Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 408: Reincarnation of Six Paths Sage Chakra?


Chapter 408 Six Paths Immortal Chakra Reincarnation?

The ninja master Kaichi Kaimata was born, and he was known to many ninjas in a very short period of time.

This time is different from before. In the past, it was because the history of “Jia Yi Jie Shang Ju Qizhi Mu” was too legendary and easily aroused discussion, but this time it was because of pure strength.

The ninja world is a world where strength is paramount. The fastest way to become famous is to defeat a famous and powerful person. The stronger and more famous the defeated opponent is, the greater the impact it will have.

Before Namikaze Minato participated in the Third Ninja War, he was only slightly famous within Konoha.

But it was different after the war started. The new AB combination proved their strength with the corpses of the seniors in the ninja world, while Minato Namikaze proved his strength by drawing with the AB combination alone and became the main force on the battlefield. A frightening yellow flash.

Of course, you are not guaranteed to become famous just by playing. It depends on the timing, occasion and personal thoughts.

It is difficult to achieve success on the battlefield without even thinking about becoming famous. Mu Yue met Ye Cang and defeated him by chance. Since neither party publicized it, it would not have much impact.

Although Mu Yue did not deliberately market the vest this time, because of the “Ninja Sect inheritance”, there were too many people staring at him, and when he fought against Kakuzu, he also fought openly and passionately. Boom, so the result of the battle between Mu Yue and Kakuzu spread quickly.

The quickest person to know is naturally the strongest local force in the Kingdom of Rain, the Rain Ninja Village.

“I defeated Kakuzu, but I still maintained the advantage and won.” Hanzo showed a thoughtful expression.

There are actually not many strong people in the ninja world. Except for some who hide in the mountains and old forests and cannot come out, even if their names are not particularly famous, everyone knows a little about each other.

Hanzo has heard the story of Kakuzu in the black market and knows that Kakuzu’s strength is not simple.

After all, Kakuzu specializes in targeting people with large bounties. Ninjas with high bounties must either be very strong or have special status. Kakuzu would have been killed long ago if he had no ability. It is impossible for him to have been operating in the black market for decades.

Hanzo had had a momentum duel with Mu Yue before and knew that Mu Yue was not a simple ninja, but he did not expect that Mu Yue could defeat Kakuzu so quickly.

“It’s a pity that he is not a ninja from my Rain Ninja Village.” Hanzo shook his head with regret.

Hanzo has a bit of a headache now, as the Rain Ninja Village has stopped accepting calls.

According to the standards of ordinary small ninja villages, there is nothing wrong with Rain Ninja Village, but Hanzo has always been aiming to be on par with the five major ninja villages, and the next Rain Ninja leader must be the top powerhouse in the ninja world.

But it is a pity that Hanzo did not see any ninja with the potential to become a top powerhouse in the younger generation of Rain Ninja Village.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who recently joined the Rain Ninja Village, is good but not trustworthy for the time being.

“I should be able to support myself for another twenty years. There is still time in the Rain Ninja Village.” Hanzo’s expression returned to his usual calmness.

As one of the pinnacles of the ninja world, Hanzo has enough confidence in himself.

Even if Mu Yue defeated Kakuzu, Hanzo still only thought that Mu Yue was an excellent junior and not his opponent.

Hanzo is not unreasonably arrogant. According to the battle data between Muyue and Kakuzu, Muyue is best at fire escape ninjutsu, and Hanzo’s best ninjutsu happens to be water escape, which can restrain fire escape. In addition, he has a lead in combat experience. , Hanzo is very confident in his physical skills. Taking everything into consideration, Hanzo does not think that Mu Yue will be his opponent.

In addition to the Rain Ninja Village, several large and small countries bordering the Rain Country and various ninja organizations also knew that Kakuzu was defeated.

Konoha, the root organization base, Shimura Danzo read the latest information on the Land of Rain and cursed Sarutobi Hiruzen in his heart for being short-sighted.

If they strengthen the ninja power in the Land of Rain, then they can take action directly.

“We must find a way to get the Ninja inheritance.” Danzo Shimura began to think about how to successfully obtain the Ninja inheritance from Mu Yue.

When the time comes, he will have both the Wooden Ninja and the Ninja Sect inheritance, and it will be a matter of course for him to become the Fourth Hokage.

But Danzo Shimura now has a very difficult problem, that is, lack of strength.

The power he currently deployed in the Land of Rain is not enough to seize the Ninja inheritance from Mu Yue.

Mu Yue is not only a strong man who can defeat Kakuzu, but also has seventy-two ninjas following him, which is really a big force.

But this was not a problem for Danzo. He quickly came up with a countermeasure through empathy.

