yuejun’s disciples had an encounter with Minami Yuehan and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Mizumo Yuehan, Mu Li Jinpachi, Tongcaoyebaiten, Black Hoe Leiya, Qingti Fengliang, Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost and other Kirigakure jounin were killed on the spot. Among them, Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost was killed by Mu Yuejun’s disciples. Killed, the other ninjas were all killed by Mu Yuejun. ”

Orochimaru did not show off and directly told Muyue and the others the results of their battle.

Orochimaru did not use any exaggerated descriptions or rhetoric to embellish it. He just told the results of Muyue’s victory in a straightforward manner. All the ninjas in the camp except Orochimaru and Muyue had their pupils contracted, and there was unconcealable shock on their faces. look.

In other words, it was the troop commander Orochimaru who said this. If it were any ninja, they would probably doubt the authenticity of these words.

Otherwise, the content is really horrifying.

It’s like a war is going on, and you suddenly learn that your side has eliminated the opponent’s elite troops, and you feel like you’re dreaming.

This feeling is especially obvious for a smart man like Nara Shikaku, because he clearly did not make any combat arrangements, but Mu Yue created such results.

Waging a war doesn’t just mean being strong, otherwise each village wouldn’t have to send so many ninjas, just send a few top experts and that would be it.

If you are strong, you have to find someone. If you don’t find someone, no matter how strong you are, you can’t kill the opponent. This involves other war-related matters.

“It’s really a battle that combines strength and luck.” Nara Shikaku sighed inwardly.

It was Mu Yue’s luck to directly encounter the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Minazuki Han who did not have many ninjas, and it was Mu Yue’s strength to defeat them. Both are indispensable. Without one, there is no way to create such a situation. The result of the battle may even be Konoha’s loss.

“It seems that we need to re-evaluate the strength of Hanyu Muzuki. Compared with Lord Orochimaru, his strength is probably not much different. He may be able to hold back Goju Yagura on the battlefield.” Nara Shikaku subconsciously said Think about tactical arrangements.

Although there was some information about Mu Yue, there was great uncertainty among the ninjas. At first, Nara Shikaku didn’t know whether Mu Yue could defeat Minazuki Han or Ghost Cangetsu.

But judging from Mu Yue’s latest record, Mu Yue is definitely much stronger than Minazuki Han and the others. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fight against Minazuki Han and take away four members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, so Nara Lu Kushou Mugetsu’s combat power is estimated to be slightly inferior to top powerhouses like Orochimaru Gotachibana Yagura.

“What a terrifying record.” Yamanaka Haiichi looked at Mu Yue with some surprise.

In terms of age, Mu Yue is considered his junior, but he may not be able to surpass Mu Yue’s record in his lifetime.

After all, the secret technique of their mountain clan is auxiliary, and there are basically no ninjas who are strong in single combat.

Don’t talk about him alone, Yamanaka Haiichi thinks that the pigs, deer and butterflies of his generation may not be able to do it together.

As for their strength, Yamanaka Haiichi is still very good. It’s okay for them to temporarily hold back Minazukihan or Ghost Cangetsu together. If they want to win, they have to think too much. If they add a few more ninja swords, Seven people, then they will definitely die miserably.

Of course, it would be difficult for Orochimaru to achieve this level of results in an encounter.

It’s not that Orochimaru lacks strength, but that it’s difficult to encounter this situation.

“Awesome.” Qiudao Dingzuo gave Mu Yue a thumbs up.

He did not associate the outcome of Mu Yue’s encounter with its impact on the entire battlefield. He only thought that Mu Yue was very strong for being able to defeat so many strong men.

Hyuga Hizashi looked at Mu Yue with admiration in his eyes. Although he had basically no impression of Mu Yue before today, this does not prevent Hinata Hizashi from admiring Mu Yue now.

The ninja world has always respected the strong. Mu Yue not only showed great strength, but also made great contributions to Konoha. It is difficult for Hinata Hizashi not to admire Mu Yue.

If he had Mu Yue’s strength, maybe the Hyuga family could get some changes.

Orochimaru was not surprised by the surprised expressions of the ninjas present. This was information that he couldn’t help but be surprised by.

“Before discussing the next battle plan, I would like to ask Muyue-kun how many of your disciples can still exert their full combat effectiveness, and what level of power Matt Dai can exert when fighting again.” Orochimaru looked at asked Xiang Muyue.

