Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 409: Rampage Nagato (84k)


Chapter 409: Rampant Nagato (8.4k)

Jiaodu paid close attention to Mu Yue during the rest of the journey.

He thinks Mu Yue’s idea is impossible to realize and is too unrealistic.

If Mu Yue himself cannot do what he said, then what he proposed is undoubtedly empty talk.

But the more he paid attention to Mu Yuejiao, he had to admit that he was a truly good person.

If Mu Yue is all pretending, then Kakuzu can only say that Mu Yue is definitely the ninja with the strongest disguise ability in the ninja world.

All Mu Yue’s actions seemed to come from her heart, without any trace of performance.

When he teaches ninjutsu to all ninjas, he treats them equally and does not ignore some people because they are not talented enough.

“You are simply too perfect to be like the people in this world, but being too perfect is also a flaw. What is your purpose?” Kakudu thought about it and still thought there was something wrong with Muyue.

“Then you think highly of me. Of course I’m not perfect.” Mu Yue looked at Kakuzu with some surprise.

He didn’t expect Kakuzu to think so highly of him and thought he was too perfect.

But in fact, Mu Yue really didn’t act in any particular way. Most of her actions were based on her heart.

When it comes to acting, he does more acting in Konoha. Except when he is in front of the disciples or in the ninja school, Mu Yue needs to act most of the time.

Mu Yue is aware of his own shortcomings. Although his followers think he is knowledgeable, he only keeps a lot of knowledge on the surface. After all, Mu Yue does not specialize in studying that knowledge. He was just an ordinary normal school student in his previous life.

Mu Yue can only try to localize some of the content he knows as much as possible.

It is unrealistic to apply it directly. Not to mention the difference in development level, the ninja world is still a world with surreal power.

For example, Mu Yue said that the ninja sect of the Six Paths Sage should not use the hereditary system, but in fact, the ninjas selected without the hereditary system would only be the descendants of the Six Paths Sage.

Because the leaders selected in that era had to be the top group, not to mention the strongest. The descendants of the Six Paths Immortal were born with extraordinary talents inherited from the Six Paths Immortal, and were far ahead of ordinary people.

Of course, Mu Yue still feels that there is a big difference between becoming a leader by one’s own abilities and becoming a leader by blood relationship.

“As for my purpose, I probably just want to make the world a better place.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

Mu Yue has never minded doing good deeds within his power. He wants to recruit Changmen to increase his strength, and also make the Kingdom of Rain better.

“Is it good for you that the world will become a better place? With your strength, you can start a ninja organization to make money. In a few years, you can earn money and enjoy it for several lifetimes. Wouldn’t this kind of life be happier? .” Kakuzu couldn’t help but continue to ask.

A smile appeared on Mu Yue’s face, “Then why do you keep making money, because you don’t have enough money?”

Jiaodu was stunned and couldn’t answer Mu Yue’s question for a while.

Of course he has plenty of money to spend. The bounty Kakudu gets for completing a high-reward mission is enough for an ordinary person to live and drink for several lifetimes.

Kakuzu began to recall his career as a black market ninja. Every time he completed a task and his assets increased, he felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment. The village would betray his companions, but money would not.

“You will be happy when you make more money, but I will be happy when I see people living better lives and world peace. These are different pursuits.” Mu Yue Youyou said.

The onlookers showed thoughtful expressions, and some of the ninjas even recorded the conversation between the two.

Since Kakuzu joined the team, this has become the daily routine of the Rain Kingdom traveling team.

At first, some ninjas were dissatisfied with this and felt that Kakuzu respected Mu Yue.

But Muyue herself did not reprimand Kakuzu, and said it was a good question, so the followers could not say anything else.

Then the followers discovered that the questions that Kakuzu asked carefully and carefully were very sharp, which were also some doubts in their hearts, so every time Kakuzu asked other followers, they defaulted to a small lesson and had to listen carefully.

With the passage of time, Mu Yue and the others have completed most of the Rain Country, and they only need to complete the northwest part of the Country of Rain that borders the Earth Country to completely complete the trip to the Rain Country.

