Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 340: Special training promotion reward settlement


Chapter 340 Special Training Promotion Reward Settlement

When all the battles were over, Mu Yue gathered the students together and began a meeting to summarize.

But since Hiruzen Sarutobi was present, he must speak first.

Although he did not prepare a manuscript in advance, Sarutobi Hiruzen has been the Hokage for so long and has experienced too many such scenes.

First, praise the students for their hard work and performance in the practical exam, then praise Mu Yue and affirm Mu Yue’s teaching achievements. After both teachers and students have taken care of it, they start talking about the future, ideals, and finally the sublimation of the will of fire. It’s done in one go.

I have to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen’s method worked very well for the Konoha ninjas, and many students consciously started to applaud.

The next step is Mu Yue. Mu Yue didn’t do anything fancy. She just briefly talked about the difference between the group test scores and the final scores, pointed out everyone’s efforts and progress, and finally sent a blessing and reminder.

“This is the end of the third period of the holiday special training. Thank you for your cooperation over the past month. I hope everyone can go on the path you want to take. Finally, don’t forget, you must keep training even if there is no special training. Improve your strength.” Mu Yue said with a gentle smile throughout.

After Mu Yue finished speaking, there was no applause like Sarutobi Hiruzen did. Someone might be applauding, but it was covered by the human voice because too many people were talking.

“I will definitely not forget to practice, and I will definitely live up to your teachings, Teacher Muyue.”

“We should thank you for making our strength improve so much.”

“Teacher Muyue, when will the next special training start? Are you still responsible?”

The students were talking all kinds of things. Some were thanking Mu Yue for her hard teaching these days, and some were concerned about whether they could continue to participate in Mu Yue’s special training.

Although Mu Yue is a powerful ninja, he cannot communicate with more than 600 people at the same time. It is difficult to hear the various sounds mixed together.

However, he still heard a few words, so he pressed his palm downwards to signal everyone to be quiet.

The students quickly became quiet, and Mu Yue simply replied: “If nothing unexpected happens, the special training meeting will be held again in late December, but who will be responsible will be notified at that time.”

Late December is the end of the second semester of the Ninja School. Now the Ninja School has basically normalized special training during holidays, stably twice a year.

As for who will be responsible for this, Mu Yue is not easy to say.

Shisui wanted to participate in an internship when he was in second grade, and the beginning of the special training was also the beginning of the internship. If Mu Yue wanted to take Shisui for an internship, there would be no way to take into account the special training.

The students were a little disappointed after hearing Mu Yue’s answer. Without Mu Yue, there would be no need for this special training.

But no matter how reluctant they were, it was indeed time to say goodbye. The students all ran to Mu Yue to say goodbye.

Although Konoha is called a village, its scope is not an ordinary village. There are indeed few opportunities for students to meet Mu Yue after they graduate.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw this scene, he also sighed in his heart that Mu Yue was extremely popular among the students. Even he, the Hokage, was not as good as Mu Yue in the eyes of the students.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that it was very wise to accept Mu Yue as his disciple after he retired.

According to Mu Yue’s teachings, in the past seven or eight years, there must be a large number of ninjas in Konoha who support Mu Yue to become Hokage.

“Teacher Muyue, this is a gift from everyone. Keep it well.” Hongdou handed a thick book to Muyue.

Last year they raised money to buy a big cake for Mu Yue to thank Mu Yue, but this year there were really too many people. It would be a bit difficult to put candles for nearly 700 people.

So I bought a thick book at the suggestion of Nara Shimizu. Everyone wrote their name and what they wanted to say to Muyue in it. If they wanted to, they could also post their own photos.

In this way, Mu Yue can not only express her feelings, but also allow Mu Yue to better remember their names and appearances.

“In this case, Teacher Muyue won’t forget us, right?”

“I will keep it well. Besides, I don’t need this and I won’t forget you. Teacher, my memory is very good. Are you Asakawa Mitake, Meng Guangzang? Just one…” Mu Yue handed over the gift. After putting it away, he named the students around him one by one.

