Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 390: The unexpected effect of dragon vein energy


Chapter 390 The unexpected effect of dragon vein energy

Uzumaki Naruto stayed where he was, taking a long time to react, and then wandered aimlessly on Loulan Street.

How he hoped that Jiraiya was just joking with him. In fact, Jiraiya did not leave, he just used ninjutsu to hide nearby.

“Why is this? It would be nice to know the future honestly.” Uzumaki Naruto muttered to himself with a look of confusion.

Uzumaki Naruto felt that it was easy to change Jiraiya’s future, because he knew clearly the causes, consequences and time of Jiraiya’s death in battle.

“Obviously just don’t probe for information…”

“Want to eat ramen?” Mu Yue suddenly appeared next to the lost Naruto and asked.

“Eat.” Uzumaki Naruto looked at Mu Yue and replied subconsciously.

Mu Yue quickly returned to the rental house with Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto smelled a very strong fragrance as soon as he walked in. He looked at the dining table, where two large bowls of steaming ramen were already placed.

Uzumaki Naruto was attracted by the smell and walked to the table. He found that the ramen happened to be his favorite pork miso barbecued pork ramen.

“I’m not sure whether the ramen here in Loulan tastes the same as in Konoha, so I made it myself.” Mu Yue explained as she sat next to Uzumaki Naruto.

Looking at the gentle smile on Mu Yue’s face, Uzumaki Naruto felt warm in his heart. Even though he was indoors, he felt as warm as basking in the sun.

Uzumaki Naruto thanked Mu Yue and said, “I’m ready to start”, picked up the chopsticks and started to taste this extremely tempting ramen.

The extremely delicious ramen entered his mouth, and Uzumaki Naruto felt like he was basking in the sun on an extremely refreshing beach, and his whole body was extremely warm.

After eating a few mouthfuls of ramen, Uzumaki Naruto took another sip of soup, feeling even more warm.

If this was normal, Uzumaki Naruto would immediately praise the deliciousness of Mozuki Ramen with excitement on his face, but when he thought that Jiraiya might still die, this extremely delicious ramen seemed to pale a bit.

“Brother Muyue, lustful immortals are weird, right?” Uzumaki Naruto said suddenly while eating.

“I always brag about my reputation, but in the end I can’t get rid of my lustful habits. When I was taught ninjutsu, I was always asked to practice it by myself, and then I ran to play by myself. I knew it was dangerous but I still wanted to show off. I went to investigate information alone, and he obviously bought the popsicles with my money, and even asked me to treat him…”

Uzumaki Naruto kept complaining about Jiraiya’s various bad habits, as if he had a grudge against Jiraiya.

But Uzumaki Naruto’s eyes that gradually became moistened proved his true mood.

Mu Yue sighed slightly, put her hand on Uzumaki Naruto’s head and stroked it twice without saying anything.

The reality is extremely cruel. Even if Uzumaki Naruto tells Jiraiya everything and Jiraiya in this world survives, Jiraiya in the world where Uzumaki Naruto lives will still not be resurrected.

Because they are not in different times, but in two different worlds.

After telling everything, Uzumaki Naruto felt much better, and the ramen in his mouth regained its original deliciousness.

“This is really the best ramen I have ever eaten, even better than Uncle Ichiraku’s ramen.” After eating, Uzumaki Naruto was still savoring the taste of the ramen he had just eaten. Everything was just right.

Although Uzumaki Naruto likes Ichiraku Ramen very much, he has to admit that the taste of Mu Yue’s ramen has reached the ultimate level of ramen. He feels that there can never be better ramen than this.

“As long as you like to eat.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

Looking at Mu Yue’s smiling face, and thinking of Yamato’s previous speculation about Mu Yue, Uzumaki Naruto felt dark again.

He felt it was really unfair, why people like Jiraiya and Mu Yue couldn’t live to the end.

