Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 331: The Chunin Examination is over


Chapter 331 The Chunin Examination Ends

“Damn it, we can win this way.” Originally, it seemed that Metkai used Konoha Dragon God Obito to open the champagne for Metkai, but Kakashi was able to use more at the last moment. A strong slash.

Furthermore, Kakashi fell down a little later than Metkai, so it was clear that he was no longer alive.

Listening to Beiruhu’s announcement of the result of the battle, Obito felt very uncomfortable. When he saw Nohara Rin smiling and looking at Kakashi with a worried expression, his mood became even worse.

In his expectation, the person standing below should be him.

“We must master the Breath of Fire Chakra mode as soon as possible. Let’s see if he can withstand my Fire Release!” At this moment, Obito’s training motivation is full. He can’t wait to stay up all night to practice to improve his strength, and then do it in front of others. Nohara Lin defeated Kakashi in front of him.

“The two of them are really strong.” Asuma sighed. In the end, the two of them showed strength that should not be seen in the Chunin Exam.

Those who had trained with Metkai before were even more shocked. Many of them were Metkai’s classmates. They had seen Metkai go from the bottom of the crane to the first in the grade and then to the top. Currently ranked second in the Chunin Examination.

During the special training, they could still see the gap between themselves and Metkai. Now the gap has become so big that they don’t know how many years of training they will have to practice to reach Metkai’s current strength.

“Kai, your youth has reached its climax today! I’m so proud of you!” Matt Dai gave a thumbs up to Met Kai and shed tears of emotion.

Although Metkay lost the final, Metkay did not think that Metkay’s efforts were in vain.

On the contrary, in this Chunin Exam, Metkai made his name, letting many Konoha ninjas know that there is a Taijutsu ninja like Metkai who can defeat many geniuses using only Taijutsu.

Even if he lost, Metkai only lost at the last second. After the last move, everyone reached their limit.

As a father, of course, Matt Dai sincerely hopes that his child can be number one, but he does not feel that second place is shameful, because second place has already surpassed countless ninjas. As long as Matt Kai continues Just try to surpass the first one, that’s all.

In fact, Matt Kai’s ability to grow up so quickly was far beyond Matt Dai’s expectations. At the age of nine, he got the opportunity to take part in the Chunin Exam and came in second.

“Kai, if you continue like this, you will definitely achieve your goal!” Matt Day decided to make a big meal today to celebrate.

The audience on the field was still discussing the battle just now, and the final performance of the two men was very impressive and unexpected.

“Letting Kakashi follow Minato is definitely a correct decision.” Hiruzen Sarutobi said to Minato behind him with a smile.

Kakashi is really dazzling today, even more dazzling than when he was in the ninja school.

In the ninja school, he only suppressed the students of Konoha, but in the chunin exam, other outstanding ninjas from the Great Ninja Village participated, and this first place was particularly valuable.

Kakashi’s performance really exceeded Sarutobi Hiruzen’s expectations. He just wanted Kakashi to step out of the shadows before, but he didn’t expect that he would not only step out of the shadows, but also directly transform into a cocoon and a butterfly to usher in a wave of transformation.

After passing these exams, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have seen the next White Fang of Konoha.

“I didn’t do anything. Kakashi is so outstanding mainly because of Muyue. In fact, when I became the instructor, the shadow in Kakashi’s heart had been almost cured by Muyue. Content related to core training It’s all Mu Yue who is teaching.” Minato shook his head and explained.

Minato wouldn’t take credit for anything that wasn’t his own. Kakashi’s success in being where he is now has nothing to do with him.

At the beginning, Minato was worried about how to teach Kakashi, but when he took over, he discovered that Kakashi had been taught by Mu Yue, and everything was normal except for talking less.

In terms of ninja training, Kakashi majored in breathing techniques and thunder and earth escape. Minato definitely didn’t understand the breathing technique. Although he had some mastery of thunder escape, he was not good at it. He just didn’t know earth escape.

Minato, a novice ninja like Obito Nohara Rin, can also teach them various knowledge about ninja tasks and what to do when encountering situations. Kakashi is different. He himself has been a ninja for several years, so Minato There really isn’t much that can be taught to Kakashi.