The reason why he was able to do this was not because he had intelligence and Mu Yue had identification skills, but because Mu Yue had really written down the names and looks of all the students.

Perhaps because of the memory of the shadow clone, or perhaps due to the influence of time travel, Mu Yue remembered every student he taught.

Many students stared at Mu Yue with surprise on their faces. They did not expect Mu Yue to be able to do this. You must know that this is not seven or eight or seventy or eighty, but close to seven hundred students.

Some students who had average grades in school and didn’t stand out in special training and who usually had no sense of presence were really touched when they heard Mu Yue read out their names. They received less attention, so they cherished them even more.

[Under your guidance, the students who participated in the special holiday training have made progress in ninjutsu and physical skills and their comprehensive strength has been improved]

[Reward: Chakra +1800, Chakra Nature Change Experience Scroll × 2, Ninjutsu Extraction Scroll・B (Proficiency Level) × 2]

[Chakra Nature Change Experience Scroll: Increase any mastered property change experience]

The rewards are quite rich. There are more rewards for more people. Last time, I only gave 800 points of chakra. This time, I gave 1,000 more points, and there are also props to increase the experience of changing properties.

In fact, the rewards from regular classes alone meet Mu Yue’s expectations, because he has reached the proficient level from earth attribute changes and thunder attribute changes by taking classes.

It is too difficult to change the properties of mastery level. The rewards of mastery level itself are few, and the probability of getting the properties to change is simply too high.

However, there is no way to reward Mu Yue too much. Whether it is chakra or skills, the more the better for him.

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen was still present, Mu Yue did not draw any ninjutsu or use the experience scroll. After communicating with the students, she quickly walked over to Sarutobi Hiruzen, while Sarutobi Hiruzen was listening. Ask other teachers to report their thoughts.

When Mu Yue walked over, the teachers had just finished talking. Hiruzen Sarutobi turned to look at Mu Yue who was walking over and said with a smile:

“Mu Yue, everyone recognizes your special training results. I underestimated your teaching ability before. I didn’t expect you to be able to teach more than 600 students so well by yourself. You also let them learn your ninjutsu. If they don’t give you a promotion, they will be disrespectful of your contribution.”

Shimono Jiuxin immediately felt confident. He had thought that Muyue would replace him as the monitor of the teacher’s class. After all, Muyue was hardworking and outstanding, but Shimono Jiuxin did not expect it to come so soon.

Mu Yue has only been in the ninja school for more than a year. Normally, no matter how good she is, she will have to wait for several years.

As for why Shimono Hisanobu must have asked Mu Yue to replace him, because Mu Yue’s position in the ninja school has reached the top, and it is impossible to replace Sarutobi Hiruzen as the principal.

“What do you think of Mu Yuelai becoming the vice principal?” Hiruzen Sarutobi asked as he looked around the teachers with a smile.

The teachers he brought were not ordinary teachers. They were either outstanding teachers or middle-to-upper class in the school.

Shimono Hisanobu breathed a sigh of relief. He was not the monitor of the teacher’s class, but just the vice principal.

“Wait, vice principal?” Shimono Hisanobu recalled Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words again in his mind, and his expression gradually became surprised.

Where does the position of vice principal come from in Ninja School? There has always been only the principal, and the principal is also Hokage.

“Teacher Mu Yue has outstanding educational ability. He has created unprecedented special holiday training and intern programs, and has made great contributions to the ninja school. It is perfect for Teacher Mu Yue to serve as the vice principal.” Shimono Hisanobu thought. After thinking about it, he said.

Although there was no vice-principal in the Ninja School before, Sarutobi Hiruzen said that there could be one.

However, Shimono Jiu was still very surprised. Hiruzen Sarutobi had specially created a position for Mu Yue, and the importance he attached to it was evident.

Even Shimono Hisanobu, who had seen strong winds and waves, was shocked, not to mention the other teachers. The shocked expressions on their faces could not be controlled at all.

“We are both the same people, how come there is such a big gap.” Chigu Yong, who works in the same office as Mu Yue, can no longer feel envy because of the huge gap.

