Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 339: Principal Mu Yue


Chapter 339 Principal Mu Yue

On Friday, the students all arrived at the training ground early, and even the latest person arrived twenty minutes before the start.

Because everyone knows that this is the last day of special training. After today, it will be difficult for most of them to see Mu Yue again.

The students in the Ninja School are okay. Although Mu Yue does not attend other classes, they can still meet her occasionally in the school. Those students who become ninjas will find it difficult to meet Mu Yue again, so everyone I pay special attention to this last day and want to leave a good impression on Mu Yue.

In the first ten minutes, Mu Yue, Hiruzen Sarutobi and some other teachers from the ninja school appeared in front of the students.

“Teacher Muyue! Lord Sandaime!”

Many students took the initiative to greet Mu Yue and Sarutobi Hiruzen. Mu Yue responded with a gentle smile, and Sarutobi Hiruzen responded with a smile and a nod.

“There are so many students, there must be 600 of them.” A teacher was shocked when he saw so many students. The number of students almost caught up with the total number of students in the two grades of the Ninja School.

And they also noticed that half of the students were wearing forehead protectors, which means there were about three hundred ninjas here. Some teachers even saw students wearing chuunin vests.

Ikegaya Isamu was completely shocked. There were even chuunin in this special training. You must know that the teachers in the ninja school are basically chunin…

“The grouping is still the same as before, divided into three groups ABC for teaching. However, in order to improve the quality of teaching, each group will be taught separately according to different chakra attributes.” Mu Yue briefly introduced this special training Approximate content.

“In that case, Teacher Muyue, how did you teach me this by yourself?” Oshima Koaki couldn’t help but ask.

His teaching level was pretty good, so he was selected by Hiruzen Sarutobi as a special training teacher during the last special training, but his results were not very satisfactory.

Looking at so many students, Oshima Koaki really couldn’t imagine how Mu Yue taught. It would be fine if they taught together. Mu Yue even had to teach each group according to their attributes. He really couldn’t imagine that Mu Yue taught them together. How should I go to class every month?

“Thank you to the Nidaime-sama for this. It is indeed difficult for one person to teach so many students, but as long as there are more shadow clones, there will be no problem.” Mu Yue replied with a smile.

“But the fatigue after the shadow clone is released…” Oshima Koaki is even more puzzled. The shadow clone is indeed convenient, but there is a lot of fatigue. Is this workload sure that he will not be exhausted?

“As long as the students can learn well, it’s okay if I’m tired.” Mu Yue continued to answer.

Oshima Koaki suddenly remembered that Mu Yue was different from him. Mu Yue was not a chuunin, but a powerful jounin who could play a role in fighting the tailed beasts.

“But even a Jonin would have a hard time withstanding this kind of fatigue.” Oshima Koaki sighed in his heart. He was really not jealous of Mu Yue’s current status. This was too hard.

“Why should we divide it according to chakra attributes?” Ikegu Isamu asked in confusion.

“Because we need to teach them about their nature changes.” Mu Yue replied succinctly.

The teachers all showed expressions of shock and confusion. They thought the special training was to teach the Three Body Technique and Chakra Control, but they didn’t expect that this time it even included changes in nature.

Although Mu Yue’s words were brief, the amount of information contained in them was extremely astonishing.

“It’s getting more and more amazing.” Shimono Jiu sighed with confidence.

Some young teachers may not know that the Ministry of Education has actually held a meeting to improve the quality of students in ninja schools. Naturally, change in nature has not been ignored as a training throughout the life of ninjas.

At that time, Shimono Hisanobu was not the monitor of the teacher’s class, but just the deputy monitor.

The Ministry of Education held a meeting to discuss for a long time, and finally found that there were too many problems in teaching nature changes in ninja schools, so they finally chose to maintain the status quo.

Hisanobu Shimono, who had participated in the meeting, knew the difficulty very well, but Mu Yue actually solved the problem that the entire Ministry of Education could not solve by herself. How could Hisanobu Shimono not be impressed by this.

Not only is his educational ability, Mu Yue can teach five nature changes by himself, which means that he can perform five attribute ninjutsu like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Shimono Hisanobu estimates that he will be able to retire in a few years and make way for Mu Yue.

Then Mu Yue created a shadow clone and began to preside over the final exam, with the main body explaining next to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Due to the large number of people in Group C and Group B, both groups of Mu Yue had four shadow clones to fight multiple battles at the same time. It took too much time to fight so many people one by one. Group A’s There were relatively few people so we carried on as usual.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still starts from Group C like last time.

Because he feels that the level of this group is the one that can best see the results of special training, because Group C is the group with the slowest progress. If even Group C can show strength that surprises him, then Group B Not to mention Group A.

“Anko Mitarashi versus Yayoi Kinuchi!” Shadow clone Mu Yue read the names of the students according to the list.