“Can we unite with Hanzo to deal with it? More medical treatment! I respectfully ask Xing Yujian? br/>

Mo Yue is so powerful and wants to rebuild the Ninja Sect. If Shimura Danzo is the Hokage and there is such a group of ninja forces in the Fire Country, Danzo will have trouble sleeping and eating, and how can he allow others to sleep soundly on his bed.

The more Danzo Shimura thought about it, the more he felt that his plan was very good.

Hanzo got rid of a serious problem in his heart, he received the Ninja sect inheritance, and everyone has a bright future.

“We can also take the opportunity to cooperate in depth with the Rain Ninja Village, let them join the war, and build momentum for me in the future election of the Fourth Hokage.” Shimura Danzo nodded with satisfaction.

If his plan succeeds, it will be the best outcome for him and Konoha.

After Danzo Shimura perfected the plan in his mind, he immediately issued a mission for his men to take action.

First of all, he needs to investigate the relationship between the two parties. If it is not what he thinks, then he needs to create a wave of hatred for each other.

In addition to assigning tasks to the root ninjas, Danzo also began to think of ways to get out of Konoha reasonably.

For such an important matter, he must meet with Hanzo in person.

Earth Country, Iwa Ninja Village Tsuchikage Office.

Onoki saw an expression of interest on his face when he saw the latest information coming from the Land of Rain, “Ninja Master? Kaichi Mukuro? Ninja Sect, that’s interesting.”

He didn’t care about Mu Yue’s legendary experiences. Ohnoki just had a feeling that this ninja was a troublemaker.

In just over a month, he went from being unknown to being well-known in the ninja world, and he also gained a group of followers.

But what makes Onomu feel regretful is that Mu Yue is only causing trouble in the Kingdom of Rain. If Mu Yue is causing trouble in the other four countries, Onomu will not hesitate to get involved and make things worse.

Onoki of the Rain Country is not very interested. It is not in the interest of Iwagakure to weaken the strength of Rain Ninja Village.

He also hopes to use the Rain Ninja Village to disgust Sunagakure and Kumogakure.

Although the strength of ninjas in the village has exceeded 10,000, Onoki is in no hurry to strike hard. He wants to consume the power of other great ninja villages first.

Therefore, Ohnoki has been implementing the plan of stirring up trouble, provoking conflicts between the various ninja villages and making them go to war.

In a dimly lit cave, listening to the information reported by Black Zetsu, Uchiha Madara frowned.

“Have you ever investigated this thing called? Jia Yi Palm Rao Yi Si Si Jun Pi Scandium Sendò Chi Liao? asked.

Nagato plays an important role in his resurrection plan, so the sudden presence of a strong man beside Nagato makes Uchiha Madara very concerned.

“I have investigated, but have not found out. Maybe this guy has really been practicing in seclusion as he said.” Hei Jue shook his head and said.

In fact, Black Zetsu cares more about Muyue than Uchiha Madara, because Muyue took the name of Ninja and said that he had obtained the inheritance of Ninja.

To say that the person Hei Jue is most afraid of is definitely the Immortal of Six Paths.

Black Zetsu can be said to be the third son of Kaguya Otsutsuki and the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths.

Hei Jue had no way to deal with the brother who had sealed his mother. When the Immortal of Six Paths was alive, Hei Jue did not dare to come out to cause trouble.

If there really is any Ninja sect inheritance, Hei Zetsu will only think that it is the back-up plan left by the Six Paths Sage to prevent Kaguya’s resurrection, rather than the inheritance of Indra Asura and the others.

Isn’t it clear what kind of evil virtues Indra Asura and his companions have? Two silly boys are nothing to be afraid of.

So Black Jue sent Bai Jue very seriously to investigate the matter.

However, the information that Hei Jue could find out was all told by the other party himself.

Hei Jue had thought about whether this could be a fake identity, but there was no trace of the transformation ninjutsu on Mu Yue’s body. Even if the name was fake, something could be found out based on the appearance.

After a comprehensive investigation, Hei Jue believed that the result of the investigation was the result of a lifetime of cultivation.

“Strengthen the monitoring of Nagato.” Uchiha Madara said after pondering.

Now he has no good solution. He can’t go out and kill the opponent himself.

Although Uchiha Madara is confident in his own strength, time has indeed eroded his body. The price of killing Muyue may be that his lifespan is shortened, which will affect his overall plan.

Uchiha Madara is not too panicked. A powerful ninja appeared next to Nagato before. If Muyue doesn’t know the Rinnegan, or has no idea about the Rinnegan, then it won’t have much impact on his plan. Influence.

Hei Jue nodded.

In fact, he had already sent Bai Jue to keep an eye on Nagato 24 hours a day. He was very worried that Mu Yue was the back-up man of the Sage of Six Paths.