At this time, Mu Yue did not just give lectures by himself. He asked his followers to summarize what they had learned and share their own insights.

“I want to be the first to speak.” Yahiko said excitedly.

He had a lot to say, not only to his companions in the Akatsuki organization, but also to Mu Yue and the ninjas traveling along the way.

“He? Add medical treatment to the disease? In the past, I just thought about making peace in the land of rain and peace in the ninja world, but I didn’t think deeply about how to achieve it. This goal…” Yahiko enthusiastically talked about his gains along the way.

“Boss, have you figured it out now?” Jiuzuke asked with a smile.

Yahiko was stuck for a moment, and then said with some lack of confidence: “This kind of question is not so easy to figure out, but I believe that if we work together, we will get a correct answer.”

“We are working together again, boss? The level is as bad as ever.” Jiuzuke couldn’t help complaining.

The other members of the Akatsuki organization laughed out loud, and even Nagato couldn’t help but smile.

Yahiko’s speech was devoid of any skills and was all based on passion. At the beginning, many members of the Akatsuki organization complained about him.

“Ahem, don’t worry about this kind of thing. In short, learning is necessary, and practice after learning is also important. This experience of traveling to the Country of Rain has made me more confident in the next cause of peace. “Yahiko coughed twice, and then continued to tell.

“I used to not like the Country of Rain, and even felt a little disgusted with it, because I was a war orphan. I lost my parents as far back as I can remember and have been wandering around. The Country of Rain never gave me warmth and left me The only impression is war, coldness and hunger.”

No one spoke, quietly listening to Yahiko’s self-narration.

Many of them can feel the same way as Yahiko. The Kingdom of Rain has experienced war for too long and created too many orphans.

Then Yahiko talked about the change in his mentality, gradually changing from hating the Land of Rain to hating war and pursuing peace.

“I have personally experienced how miserable war orphans are. I don’t want war orphans like me to appear in the rain country ninja world in the future.” Jiayi Jujidan? Everyone, join the Akatsuki organization, let’s work together Fulfill the dream of peace!” At the end, Yahiko excitedly issued the invitation.

He believes that ninjas who recognize the Ninja Sect will recognize the Akatsuki organization, because both pursue peace and everyone can fight for the same goal.

Kiusuke gave Yahiko a thumbs up. This is indeed a good opportunity for the Akatsuki organization to strengthen its strength.

“You are good at choosing the right time, but we can discuss other things later.” Mu Yue took the lead in applauding and said with a smile.

The other ninjas gave Yahiko warm applause. Apart from anything else, Yahiko really gave a very hard speech.

The next step is to take personal initiative. No one comes forward and Mu Yue randomly rolls the name.

Nagato hopes it won’t be his turn because he is not good at this kind of thing.

But unfortunately, everyone participated in this event. Even though Nagato kept silently thinking not to draw him, he was still drawn when there were more than half of the people.

Nagato walked to the temporary earth platform at a loss. Looking at the dozens of ninjas below, he opened his mouth to say something and then found that his mind was blank.

Actually, Nagato usually listens very seriously to his lectures, because Mu Yue’s lectures are interesting enough, even if he listens to them as stories, they will not be boring.

But in this case, he completely forgot all the content of Mu Yue’s class, as if he didn’t know it in the first place.

Nagato envied Yahiko very much. Although Yahiko could not speak and was often criticized, Yahiko was always full of passion when he gave speeches.

“Just talk about your own feelings and thoughts. There are no requirements.” Seeing that the atmosphere on the court was a bit awkward, Mu Yue said with a warm smile.

“If you feel nervous, just treat the people below like carrots.”

Under Mu Yue’s comfort, Nagato felt much relieved and gradually recalled what he wanted to say.

“Nagato, look at me, look at me.” Yahiko said suddenly.

Nagato looked towards Yahiko and saw a thick white radish. Yahiko used his transformation technique to change into the shape of a radish.

Nagato was stunned for a moment and then laughed. Yahiko looked so funny now.

“Come on Nagato.” Yahiko said encouragingly.