After his name was read, the student quickly walked to the vacant battle field to fight.

“Fire Escape·Small Fireball Technique!”

As soon as Hongdou comes on stage, he forms a seal and uses Fire Release.

Her opponent Yayoi Kiuchi is also a ninjutsu learned from the fire attribute and Anko, and she also starts forming seals as soon as she comes on stage.

Kuchi Yayoi’s hand seal is slightly slower than Anko’s, but the fireball speed is not very fast. A slightly slower speed will not affect it, and the fireball will be spit out immediately.

Although they both used the same ninjutsu, everyone could tell that Anko was stronger because her fireballs were obviously much bigger.

There is no trick in fighting ninjutsu of the same nature. The strong is strong and the weak is weak. Yayoi Kiuchi’s fireball was directly swallowed by Anko, forcing Yayoi Kiuchi to dodge and Anko seized the opportunity to defeat her.

“Mu Yue, it’s no problem for you, a student, to graduate directly.” Hiruzen Sarutobi stroked his beard and said with a smile.

Mu Yue’s grades in the class were incredible, and she was even more outstanding in the first few classes, so Sarutobi Hiruzen remembered a few names, and Anko Mitarai was one of them.

“Yes, some genin who have graduated for half a year may not be able to use her fire style.” A teacher next to him said.

“His opponent is not bad either, he can use fire escape ninjutsu.” Some teachers also praised Yayoi Kinuchi.

Kuchi Yayoi’s class teacher nodded. After all, Kiuchi Yayoi is usually considered an ordinary group in the class. It is already very good to be able to learn the nature-changing ninjutsu in such a short time.

“It’s just that the actual combat aspect is more prominent. There is still a lot to learn in other aspects.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

Mu Yue does not recommend graduating early unless you have Shisui’s level. After graduation, anything will happen.

At first, the teachers were still praising some students for being able to use ninjutsu. After watching a few battles, they found that everyone could use it, but some people used it well and some people used it poorly.

“The five ninjutsu you developed, Muyue, are indeed very interesting, and they are very suitable for middle genin.” Watching Muyue use them was different from watching students use them, and Hiruzen Sarutobi discovered a few more clever points.

He felt that Muyue’s five ninjutsu could be promoted so that more middle and genin could learn them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen just said casually, which shocked the teachers again. The ninjutsu he taught was actually developed by himself.

Mu Yue said modestly and continued to explain.

Even though they are very close, the teachers feel as if they are in two different worlds from Mu Yue.

Then they went to Group B. As Sarutobi Hiruzen thought, the average level of ninjutsu in Group B was much higher than that in Group C. However, considering that Group B was basically all ninjas, it seemed like No C group has feelings.

By the time they reached Group A, the exam was almost halfway over, and the remaining students were all relatively capable ninjas.

“Sarutobi Asuma versus Shiranui Genma!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others happened to come across Asuma fighting.

The teachers glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen subconsciously and then looked at the battle field extremely quietly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t have any special expression, he was watching the battle with a normal expression, just like anywhere else.

“It seems that this exam is over here, but Asuma? It’s not that easy for me to win.” Shiranui Genma said with a smile.

Asma has won the first place in actual combat twice in a row. He thinks he is no match for him, but he will not let Asma win too comfortably.

After all, his teacher is Teacher Chen, who is known as the best in Konoha’s physical skills. He cannot be embarrassed.

“Then I want to see how easy it is.” Asma said with a hearty smile.

Although they had a good relationship in private, Asuma had no idea of ​​letting go. After a collision of taijutsu, he found that Shiranui Genma’s taijutsu was indeed commendable. After that, he immediately used wind release to accelerate his body and suppressed Shiranui Genma.

Shiranui Genma’s chakra attribute is thunder, which happened to be restrained by the Wind Style, and Shiranui Genma’s thunder style training was also average. After Asuma used ninjutsu, the situation suddenly changed, and Shiranui Genma was quickly defeated. .

“I remember that Asuma wasn’t very proficient in Wind Release during the Chunin Exams. I didn’t expect that it would only take so long for him to improve.” The teachers all praised Asma’s strength.

It wasn’t entirely because of Hiruzen Sarutobi’s presence, Asuma’s performance just now was indeed very strong.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled lightly and said: “It’s just to bully the juniors who are one year younger than him. If the opponent is Kakashi or Obito, then he is still no match.”

No teacher dares to continue talking. It’s okay for Sarutobi Hiruzen to slander his own son. If you continue to slander him, you have no emotional intelligence.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was in a good mood. He stopped Shiranui Genma and explained some of his mistakes in the battle, and also mentioned some ninjutsu tips.

“Thank you, Sandaime-sama.” Shiranui Genma, who lost the battle, instantly became happy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and put his pipe into his mouth and blew out white mist. Watching it live was more realistic than reading the information. When he got back, he could prepare for Mu Yue to become the vice principal.


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