Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 407: Strengthening the Ninja Sect


Chapter 407 Strengthening the Ninja Sect

Fire Dragon Flurry is a fire escape ninjutsu developed by Mu Yue based on the Fire Dragon Flame Bomb. It can be regarded as a super Fire Dragon Flame Bullet.

The range power and flexibility of Fire Release are fully enhanced. Apart from consuming too much chakra and requiring too much usage, there are almost no other shortcomings.

The high-temperature flames spit out by Mu Yue swallowed up the combined ninjutsu used by Kakuzu at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling the heat wave hitting his face, Kakuzu’s pupils were shaking.

He originally thought that the fire escape ninjutsu that Mu Yue used before was strong enough, but he did not expect that Mu Yue would be merciful to him and did not use all his strength before.

Kakuzu immediately wanted the Earthly Resentment Yu Heart to retreat, but the flames were too fast. Before the Earthly Resentment Yu Heart had time to return to Kakuzu’s body, it turned into black ashes under the burning flames of Mu Yue.

Kakuzu covered his chest with a look of pain, this cost him two lives at once.

But Mu Yue’s fire dragon dance is not over yet.

Under Mu Yue’s control, the blazing sea of ​​fire split into six fire dragons that surrounded Jiaodu and the other two hearts from different directions.

Even though Kakuzu decisively chose to take back all the hearts at the beginning, in the face of such an offensive, only the thunder attribute heart successfully returned to Kakuzu’s body, and the water attribute heart was destroyed by the fire dragon.

Kakuzu’s body was also attacked by the fire dragon. The earth-type heart could not withstand such a terrifying attack and was burned to pieces.

Almost in an instant, Jiaodu, who had five lives, was beaten to only one life, and the battle situation was completely reversed.

“It’s so amazing. It’s worthy of my praise.”

Even at a certain distance from the flames, Yahiko can still feel the terrifying temperature. This is the most powerful fire escape ninjutsu he has ever seen.

“It turns out that the ninjas who knew Kakuzu were shocked.

Kakuzu can definitely be called a legendary ninja in the black market, and such a strong man was almost killed by Mu Yue’s fire escape, which really shocked him.

He even felt that Mu Yue was stronger than Hanzo, because he felt that Hanzo should not be able to kill Kakuzu with just one water release.

“Can Hanzo really compete with such a person? He is also convinced that he underestimated Mu Yue’s strength.

His imagination cannot keep up with Mu Yue’s strength.

In his impression, if a ninja is to be strong, it must be Hanzo.

But from now on, Chi Chang also announced that there is a new candidate for the strongest candidate.

The strength Mu Yue showed was so powerful that some ninjas even felt it was a bit unreal.

They pinched their arms with their hands, and the slight pain from their arms confirmed that this was not a dream, but reality.

It’s not that their mental endurance is too weak, but it’s so beautiful that they feel like they’re dreaming.

You don’t have to pay anything, just follow and you can get the careful guidance from a strong person like Mu Yue.

Although from Mu Yue’s perspective, the ninjas who followed him were determined to take risks, for wandering ninjas like them, danger was a common occurrence. If they wanted to move forward, danger was indispensable.

So in their opinion, being able to travel around the Land of Rain with Mu Yue is simply a dream-like journey. Not only do they learn skills, but they also live more like a ninja, and are both spiritually and spiritually satisfied.

Looking at Kakuzu who fell to the ground, Mu Yue slowly walked to his side.

Although Kakuzu was lying on the ground motionless, Mu Yue knew that he was not dead yet, because Kakuzu still had the last heart in him.

If someone who didn’t know the information about Ji Yu Yu saw Kakuzu suffering such injuries, he would definitely assume that he was dead.

But Mu Yue is different. He has real information about Mu Yue. He has been appraised and transformed, and he also knows the plot of the original work.

“Do you still want to continue pretending to be dead?” Mu Yue said lightly when she was about to walk to Kakuzu.

Jiaodu, who was pretending to be dead on the ground, felt tense for a moment, but he still didn’t move. He thought Mu Yue might be deceiving him.

Since most of the people who had seen him use Earth Resentment Yu were dead, there was no reason why Mu Yue would know his information.

“You think I’m deceiving you? What can you do with only one heart left?” Mu Yue continued.

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Kakuzu’s forehead, and he felt like Mu Yue had seen through his underwear. He could no longer remain calm and looked at Mu Yue with a puzzled face.

Kakuzu was convinced that he had never met Mu Yue, let alone fought against Mu Yue. He did not understand why Mu Yue knew his information.

“Why do you know my information?” After being seen through, he stopped pretending and stood up and looked at Mu Yue coldly.

Now that things have happened, Kakuzu is not panicking anymore. After all, the worst outcome is death.

Does Kakuzu want to die? Of course he doesn’t. He hasn’t made enough money yet.