Some other members of the Akatsuki organization who like to play tricks also used the transformation technique with Yahiko to turn into radish, becoming a strange sight in the crowd. Some ninjas who were not from the Akatsuki organization found it interesting and joined in.

Looking at the slices of radish below, Nagato suppressed a smile as he began to talk about his insights. Although it was not very good, he successfully finished the speech and put forward his own point of view.

After everyone finished speaking, Mu Yue looked at Kakuzu.

“Why are you looking at me? I’m not your student.” Kakuzu said with his arms crossed.

“But it won’t waste much time. You have nothing to do now anyway.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

Kakuzu’s face darkened slightly. If he hadn’t come to the Land of Rain and met Mu Yue, he would be either making money or on the road to making money.

Kakuzu snorted coldly and stood up on the platform with a look of displeasure on his face and fired at everyone. In Mu Yue’s team, he was mostly idle every day except for helping out during meals. He was not even a bystander in the entire team. question.

In Kakuzu’s words, Yahiko is a hot-blooded and stupid boy. In the ninja world, he is easy to be played to death and even helps count money. Nagato is hiding something in his heart, and even his companions can’t understand each other, so why should they talk about it? Everyone understands each other, and Chi Chang is cautious and seems to betray his teammates. Everyone except Mu Yue is criticized by Jiao Du using examples of daily incidents.

As for Mu Yue, the person Kakuzu wants to criticize the most is Mu Yue, but he really can’t find a point to criticize, and Kakuzu’s self-esteem does not allow him to fabricate it out of thin air.

“You should really thank Kakuzu, but not everyone can be so careful to help you correct your mistakes.” Mu Yue teased.

The ninjas laughed out loud. In fact, the person being mentioned was very embarrassed at the beginning. This was simply a public execution.

But as Kakuzu talked more and more, their embarrassment became less and less. If everyone was publicly executed, it would mean that none of them were executed.

During dinner in the evening, the ninjas were still teasing each other about their comments with Kakuzu.

“? I think we can act separately first and go to various villages to give lectures to spread the concept of ninshu. This will not only speed up the progress but also better train everyone’s abilities.” Yahiko thought of a good idea idea.

Propagating the concept of Ninja Sect was something Mu Yue proposed recently. His previous travels only spread the name of Ninja Sect and practiced everywhere.

After all, the Country of Rain is the territory of the Rain Ninja Village, so you should be restrained at the beginning.

“Let’s see what everyone thinks and you vote.” Mu Yue left this issue to everyone to decide.

In the end, most people agreed with Yahiko’s idea, and they all gained something from the day’s speech.

After confirming the separate actions, Mu Yue formulated a specific plan.

In terms of personnel, due to safety issues, each group must have seven or more people, and they cannot be too far apart. They return to Muyue every three days to report results and attend classes.

After Mu Yue gave them emergency training for a few days, the team was divided into seven teams and started taking action.

Yahiko rejected the invitations from other Akatsuki members, and took Nagato and Konan to invite several ninjas with better senses.

He wanted to use this opportunity to let the ninjas in the team know more about the organization.

In the beginning, Yahiko went very smoothly, whether it was spreading the philosophy of Ninja sect or letting his companions better understand the Akatsuki organization.

But accidents always come suddenly.

In a village located on the border of Rain Country, Yahiko and the others were attacked by Iwagakure ninjas.

“We are ninjas from the Kingdom of Rain. There is no war between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Rain. Have you recognized the wrong person?” Yahiko did not want to engage in a meaningless battle and wanted to use words to make the other party stop attacking.

But the Iwagakure ninjas did not pay attention to Yahiko’s words. Instead, they launched a fierce attack on Yahiko because of his leadership behavior.

Yahiko then discovered that these Iwagakure ninjas were not simple in strength, and they might be Iwagakure’s elite team.

“Don’t hurt people, subdue them first.” Yahiko said loudly.

He mainly reminded Nagato, because when Nagato gets excited and bursts out the power of the Samsara Eye, he may kill the opponent instantly.