Of course, it would not be wrong to say that there is no relationship at all. Minato just feels that Muyue plays a major role compared to him.

“That’s right, but Minato, you don’t need to belittle yourself. I think they like you very much. If you were really far different from Mu Yue and Obito’s personality, you would have come to me to complain.” Sarutobi Hiruzen revealed. He looked thoughtful and then said with a smile.

Since Minato said this, it must have been Muyue who played a key role. After all, although Minato is humble, he will not be so humble as to pass all his credit to others.

“Mu Yue does have unique skills in education, and it is not only reflected in teaching large classes.” Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded inwardly.

This is also one of the reasons why Hiruzen Sarutobi rejected Danzo’s request before.

How could a special talent like Mu Yue be sent out when someone like Minato who could kill enemies quickly on the battlefield was still in the village.

“What do you think about the final being a civil war among your own students? Did you guess that Kakashi would win?” Jiraiya asked Mu Yue curiously.

The excellent performance of Obito and the others made Jiraiya recognize Muyue’s teaching level, which is almost as good as his

“If you have any thoughts, just be happy for them. As for who will win, I haven’t thought about it. After all, they are all disciples.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

He really didn’t make a guess about who would be number one, because Kakashi and the others are all about the same strength, and it’s possible for anyone to win. It all depends on performance. In this case, it’s hard for Mu Yue to guess, because disciples can’t step on each other. Bar.

In the battle between Metkai and Kakashi just now, as soon as Metkai used the Konoha Dragon God Mu Yue, he immediately opened his eyes and saw that Metkai had indeed forced his way through the four doors.

In fact, if it is a normal four-door plus Konoha Dragon God, Kakashi cannot win now, because the ability to penetrate the world also depends on his own strength. The stronger the strength, the better the effect of penetrating the world.

But Metkay forced his way through the four doors and caused a lot of damage to his body, so in the end it was Metkay who fell first. It’s an extraordinary performance.

“Since we are all your disciples, it doesn’t matter who wins. It’s over. Let’s go buy groceries.” Tsunade said she was looking forward to today’s dinner.

“Tsunade-sama, my disciples are all injured like this, do you think it’s appropriate for me to go shopping now?” Mu Yue tactfully reminded Tsunade.

Without Tsunade’s treatment, Mu Yue felt that Metkai would have to lie in bed for a month at least.

Kakashi was not much better. Metkai rushed through the four gates and was injured, but Kakashi was also seriously injured after being hit by the Dragon God of Konoha, and then overdrawn his body while being seriously injured.

“I think they are indeed seriously injured. Tsunade, please help treat them first.” Jiraiya said helpfully.

Kakashi and Metkai looked extremely miserable at this moment, and it was obvious at first glance that they were seriously injured.

“I’ll help them treat them first, but you can cook more delicious food at night.” Tsunade emphasized.

“Hey, what’s the point of just eating? I’ll bring a bottle of good wine over and eat and drink.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

“You just want to take advantage of me!” Tsunade crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows, and she could see Jiraiya’s true purpose at a glance.

“Haha, you are happy when you share good things.” Jiraiya, who was exposed, continued shamelessly.

Tsunade said that the wine must be good. If she dares to use ordinary wine with her meal, Jiraiya must taste her fist. This is the feast she got in exchange for her work.

Jiraiya smiled and agreed, and then the others went to Konoha Hospital together.

After Zhisui stayed for a while, he said goodbye to Muyue. After watching their battle, Zhisui couldn’t rest for a moment.

Not to mention being number one in the team, I am afraid that the only one he can win for sure is Nohara Rin. Obito and Shisui are not sure that any one of them can win.

Shisui couldn’t understand the speed of progress but was shocked. He had to work harder to catch up.

“Teacher Muyue, I’m going back too.” After seeing Shisui leaving, Obito was also ready to leave.

If you don’t leave, why don’t you wait for Kakashi to wake up and taunt him? Obito doesn’t want to be slapped in the face by Kakashi.