But is Kakuzu afraid of death? Of course he is not. If he was afraid of death, he would not assassinate Senju Hashirama.

Death in battle as a ninja is not a bad ending in Kakuzu’s opinion. It is better than being betrayed by his companions and dying in a cell.

“He’s not dead yet.” The other ninjas were surprised by Kakuzu’s vitality.

The fire escape ninjutsu that Mu Yue just performed turned most of the area into a scorched ground. Kakuzu could still stand up after enduring such a terrifying attack. In their opinion, his vitality was ridiculously strong.

“This is ancient wisdom.” Mu Yue smiled like a magic stick.

Whether it’s the plot, identification, or transformation, I can’t say anything about it, so I can only be the Riddler.

“Is it the so-called Ninja sect inheritance?” Kakuzu continued to ask.

Kakuzu is a little curious about what the so-called ninja inheritance is. It is so magical. No wonder those people spend so much money on the reward.

“You can think so.” Mu Yue guided Jiaodu in the direction of his mind.

Although Mu Yue’s answer was vague, it was finally answered. Kakuzu once again put into a fighting posture, preparing to face his own death.

Although the outcome of the battle has been determined, Kakuzu will not lie down and wait for death, he will fight until the last moment.

Kakuzu quickly untied the sutures at his wrists, and then used the black thread of resentment in his body to control his two fists and shoot towards Muyue.

Although it looks simple and unpretentious, it actually has good power. An ordinary jounin may be killed instantly by his fist punching through the body.

After releasing the Fire Dragon Dance, Mu Yue exited the Breath of Fire Chakra mode and switched to the Breath of Rock, which is most commonly used in daily life.

With the blessing of the Breath of the Rock, Mu Yue was stronger and her skin was tougher, and she easily defused the incoming flying fists.


Mu Yue’s figure flashed and appeared on the side of Kakuzu’s body.

Kakuzu quickly used the Earth Resentment Yu Black Line to defend.


Mu Yue’s heavy power directly defeated Kakuzu’s defense, causing Kakuzu to fly upside down like a kite with a broken string and hit the ground hard.

Mu Yue’s extremely fierce physical skills even prevented Kakuo from using the Thunder Release Ninjutsu to attack.

Now Kakuzu just feels like a beaten puppet who can’t fight back and can only accept Mu Yue’s physical attacks crazily.

Kakuzu’s consciousness gradually became blurred.

“It’s not bad to die in the hands of such a strong man.” Such thoughts appeared in Kakuzu’s mind after falling to the ground again.

Mu Yue is very strong. In his long ninja career in Kakuzu, he has only encountered one opponent stronger than Mu Yue, and that is the ninja **** Senju Hashirama.

Now that I think about it, Kakuzu still feels that he was a little ridiculous back then.

I made great mental preparations to assassinate Senju Hashirama, but he was seriously injured for no apparent reason. He returned to the village in embarrassment and was imprisoned and severely punished.

Back then, Kakuzu was not mature enough and only thought they were hateful, but now Kakuzu understands everything.

No special reason, just because this is reality, this is the ninja world.

He was too strong and accomplished too much, and the senior officials were worried that his status would be threatened, so they sent him to die.

What you say in your mouth is the will of the village, and everything in your heart is your own interests.

“I am Kakuzu.” Kakuzu said his name with his last strength.

At this time, his condition was extremely poor. He was even more injured than the previous time with Senju Hashirama, and he no longer had the strength to stand up.

Just when Kakuzu thought he was going to die, the last attack never came.

Kakuzu opened his eyes, and Mu Yue stood next to him and looked at him quietly.

Mu Yue is weighing the pros and cons.

His actions will usher in an unprecedented big change in the Kingdom of Rain. Mu Yue wants to change the Kingdom of Rain in a good direction, but maintaining it requires strength. Yahiko and the others alone are not enough. Men are still unable to use the Samsara Eye at will, and Mu Yue cannot stay in the Kingdom of Rain forever, so it is necessary to enhance the strength of the Ninja Sect.

If he ran away without caring about anything from the beginning, then Mu Yue would have become the person he once hated.

Kakuzu’s strength as a ninja is undoubted. The third generation is also the third generation. If there is a way to prevent the poisonous fog of Sanshou fish, Kakuzu can give Hanzo a fight.

Mu Yue thought for a while and finally put her hand on Kakuzu’s chest.

Kakuzu thought Mu Yue was going to kill him completely, but nothing happened. Half a minute later, a complicated sealing technique appeared on Kakuzu’s chest.

“Why don’t you kill me? What do you want to do?” Kakuzu looked at Mu Yue in confusion.

“If you leave a method in my body and want to blackmail me into working for you, then you should underestimate me.”

Kakuzu has his own pride. He would rather die than live in such a humiliating way.