Nagato nodded, killing the Iwagakure ninja in this situation would bring trouble to the Land of Rain.

However, Yahiko and the others did not want to hurt the Iwagakure ninjas, but the Iwagakure ninjas did not care about this. Every attack was aimed at Yahiko and the others’ vital points.

This put a lot of pressure on Yahiko who was under siege, and he accidentally got a **** mark on his arm.

Looking at the blood bursting from Yahiko’s body, Nagato was stunned.

Yahiko is the person Nagato cares about most, no one else.

When Nagato lost his parents and wandered in the ninja world, it was Yahiko who took him forward, leading him out of grief and welcoming a new life.

Although Konan is also a companion that Nagato values ​​​​in his heart, Yahiko has a special status in Nagato’s heart. If you want to describe it, Yahiko is the first light that makes Nagato fall into darkness.

“Go to hell!” The Iwagakure ninja who was fighting with Nagato immediately seized the opportunity and stabbed Nagato with his sword.


Nagato’s Rinnegan suddenly shook, and a terrifying aura rose from Nagato’s body. The Iwagakure ninja who was attacking him instantly flew backwards and hit the ground hard, leaving a trail of blood.

The other Iwagakure ninjas were shocked when they felt this terrifying momentum.

But before they could take any action, Nagato killed them all with extremely fast speed and strange and powerful means.

When Nagato came to his senses, the ground was already covered with corpses, and the four Ninja teammates looked shocked.

They didn’t expect that besides Mu Yue, there would be strong people in the team, and they were still so young.

“Yahiko, I’m sorry, I…” Nagato said and lowered his head.

There is no doubt that he has done something bad.

Yahiko looked at Nagato who looked a little pale and sighed, smiling and comforting:

“? We can give an equal response to the ninjas who want to kill us. This is a matter of course. You did nothing wrong.”

Nagato exploded to protect him, so Yahiko certainly had no reason to blame Nagato.

“Nagato, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?” Xiaonan asked with concern.

“Fortunately, I just consumed a little too much chakra just now.” Nagato shook his head and replied.

“When something like this happened, I think it’s necessary to talk to Jia Yi. Let’s go back early this time.” Yahiko thought for a while and said.

No one had any objections, and the seven people immediately rushed back to Mu Yue’s village.

After the seven Yahikos left, several ninjas wearing Konoha Root ninja uniforms appeared.

“It’s actually the Samsara Eye. I didn’t expect that the Land of Rain would have such power.” Shimura Danzo looked at the dead Root Team with a look of surprise on his face.

The Senju Uchiha Uzumaki are all descendants of the Six Paths Sage, which resulted in Konoha having a lot of information about the Six Paths Sage. Danzo Shimura knew that the Six Paths Sage was not a legend, but a real person.

However, Danzo did not expect that the Rinnegan Eye of the Sage of Six Paths would appear in the Land of Rain.

“Demigod Hanzo, ninja master? Is there a doctor? You must not let these three forces come together!” Danzo Shimura had a look of fear in his eyes.

In his opinion, the current overall strength of the Kingdom of Rain is too strong and is enough to threaten Konoha.

“Fortunately, I discovered it in time, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous.” Danzo Shimura secretly sarcastic about Hiruzen Sarutobi’s incompetence in his heart.

Now that the Ninja Master Ka Yi Ka Ya and the Samsara Eye have come together, if there is no interference and the three major forces merge, then there will really be an existence on par with the five major Ninja Villages.

Although Shimura Danzo wanted Hanzo and Mozuki to fight directly, after investigating, he found that the two were not enemies and had even met once friendly.

So Danzo Shimura immediately brought his men over to act as troublemakers after discovering that the last step of Mu Yue’s journey was to the border with Earth Country, hoping to cause a conflict between Mu Yue and Iwagakure.

Now Shimura Danzo feels that this is not enough, and he wants to suppress the possibility of Hanzo and Mu Yue cooperating.

