Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 42: Mu Yue is interested in sealing techniques (seeking further reading)


Chapter 42 Mu Yue is interested in sealing techniques (please follow up)

Mu Yue returned to her house in the main city on Saturday afternoon.

Since the two parties had eaten and drank with each other a few times, and the relationship had become familiar, Mu Yue directly called them to his house before cooking.

“Hanyu, what are you going to cook today?” Kushina asked curiously.

Kushina never had the same meal at Muyue’s house several times.

It doesn’t matter if there are many tricks, the key is that Mu Yue can make them delicious, which makes Kushina admire and envy her.

“Mushroom soup and fried mushrooms.” Mu Yue pointed to a plastic bag full of mushrooms next to the sink and said.

At noon, Shisui and the others prepared too many ingredients, including various fish and wild vegetables, and even hunted a wild boar. Mu Yue took the uneaten ingredients home.

Among other things, wild fungi are indeed fresh, but they must be cooked thoroughly, otherwise you will suffer from food poisoning. Diarrhea is a trivial matter, and it is not impossible to lie down.

“These are not wild mushrooms picked in the forest, are they?” Kushina saw that the mushrooms were of different sizes, and it didn’t feel like they were bought.

This reminded her of the first time she teased Mu Yue when she had dinner at Mu Yue’s house. Did she add some strangely colored mushrooms that made her see hallucinations?

If there really was that kind of mushroom inside, and with Mu Yue’s cooking skills, eating it would be like being under an illusion.

Mu Yue nodded and said: “I had a picnic in the forest with a few students today at noon. I made too much food and didn’t finish it, so I took the extra food home.”

“Hanyu, are you taking the students on a picnic?” Kushina asked with some envy.

She went to ninja school for six years and never saw a teacher that was that good. She even took the students on a picnic.

“Those students have a better relationship with me.” Mu Yue explained.

“Hanyu, do you want to help? I’ll wash the vegetables.” Minato, who was embarrassed to be a freeloader, took the initiative to help.

“That wave of wind? I’m going to deal with the wild boar first.” Mu Yue was not polite and directly arranged work for Minato.

If you are too polite all the time, it will not be conducive to the growth of friendship.

Emotions need to come and go before they can be improved.

Because there are three people to eat, in addition to mushroom soup and stir-fried mushrooms, Mu Yue is also going to make a side of braised pork.

In his previous life, he didn’t know why he felt like vomiting when he ate fatty meat. He could only accept the fat in braised pork. He even thought that the fat and thin braised pork was more delicious. Braised pork with pickles was his favorite. A dish.

But there are no pickles at the moment, so we can only make braised pork instead of braised pork with pickles.

“What about me, what do I do?” Looking at the backs of Minato and Mozuki, Kushina scratched her head. Why did she feel that they were two brothers who had a good relationship and cooked together, and she became an outsider.

“There is no more space here, just sit down and wait for dinner.” Mu Yue replied.

This is not a restaurant kitchen. If three people operate it together, it will only become more and more helpful. The two of them are just right, and there is not much that needs help.

So the bored Kushina sat on the chair in the living room, and she casually picked up a book placed on the low table.

“Huh.” Kushina was a little surprised when she saw the title on the cover. It was a book related to sealing techniques.

“”What is Sealing Technique”, Hanyu, why are you still reading this kind of book? It doesn’t work just by looking at the name. It’s better to…”

Kushina paused because she turned the page and saw the words Uzumaki Ashi’s masterpiece.

“Ahem, this book is pretty good, Mu Yue, you can take a good look at it.” Kushina coughed twice and reorganized her words.

“Well, I have seen it several times. Lord Uzumaki Ashina is indeed the founder of Konoha’s sealing technique.

Even someone like me who doesn’t know anything about sealing can gain a lot from reading this book. “Mu Yue replied while handling the pork.

“Of course, this is the leader of our Uzumaki clan.” Kushina said with pride.

“But Mu Yue, are you still interested in the sealing technique?” Kushina asked curiously.

“I’m very interested. I feel that the sealing technique is very mysterious and powerful.” Mu Yue said with a longing look on her face.

“From the perspective of improving strength, sealing technique is indeed a good choice.” Minato nodded and said.

The three of them chatted about the topic of sealing until the meal was finished.

Mu Yue spent most of the time listening, and from time to time she would come up with some new ideas, which gave Minato and Kushina a greater sense of accomplishment.

Kushina first tried the braised pork, which she had never eaten before, and it was amazing after one bite. The soft, glutinous, fat and not greasy texture made Kushina take a big mouthful of rice.

“This is so delicious. Why have I never seen such a delicious dish before?” Kushina immediately fell in love with the taste of braised pork.

“I can teach you if you want to learn.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

“It’s a deal, Minato and I will help you buy groceries tomorrow night.” Kushina nodded quickly and said.

After speaking, Kushina glanced at the plate of fried mushrooms, and found that most of it was gone. Minato kept cooking while they discussed how to teach them how to cook.

“I haven’t eaten yet, Minato, please save some for me.” Kushina didn’t care about anything else and quickly started to cook.

The first bite also managed to surprise Kushina, it was so fresh.

After eating and drinking, the three of them went out for a walk together.

While walking, it was inevitable to chat. Muyue told some interesting stories from teaching, and Minato and Kushina also told some anecdotes about their own tasks.


With two days left before the competition, Mu Yue began the final training for Obito.

“If you want ninjutsu to look more powerful, in addition to changes in properties and chakra volume, you can also make it look more powerful through changes in form.” Mu Yue said.

“But there are only two days left, is it still too late to practice the form changes?” Obito said, scratching his head.

“Of course it’s too late.” Mu Yue said directly, Obito is not that talented in ninjutsu.

“But you don’t need to control the shape changes, you only need to master my improved fire ball.”

In order for Obito to get first place and maximize the rewards for training tasks, Mu Yue worked very hard.

He specially modified the Hao Fire Ball to make it look bigger, but in fact there are not that many flames inside and its power remains unchanged.

In short, it looks bluffing.

Anyway, there was no fighting in the boy’s ninjutsu competition, just one person performing a ninjutsu to see who got the higher score.

“Teacher Muyue, you are simply my Six Paths Immortal!” Obito heard Muyue’s words and instantly felt that he was number one.

Kakashi has no chance of winning against himself who has the teachings of Teacher Muyue!

“After all, you have said something like a lifelong request. As a teacher, of course I have to do my best.” Mu Yue said with a smile, deliberately cultivating Obito’s awareness of asking the teacher for help.

“Hey.” Obito smiled sheepishly.

“Hurry up and practice.” Mu Yue knocked Obito on the head.

“Yes!” Obito started practicing immediately.

He couldn’t wait to defeat Kakashi in front of Nohara Rin and win the first place.


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