Mu Yue’s performance in this encounter was not only astonishing, but also Mu Yue’s disciples and Matt Dai’s performance were also very scary.

Obviously they were all Chuunin, but without any obvious difference in numbers, they repelled the seven Ninja Swordsmen head-on and even killed one of them.

If Muyue’s disciples were not injured, it meant that Orochimaru had a team that could rival the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Hearing Orochimaru’s words, Nara Shikaku showed a thoughtful expression.

Originally, he did not pay too much attention to the team of Matt Dai and Muyue disciples mentioned in Orochimaru’s words.

As the deputy commander of the team, Nara Shikaku has long known the team with strong combat capabilities, and Kakashi’s team is obviously not among them.

And if Nara Shikaku remembers correctly, Matt Dai seemed to have been a ten thousand year genin with a poor reputation in Konoha Village.

But according to Orochimaru’s special question, maybe Kakashi Matedai ​​and the others contributed a lot in the battle, and were not simply carried away.

The other jounin looked at Orochimaru with some confusion, not quite understanding why Orochimaru would mention Kakashi Mate wearing them.

It’s okay for people who don’t know Matt Dai, but it’s even more strange to know Matt Dai. After all, who would know that a genin who has been around for ten thousand years has mastered the terrifying forbidden technique of Eight Gates Dunjia.

Although I was confused, no one interrupted me. Just listen honestly when you don’t understand.

“Shisui, Obito, and Nohara Rin should be able to regain their combat effectiveness after training for about ten days. For Kakashi, it’s more serious and they need to train for at least three weeks. For Akai, it’s the most serious and they won’t be able to participate for at least a month and a half. Fight, I am going to send Akai back to Konoha for training.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

Although Obito, Nohara Rin and Shisui looked miserable, they were basically just traumatized, and they recovered quickly with the help of medical ninjutsu.

Kakashi was different. Although he didn’t seem to be injured, when he used Thunderbolt Flash Speed ​​at the end, Kakashi squeezed the body’s strength like the pattern in the original Demon Slayer, which caused a lot of pressure on the body, so he still needed it. Cultivate longer.

Not to mention Metkai, the Eight-door Dunjia is a forbidden technique with powerful side effects. Metkai also forcibly opened the unbearable six doors, and at the same time superimposed the Rock Breathing Chakra mode, the body The pressure is directly filled up.

If it weren’t for the effectiveness of the Rock Breathing Exercise and the diligent training of Metkai, a real ordinary chuunin’s body would never be able to withstand such terrifying pressure. A single punch would break a bone during battle.

“The fact that they were able to repel the Seven Ninja Swordsmen this time was actually an extraordinary explosion. They usually do not have such strength.” Mu Yue explained briefly.

This time it was mainly Metkai who was at C, but it took some time for Metkai to transform the gains between life and death.

“As for Senior Dai, his full burst can block two seven-level ninjas with the Ninja Sword at the same time, but the burst cannot last too long.”

If Matt Dai opens the Death Gate, one person can beat up the entire Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but such extreme means as the Death Gate certainly cannot be used as a normal combat force.

After listening to Mu Yue’s explanation, Nara Shikaku was shocked again. The development of this encounter was completely different from what he imagined.

He thought it was Mu Yue who went out with the disciples without being assigned a combat mission, and then met Shui Wu Yuehan who was carrying seven people with ninja swords. The two sides fought, and Mu Yue killed Shui Wu. Yue Han and other Kirigakure jounin and Mu Yue’s disciples killed the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost who was injured by Mu Yue. Loquat Juzo and Kurisu Kushimaru ran away without being caught.

This is the most reasonable battle process for Nara Shikaku based on what Orochimaru said about the final result.

But according to what Mu Yue just said, the correct process should be that the Mu Yue disciple team went on a mission. Unluckily, they encountered the seven Ninja Swordsmen and a battle broke out. The Mu Yue disciple team plus Matt Dai gained a certain advantage and killed Xigua Shan. The puffer fish demon repelled the seven Ninja Swordsmen. At this time, Mu Yue and Minazuki Han arrived together, and then the amazing results were achieved.

After finishing the reasoning, Nara Shikaku was really a little unable to hold himself tight. He didn’t even know that there were so many strong men on the battlefield.

These are Kirigakure’s seven ninja swordsmen. They can defeat his ninja team head-on. Even if they have extraordinary explosive factors, they are strong enough.

