Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 391: The meeting of father and son across time and space (End of Dragon Vein)


Chapter 391 The meeting of father and son across time and space (End of Dragon Veins)

For a moment, Uzumaki Naruto forgot what he wanted to say, and he looked at Namikaze Minato blankly.

It was strange, Uzumaki Naruto felt very strange. It was obviously the first time they met, but he felt an unprecedented sense of intimacy from this man who was very similar to Mu Yue.

“Are you the Fourth Hokage?” Uzumaki Naruto asked subconsciously.

“No, I am Namikaze Minato. Besides, the village has only reached the Sandaime now.” Minato replied with a smile.

Yamato looked at Uzumaki Naruto speechlessly, this is not the first day of time travel, why is it still like this.

Uzumaki Naruto chuckled and scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Why did the Yondaime-sama appear here?” Yamato thought in confusion and then looked at Kakashi and the others.

He thought it might be Kakashi and the others who contacted Namikaze Minato. After all, Namikaze Minato was also one of the people they wanted to save.

If Namikaze Minato knew the future and then rescued himself, the success rate of the action would be greatly improved.

“Teacher Minato, why are you here in Loulan? Did you accept a mission?” Obito asked curiously, patting the gray on his body.

Although Yamato’s guess was reasonable, it was unfortunately wrong. Obito and the others didn’t know why Namikaze Minato suddenly appeared in Loulan.

“No, I just came here for personal matters.” Minato thought for a while and said.

Mu Yue asked him to come, but unlike Jiraiya, Minato came here in his true form, not as a shadow clone.

Mu Yue and the others stayed in Loulan for a while. Shuimen just completed his mission during this period, so he came directly.

The first time he saw Uzumaki Naruto, Minato knew that Muyue’s guess was correct and that Uzumaki Naruto was his child.

The surname of the Uzumaki clan, the face that is somewhat similar to his, the feeling of being a close blood relative, Uzumaki Naruto even has his chakra in his body, if this is not his child, who else’s child could it be.

“The battle you had just now was very exciting. Can you tell that in this period of time, the improvement has been great.” Minato praised Obito and others without hesitation.

“Obito, your fire escape is not only more powerful, but also more flexible than before. Kakashi, although you are very fast, you also cooperate well with your companions. Xiaolin, you…” Namikaze Shuikeeper San Each disciple praised him carefully one by one.

Obito, Kakashi and Nohara Rin looked at each other, with distinctive smiles on their faces. Obito smiled the most directly, while Kakashi could only see a hint of smile in his eyes due to his mask. , and Nohara Lin smiled the most tenderly.

The idea of ​​changing history became more determined in their hearts. How could they let a good teacher like Minato die from the Nine-Tails rampage.

“What about me?” Uzumaki Naruto asked curiously.

“Whether it is the amount of chakra, combat experience, or ability to seize opportunities, they are all excellent. You are already an excellent ninja.” Minato looked into Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes and replied with a warm smile.

“Hey.” For some reason, Uzumaki Naruto felt particularly happy to be praised by Namikaze Minato.

“Brother Minato, do you think I can become Hokage?” Uzumaki Naruto asked Namikaze Minato.

Uzumaki Naruto and Namikaze Minato looked at each other, looking at Namikaze Minato with curiosity, wanting to know how Namikaze Minato would answer his question.

Although a lot has happened, Uzumaki Naruto’s goal has never changed, and he still wants to become Hokage until now.

However, compared to before, he has indeed matured a bit. He no longer thinks that becoming Hokage can be recognized by everyone. Only those who are recognized by everyone can become Hokage.

“The choice of Hokage is decided by the entire village, and my words mean nothing.” Minato Namikaze thought for a while and said, but then his words changed.

“But if you want to tell me, if you want to become Hokage, you must have the corresponding awareness. No matter what setbacks and difficulties you encounter, you can’t give up. If you work hard to the end, you can hope to become Hokage.”

Namikaze Minato was certain that Uzumaki Naruto was his child, but he would not ignore reality and say that Uzumaki Naruto would definitely become Hokage.

He just watched one of Uzumaki Naruto’s battles and knew Uzumaki Naruto’s abilities as a ninja, but he didn’t know what kind of person and ninja Uzumaki Naruto was.

“I will definitely work hard to the end. Doing what I say is my way of ninja.” Uzumaki Naruto said with a bright smile.

After saying that, Uzumaki Naruto devoted himself to training again.

It’s still early now, and they usually don’t finish practicing until half past five in the afternoon.