Shimura Danzo asked his men to collect the bodies of the dead members of the Root Organization, and then used the transformation technique to look like Yahiko and the others and hunted a group of Iwagakure ninjas. After handling the scene, Shimura Danzo led the Iwagakure ninjas. Their bodies went to Yu Nin Village.

Learning that Danzo Shimura had come to Rain Ninja Village, Hanzo personally received him.

In the eyes of other Ninja Villages, Shimura Danzo is Konoha’s number two figure and can represent Konoha.

“Hanzo, I’m really angry for you.” Danzo Shimura suddenly said with an indignant look, as if Hanzo had suffered a great injustice.

“Why do you say that?” Hanzo looked at Danzo Shimura in confusion.

They can be considered to be on the same level in terms of status and strength, so Hanzo did not call Danzo by his first name in Will Village.

“You admire the young talents of the Land of Rain so much that you would take the initiative to help them become famous. However, they did not inherit your aspirations for peace, but instead took the initiative to cause war in the Land of Rain.” Shimura Danzo began to tell him Well-prepared rhetoric.

Hanzo’s expression became serious, indicating that Danzo continued to speak.

“Hanzo, you know that we in Konoha are at war with Iwagakure, and in addition there are two opponents, Kumogakure and Kirigakure.

Although the powerful Konoha is not afraid of challenges, the melee between the four major ninja villages will bring great damage to the ninja world. We in Konoha cannot bear to see the lives of the ninja world in ruins, so we thought that you, Hanzo, would step in and mediate. Konoha and Iwagakure engage in peace talks. “Shimura Danzo said serious nonsense.

There is no voice within Konoha for peace talks with Iwagakure, because they have the advantage.

Hanzo nodded, recognizing Shimura Danzo’s reasons.

But he didn’t believe that Konoha didn’t want to bring disaster to the ninja world. He just felt that Konoha couldn’t withstand the pressure so he wanted to have one less opponent.

It’s okay for Konoha to come to him to be the mediator Hanzo. After all, he is the only one who stands at the top of the ninja world as the leader of the small ninja village and enjoys a reputation in the entire ninja world.

“But my ninja discovered an unfortunate thing. Those ninjas from the Land of Rain who claimed to be ninja sect attacked the Iwagakure ninjas and killed them.” Shimura Danzo said with a sad expression.

“Because they were wearing forehead protectors from the Rain Ninja Village, my subordinates initially thought they were ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village. After investigation, they found that they were not.”

An embarrassed expression appeared on Hanzo’s face. This could be regarded as the helpless move of the Rain Ninja Village after the Second Ninja War.

The Second Ninja War suffered a devastating blow to the ninja power of Rain Ninja Village. Most of them were killed and some defected. As a result, there were not enough ninjas in Rain Ninja Village to complete the entrusted tasks, let alone maintain domestic security.

In order to restore the Rain Ninja Village, Hanzo issued a rule. Ninjas in the Land of Rain can take the exam and receive the Rain Ninja Village forehead protector to complete the tasks entrusted by the Rain Ninja Village, but only for tasks below A level. The commission is also higher than that of a normal Ninja Village Ninja. If you perform well, you can become a real Rain Ninja Village Ninja.

So in the Land of Rain, the ninja who wears the Rain Ninja Village forehead protector is not necessarily the Rain Ninja Village ninja. The ninja who wears both the Rain Ninja Village forehead protector and the Rain Ninja Village uniform is 100% the real Rain Ninja Village ninja.

“Although they are not ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village, they are ninjas from the Rain Country after all, and they also wear forehead protectors from the Rain Ninja Village. Iwagakure will probably blame the entire Rain Country for this matter.” Danzo Shimura lamented, as if he was sad that he could not negotiate peace with Iwagakure.

Immediately afterwards Shimura Danzo asked his men to release the bodies of the Iwagakure ninjas.

Hanzo checked carefully and found that he was really a ninja of Iwagakure Village.

Most ninjas in Yanyin Village practice earth escape, which can be seen through the traces of training on their bodies.

At this time, Hanzo was mostly convinced.

After all, it is impossible for a ninja of Danzo Shimura’s level to slander a few unknown juniors with nothing to do.