“Matt Dai…” Nara Shikaku recited the name silently in his heart.

He planned to take some time to meet this ninja after the meeting. He really didn’t expect that this legendary genin of ten thousand years could actually match the strength of two seven ninja swordsmen.

The expressions of the other ninjas were also surprised and confused.

Yanzhong Haiyi sighed in his heart that young people are formidable, even Mu Yue’s disciples have such strength.

You must know that Mu Yue himself is only twenty years old, how old can his disciples be.

“That ten thousand year genin actually has such strength.” The monitor of the medical class was very shocked.

Although Matt Dai has been promoted to Chuunin for some time, because his previous deeds have been widely circulated, the first impression of Matt Dai by ninjas who know him is that of a ten thousand year genin.

However, the monitor of the medical class believes that this situation will change after the news of this encounter spreads. When talking about Matt Dai in the future, everyone will first think of him as a chuunin during the battle with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Zhongli defeated two ninja swordsmen and seven ninjas.

“That’s right, I understand.” Orochimaru nodded and gave up the idea of ​​letting Kakashi and the others form an elite assassination team.

According to the intelligence team given by Mu Yue, the main combat effectiveness of the intelligence team is Metkai, then Kakashi, and then the others.

Since the strongest Metkai and Kakashi have to rest for such a long time, it will be difficult to use them in the next war.

Orochimaru’s initial battle plan was to take advantage of Konoha’s previous weakness on the east coast battlefield to disguise himself, and proactively expose the location of the camp to attract Kirigakure to launch a large-scale attack.

But Kirigakure is not stupid. Losing multiple elite ninjas in one breath will definitely not fall into Orochimaru’s trick of luring the enemy.

Because the premise of Orochimaru’s plan is that Kirigakure feels that Konoha’s ninja power on the east coast battlefield is weak, and can mobilize troops to eliminate a large number of Konoha’s effective forces in one go to weaken Konoha’s overall strength.

Now Muyue not only killed the well-known strongman on Kirigakure’s side, the leader of the Snow Clan, Mizu no Tsukihan, but also killed Kirigakure’s signature assassination team of seven Ninja Swordsmen into two Ninja Swordsmen. This kind of Under the circumstances, it is impossible for Kirigakure to think that Konoha is weak.

So Orochimaru’s latest plan is the ultimate provocation, sending a large number of forces to hunt down Kirigakure ninjas as much as possible to find the base camp of Kirigakure ninjas, forcing Kirigakure and Konoha to fight.

If there is a team that can match the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Orochimaru will of course send them to the battlefield to hunt Kirigakure without mercy.

“Injuries are inevitable after such a battle. I will report your contribution to the senior management.” Orochimaru did not show regret but comforted Mu Yue.

After all, we are not in a desperate situation now. It is impossible for Orochimaru to let unrecovered ninjas go to the battlefield to fight. Since there is no way to use it, it is better to say a few nice words to gain Muyue’s favor.

Although Orochimaru looks very cold and unapproachable, this does not mean that Orochimaru does not know the so-called art of controlling people.

It’s just that in most cases there are very few ninjas who are equipped with Orochimaru’s skills in using the art of controlling people.

Mo Yue happens to be a ninja worthy of Orochimaru’s attention. Not only is he strong enough to get things done, but he is also a ninja at heart. He is simply Orochimaru’s ideal subordinate.

Orochimaru is already thinking about how to lure Muyue to his side with a hoe. If you want to become Hokage, excellent confidants are essential.

Mu Yue is not considered his person yet, and can only be regarded as a temporary help lent to him by Shimura Danzo.

Although he has an in-depth cooperation with Shimura Danzo, Orochimaru understands this very well. He does not want to be restricted too much by Shimura Danzo after becoming Hokage. Cooperation is fine, and Shimura Danzo will wait until he becomes Hokage. If you still want to be on equal footing, you are really overthinking it.

Having a lot of confidence in poaching Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo is very familiar with the Orochimaru set played by the Root Ninja. After all, Orochimaru is also considered a high-ranking member of the Root.

Orochimaru believes that he only needs to help Muyue discover the true identity of Shimura Danzo, who is dedicated to Konoha, and then show his personality charm, and Muyue will have a high chance of defecting to his side.

Next, Orochimaru and Nara Shikaku formally discussed the specific battle plan. Most of the discussion was between the two of them, and the rest just added various details.

(End of this chapter)


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