“Brother Muyue, if we go back, is it possible to come back again?” Naruto Uzumaki asked.

He didn’t know the principle of their time travel, but Uzumaki Naruto really wanted to go back and travel again.

He wanted to go to Mr. Kakashi to ask for details, bring all the causes of everyone’s death to the past, and then let Muyue and the others survive.

“It’s possible, but it should be difficult.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

This question is difficult for Mu Yue to answer, because he doesn’t understand the mechanism of dragon vein that allows people to travel through time and space and across the world.

Maybe Naruto Uzumaki triggered the power of the dragon vein and just traveled to another parallel world, or he might actually travel back to the past of their world.

Uzumaki Naruto’s eyes became determined, since it was possible, he must try it.

“Brother Muyue, let’s continue class.” Uzumaki Naruto said.

Not only did he have things to solve in the past, but there were also many problems waiting for him to solve in his own time. Sasuke, who had defected from the Akatsuki organization, needed stronger strength to solve these problems.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, taking Uzumaki Naruto back to continue class.

Although Uzumaki Naruto only needs to follow the steps to become the savior of the ninja world, mastering the Breath of the Sun can make his road less bumpy.

Uzumaki Naruto did not tell him about his visit to Jiraiya, but Yamato noticed that Uzumaki Naruto became a little different after returning.

Yamato did not ask Uzumaki Naruto about specific matters, but practiced as usual.

He knew that Uzumaki Naruto was definitely in a bad mood right now.

“How could a ninja like Lord Jiraiya accept this kind of help.” Yamato sighed inwardly.

When Uzumaki Naruto said he wanted to see Jiraiya at the beginning, Yamato guessed that this would be the ending.

But he couldn’t stop Uzumaki Naruto. If he had such an opportunity in front of Uzumaki Naruto, it would not be Uzumaki Naruto’s style to not try it.

Yamato was busy thinking of all kinds of funny jokes during the break, trying to make Uzumaki Naruto happy.

It’s a pity that Yamato’s face is not suitable for telling jokes. No matter how funny the joke is, it will only turn into a cold joke.

“Will Wood Release affect the humor cells in the body?” Obito thought seriously.

“I don’t think so. It’s just that my ability to tell jokes is terrible.” Kakashi commented.

“Kakashi, how can you say that? This is your future descendant.” Obito seemed to be speaking for Yamato.

“Well, it’s probably just because I don’t have many friends and no one to tell jokes to, that’s why my joke telling skills are so bad.” Kakashi re-evaluated.


It’s hard, it’s hard, the fist is hard.

He really wanted to beat up the two people in front of him, so why did they attack him in unison?

“Don’t talk about Captain Yamato like that.” Uzumaki Naruto stood up and spoke for Yamato.

But Uzumaki Naruto’s next words made Yamato unable to hold back.

“He’s just a little dull.” Uzumaki Naruto said seriously.

Yamato was speechless and covered his face. He was so bad that he made himself into a joke by telling a joke.

Yamato’s face turned red, and then he started to say some difficult words, such as “you are born with a certain appearance” and “anbu ninja”, etc., which made everyone laugh, and the air became happy for a while.

Although he sacrificed himself, looking at Naruto with a smile, Yamato felt that it was not a great loss.

After a short break, several people quickly returned to training.

“The most important thing about water escape is the change of chakra form. Don’t stick to one form.” Mu Yue said to Yamato.

“Lemon coat is filtered through the wall.”

Yamato nodded and formed a seal to condense chakra, and then quickly converted all the chakra into water attribute chakra to create a wall of water in front of him from bottom to top.

“Such a water formation wall can only block attacks from one side, but if you use the water formation wall like me, you can block attacks from all directions.” Mu Yue said and began to demonstrate the seals.

“Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!”

Mu Yue spat out a huge amount of water from his mouth, and the water flow quickly rotated around Mu Yue in a circle, quickly forming an airtight water cover that enveloped Mu Yue and Yamato.

