Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 371: Intensified war


Chapter 371 Intensified War

Maitkai clenched his hands tightly, roared in his mouth, and opened the fourth door of the Eight Dunjia.

If you want to divide the Eight Gate Dunjia into the early, middle and late stages, one to three gates can be regarded as the early stage of Eight Gate Dunjia, four to six gates can be regarded as the middle stage, and the later stages are the seventh and eighth gates.

The first to third gate can be said to be the safe zone of the Eight Gate Dunjia. It will not cause damage to the body when used. It is different from the fourth gate. After the fourth gate, you can truly enter the Eight Gate Dunjia. The condition, strength and speed have been greatly improved, because excessive pressure will cause damage to the body.

When the injury door was opened, the chakra in Metkai’s body surged, and he felt that his body’s strength was getting stronger at an extremely fast speed, so strong that his body felt a pressure.

“It turns out that the fourth door can be opened normally.”

Feeling the sudden surge of momentum from Metkai, Kakashi’s expression became solemn.

Although they have not practiced Eight Gate Dun Armor, Kakashi and Metkai are both disciples of Mu Yue, and they often fight, so Kakashi knows a little bit about Eight Gate Dun Armor, and knows how to use Eight Gate Dun Armor. The speed and strength of opening a door will be increased to varying degrees.

Kakashi defeated Metkai who opened the fourth gate once, but Kakashi would not naively think that the current four-door Metkai is the same strength as the four-door Metkai in the Chunin Exam.

“Konoha Great Cyclone!”

Meitkai mobilized his strength and ran towards Kakashi with a smile, kicking out his best tornado kick.

With the blessing of the fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, Metkai’s speed and strength are much faster. Just running at full strength can set off a strong wind that can blow up mud and rocks.

Fortunately, Kakashi, who opened the transparent world, saw through Metkai’s attack and dodged before Metkai rushed out.

Metkai’s expression remained unchanged as his attack failed, and he launched a fierce attack on Kakashi with a more rapid attack.

He was no stranger to the feeling of having his attacks seen through, because both Shisui and Obito had Sharingan eyes, which were very perceptive and could see through his attacks.

“You can see through one attack and dodge in time. What if I attack thirty times in a row?”

Metkai’s response plan is to use the fastest attack speed to make the opponent fall into his own attack rhythm.

Under Metkai’s high-intensity attack, Kakashi quickly encountered an unavoidable tornado leg.

Metkai gave up some strength for the sake of speed, but after all, he was in the fourth gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, and had the blessing of skilled rock breathing. Even if it was not full strength, it was not something that a normal ninja could withstand.


Kakashi, who had to block Metkai’s attack, only felt a terrifying force coming from him, and then he couldn’t control himself and quickly retreated backwards.

“What a great power!” Kakashi’s expression changed slightly.

He originally thought that the pursuit of speed would lead to weaker attack power, but he did not expect that Metkai could be so fast and powerful at the same time.

Kakashi was glad that he did not have the head-to-head confrontation with Metkai. When Metkai just opened the fourth gate, he had the idea of ​​​​fighting a wave of physical skills with Metkai.

He thought that by relying on the physical changes and activation techniques of the thunder attribute chakra, he could burst out with considerable power, and he might not be able to defeat Metkai.

Kakashi no longer had this idea after resisting a kick, because he wasted a lot of chakra to activate his body and increase his strength. In the end, he might not be able to compete with Metkai’s simple full-force kick.

“The Breath of the Rock, which has the strongest blessing on the body, and the Eight Gate Dungeon, which can stimulate extra power. The two together have a great increase in physical skills.” Kakashi thought in his mind.

The combination of Rock Breath and Eight Gate Dunjia gives him a feeling that one plus one is greater than two.

If this was a life-and-death battleground, Kakashi would try his best to delay time. Maintaining the Thunder Breath and Transparent World consumes a lot of physical strength, but Metkai’s Eight Gate Dungeon is even more stressful. It would be better for him to drag it out.

But after all, this is just a battle between friends. What is more important than the outcome is the battle process, so Kakashi chose to use all his strength to break the deadlock. He condensed a large amount of chakra and then quickly transformed it. It is the thunder attribute chakra.


Crackling! !

