Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 369: Yang Seal


Chapter 369 Yang Seal

“Today I will teach you a new taijutsu. This taijutsu is more difficult than Shunpo. If you don’t understand anything during the teaching process, you can ask me directly.” Mu Yue reminded the ninjas.

Although Mu Yue has developed the Dark Calling Technique to make it easier, the Dark Calling Technique is still recognized as an A-level existence no matter how easy it is. In Konoha’s grade system, it can be called a B-Level. Level A is an advanced ninjutsu, and level A can be said to be a super advanced ninjutsu.

The expressions of the thirty training ninjas changed after hearing Mu Yue’s words.

Some people showed curious expressions, wondering whether this physical technique was also developed by Mu Yue, and some people showed happy expressions, because generally the harder it is, the stronger it is.

“This taijutsu is called Dark Calling Technique. It is an A-level taijutsu I developed. Its main feature is to strengthen the body through concentrated breathing.”

Mu Yue did not give in and gave a brief introduction to the physical skills to be taught.

“It’s another taijutsu he developed himself, and it’s this super advanced taijutsu.” After listening to Muyue’s introduction, Sarutobi Shinji felt a sense of respect for Muyue in his heart.

From Sarutobi Shinji’s perspective, the Dark Calling Technique is considered to be more prominent among A-levels, as it enhances strength and speeds up recovery.

Normally speaking, Mu Yue should only teach such a powerful physical skill as the Call of Darkness to his disciples, or even only those who can pass on his skills. However, Mu Yue did not do this. Teach everyone in a large number of trainings.

It’s hard for Sarutobi Shinji not to admire Mu Yue like this.

The other Anbu ninja and Anbu ninja also showed surprised expressions after hearing this. They were surprised to learn such an excellent teleportation technique as Shunpo during the training. They did not expect that there would be a better one.

“The most important thing about the Dark Calling Technique is breathing. At the beginning, you need to maintain specific postures to become familiar with the breathing rhythm of the Dark Calling Technique.” Mu Yue began to teach formally.

Teaching Anbu breathing techniques to Anbu is easier than teaching Obito and the others, because they are all elite ninjas who have been practicing for a long time, and it is not difficult for them to maintain a specific movement for a long time.

When the training started in the afternoon, Mu Yue took a look with the appraisal technique. All the ninjas had already shown proficiency in the Dark Calling Technique, and some even had two points.

Mu Yue nodded secretly in her heart, which showed that his changes were successful. Getting started with the Dark Calling Technique was much simpler than the ordinary breathing technique.

You must know that even Obito, who is extremely suitable for the Breath of Fire, took three days to show some proficiency in the Breath of Fire when he first started practicing the Breath of Fire. It only took half a day for so many people to show proficiency in these root dark parts. It can be said that the progress is rapid.

By the end, the fastest person had three points of proficiency, the remaining ninjas had at least one point of proficiency, and most of them had about two points of proficiency.

【Complete an intermediate teaching course】

[Rating: S]

[Rewards obtained: Improved understanding of breathing techniques, Dark Calling Technique +50, Basic Breathing +25, Thunder Breathing +12]

“Sure enough, even if the number of students is small, as long as the instructor is stronger and the teaching content is better, he can get an S-level evaluation.” Mu Yue’s conjecture about the system’s lecture scoring mechanism was verified.

Now Mu Yue can basically determine the three major factors for obtaining an S-level evaluation. One is the number of students, the second is the level of students, and the third is the quality of teaching.

The more the three major elements are met, the more likely it is to obtain an S-level rating.

For example, during the special training during the holidays, the training students were generally of poor quality, and half of them were ninja school students who had not graduated. However, because the total number of students was large enough, they were able to obtain an S-level evaluation.

“If the number of students is large, the students are strong, and the teaching quality is high, what will the rewards be like?” Mu Yue feels that the lecture rewards can be given with more expectations.

From the current point of view, there is still a lot of room for improvement in his class. He has many ninjutsu that are more advanced than the call of darkness, and there are more than thirty elite ninjas in Konoha.

Putting aside her expectations for the future, Mu Yue turned her attention to the reward column. The S-level evaluation for the intermediate course seemed to be similar to the S-level evaluation for the ordinary course. They were both rewards related to the teaching content.

It goes without saying that the Breathing of Darkness as a teaching content is natural, and the Breathing of Darkness is developed based on changes in basic breathing. During the development process, Muyue borrowed a little bit of Breathing of Thunder, so the two of them There is nothing wrong with it rising.