Yamato also tried following Mu Yue’s process, but failed due to lack of ability to change forms.

Mu Yue was not surprised by this. This is not something that can be mastered in just one step. It requires long-term practice and a certain amount of talent.

Ninjutsu is not plasticine. Ninjas can shape it into whatever shape they want.

Just like Yamato doesn’t use the tree world to bring birth, doesn’t it mean he doesn’t like to use it? He just can’t use it.

“You try to use water breathing while escaping with water.” Mu Yue continued to teach.

Yamato has been practicing water breathing for a relatively short time, and his proficiency level has just reached ten, so he can only barely use it.

Yamato used the water formation wall again as Mu Yue said. Although it was still unsuccessful, it felt a little different from just now.

【Lecture completed】

[Rating: S]

[Rewards obtained: Yang chakra property change +8, Yang breathing +3, water chakra property change +2, water breathing +1, chakra shape change ability slightly increased]

After the course ended one day, Mu Yue had many more thoughts about Breathing of Yang.

I don’t know if Uzumaki Naruto has accumulated a lot of experience, but today Yang Breath gave him a little more experience than usual. Usually, it is usually stable at two points, but there is no change in other aspects.

As the development progress of Yang Breath gradually moved toward a prototype that could be practiced, An Lushan finally couldn’t bear Mu Yue’s torture and told Mu Yue his secret method of absorbing dragon veins.

“All the power of the dragon vein belongs to you, just let me go.” An Lushan begged.

Mu Yue glanced at An Lushan with indifferent eyes, and then read the secret method written by An Lushan himself.

“It seems that I am still too kind to you.” Mu Yue sighed, walked out of the place where An Lushan was imprisoned, and increased her strength.

Actually, he doesn’t know whether the secret method written by An Lushan is true or false. After all, this is a field that he is not good at, but this does not prevent Mu Yue from doubting An Lushan.

Mu Yue would not show any mercy to people like An Lushan, and he would not feel guilty if he suspected something was wrong.

“This guy hasn’t become a traitor yet, he must be planning something.” An Lushan was dumbfounded when he looked at the merciless Mu Yue.

Mu Yue didn’t feel like a stable ninja at all.

Leaving the detention center, Mu Yue went to see Queen Loulan.

Because Mu Yue helped Loulan solve a huge problem, Queen Loulan promised Mu Yue to study his ability to control dragon veins.

But this time it is different from An Lushan. Queen Loulan will only control a little bit of dragon vein power to Mu Yue for him to study.

If Mu Yue had not already known about the existence of dragon veins, the queen would not have wanted to agree to Mu Yue’s request. She was worried that Mu Yue would become the next An Lushan.

With the queen’s help, Mu Yue’s research on dragon veins became smoother.

“To solve the chakra problem, we still need to get more rewards and develop Yang Seal.” The more he studied Dragon Vein Muyue, the more he realized that Dragon Vein energy cannot be directly put into the body as a power bank like a tailed beast. This thing is too dangerous.

However, Mu Yue found another use for dragon vein energy, to strengthen the chakra armor.

After Mu Yue sealed the dragon vein energy into the chakra armor of the Land of Snow, the armor’s power against ninjutsu was greatly improved.

However, there is still an upper limit to this improvement. Mu Yue tried to fully exert the perfect level property-changing fire escape ninjutsu, and the increase in chakra armor became negligible.

But this is still a good discovery. Mu Yue can’t use it, but he can use it for Kakashi and the others.


“Brother Muyue, I seem to feel the difference you mentioned.” At noon on the first day of officially practicing Yang Breathing, Uzumaki Naruto said to Muyue with a look of joy on his face.

Mu Yue glanced at Uzumaki Naruto with the identification technique.

[Name: Uzumaki Naruto]

[Skill: Yang Breath (1/100)]

I don’t know whether it was because he had learned the theory for a long time or because of Naruto Uzumaki’s own talent, but Naruto Uzumaki made rapid progress and became proficient in a few hours.