He would never dare to dream about what happened to Mu Yue, because he would think it was too fake and impossible to happen.

After they reacted, the teachers all agreed that this was a position that had not been occupied by the class monitors in previous generations.

When Mu Yue heard what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, she also showed a surprised expression, and then humbly said that she was still young and might not be able to take on such a big responsibility.

Of course, it’s not that Mu Yue really doesn’t want to be the one. His higher position in the Ninja School makes it easier for him to implement various reforms in the Ninja School, but the process must be followed. After all, the character design has been established before.

The next step was for the teachers to talk about their achievements, then Hiruzen Sarutobi spoke again, and finally Mu Yue took over the role of vice principal.

Even if the matter ends here, both the students and the teachers will go back to their respective homes.

“Izumo, make your name today!” Gang Zitie looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen’s leaving back and said to Kamizuki Izumo with excitement on his face.

Shenyue Izumo nodded, with an equally excited expression on his face, “With outstanding strength, and being reused by the Hokage, maybe we can leave our own traces in history in the future.”

“It’s a pity, brother Ebisu. Maybe he left this idea to himself, but our relationship was too deep and he reluctantly gave it up to us.” Gang Zitie showed an expression of great pity.

When Shenyue Izumo heard what Gang Zitie said, it made sense. Although it was good to stand out, they could not forget their elder brother who had provided them with countless help.

“Then let’s do this, create a clone that looks like Brother Ebisu and challenge the Hokage together.” Kamizuki Izumo thought of a good idea.

“It has to be Izumo. Even if the second generation is alive, he can’t think of a better way. Brother Ebisu will definitely be very grateful to us if he knows about it.” Gang Zitie lightly punched Shenyue Izumo with his fist. A cheerful smile appeared on his chest.

It was as if he could foresee his own success and fame, as if he could foresee Ebisu’s grateful smile.

The two of them did what they said and ran after Hiruzen Sarutobi in the direction he left.

After that, Mu Yue returned to her house in the main city to rest.

Although the rewards of these six weeks of classes are good, he is really tired. After all, although his body is strong, it is not invincible, and he still feels tired.

Pouring herself a cup of hot tea, Mu Yue opened the system panel and prepared to extract ninjutsu.

Although the level is slightly lower, the lottery screen is pretty much the same.

[Ninjutsu Extraction Scroll·B has been consumed, and the skill – Freezing Light (Proficiency Level) is obtained]

When Mu Yue saw the name of the skill, he immediately recognized its origin, but this wasn’t the first time a Pokémon skill appeared, so he wasn’t too surprised.

After sorting through the memories, Mu Yue found that this was a very good ice escape ninjutsu, clean and neat without any bells and whistles, and very powerful.

“Is it because of the Ice Escape that we can draw out the ice skills, or can we reward the change in the nature of the corresponding skills as before?” This time the reward aroused some doubts in Mu Yue.

At the beginning, Mu Yue only mastered the property changes of the fire attribute, but when she acquired other attribute ninjutsu in class, she would be rewarded with the property changes of the corresponding attributes, so Mu Yue was thinking about how to draw grass-based skills or some other plants. Will the magic system give him a change in the nature of Wood Escape?

With doubts in her mind, Mu Yue continued to extract ninjutsu.

[Ninjutsu Extraction Scroll・B has been consumed, and the skill – Violent Pheasant Mouth (Proficiency Level)] has been obtained.

When I first saw the name, Mu Yue didn’t know what it was. When the memory of skill training appeared in her mind, Mu Yue remembered that this was the move of Aokiji in One Piece. The specific effect is to create an ice bird to attack. , can freeze people.

Drawing out another Ice Release, Mu Yue felt that there was no way to use those Blood Succession Limits for free. She had to either practice it herself or explode the gold coins of her disciples.

After all, the blood inheritance limit is the fusion of dual attributes and properties, while the fire escape ones are all single attributes, so it is normal that the rules are different.