What Mu Yue cares about is the reward of improved understanding of breathing methods. Improved proficiency itself is equivalent to improved understanding, but the system’s use of it as a reward alone must have its special features.

While Mu Yue was thinking, he suddenly had a better idea about the development of Breath of Wind. Then he checked his panel and found that the proficiency of all breathing methods on the panel had increased.

Mu Yue somewhat understands this reward. In fact, it means literally. It will deepen Mu Yue’s understanding of the breathing method. Improving the proficiency of the breathing method is only one of its effects. The breathing method in Mu Yue’s mind is also Can gain new insights.

Mu Yue taught the breathing method continuously for a week. On the second Monday, Mu Yue did not teach the breathing method but taught the nature changes of the day.

“Physical skills need to be practiced well, but Ninjutsu cannot be left behind.” This is the reason given by Mu Yue.

Of course, this is just an excuse. Mu Yue wanted to compare the S-level evaluation of the intermediate course with the S-level evaluation of the ordinary course.

No one questioned the ninjas, but they were all very happy.

Normal ninjas have mastered nature change, but there are very few whose nature change is as strong as Mu Yue. They have not forgotten Mu Yue’s fire escape that swallowed up all their attacks.

【Complete an intermediate teaching course】

[Rating: S]

[Rewards obtained: Improved understanding of chakra property changes, thunder chakra property change +20, earth chakra property change +18, water chakra property change +13, fire chakra property change +9]

Looking at the settlement rewards on the panel, Mu Yue can basically confirm that the improvement in understanding of the teaching content is a special reward for the S-level evaluation of intermediate courses.

Mu Yue glanced at the panel and found that even the proficiency of Ice Escape had increased. Although the increase was not huge, only a dozen points, it meant that he might be able to develop the Blood Succession Limit by getting an intermediate S-level rating. .

However, Mu Yue currently has no interest in developing new blood succession limits, which will not improve him much.

Rather than changing its nature, he wanted to improve his understanding of sealing techniques and speed up his progress in developing sealing techniques.

However, it is not easy for him to teach sealing techniques in this training. Sealing techniques are different from ninjutsu. They are not among the compulsory items for ninjas. It would be very strange to suddenly start teaching sealing techniques. It would be like suddenly teaching a competition question to an ordinary class. .

Mu Yue would not let his own character problems arise just to speed up such a small progress. The emergence of enlightenment skills has already accelerated his research speed.

The time soon reached mid-November, by which time Mu Yue had been teaching Root Anbu for a month.

The ninjas who received training in this month have learned a lot. Most of the ninjas can use Shasha, and the progress of the Dark Calling Technique is basically more than half.

Mu Yue also gained a lot. The A-level evaluation allowed him to obtain the secret technique of the Inuzuka clan, and the S-level evaluation accelerated his development of Breath of Wind. He can complete it in the next two weeks. The development of Breath of Wind and then the Breath of Sun were studied.

Then it was a gratifying thing. His sealing power bank plan finally made progress.

“Let’s call it Yang Seal.” Mu Yue looked at the pile of draft paper on her desk and smiled.

Because there were ready-made ninjutsu for reference, Mu Yue directly followed the yin seal to develop a yang seal that he could practice.

However, this is only a semi-finished product at present, because the reference object of the Yang Seal, the Yin Seal, is also a semi-finished product. At present, the Yang Seal still lacks a ninjutsu similar to the Baihao no Jutsu for supporting use.

Mu Yue already has some development ideas, which is to bind it to the breathing method.

When not fighting, the Yang Seal will only release weak chakra to enhance the regular effect of the breathing method and improve physical abilities. When fighting, the Yang Seal will be unlocked and automatically enter the breathing method pattern state.

The speed at which Chakra is consumed in the Zebra state is terrifying, but if you use Yang-sealed chakra to actually fight the Zebra state, it is equivalent to Mu Yue’s daily storage of a powerful ultimate move that does not require mana consumption.

The idea is there, but Mu Yue still encounters many difficulties in specific development. How to bind the breathing method to the Yang Seal is a big problem.

Mu Yue is a person who is unwilling to waste resources, so he went directly to Tsunade’s house in the afternoon.

Although many people laugh at Tsunade for turning his grandfather’s passive into a big move, in Mu Yue’s opinion, Tsunade who can develop hundreds of techniques can definitely be called a ninjutsu wizard, and he has what he lacks. Knowledge.

