Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 370: Tsunade’s luck


Chapter 370 Tsunade’s Luck

As for Tsunade’s win-lose setting, it can only be said that she is a big loser. She feels that she will lose before she even starts.

But Tsunade didn’t know that she would never get benefits from Mu Yue by rolling the dice, because Mu Yue was a smart person. Under the cover of glasses, he could quietly open his Byakugan and see through it. dice.

“Then thank you very much, Tsunade-sama. Even if you win, you still have to help me.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

Although there are cheating methods, Mu Yue is not prepared to use his Byakugan. He has already gained a lot of benefits from Tsunade. If Tsunade is really unwilling, he will not force it because his thinking is very clear. It would have taken more time at most without Tsunade’s help.

Tsunade felt that Mu Yue was teasing her, but she had no evidence because Mu Yue had never been to the casino with her, and not many people in Konoha knew that she would lose every time she gambled.

But fortunately, Tsunade is not a reasonable person. She slapped Mu Yue on the back and laughed: “Of course, otherwise why would I teach you medical ninjutsu?”

There was still a faint smile on Mu Yue’s face. He had been maintaining the breath of rock that could increase defense. Tsunade only used her energy as a joke.

“The physical exercise is pretty good.” Feeling the hard flesh coming from her palm, Tsunade raised her eyebrows. She had used a little strength just now.

Because it was almost time to eat, Tsunade didn’t want to waste Muyue’s time and quickly asked Shizune to get the tools.

Clatter, crash, crash.

Under Tsunade’s rapid shaking, the dice kept colliding with the cylinder and making sounds.

“Have you ever been to a casino?” Tsunade asked Mu Yue while shaking the dice.

“No.” Mu Yue shook her head and replied.

Whether in his previous life or in the Naruto world, he has never been to a casino. At most, he played dice with friends in KTV.

“You’re a newbie, so I want to congratulate you in advance? Are you kidding me? Newbies generally have good luck.” Tsunade said with a smile.

“There are a total of five dices here. Below seventeen points is small, and above seventeen points is large. The person who guesses the size correctly wins.” Since Mu Yue said that she was a newcomer, Tsunade said a little bit. Guess the size rule.


After speaking, Tsunade slammed the tube onto the table and looked at Mu Yue and said, “Since you are a newcomer, I will let you speak first.”

Since Mu Yue didn’t have his eyes open and Mu Yue didn’t have the ability to distinguish dice by hearing the sound, he didn’t think too much and said it loudly casually.

“Very good, then I’ll bet small.” Tsunade opened the tube, revealing five dice.

When she opened the tube, Tsunade couldn’t help but laugh triumphantly. She felt that she had done a great job this time and made perfect use of her strange gambling luck.

But when Tsunade saw the numbers of the five dice clearly, the smile on her face slowly solidified, and eventually turned into a look of disbelief.

Mu Yue was slightly surprised when she looked at the number on the dice. It happened to be sixteen. If it were slightly higher, it would not be too small.

This was somewhat beyond Mu Yue’s expectations. He was ready to win. After all, this was a famous fat sheep in the ninja world. Going to the casino was basically like doing charity.

“Congratulations, it seems that as a veteran, Tsunade-sama, you are better.” Mu Yue congratulated with a warm smile.

“Ah, how could this happen? I actually won!” Tsunade still looked in disbelief.

She has never won since she was a child, whether it was playing cards, dice, or lottery tickets, not even once.

Tsunade rubbed her eyes, then put her face up to look at the dice carefully, but no matter how she looked at it, the number of the dice would not change, it was still sixteen.

“It’s impossible, it shouldn’t be.” Tsunade murmured to herself, grabbing her hair.

Tsunade’s unusual movements attracted Shizune who was washing vegetables, and she couldn’t help but asked in confusion: “Tsunade-sama, did you lose again?”

She remembered that Tsunade didn’t seem to have any major emotional changes when she lost a million taels.

“It would be great if I lost, I won.” Tsunade said helplessly. She really didn’t expect that she could win.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to win…” Shizune thought of Tsunade’s weird bet and closed her mouth.

Winning the bet between Tsunade and Mu Yue is equal to winning when losing.

“Looking at it this way, Tsunade-sama actually lost as usual.” Shizune thought in her mind.

“Something is wrong, something is wrong, is your gambling luck worse than mine?” Tsunade, who had been losing since childhood, suddenly felt like something was wrong with her when she won.