Kakashi and others also quickly entered a state of cultivation. If they want to change the future, strong strength is essential.

“Aren’t you going to tell me?” Mu Yue asked.

He felt that Minato must have recognized it.

“Since he doesn’t know me, there is no need. It will only bring him more trouble.” Namikaze Minato silently watched Uzumaki Naruto and shook his head slightly.

There is nothing wrong with Uzumaki Naruto being his child, but Uzumaki Naruto is his future child.

Since Uzumaki Naruto does not know him, there is only one possibility. He died before Uzumaki Naruto could remember, and it was not an ordinary death. It was very involved, and even Kushina might have died with him. .

If it was just an ordinary death, even if he died, Uzumaki Naruto would still know that he was his father from the photos he left and other people’s oral accounts.

And what is Uzumaki Naruto’s performance? I know him and know that there is a person like him, but I don’t know the relationship between them.

Minato didn’t want to speculate too much about the future. He wasn’t going to guess why he died. He just felt that if they recognized each other here, Naruto would be very painful when he returned to the original world.

Although they are father and son, they are people from different times, and the time they can get along is very short.

Uzumaki Naruto, who has never felt his father’s love, may have become accustomed to that kind of life. Namikaze Minato does not want to pull Naruto, who can already tolerate darkness, into a short period of light and then return him to endless darkness.

The only thing Minato Namikaze can do is to take good care of Naruto Uzumaki before he goes back. After all, this is his child.

“It’s very your style.” Namikaze Minato’s answer was as expected by Mu Yue.

Minato is a very gentle person. Although acquaintance can bring temporary joy and warmth to Naruto, he will experience longer pain after returning, so he has already expected Minato’s choice of Muyue.

Namikaze Minato smiled and thanked you: “I have troubled you during this time. You have taken care of Obito Naruto and the others for so long.”

“This is nothing to me, but Minato, you have to hurry up, they will go back in a week.” Mu Yue replied.

Uzumaki Naruto and the others have been here for a long time. Because the matter of time travel is too mysterious, Mu Yue doesn’t know what situation Uzumaki Naruto will be in after he goes back. Will he return to the moment of time travel or will he return to the time he traveled through time? The time on Mu Yue’s side changed.

In order to prevent Uzumaki Naruto from fighting with Payne when he went back, Mu Yue was not prepared to let Uzumaki Naruto stay too long.

If Minato Namikaze hadn’t come, Mu Yue would have arranged for them to go back immediately after Uzumaki Naruto learned the Breath of the Sun.

Namikaze Minato nodded, he would take care of Uzumaki Naruto as much as possible this week.

After training, Mu Yue cooked another sumptuous dinner.

I don’t know whether it was because of Namikaze Minato’s identity as the fourth Hokage in the future or because of his blood connection, Uzumaki Naruto was very curious about Namikaze Minato, and kept asking Namikaze Minato various questions before and after meals.

In response to this, Namikaze Minato answered Uzumaki Naruto very patiently, without showing any sign of impatience.

This made Uzumaki Naruto’s impression of Namikaze Minato greatly increased, and the image of the Fourth Hokage in his mind gradually became fuller.

Even because Namikaze Minato was too good to Uzumaki Naruto, Yamato felt that something was wrong.

He had heard that the Yondaime Hokage was very easy-going, but this was a bit too easy-going. He had only known Uzumaki Naruto for a few days, but he could meet all of Uzumaki Naruto’s requirements.

Uzumaki Naruto casually said that he wanted to eat ramen in the middle of the night, and after a while Minato came over with steaming ramen.

Uzumaki Naruto wanted to conduct battle training with Namikaze Minato, and Namikaze Minato readily agreed and then told Uzumaki Naruto his shortcomings while fighting.

And since Minato Namikaze came, Naruto, who likes to move around in his sleep, has never had his quilt fall to the ground.

Uzumaki Naruto, who was very nervous, didn’t feel this, but Yamato, who slept in the same room with Uzumaki Naruto, felt something strange.

Yamato had some guesses but kept silent. After all, Namikaze Minato, the person involved, chose to keep silent. As an outsider, he couldn’t just talk nonsense if he had some ideas.

On the last day, since Naruto Uzumaki and Yamato were going to return to their original time and space at night, Mu Yue did not let them practice on this day, but let them enjoy life.

Uzumaki Naruto proposed to take a walk around Loulan, and after hearing this, Minato Namikaze said that he had exactly the same plan.

“Naruto, you go and play first. I have something to do here. I’ll just go shopping by myself later.” Yamato said after thinking.