“Mu Yue, you’re here.” Tsunade, who was lying on the sofa thinking about life, immediately smiled when she saw Mu Yue and walked to Mu Yue’s side, then reached out and took the bag in Mu Yue’s hand, ” Let me see what’s delicious.”

“There is no chicken, but it would be okay if there is beef.”

After reading this, Tsunade nodded with satisfaction.

Mu Yue put the vegetables she bought in the kitchen, and then asked: “Tsunade-sama, I have a new idea about the automatic healing ninjutsu that uses Yin seal that we discussed last time. How about we discuss it? ?”

At this time, Shizune brought two cups of tea and placed them in front of the two of them.

Tsunade picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then continued to sit down on the sofa and replied: “Tell me about it, if not? Manganji Shioye Kiyan? This would have happened.”

Tsunade doesn’t care much about increasing her combat power now because she no longer wants to fight as a ninja.

Even if she had this idea before Mu Yue proposed it, she had no motivation to develop it and would only think about it when she was really bored.

Hexi’s smile still hung on Mu Yue’s face, which did not change because of Tsunade’s words.

“This is what I think…” Mu Yuezhao explained in detail based on his impression of Bai Hao’s art and his own understanding of medical ninjutsu.

At first Tsunade was unmoved, still slumped on the sofa without any image, listening as Tsunade adjusted her posture.

She found that Mu Yue had really done serious research, and had to think for a long time to come up with such results.

“Actually, you don’t have to be so obsessed with this idea. You can’t practice the Yin Seal, and this technique doesn’t mean much to me.” Tsunade scratched her hair and said.

Mu Yue was too good to her, which made her a little uncomfortable, which hindered her from showing off.

“I developed a Yang seal that is similar to the Yin seal. The Yang seal and the Yin seal have similar flaws. I think this idea will also help me develop the supporting ninjutsu of the Yang seal.” Mu Yue explained, Then he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of hot tea.

“Ah, Yang seal?” Tsunade was a little surprised. Can the Yin seal be developed almost like an S-level ninjutsu so quickly?

Mu Yue took out a scroll and threw it to Tsunade, which contained the Yang Seal he developed.

Tsunade took the scroll and read it carefully. She was familiar with Yin seals and felt that this sealing technique seemed familiar.

“When you developed this sealing technique, you must have placed the Yin seal next to it.” Tsunade complained, but she was still shocked by Mu Yue’s talent for sealing.

No matter how you imitate the Yin Seal, it is still a real S-level sealing technique. In the time it took for her to give the Yin Seal to Mu Yue, it would be impossible for ordinary people to learn it, but Mu Yue actually copied a sealing technique with similar functions. , the talent for sealing is evident.

Seeing that Mu Yue had achieved this level, Tsunade had no choice but to express some of her thoughts.

“I’m so tired.” After feeling the mental exhaustion, Tsunade couldn’t help but feel frustrated. She looked at Shizune and asked: “Shizune, am I good to you? Are you willing to listen to me? ?”

Shizune smiled and replied: “Well, Tsunade-sama is very kind to me, of course I will listen to you.”

Although Tsunade was always hungover and couldn’t get up, and then asked her, a child under ten years old, to help her with her daily life, Shizune was very grateful to Tsunade, and she felt the warmth of her family in Tsunade.

“Okay, I order you to reach the level of my medical ninjutsu within a week, and then study ninjutsu with Mu Yue.” Tsunade gave the order.

Shizune looked at Tsunade in confusion. She wondered why Tsunade started talking nonsense when she didn’t even drink.

“Don’t make it difficult for Shizune.” Mu Yue almost couldn’t hold herself together.

“Tsunade-sama, if you don’t like this, I will come less often.”

There was a complicated expression on Tsunade’s face. On one side, she lived a miserable life drinking and doing nothing, and on the other side, she had a normal life with delicious food but had to start studying ninjutsu again. It was really difficult for her to choose.

“Let’s make a bet and roll the dice.” Tsunade finally decided to leave it to luck.

“If I can beat you, I will try my best to help you develop the ninjutsu you imagined. If I lose to you, then we will pretend that this is not the case, and you can still learn medical ninjutsu as before. ”

Although she likes gambling, Tsunade is self-aware of her gambling luck. Others lose nine times out of ten, but she loses ten out of ten times.

She has been losing for so long. If she suddenly wins this time, Tsunade will really have nothing to say.

There will be another chapter later


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