“In my opinion, this ninja master is not a good person. His ideas do not seem to be about rebuilding the ninja sect, but like starting an unprecedented war in the ninja world.” Shimura Danzo continued to apply eye drops to Hanzo.

“Some of those Ninja ninjas actually said they wanted to abolish the nobility. How treasonous this is.”

Shimura Danzo was very well prepared. Not only was the body of the Iwagakure ninja real, but most of what he told Hanzo was also true. For this reason, he sent ninjas to investigate carefully.

“My teacher, the Nidaime Hokage, respects the Six Paths Sage very much. If he were still alive, he would not tolerate such a guy who ruined the reputation of the Sage. The Ninja Sect, the origin of the ninja, was so discredited by them.” Danzo Shimura sighed.

“Although the peace talks with Iwagakure may not be able to proceed, if Hanzo wants to deal with Najia Kagakure and resist Iwagakure, we Konoha can all be your allies.” Danzo Shimura He looked upright and solemn.

“Thank you very much Danzo for your information, but this matter is serious and it is considered an internal matter of the Kingdom of Rain. I need to send another ninja to investigate.” Hanzo thanked him in a deep voice.

Shimura Danzo’s words are very credible, but Hanzo cannot completely believe them without verifying them.

The expression on Danzo Shimura’s face did not change at all, which was as expected.

After all, Hanzo has been the leader of the Ninja Village for such a long time. If you believe it directly, Danzo Shimura will only despise Hanzo in his heart and continue to use Hanzo as a free thug.

Shimura Danzo was not worried about Hanzo going to investigate, because what he did was flawless, and even Nagato Yahiko thought they had killed the Iwagakure ninja.


“? Jiayi Jujidan? There was a little accident on our side.” Yahiko and others immediately reported their encounter after finding Mu Yue.

“We encountered a group of Iwagakure ninjas. They attacked us inexplicably. We accidentally killed them all when we fought back.” Yahiko scratched his head in embarrassment when he said this. .

He thought this was weird, and he accidentally killed all the opponents, but this was indeed a fact that could no longer be true.

“Are you sure those are Iwagakure ninjas?” Mu Yue asked after listening.

“It should be so. They are all dressed up as Iwagakure ninjas and use earth escape ninjutsu.” Yahiko did not doubt the identity of those Iwagakure ninjas.

After all, that village is on the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Earth, so it is not strange for the Iwagakure ninja to appear.

Mu Yue shook her head, “Neither the uniform nor the forehead protector are difficult to imitate, and the Earth Release Ninjutsu is not exclusive to Iwagakure. Have you looked at the corpse carefully?”

The seven people all shook their heads in denial. They did not expect this aspect. The three of Yahiko did not know much about it because they were just starting out, while the remaining four ninjas were so shocked by Nagato’s strength that they forgot about it.

“Since the other party struck first, there is no problem with your counterattack, and the other party deserves to die.” Mu Yue did not blame Nagato and the others.

“But we still need to figure out who our opponent is. Take me there.”

Yayan and the others quickly rushed to the place where they were fighting with Muyue.

After returning, Yahiko and others were dumbfounded because all the bodies of Iwagakure were missing.

“Ask the nearby villagers, maybe they took care of it.” Xiaonan suggested a possibility.

“There is a possibility, but the greater probability is that they were taken away by their companions. Recovering corpses is also an important job of ninjas.” Mu Yue told them not to have too much hope.

As Mu Yue expected, Yahiko and the others frantically inquired in the surrounding villages but failed to find out the whereabouts of the body.

Nagato looked remorseful. If he hadn’t gone crazy and lost control, things wouldn’t be like this.

“Even though Mr. Jiraiya taught me so many ninjutsu, I still can’t control my power well.” Nagato was very disappointed with himself.

Jiraiya said that he might be the reincarnation of the Sage of Six Paths and the savior of the ninja world, but Nagato felt that there should be no savior as bad as him.

“? Add medical treatment? What should we do now?” Yahiko looked at Muyue and asked.