“The same goes for us.” In order to prevent Obito from talking nonsense, Kakashi directly spoke for Obito.

Astute as he was, he also saw something, so he wanted to let Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto spend some time together on this last day.

Anyway, they are not time travellers. If they want to play in Loulan, they have plenty of time.

Obito wanted to say something, but in the end he shut his mouth under the signal from Kakashi’s eyes.

“That’s it, then Minato-san and I will go out to play first.” Uzumaki Naruto didn’t think too much and went out with Namikaze Minato with a smile.

As soon as Uzumaki Naruto and the others went out, Obito looked at Kakashi with dissatisfaction and said:

“Kakashi, what do you mean? Brother Naruto is going back tonight, shouldn’t we play with him?”

“We have been with him for so long. It’s okay to miss one day, but it’s different with Minato-sensei.” Kakashi explained briefly but did not go into details.

Obito hated Kakashi’s appearance as the Riddler, but at this moment he had to nod vaguely as if he knew it.

Because Obito looked at the other people at the scene and showed no doubts, wouldn’t he look stupid if he continued to ask.

Then Mu Yue also left. He had a lot to do and couldn’t take any time off.

“Since we are about to leave, Yamato, please recall and see if there is anything important in the future that you haven’t mentioned yet.” Obito thought of something and looked at Yamato and asked.

Because he often forgets various things, Obito, who is willing to save others by himself, is worried that Yamato also has information that he has forgotten to tell.

“Important information…” Yamato showed a hint of hesitation.

If you think about it carefully, he really has a major event related to Obito that he has not mentioned, and that is the Uchiha genocide incident.

“So much has been said, there is no need to hide it anymore.” Kakashi said cooperatively.

“The Uchiha clan will be exterminated, and there will be only two survivors. One is Uchiha Itachi who wiped out the clan himself, and the other is his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke.” Yamato said quickly.

Yamato’s words were brief, but they brought a huge shock to several people present.

“The Uchiha clan was wiped out? By a guy named Uchiha Itachi?” Obito was shocked.

Although it was the first time he heard the name Uchiha Itachi, Obito remembered him deeply in his mind.

Obito doesn’t have much family honor because he doesn’t have many friends in the Uchiha clan, and the only clan meeting he went to gave him a very bad impression.

But he would still be angry knowing that Uchiha would exterminate Obito. After all, this was his family, and he didn’t want his friends to die.

“Did he wipe out the Uchiha by himself, or did someone else help?” Kakashi asked with a frown.

If Uchiha Itachi alone wiped out the Uchiha clan, then Uchiha Itachi’s strength would be too exaggerated.

The Uchiha clan is the strongest ninja clan in Konoha now. There are many three magatama jounin in the family. It is unimaginable for Kakashi that such a powerful ninja clan can be wiped out by one person.

“I don’t know the details, but Uchiha Itachi is really strong. Kakashi-senpai, you were injured by him and were hospitalized.” Yamato explained.

Kakashi’s expression did not change at all. He lost in the future before, but he may not lose in the future now.

“I will go to the clan to ask after I go back. I want to see how strong that guy is now.” Obito was going to start investigating things related to Uchiha Itachi after he went back.

On one side, Obito and the others were planning to change the future, while on the other side, Uzumaki Naruto had a great time.

In order for Uzumaki Naruto to have no regrets, Namikaze Minato did enough homework. He inquired about various situations several days in advance and recorded all the fun and delicious food in Loulan.

They spent the whole day eating, drinking and having fun, shopping everything from local snacks to unique buildings.

“I haven’t been this happy for a long time. Thank you so much, Brother Minato.” Naruto stretched and said with a relaxed smile.

“As long as you are happy.” Namikaze Minato said with a friendly smile.

“This mission is really great. Not only did I meet the young and lustful immortal, but I also met such a good person as Brother Muyue and Brother Minato.” Uzumaki Naruto sighed in his heart.

Uzumaki Naruto is really satisfied now. The only thing he hopes for is to go back to the past and find that the past has been changed due to the efforts of Kakashi and the others.

“Innocent brat, why do you think he is so nice to you.”

Uzumaki Naruto suddenly fell into a trance, and a huge cage appeared in front of him.

“Hey, what do you mean?” Uzumaki Naruto was not here for the first time, so he was not panicked. Instead, he asked Kyuubi with an unhappy look on his face.

“Hmph.” Kyuubi snorted coldly, “It doesn’t mean anything. I just want to tell you that Namikaze Minato is your father, and it was he who sealed me into your body with his own hands.”