“Let’s try it again. Winning or losing this time will not affect our agreement.” Tsunade calmed down and said.

She will not go back on what she promised. After all, she is just helping Mu Yue develop a ninjutsu, and it is not a 996 work contract. After the development of the ninjutsu is completed, she can happily perform it.

Tsunade really wants to gamble again and see what happens.

“No problem.” Mu Yue nodded and agreed.

He was also a little curious about what was going on. Could it be that his gambling luck was worse than Tsunade’s?

After Mu Yue finished speaking, Tsunade immediately shook the dice and quickly placed it on the table.

“I’ll go first this time, I guess.” Tsunade said first.

“Then I’ll guess Xiao.” Mu Yue followed.

Tsunade then quickly opened the tube to reveal five dice.

“Maybe there is novice luck.” Mu Yue looked at the numbers on the dice and said.

This time the score was ten, and Mu Yue won.

Tsunade has an indescribable feeling of melancholy. If she wins again this time, she might be happy.

Tsunade, who did not believe in evil, had another fight with Mu Yue, but Mu Yue still won.

Now Tsunade understands that Mu Yue’s gambling luck is normal. Unlike her, her first win was just a coincidence.

“Forget it, it can be considered a win at least once, but if I suddenly win after losing for so long, nothing bad will happen.” Tsunade said casually.

These words aroused Mu Yue’s eyebrows.

Although Tsunade always loses every bet, she can still win a few times occasionally, but every time she wins, something bad happens.


Maitkai stood in front of a five-meter-high boulder. He slowly took out the single-knot stick given to him by Mu Yue. He held the stick body in his left hand and the iron chain of the single-knotted stick in his right hand. Then he spread his legs slightly and moved his body towards Turn right.

“Legend of Milon・Sword Cutting Sword・Golden Skyline!”

Maitkai put his left hand in front of his body and his right hand behind his waist, stretched out his index and middle fingers, then roared and rushed towards the boulder. When charging, his left hand used the action of drawing a sword to drive his right hand forward to slash. Finally a thin golden line was drawn.

Boom! !

A huge explosion sounded, a dazzling golden light flashed, and the boulder split into two and exploded.

After using the golden skyline, Metkai’s fingers shook uncontrollably.

Metka didn’t pay attention to the pain coming from his fingers. His face showed an expression of great excitement because he was finally able to use the golden skyline initially.

However, Metkai cannot be like Mu Yue for the time being. Mu Yue can use Golden Skyline under normal conditions, but he can only use it with the blessing of Eight Gate Dunjia.

But Metkai was also very satisfied, because the power of the golden skyline was really strong. He could hardly feel the difficulty when he cut through the 5-meter boulder with just one blow.

“This taijutsu is so powerful.” The onlookers, Shiranui Genma, sighed.

For a normal ninja like him, Metkai’s performance was too scary, as a rock the size of a small house exploded like this.

Ebisu nodded in agreement.

“Is this the physical skill that Mu Yue taught you?” Teacher Chen walked to Metkai and took a look at the destroyed boulder and then asked.

From his perspective, this taijutsu is very powerful, more powerful than the Konoha Dragon God.

Of course, this ninjutsu is not the same type as Konoha Ryujin. Konoha Ryujin attacks in a wide range, and Konoha Ryujin also has the advantages of Konoha Ryujin.

“Yes, but this physical technique was not developed by Teacher Muyue.” Metkai nodded excitedly, and then told the story of this physical technique to Teacher Chen.

He thought the story was really good and wanted to share it with others.

“Taijutsu before the Ninja Village era, Miron?” Teacher Chen recalled carefully, but could not find any relevant memories at all.

However, Teacher Chen didn’t pay much attention to it. He was not an expert in studying history. He really didn’t know if it was a person from a relatively long time ago.

“I didn’t expect that kid Mu Yue would retain such a skill from the last time we had a discussion. I have to ask him for advice again.” Teacher Chen wanted to take a look at the golden skyline that Mu Yue used.

Teacher Chen no longer had the motivation to practice physical skills because he felt that his physical skills could not be improved.

It’s not that he feels invincible. He knows that he can’t defeat either Naruto or the Sannin. However, he doesn’t feel that this is because his physical skills are inferior to others, but because he is average in other ninja talents.

It was different after meeting Mu Yue. The battle was seemingly a draw, but Teacher Chen knew that Mu Yue actually had the advantage.