Yahiko is also a little tired now. He realizes that he does not seem to be the leader. If Muyue had been present at that time, he would definitely not have let the incident turn out like this.

“Since the clues have been broken, let’s do the things at hand first. If they are really Iwagakure ninjas, then the people from Iwagakure Village will definitely come back again.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

In fact, Mu Yue knows the truth of everything.

Because Muyue sent a shadow clone to follow Yahiko and the others.

So Mu Yue knew that those so-called Iwagakure ninjas were actually the root ninjas of Shimura Danzo.

With just a little guess, Mu Yue could tell what Danzo Shimura wanted to do. It was just to provoke a conflict between them and Iwagakure, and possibly Hanzo.

However, Danzo Shimura has a conspiracy to sow discord, and Mu Yue also has her own plan.

The philosophy of the ninja sect founded by Mu Yue is destined to be at odds with the current ninjas, and conflicts will arise sooner or later.

Instead of exposing Danzo’s conspiracy, it is better to use the plan to train the Ninja and Akatsuki organizations and improve their abilities.

Anyway, Mu Yue is still with the Country of Rain and can help them find out.

Mu Yue also has a selfish motive, a friend in need is a friend indeed, and in times of crisis it is better to gain Nagato’s favor.

“This is the only choice for now.” Yahiko felt that Mu Yue was right.

Looking at Yahiko with a helpless expression, Nagato felt even more guilty and returned to the village in silence.

Both Yahiko and Konan noticed Nagato’s emotions, and they comforted him.

Nagato didn’t want them to worry, so he pretended to return to normal, and only showed his true inner expression when he got to his room.


Just when Nagato was curling up with his hands on his legs and feeling depressed alone, there was a knock on the door of his room.

Nagato hurriedly adjusted his expression before opening the door. He thought it was Yahiko or Konan who came to see him.

But what Nagato didn’t expect was that the person coming was Mu Yue, or Mu Yue holding a bowl of ramen.

Nagato looked at Mu Yue in confusion.

Mu Yue put the ramen on the table in the room, “Eat it, you will feel much better if you eat something delicious when you are unhappy.”

“But isn’t it a bit narcissistic to say that what you make is delicious? Fortunately, Kakuzu is not here.” Mu Yue joked to herself.

Since cooking skills are also a major feature of Hanyu Muyue, Muyue basically does not cook in the Land of Rain.

“Why, don’t you like ramen?” Mu Yue asked curiously as Nagato remained motionless for a long time.

“No.” Nagato shook his head and replied. His long wandering life made him not picky about food.

Nagato was just a little flattered. He didn’t expect Muyue to notice his emotions and even help him make ramen.

“Eat it while it’s hot. The noodles won’t taste good when they’re cold.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

Looking at the steaming ramen in front of him with its aroma constantly wafting, Nagato looked at his stomach. He was indeed a little hungry, and using the Rinnegan consumed a lot of money.

Nagato thanked Mu Yue and said, “I’m going to start.” Then he started to taste the ramen.

This was an incredible meal. Nagato’s eyes widened. This was the first time he had eaten such delicious ramen. No, it was such delicious food.

Nagato, who was not good at words, could not describe his feelings at this moment. After eating a mouthful of noodles and then taking a mouthful of soup, his whole body felt warm, as if he had been reborn.

The happy moment didn’t end until the chopsticks were empty, and Nagato found himself eating all the ramen unconsciously.

“?Kayi Jujidan?Thank you.” Nagato apologized again.

If two words of thank you can be exchanged for a bowl of extremely delicious ramen, Nagato thinks that those who want to say thank you to Mu Yue can line up from the Rain Ninja Village to the border of the Land of Rain.

“If you believe me, just tell me the unhappiness in your heart. Keeping the pain in your heart will only make you more unhappy.” Mu Yue sat down cross-legged and said.

Nagato was silent for a moment. In his mind, he recalled Mu Yue’s actions in traveling to the Land of Rain, the care he showed to his followers every day, and the extremely delicious bowl of ramen just now.

PS: This chapter is 8.4k, there will be another chapter soon

(End of this chapter)


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