“Oh, it turns out to be father…” Uzumaki Naruto was stunned after listening carefully to Kyuubi’s words.

“This joke is not funny. You’d better explain it to me.” Uzumaki Naruto’s face turned cold, and he clenched his fists and stared at Kyuubi.

As an orphan, what Naruto Uzumaki hates most is when others make fun of his father.

“I have no obligation to explain to you little brat. If someone is right in front of you, ask yourself.” Kyuubi grinned widely.

He told Uzumaki Naruto the truth not because he was a good fox, but on the contrary, it was because Kyuubi was very unhappy to see them so happy that he told it.

Kyuubi was annoying Minato Namikaze and his family to death. Kushina Uzumaki trapped him for so long and then stole his chakra. Minato Namikaze split it in half and sealed it in Naruto Uzumaki. .

As a true being who watched Naruto grow up, Kyuubi knew very well what Uzumaki Naruto had experienced since he was a child, and why he experienced all this. He did not believe that Naruto would not resent the consequences of this. All Minato.

Uzumaki Naruto wanted to continue asking, but in the blink of an eye he came to his senses again, and what he saw was Namikaze Minato who was looking at him with concern.

“Is there something wrong with the seal? I feel the Kyuubi’s chakra.” Namikaze Minato asked with concern, lifting Naruto’s clothes and looking at his abdomen.

Seeing the seal above, Namikaze Minato’s eyes flashed and he quickly put down Naruto’s clothes.

Uzumaki Naruto ignored Namikaze Minato’s actions. Kyuubi’s words kept echoing in his mind. He thought about it carefully and realized that Namikaze Minato was indeed kind to him, which was a bit abnormal.

Mu Yue was also very kind to him, but Mu Yue beat him up the first time they met. It was only after they got along slowly that Mu Yue was nice to him.

But Namikaze Minato was different. Namikaze Minato seemed to want to make up for something. He was very kind to him as soon as they met and tried his best to satisfy every request.

“Brother Minato, are you my father?” Uzumaki Naruto was a person who didn’t like to beat around the bush and asked directly.

The expression on Namikaze Minato’s face froze. Although Uzumaki Naruto’s words were very offensive, Namikaze Minato had no intention of complaining.

“It seems that my disguise ability is very poor.” Namikaze Minato sighed helplessly.

He didn’t expect that he would be exposed on the last day.

Namikaze Minato didn’t want to recognize Naruto, but when the child asked such a question, he couldn’t pretend any longer.

Uzumaki Naruto stared blankly at Minato, his vision suddenly blurred, and two lines of tears flowed down uncontrollably.

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto thought a lot.

He thought about going to school when he was a child. Other children had their parents coming to pick them up, but he was the only one who went to school alone and came home alone.

He thought that other people’s children had their parents cooking delicious meals, but he could only eat instant noodles by himself. Although Uzumaki Naruto could accept the taste of instant noodles, he also wanted to eat the meals cooked by his parents.

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto who was bursting into tears without realizing it, Namikaze Minato put his hand on Naruto’s head and said with an apology: “I’m sorry.”

Namikaze Minato doesn’t know what happened to Uzumaki Naruto, but as far as the results are concerned, he obviously failed to fulfill his father’s responsibility in the future.

“Did you seal the Nine Tails on me?” Uzumaki Naruto continued to ask.

“Yes.” Namikaze Minato nodded.

He just looked at the seal on Uzumaki Naruto. There is no doubt that it is the sealing technique he cast, but it is his future self.

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fists, and the unfair experience in his childhood quickly came to mind, and a series of emotions such as grievance and confusion came to his mind.


Uzumaki Naruto couldn’t help but punch Namikaze Minato. He did not use chakra for this punch, but only used the power of his body.

However, Uzumaki Naruto’s body strength is not weak, and even Namikaze Minato couldn’t help but change his expression slightly after receiving such a punch.

But Minato Namikaze didn’t speak. His future self is already dead, so let him bear Naruto’s anger instead of his future self.

“Good fight!” Kyuubi, who was watching from inside Naruto’s body, was already smiling from ear to ear.

What he wanted to see was this scene. It would be best for Naruto to go on a rampage and kill one of the two.

“Why do you want to seal the tailed beast in your child? Because of Kyuubi, the adults in the village have never given me a good look, and the children are not willing to make friends with me…”

The tears in Uzumaki Naruto’s eyes became more and more, and he told Namikaze Minato about his hardships over the years with an excited look on his face.