Hei Jue even had a wild guess in his mind, maybe Mu Yue was the chakra reincarnation of the Six Paths Sage.

This is possible. A normal ninja would not be able to practice in the mountains, and would return to the ninja sect as soon as he came out.

However, this guess is too bold, and Hei Jue also feels that the probability is very small. Although Mu Yue’s current methods are powerful, they are still within the normal range.

“It seems that we have to speed up the progress.” Uchiha Madara is preparing to use his own arrangements to further chaos the situation in the ninja world.

The plan could not keep up with the changes. In order to prevent major accidents, Uchiha Madara wanted to speed up the plan so that he could die in peace and wait for resurrection.

Mu Yue’s defeat of Jiaodu attracted too much attention. His bounty on the black market was super doubled, reaching an astonishing forty million taels.

This is a very scary number. If converted into S-level missions, 40 S-level missions can be released in Konoha.

Although the bounty has skyrocketed, Mu Yue has suffered fewer attacks.

Most of the bounty ninjas did not dare to act rashly after hearing that the legendary ninjas in the black market Kakuzu were defeated by Mu Yue.

Bounty ninjas do love money, but they also cherish their lives. After all, no matter how much money they make, they have nowhere to spend it.

After defeating Kakuzu, Muyue and the others’ action rhythm did not change much, except that there was one more person in the team.

Because Kakuzu has a peculiar body, Mu Yue specially bought him a robe so that he would not scare ordinary people.

“Why do you care about ordinary people?” Kakuzu didn’t care what he was wearing but was confused.

“Just give due respect. We are all just human beings, no one is more noble than anyone else.” Mu Yue replied seriously.

Kakuzu sneered, “It sounds nice, then why do nobles exist? Aren’t nobles naturally superior to others?”

“Nobles are born with fiefdoms and privileges. What kind of equality is this?”

Many ninjas all looked at Mu Yue, and they were curious about how Mu Yue would answer.

This problem among ninjas is actually not bad. At most, family ninjas have more resources and secret skills than civilian ninjas. The gap between ordinary civilians and nobles is huge.

“You are right, so I think the system in which nobles enjoy privileges should be abolished.” Mu Yue replied with a faint smile.

Kakuzu stared at Mu Yue with wide eyes. This was different from the script he imagined.

Mu Yue actually did not refute him, but instead said such “rebellious and unethical” words.

“Do you know what you are talking about? The daimyo is the greatest noble.” Kakuzu looked at Mu Yue, and he seemed to know Mu Yue again.

The most privileged group of people in the ninja world are the daimyo. Their descendants can enjoy wealth and honor without doing anything, and their words and deeds can determine the life and death of a large number of people.

The other ninjas also looked at Mu Yue in shock. This was definitely the boldest thing they had ever heard.

“The Ninja Sect I want to create is not a Ninja Sect that is exactly the same as the history. It is a new Ninja Sect that learns from the experience of failure.” Mu Yue brought the topic back to Ninja Sect.

Kakuzu thought Mu Yue was trying to avoid the important and take the easy. Just when he was about to ridicule him, he realized that Mu Yue’s next words were even more explosive.

“Although Sage of Six Paths was far-sighted, the Ninja Sect he founded could not escape the limitations of the times. The most inappropriate thing among them was the adoption of a hereditary system.”

Mu Yue actually started talking about the shortcomings of the Six Paths Immortal.

The ninjas were all very surprised, knowing that Mu Yue had been praising the Ninja Ninja and praising the Six Paths Immortal before.

“We must learn and absorb the good aspects of the Sage of Six Paths and the ancient Ninja Sect, but we must also remove the dross, and at the same time dare to criticize boldly.”

“No matter who it is, making a mistake is a mistake. Don’t blindly follow the other party just because he is an authority. If you find that I am wrong one day, you can also point out my mistakes and let me correct them.” Mu Yue said with a sincere face.

Kakuzu didn’t know what to say for a moment. He could only remember Mu Yue’s words secretly in his heart, waiting for the day when Mu Yue would go against his words. He didn’t believe that there really was such a person in the world.

The remaining seventy-two ninjas also have a new understanding of Mu Yue.

“? If I make a mistake in the future, you must point it out immediately. Don’t be polite to me just because I am the leader.” Yahiko said to his Akatsuki organization members They said with a smile.

He felt that what Mu Yue said was so right, but if he had to think about it, he would never be able to think of such words in his life. Yahiko respected Mu Yue even more in his heart.

The content of Mu Yue’s lectures changed a lot after this day. In addition to ninja knowledge, Mu Yue integrated some knowledge from the past life with the reality of the ancient ninja sect and the ninja world to explain.

(End of this chapter)


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