Then Mu Yue clicked on the chakra property change experience scroll, and many options popped up in the system instantly.

[Optional: Fire attribute changes (perfect level), water attribute changes (mastery level), thunder attribute changes (mastery level)…, ice escape (entry level)]

Mu Yue was a little surprised when she saw Ice Escape, but this was indeed a change in nature and there was nothing wrong with it.

Since all the other seven attributes are proficient or above, Mu Yue tried to use an experience scroll for Ice Escape.

In an instant, a large number of memories of practicing Ice Escape’s changing properties flooded into Mu Yue’s mind. In a trance, Mu Yue had the illusion that he was not a newcomer to Ice Escape, but an Ice Escape ninja who had practiced Ice Escape for several years.

When Mu Yue looked at the proficiency of Bing Dun again, Bing Dun had already changed from beginner level to proficient level.

[Skill: Ice Escape (Proficiency: 1000/3000)]

The effect is very good, not only has it reached the proficiency level, but also has a high level of proficiency.

Mu Yue decided to save the remaining scroll so that she could use it if she obtained other blood inheritance limits later.


Since both Kakashi and Obito’s breathing skills have exceeded the proficiency level, and they have not done missions for a while, and all Chuunin members are free to take on missions below A level, Muyue let They went to do the task, while Shisui and Metkai, who had not broken through the proficiency level in breathing techniques, continued their special training.

“I’m so nervous. There is no teacher Mugetsu or Minato. What will happen if we meet the alternate Raikage?” Obito asked the question on the way to the Hokage Building.

Although being able to take on missions independently gave Obito a sense of recognition, but based on his mission experience, Obito felt that it was a bit dangerous without a teacher to accompany him.

“Normally we won’t encounter the alternate Raikage.” Kakashi replied with a speechless expression.

Kakashi did doubt their luck before, but things got better after he and Minato met the alternate Raikage. The difficulty of the tasks was in line with the task level, and there were no accidents.

“But even the Chuunin exams had an accident, what else is impossible.” Obito said unconvinced.

Kakashi couldn’t refute it. An accident in a major village event like the Chunin Exam was indeed a bad sign.

“Okay, since we are worried about problems, let’s take on a domestic C-level mission. There should be no problems.” Nohara Lin stood up and said to Xini.

“How can this be done? I finally have the qualifications to accept higher-level missions at will. Of course, I have to accept C-level and above missions. If you shrink back because there may be danger, you will not become Hokage!” Obito rejected Nohara Rin’s proposal, saying that if there are difficulties, he must face them.

Kakashi looked at Obito with a bit of surprise. He didn’t expect that such words would come from the mouth of the silly Obito, and that Obito would still have such awareness.

Nohara Rin looked at Kakashi, Kakashi nodded slightly and said: “Then take the B-level mission. Just stay away from the country that is at war.”

With their current strength, it is easy to do B-level missions, because the enemies they can encounter in B-level missions are generally genin, and chunin will not appear.

It was the first time that they accepted a mission as a chuunin, and they could choose the mission at will. The excited Obito walked into the Hokage Building with steps that he did not recognize, which attracted a lot of attention.

“Uncle Sawada, it’s you on duty again, good morning.” Obito smiled and waved to Sawada Kazuya, deliberately puffing up his chest to make the chuunin vest on his body look more obvious.

“Good morning, congratulations on becoming a chunin.” Kazuya Sawada responded with a smile.

If Obito could not ask for his dismissal, he actually quite liked this Uchiha boy who loved to laugh, was enthusiastic and cheerful.

“Hey.” Obito smiled as his vanity was satisfied.

“Uncle Sawada, do you have any mission to rescue the princess? It doesn’t need to be from the Land of Fire, but from other countries.” Obito asked unwillingly.

He still wants to be a heroic ninja who saves the princess.

Sawada Kazuya was about to say no, but then he remembered the new commission that arrived last night, so he said:

“There is no mission to rescue the princess, but there is indeed a mission related to the princess.”

5k, there will be a plot of leaving the village next, some people may be able to guess where they will go


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