Dazzling yellow lightning appeared on Kakashi, strengthening his body and increasing his momentum.

Kakashi held the White Fang short blade tightly, and the lightning on his arm poured into the short blade along the palm of his hand. After the yellow electric light covered the short blade, a lightning blade was extended.

Kakashi stared at Metkai. At this moment, he only had Metkai in his eyes, and even the flowers and plants in the courtyard were ignored. Kakashi’s whole body power exploded, his body glowed with yellow light, and a huge amount of thunder attribute chakra was activated in an instant.

At this moment, Kakashi’s aura had reached its peak, and the sharp aura like a sharp blade made Metkai laugh excitedly.

“This move is specially prepared for you.” As he spoke, Metkai quickly took out his single-inch stick.

Maitkai holds the stick in his left hand and wraps the iron chain around his right hand. Then he slightly moves his legs and body towards the right, injecting all his strength and chakra into his **** and index finger, preparing to attack the card. Cassie showed off the fruits of his hard work over the past month.

“Thunder and flash!”


As a roar exploded, Kakashi suddenly rushed out with his sword, and his whole body was like a dazzling yellow lightning that blasted straight towards Metkai.

When Kakashi approached Metkai at high speed, the lightning blade immediately fell, and an extremely powerful lightning strike appeared.

“Sword Cutting Sword・Golden Skyline!”

The moment Kakashi rushed towards him, Metkai also moved. Wearing a green tights, he ran with all his strength and looked like a green light.

When he was about to approach Kakashi, Metkai used his left hand to draw his sword and moved his right hand forward to slash forward, eventually drawing a thin golden line.

One person waved his sword, the other waved his finger. The two of them used their special moves at the same time, and the thin golden thread collided with the lightning strike.

Boom! !

The collision between the golden thread and the lightning strike produced a huge impact. The ground exploded under this terrifying impact, and billowing smoke and dust continued to rise, covering the two figures.

The air flow caused by the move caused the flowers, plants and trees in Kakashi’s courtyard to be bent, as if a strong wind was rising.


Red blood dripped onto the ground, dyeing the loess red.

Looking at the fingers that were bleeding continuously, Metkai praised: “As expected of a close friend, the fingers that carry all my strength can be easily destroyed by steel.”

“I will win it back soon.” Kakashi said after wiping the blood on his chest.

He lost.

The golden skyline of Metkai broke his thunderous flash, and Metkai’s fingers were severely injured by his slash. He was physically injured when Metkai stopped his attack in time.

“Haha, this is exactly what I expected.” Metkay wrapped **** with a bandage and laughed.

He wished that Kakashi would become stronger quickly and challenge him.

Kakashi sighed secretly in his heart, Mu Yue’s identity as the strongest disciple was really difficult to maintain.

Then the two of them packed up and went to Konoha Hospital to see a doctor together.


“Breathing must be rhythmic and cannot be disordered. No matter what the situation, don’t let your breathing be disordered.” Mu Yue continued to teach the calling method of darkness on the training ground.

The root ninja and ANBU ninja below all listened to Mu Yue’s explanation with rapt attention, no one spoke or distracted.

The Breathing Technique does not require beginners to use some abilities. They are already more than halfway proficient and have already felt the bonus brought by the Breathing Technique, and they all want to master this magical physical skill as soon as possible.

“Teacher Muyue is so generous. It is not an exaggeration to use this taijutsu as a ninja clan inheritance.” Sarutobi Shinji sighed during the break.

Before learning, I heard Mu Yue introduce that he felt that the Call of Darkness is a very powerful A-level taijutsu. After personally experiencing the improvement brought by the Call of Darkness, Sarutobi Shinji felt that this was a technique that could be used as a ninja. Secret physical skills.

If he develops such a powerful technique by himself, Sarutobi Shinji will definitely not teach it to others. He will give it priority to the secret technique of the ninja clan, and at most give it to his disciples.

Precisely because he couldn’t do it, he admired Mu Yue very much.

At this moment, the signal for the Jonin to gather suddenly came.

“Let’s disband today. Something should have happened in the village.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

Today is not the time for the regular meeting of the Jonin Council, so this is a sudden meeting of the Jonin Council.