Namikaze Minato:……

He should be the first person to pay for the sins he has done in the future.

“I have worked hard for you all these years. I am not a good father. If hitting me can make you feel better, you can punch me more.” Minato Namikaze stroked Naruto’s blond hair and smiled warmly.

He didn’t know what purpose his future self had in sealing the Nine-Tails into his child, but after all, he owed Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fists tightly and stared at Namikaze Minato with tear-filled eyes.

“I won’t listen to you!” Uzumaki Naruto unclenched his fists and hugged Namikaze Minato tightly with both hands.

He had vented all his dissatisfaction for more than ten years with the first punch, so how could he be willing to hit his father again.

But it was still difficult for Uzumaki Naruto to control his emotions, and tears continued to flow down. He had suffered too much.

Minato Namikaze gently stroked Uzumaki Naruto’s back, quietly waiting for Uzumaki Naruto’s mood to stabilize.

“It’s boring.” Nine Tails in the other world was very disappointed when he saw this scene.

He is ready. If Uzumaki Naruto goes berserk, he will directly send all his chakra to help Uzumaki Naruto defeat Namikaze Minato.

“I really look forward to your expressions when we are separated.” Thinking that Namikaze Minato and Naruto were about to separate, Kyuubi became happy again.

The reason why he chose this time to tell Naruto was because if Naruto Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze didn’t fight, they would soon be separated, and it would be uncomfortable to feel uncomfortable at that time.

“Want to have a bowl of ramen? I’m treating you.” Seeing Uzumaki Naruto’s mood gradually stabilized, Namikaze Minato asked with a smile.

“If I don’t go to the store to eat, I want to eat what Brother Muyue cooks.” Uzumaki Naruto quickly replied while wiping his tears.

When leaving, one of the things that Uzumaki Naruto was most reluctant to part with was the big bowl of pork barbecued pork ramen made by Mu Yue.

“Compared to what I make and what is sold in stores outside, Mu Yue’s is indeed more delicious.” Namikaze Minato nodded and said.

In the past few days, Minato Namikaze has tried to learn how to make ramen from Mugetsu, but it is still far from the full flavor of Mugetsu’s ramen. Calculated into ninja levels, Minato has only just become a ninja, while Mugetsu’s ramen has already It’s the Hokage.

“Dad, I also want to eat what you made. I want to eat two bowls.” Uzumaki Naruto said with a slightly red face.

The first time he shouted this word, he was still a little used to it.

Minato’s mood was very subtle, he was relieved and happy but also felt a little strange.

Then the two returned to the rental house.

“Brother Naruto, what’s wrong with you? Have you met an enemy?” Obito asked with a puzzled look on his face as he looked at the somewhat embarrassed Uzumaki Naruto.

Kakashi looked at the traces of tears on Naruto Uzumaki’s clothes and realized something in his heart.

“No, I had a lot of fun today.” Uzumaki Naruto replied.

“That’s good. I’ll definitely come over again if I have the chance.” Obito said with a smile.

“Well, you have to work hard too.” Uzumaki Naruto said with a heavy nod.

After learning that the Fourth Hokage was his father, Uzumaki Naruto extremely hoped that Kakashi and the others’ actions to change history would succeed, so that he would also have a father’s child.

“Do you think traveling through time and space is just a visit from a neighbor?” Kakashi looked at Obito speechlessly, saying he would come and play again when he had time,

“With Kakashi’s words, it’s safe.” Obito said happily.

According to his past experience, the final result is usually the opposite of what Kakashi said.

Kakashi is too lazy to care about Obito. Time and space are the most difficult part of ninjutsu. This kind of traveling through time and space is unheard of. How can it happen so easily.

“What flavor of ramen do you want?” Minato Namikaze asked.

“Dad, just make me some pork ribs and barbecued pork.” Uzumaki Naruto thought for a while and replied.

He can happily eat two bowls of ramen of one flavor, but a flavor that he likes both is better.

Minato Namikaze nodded and walked into the kitchen to talk to Muyue, and then the two prepared dinner together, but Minato was more of a helper for Muyue.

“Wait a minute, Brother Naruto, what did you call Mr. Minato?” Obito thought he heard wrong.

“Dad, I forgot to tell you, but I am actually his future son.” Uzumaki Naruto explained.

Both Yamato and Kakashi were not too surprised. They both had some guesses, but they were still a little shocked when they heard Naruto say it himself.

Obito looked shocked and asked doubtfully: “Since you are Mr. Minato’s child, why do you call him Uzumaki Naruto instead of Namikaze Naruto?”