“?Mei Nan Xian? Hire Ψ壣ARC! Then the twin poles are embedded in the Fei Sun frame?br/>

He only left a sealing technique in Kakuzu’s body to interfere with chakra. With this sealing technique, it is very difficult to condense chakra in Kakuzu, making it impossible to use ninjutsu.

He plans to take Kakuzu to travel around the Land of Rain. If Kakuzu accepts it and sincerely joins the Ninja Sect, then everyone will be happy. Otherwise, Mu Yue will make Kakuzu die painlessly.

Mu Yue doesn’t like to use blackmail the most, because it is easy to cause accidents. If the method is cracked or the other party wants to defeat the enemy, it will not end well in the end.

Kakudu looked at Mu Yue in confusion, he didn’t understand what Mu Yue was thinking.

“How about joining us? After completing the journey to the Land of Rain, I will establish the Ninja Sect.” Mu Yue sent out the invitation.

“Ninja? You don’t mean the Ninja whose duty is to protect peace?” Kakuzu seemed to have heard a funny joke.

Actually, Kakuzu didn’t know about the Ninja Sect before. After all, this was history thousands of years ago.

This is what he knew when he was investigating Mu Yue’s intelligence, so Kakuzu said Mu Yue was naive.

In Kakuzu’s view, the ninjas proposed by Mu Yue will only appear in fantasy. In reality, ninjas put their interests first. Let alone protecting the peace of the entire ninja world, even if they protect their own village and country, they have to figure out how to do it. Benefit.

“It’s more than that, but you can understand it this way first.” Mu Yue replied with a smile.

He wants to establish a ninja sect. How can he really establish a ninja sect like the Sage of Six Paths? He is just trying to pull off the skin of a tiger.

Six Paths Sage’s ninja sect himself has failed, how could Mu Yue get an identical one.

“In the ninja world, only profit is eternal, and you will never be able to succeed.” Kakudu said.

“How will you know if it works if you don’t try?” Mu Yue still had a relaxed smile on her face, which did not change because of Kakuzu’s words.

“Can a drop of water extinguish a flame? Some things are impossible even if you don’t have to do them.” Kakuzu still doesn’t agree with Mu Yue’s idea and thinks he must fail.

“Why not?”

Mu Yue entered the water breathing chakra mode, compressed a large amount of water attribute chakra into a drop of water and shot it towards some of the still burning flames, directly extinguishing all the flames.

Jiaodu was silent, this control ability was a bit beyond his understanding.

“? You’d better not waste any more time. A bounty ninja like him who is only interested in profit cannot become a real ninja.” Chi Chang also thought about it and stepped forward and said.

Kakuzu glanced at Chi Changya indifferently, “A ninja with your strength is usually not worthy of me. I am sure no one will offer a bounty to a weakling like you.”

Kakuzu is already over seventy years old. If he could win such a simple attack, his life would have been in vain.

“If you and I stay by his side any longer, sooner or later, we will die together with his innocence.” Kakuzu said without mercy.

If it weren’t for the miscalculation of Mu Yue’s strength and the failure to deal with people outside of the killing bounty, Kakuzu would definitely have caused casualties to the team.

Kakuzu doesn’t think that his death will make Mu Yue’s bounty disappear. On the contrary, Mu Yue’s bounty will definitely increase again, and it will increase significantly.

At that time, it may not be a single bounty hunter attacking Mu Yue, there may be ninja forces eyeing Mu Yue’s Ninja Sect inheritance.

“It’s just your fantasy. The reality is? It’s you and the people with the same goal who failed.” Chi Chang also replied.

“Everyone knows that there is danger. It is human instinct to avoid danger, but there is something that can surpass this instinct.”

“So can innocence still be contagious?” Kakuzu laughed, but some strange thoughts arose in his heart.

This team is indeed a little different from what he imagined.

Obviously someone recognized him, but they didn’t run away.

Jiao could tell that the wandering ninjas who followed Mu Yue didn’t know Mu Yue’s strength, and they were shocked when Mu Yue released Fire Release.

Kakuzu was curious about what gave them the courage. They were so weak and dared to attack him instead of running away.

“You guys have been saying something self-righteously. Since you think we will fail, then come and see if we will fail.” Yahiko also joined the ranks of Zuidun.

“Come with us to complete the journey to the Kingdom of Rain. Whether you join or continue working hard to trade me for bounty is up to you.” Mu Yue finally said.

“However, I will not remove the seal on you during the trip, for everyone’s safety.”

A trace of hesitation flashed across Kakuzu’s face.

“I want to see what else you can do besides being naive.” Kakudu thought about it and agreed to Mu Yue.

Because he felt that refusal and consent were the difference between dying early and dying late. In his naivety, he had died long ago, and died on the day he returned to the village after being seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)


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