Several ANBU jonin also followed Muyue and walked towards the Hokage Building.

Now they are considered non-mission period, and the ANBU ninja during non-mission period are equal to the normal ninjas of Konoha.

“Did something happen on the battlefield?” Mu Yue wondered why the appointment meeting was held.

We are currently in the midst of a war, and the jounin meeting will only be convened urgently when major events occur, so Mu Yue immediately felt that something was wrong on the battlefield.

Both the animation and comics don’t have many scenes of the Third Ninja War, only some major events, so it’s hard for Mu Yue to judge whether this is the butterfly effect caused by him or something that exists in the original work.

“It can’t be because Tsunade won, right?” Mu Yue thought of the dice roll she had with Tsunade yesterday.

“Jounin Muyue.”

After Mu Yue walked into the conference room, some jonin greeted Mu Yue with a smile.

“Akimichi Jōnin…” Mu Yue responded one by one with a smile.

As he does more and more things and shows stronger and stronger strength, Mu Yue is not a little transparent in today’s jounin circle. In the eyes of many people, he is a rising star second only to Namikaze Minato.

“I got a better chicken to make beggar’s chicken today. I haven’t eaten it for several weeks.” Tsunade saw Mu Yue’s figure and walked directly to Mu Yue and said.

“Would you like to buy some more wine?” Mu Yue asked.

Tsunade usually likes to drink sake and gnaw on chicken drumsticks.

“There’s no need for wine. You don’t know how to choose this, I’ve already bought it.” Tsunade said proudly.

Although Mu Yue’s cooking skills are amazing, Mu Yue doesn’t know much about wine because she doesn’t drink much.

The exchange between the two attracted the attention of the jounin nearby, because it really sounded like a family discussing what to eat for dinner.

Dekayi, who was originally planning to chat with Mu Yue, silently hid himself in the crowd.

The scene of Tsunade beating Jiraiya was deeply ingrained in his mind when he was still young, so he was a little afraid of Tsunade, a woman who dared to beat his teacher casually.

Minato didn’t feel anything about this. He showed a gentle smile and came over to chat with Mu Yue.

After the Jonin had almost arrived, the Jonin meeting officially began. Sarutobi Hiruzen and other four senior officials sat on high chairs, while the Jonin stood in the conference room.

“Just today, the Kirigakure Village of the Water Country declared war on us, Konoha.” Hiruzen Sarutobi announced the reason for the urgent appointment meeting with a serious look on his face.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very surprised when he got the news, it was beyond his expectation.

The reason why he did not use Danzo of the Will Village to use the accident of the Chuunin Exam to ask for a large amount of compensation from Kirigakure was that he was worried that this move would anger Kirigakure, which would lead to Kirigakure, who rarely participated in the war of mainland ninja villages, to join the ninja world. A big battle came against Konoha.

Based on his judgment, Kirigakure, who had always kept a low profile, should not touch the powerful Konoha’s troubles.

Konoha and Kirigakure have no grudges, and Konoha is a hard nut to crack, so why bother?

But things have happened. No matter what motives and purposes Kirigakure had, there was only one thing Hiruzen Sarutobi had to do, and that was to mobilize his strength to prevent Kirigakure from destroying the Land of Fire.

“The Kirigakure Village has also declared war on us, so don’t we have three enemies from the Great Ninja Village?” A ninja frowned when he heard the news.

This is really bad news for Konoha.

On the surface, Konoha seems to have won two consecutive victories against one enemy, but a ninja who truly understands the situation will never be so optimistic.

Although Konoha gained an advantage in the war, it did not inflict heavy losses on Iwagakure and Cloud Shadow. This degree of victory can only be said to be a small victory.

If a war score is set, reaching 100% can directly win the war, then now Konoha’s score is only about 10% at most whether it is against Kumogakure or Iwagakure.

At this time, Kirigakure stepped in, and Konoha had to allocate its strength to deal with Kirigage, which may lead to the loss of advantages in other battlefields.

“Even Kirigakure came out to join in the fun.” Tsunade’s expression, which had always been uncontrollable, became serious.

She knew what this meant. Even if the three great ninja villages could not work together to deal with Konoha, it would still put a lot of pressure on Konoha. Konoha now did not have the peerless powerhouse like her grandfather.