He was the future ninja who really didn’t expect to get along well with him or the future son of his teacher.

“In this case, if I call Naruto Big Brother, isn’t it a bit too big? He should call me Big Brother.” Obito touched his chin and lost himself in thought.

Kakashi looked at Obito helplessly. He really hoped that Obito would think more before speaking.

“I don’t know. I have no memory of my family since I can remember.” Uzumaki Naruto shook his head and replied.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong.” Obito covered his mouth with his hand.

He only realized now that Namikaze Minato must have died before Uzumaki Naruto could remember, otherwise how could Uzumaki Naruto call Namikaze Minato his elder brother.

“It’s okay. I’ve been here for more than ten years and I’m used to it.” Uzumaki Naruto waved his hand nonchalantly.

The most he regrets now is that he did not find out that Namikaze Minato was his father earlier, so that he would spend more time communicating with his father.

When plates of food and bowls of ramen were served, the chatter on the table gradually became quieter and eventually disappeared.

With Uzumaki Naruto’s efforts, even two large bowls of ramen didn’t consume much of his time, and he still ate a lot of Muyue’s other dishes.

“It’s so delicious.” After eating, Uzumaki Naruto touched his slightly bulging belly and said with satisfaction.

“If only I could stay one more day.”

“Then let’s stay one more day.” Mu Yue took a sip of tea and said.

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Muyue with wide eyes, a look of disbelief on his face.

He thought that traveling through time and space was very serious, so could it be postponed for one day?

“Senior Muyue, is it okay to stay for another day?” Yamato asked uncertainly.

“It’s okay to stay for another day, but I can’t guarantee it if there’s more time.” Mu Yue put down the tea cup and replied.

Uzumaki Naruto and Namikaze Minato recognized each other, and Mu Yue felt that there was no problem in giving them another day to be affectionate. After all, they had been away for so many days, and there was no shortage of this day.

“Brother Muyue, you are simply Muyue Sage!” Uzumaki Naruto decisively joined Obito’s Muyue Sect.

Uzumaki Naruto was indeed very happy today, but he and his father had just met and were about to separate. It was impossible not to feel sad. When Mu Yue said that he could stay for one more day, Uzumaki Naruto was really happy.

Naruto was unhappy because the Kyuubi in the space was different from what he imagined.

“Where did this guy come from? Why don’t I remember this person before?” Jiuwei was a little confused. He had no memory of Mu Yue.

Kyuubi closed his eyes in confusion, he was too lazy to care about these things.

Namikaze Minato also looked at Muyue very unexpectedly. This was indeed an unexpected surprise. Muyue had never told him before that this could happen.

Namikaze Minato guessed that it might be possible to extend more time, but Namikaze Minato did not ask Muyue, Muyue must have his reasons for doing so.

When the real last day came, Namikaze Minato took Naruto Uzumaki to visit Loulan as his father.

Because Loulan is not very big, they also visited some of the places they visited yesterday, but Uzumaki Naruto was still very happy. This was a trip with his father, and it was a life he had never experienced before.

“Naruto, I have called you Brother Naruto so many times, and now I am leaving. How about you also call me Brother Obito.” Before leaving, Obito said on a whim.

“Although you look older than me, in terms of actual age, I should be older than you.”

“Then just wait until I am born and let him shout.” Uzumaki Naruto said with a laugh.

Naruto Uzumaki felt weird calling someone so much younger than him his elder brother. Even though he called the youth version Kakashi, he only called him little Kakashi-sensei.

Uzumaki Naruto’s words were so suspenseful that Obito’s CPU burned out.

“It’s about to start, get ready.” Mu Yue put her hand on An Lushan and said.

“Goodbye, Dad, Brother Mozuki, Little Kakashi-sensei, Obito, and Xiaolin!” Uzumaki Naruto said his final goodbyes.

“Naruto, goodbye.” Namikaze Minato smiled and waved.


Looking at Kakashi’s head, Yamato couldn’t help but punch him.

“Kakashi-senpai, I’m sorry, you always bully me, I just can’t help it.” Yamato apologized with a smile on his face.

Kakashi looked at Yamato with a dark face, Yamato, right? He has remembered this appearance and name, and you will suffer from it in the future.

Mu Yue entered the Breath of Fire Chakra mode and directly covered An Lushan with a fire escape. After An Lushan died, the powerful dragon vein energy in his body exploded, a purple light flashed, and Uzumaki Naruto and Yamato disappeared in front of their eyes.


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