Uzumaki Naruto, who found the right training path, directly used shadow clones to practice the method, and divided more than twenty shadow clones to practice Yang Breath together.

After practicing for a period of time, Uzumaki Naruto canceled his shadow clone and sorted out his training memories. According to Mu Yue’s appraisal, Uzumaki Naruto’s breathing technique proficiency soared to six points.

Although more than twenty shadow clones cannot bring Naruto Uzumaki more than twenty times the training speed, the training efficiency is indeed exaggerated.

Mu Yue also expected this. In the original book, it didn’t take long for Naruto to go from knowing nothing about the changes in the nature of wind chakra to developing S-level wind escape. It can only be said that Naruto is really talented compared to ordinary ninjas.

On the second day of Uzumaki Naruto’s official practice of Yang Breathing, his proficiency has surpassed Yamato, who was the first to practice Water Breathing, and he can initially use breathing to enhance his strength in battle.

At about four o’clock in the afternoon, Mu Yue stopped Uzumaki Naruto and Kakashi’s training and asked them to conduct combat training.

The three Kakashis are all very motivated. It has been quite a while since their first battle. Not to mention defeating Uzumaki Naruto, they will definitely not lose as badly as before.

Uzumaki Naruto was also very happy. In addition to learning the theory of Yang’s Breathing during class, Mu Yue also taught him many physical techniques. This was a good opportunity for him to test the results of his training.

This time, Uzumaki Naruto did not directly use the shadow clone human sea tactic, but faced one against three head-on.

In this month, Obito’s Fire Breath Chakra mode has improved a lot. He can also clap his hands like Mu Yue and use whatever ninjutsu he wants.

During the battle, Obito transformed into a Fire Release Turret and released several powerful Fire Releases, causing a lot of trouble for Naruto.

Kakashi’s speed became faster, and the powerful Thunder Slash forced Naruto Uzumaki to create a large number of shadow clones to distract Kakashi’s energy.

The strange power shown by Nohara Lin reminded Uzumaki Naruto of Sakura.

Watching the battle between Uzumaki Naruto and the others, Yamato couldn’t help but nodded. Everyone has made progress visible to the naked eye.

Yamato glanced in Muyue’s direction, admiring Muyue’s teaching skills in his heart.

This sight made Yamato a little confused.

“Two Mu Yue seniors?” Yamato discovered that there was a man standing next to Mu Yue who looked very similar to Mu Yue.

Noticing Yamato’s gaze, Namikaze Minato turned to face Yamato and smiled.

After seeing Namikaze Minato’s face clearly, Yamato was instantly sure that this was the fourth generation Hokage.

Muyue wore black-rimmed glasses, while Minato didn’t wear glasses. Yamato could still be easily distinguished by this.

Yamato can somewhat understand Obito’s mood. They look so similar and have similar temperaments. No one would doubt that they are brothers.

“Do you want me to stop?” Mu Yue asked.

“No need, the battle is almost over.” Minato replied with a warm smile, shaking his head.

Although Obito in the Breath of Fire Chakra mode and Kakashi who opened the transparent world are both weak, they cannot maintain it for too long. Uzumaki Naruto is different. As long as he does not use the Spiral Shuriken Chakra is very abundant.

But Uzumaki Naruto will definitely not use Rasen Shuriken in a training battle, it will really kill people.

“Brother Naruto, you are indeed stronger.” Obito was convinced.

Kakashi took a few deep breaths, thinking that there was still a long way to go between them and such a powerful Jonin.

“After all, I am so much older than you.” Naruto scratched his head and smiled.

After a very harmonious post-war discussion, Uzumaki Naruto looked back at Muyue, wanting to know what Muyue thought, and then saw Namikaze Minato standing next to Muyue and smiling warmly at him.


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