Mu Yue also showed a hint of worry, as if she was worried about Konoha.

“Did Kirigakure actually start a war with Konoha so quickly? Is it because of the Chunin Exams, or did Uchiha Madara use some secret method?” Mu Yue kept thinking in her mind.

What Metkai encountered in the Third Ninja War does not have a clear time like Kakashi, because Kakashi has information that Kakashi became a Jonin at the age of twelve. Therefore, Mu Yue could not deduce whether the time when Kirigakure and Konoha went to war was a normal development or changed because of him.

For a while, Mu Yue couldn’t tell how Kirigakure would fight the war with Konoha.

Usually after the war is declared, everyone tests each other and won’t they immediately fight for one? Issei the alliance? But Konoha is still entangled with Kumogakure and Iwagakure at this time, Kirigakure takes this opportunity to directly invest the main force and march straight in It’s also possible.

Mu Yue hopes that Kirigakure will take his time. Now that Metkai is not well developed, it will be very troublesome if he is unlucky like the original and encounters the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

There is no way for him to teleport directly from Konoha in the middle of the Fire Country to the east or south coast of the Fire Country.

There is a long coastline to the east of the Kingdom of Fire. The Kingdom of Water happens to be east of the Kingdom of Fire, so the best route for the Kingdom of Water to attack the Kingdom of Fire is to take a boat directly to the east coast of the Kingdom of Fire. .

The southern part of the Kingdom of Fire is also close to the sea, but compared to the east coast it is smaller and easier to defend. Moreover, if the Kingdom of Water wants to land from the south coast, it has to go a long way, which takes more time.

As time passed, the meeting continued to advance.

Basically, the senior advisors denounced Kirigakure Village for being shameless, and then Hiruzen Sarutobi talked about the Will of Fire to inspire everyone to love the village, and then discussed countermeasures.

Since there is no formal attack on Kirigakure Village for the time being, and Kirigakure Village is an island country on the sea, there is not much that Konoha can do now, except to strengthen the security forces on both sides of the southeastern coast.

“Hiruzen, you should have followed my plan from the beginning, so that we could at least get a lot of benefits from it.” Shimura Danzo said with an unhappy look on his face after the meeting.

The elders of Kirigakure were in Konoha during the Chuunin Exams, and Danzo Shimura didn’t believe that Kirigakure Village dared not hand over anything.

“Don’t be too arbitrary and listen to my opinions.” Shimura Danzo criticized.

Sarutobi Hiruzen puffed out a puff of smoke and looked at Danzo Shimura speechlessly.

He really didn’t expect Kirigakure to declare war on Konoha so soon, but if Shimura Danzo’s plan was followed, Kirigakure would still cause trouble for Konoha even if he didn’t participate in the affairs of the ninja world.

And if he was really arbitrary, Shimura Danzo’s root organization would have been disbanded long ago. The ANBU was directly led by the Hokage, and Shimura Danzo’s root organization was almost a small ANBU under the sole control of Shimura Danzo. .

“War has been declared. There is no point in talking about this.” Hiruzen Sarutobi took off his pipe and reminded him, telling Danzo of the Will Village to get down to business quickly.

Of course Danzo Shimura couldn’t just scold him with nothing to do, there must be something going on.

“At this time, Konoha needs root tissue and a strong root tissue.” Shimura Danzo said his thoughts in a deep voice.

When Danzo Shimura learned the news of Kirigakure’s declaration of war, he was angry at first. Kirigakure, the ninja village with the weakest presence among the five major ninja villages, also came to trouble Konoha.

After anger comes joy, because this is an excellent opportunity for him to develop the power of his root tissue.

Faced with such a predicament, it would be unreasonable for Hiruzen Sarutobi to further restrict the development of his root tissue. He was doing it for Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked thoughtful and finally nodded.

Today’s situation requires the use of all available forces to deal with the crisis that may come. The root organization led by Shimura Danzo is indeed capable in some aspects and can contribute a lot in the war.

And he is Hokage after all. After the war is over, he can just find a reason to weaken him. Shimura Danzo has many problems.

PS: This chapter is 5k, which is only slightly more than usual. I originally wanted to write 8k, but something at home delayed me today.


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