Maybe it was Mu Yue’s physical skills that put too much pressure on him. The originally unpromising physical skills actually improved again. Although the improvement was very small, it also made Teacher Chen who had not improved for a long time very happy. .

This time he found that Mu Yue actually had powerful physical skills like Golden Skyline to no avail. He wanted to fight Mu Yue again to see if he could make another breakthrough.

“Teacher Muyue seems to be very busy recently. Do you want me to ask you a question?” Metkai scratched his head and asked.

Teacher Chen nodded politely.

After the training, Metkai went directly to Muyue’s house to inquire about the situation, because the training in the southern forest was also disbanded at this time.

“In a month and a half.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

He would be happy to learn about physical skills, but he basically couldn’t spare the time within a month and a half.

“It’s dinner time too, let’s just have a meal before leaving.” Mu Yue persuaded.

A trace of longing flashed across Metkai’s face. He hadn’t eaten Mu Yue’s food for a while.

However, because he was worried that his father would wait for him to come home before eating, Metkai ran home with all his strength to inform his father, and then ran back to Muyue’s house for dinner.

After eating, Metkai did not go home and went straight to Kakashi’s house.

Now that he can not only open the fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia but also cast the Golden Skyline, he feels that he can beat Kakashi.

“Hey, Kakashi, let’s have a passionate battle of youth.” Based on his understanding of Kakashi, Metkai quickly found Kakashi and extended an invitation.

Kakashi looked at Metkai with a dark look and complained: “Wouldn’t it be weird to challenge here?”

After speaking, Kakashi turned sideways with a speechless expression, this is the bathroom!

Although Metkay’s behavior left him speechless, Kakashi was already used to it. Metakay was not someone who understood the atmosphere of the situation.

After washing his hands, Kakashi took Metkai to the courtyard to prepare for the battle.

After a long period of practice, he finally mastered the ability to see through the world. He could not only perfectly control his own body, but also see through the bodies of others.

“My dear friend, in order to defeat you, I have been training hard since the Chunin Examination until now. You should be prepared to experience the taste of failure.” Metkai said with a confident smile.

Back then, he was defeated by Kakashi with the three gates and the Konoha Dragon God. Now, the eight gates are able to open the fourth gate and master the golden skyline. This time he will not be defeated again.

“Really, but I haven’t relaxed yet. I don’t know who is experiencing the feeling of failure.” Kakashi replied calmly.

Continuous defeats against Obito Metkai Shisui allowed him to regain the confidence of a genius. As long as the people standing in front of him were peers, he would have the confidence to win.

“Hahaha.” Hearing that Kakashi was equally confident, Metkai couldn’t help laughing and gave Kakashi a thumbs up.

“As expected of our best friends, let’s count down the three counts at the same time and let the battle begin.”

Kakashi nodded.

“Three two one, start!”

“The Breath of the Rock, all concentrated! Eight Gates of Dunjia, the Gate of Life, open!”

After starting, Metkai immediately concentrated his breathing and opened the third door of the Eight Doors Dunjia.

“The Breath of Thunder, all concentrated!”

Kakashi also concentrated his breathing and then condensed chakra to change the properties of thunder attribute chakra.


The two men flashed towards each other at the same time.

Long-term training has made Metkai’s body stronger and stronger. Even if he only opens three doors, his strength is stronger than before, and his punches and kicks are both powerful.

Although Kakashi can use thunder attribute chakra to activate cells to enhance his strength, this consumes chakra, so Kakashi did not confront Metkai head-on, but opened a transparent world to enhance his insight.

With the blessing of the transparent world, all of Metkai’s actions were seen by Kakashi.

This made it very difficult for Metkai to hit him. He couldn’t hit Kakashi, but Kakashi could hit him.

Although the blessing of the Breath of the Rock made him very resistant to beatings, with the blessing of the Transparent World, Kakashi’s fists and kicks were not weak, and Metkai was at a disadvantage for a while.

Metkai did not panic, but the smile on his face became more intense.

The stronger Kakashi becomes, the more excited he becomes, because if he wins, he will feel more accomplished.

“My dear friend, this is a move I specially prepared for you. It has not been used by anyone else in battle yet.”

Since Metkai’s injury door was opened for the first time at home, no one except Mu Yue and Matt Dai knew this information.

“Eight-door Dunjia, hurt door, open!”

PS: Sorry, it’s very late and I can’t write anymore. I really didn’t mean to break the chapter. Today’s update is 8k.


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