Facing Kakashi, who took first place, he had no way to talk back. If he won, it would be okay to say anything, but if he lost, he could find fault even if he breathed.

At this moment, Obito has only one idea, which is to seize the time to practice, take advantage of Kakashi’s recovery time to surpass Kakashi, and then defeat Kakashi, so that he can continue to mock Kakashi.

Obito had already thought about his lines. On the day of the chunin exam, he didn’t eat breakfast at the restaurant he usually ate at, which affected his ability. So Kakashi was lucky enough to win. In fact, he was always stronger.

Mu Yue nodded, the hospital was taken care of, and with Metkai and Kakashi in the same ward, Kakashi would not be lonely.

After taking some time off, Mu Yue glanced at the system panel.

[Disciple Uchiha Obito has practiced seriously under your guidance and gained a certain amount of growth, and received a reward – Fire Dragon Flame Bullet (Mastery Level)]

[Disciple Metkai practiced seriously under your guidance and gained a certain increase in strength, and received a reward – Lirenhua (Mastery Level)]

Both Obito and Metkai have obtained promotion rewards.

The rewards are all good rewards, but they don’t have much effect on Mu Yue now. The proficient-level fire dragon flame bullets are very powerful, but now Mu Yue is not short of offensive fire escape, and the proficient-level fire destroying arrow is the same. Very fierce.

Lilianhua is slightly more useful, because although Lirenhua is useless to Muyue, it is a good physical technique for the current Metkai. He can teach Lirenhua to Metkai. .

Mu Yue did not see any rewards related to the Chunin Exam. He guessed that the system would not settle the payment until the results came out.

Mu Yue had a little expectation for this. After all, his three disciples all performed very well, and Obito, who ranked worst, was also among the top four.


After the third exam, Master Yuan summoned the Kirigakure candidates who were entering the third exam.

Terumi Mei felt a little uneasy, thinking that Genshi was probably going to criticize them. After all, none of them entered the finals this time, and there was only one in the semi-finals. She, who was the number one in swordsmanship, fell in the quarter-finals.

Facing a powerful Kirigakure village elder like Genshi, even Kurosawa, who was extremely arrogant in front of Kakashi and the others, bowed his head and walked to the designated room like an honest child.

Zabuza looks indifferent, and his main focus is rebellion.

Iniki Kaki Kisame’s face was expressionless. He was already the best performer in Kirigakure, and even if he was punished, it would be the lightest.

But to Terumi Mei’s surprise, Shigenshi did not criticize them, but smiled and said: “Everyone has worked hard this time, and the village will remember your contribution.”

“Although the final results are a little worse than Konoha, after all, this is a battle in Konoha, and they have the advantage.”

Genshi’s move was beyond the expectations of the Kirigakure ninjas. Genshi did not blame them for failing to win first place, but comforted them that Konoha had the home field advantage and not to be sad about the failure.

This immediately made some Kirigakure ninjas feel flattered. This was the Yuanshi elder who was less than one person and more than ten thousand people in Kirigakure Village.

In fact, no one would have any objection if Master Yuan scolded them. After all, they knew that they really messed up this time, and their later performance was beaten by the Konoha ninjas.

“However, you cannot forget your failure because of this. You must deeply remember your failure, and then use it as motivation to practice and improve your strength.” Master Yuan continued.

With his eyesight, he could see that it was not the Kirigakure who were incompetent, but the Konoha ninjas who took the Chunin Exams who were ridiculously strong.

So he didn’t want to blame the Kirigakure candidates, he just wanted to promote a few geniuses to increase his favorability.

The Kirigakure ninjas nodded one after another, feeling that Master Yuan was worthy of being a respected elder of Kirigakure.

After a meal of encouragement and some casual talk about chicken soup, the image of Genshi became kind and tall in the hearts of many Kirigakure.

After all, there are very few high-level people with such affinity in the blood mist. If you don’t complete the task well, it would be nice not to kill you.

Terumi Mei felt relieved. The lack of criticism should not affect her future Mizukage career.

But Genshi’s words after that made Terumi Mei a little nervous.

“Kissame, Terumi Mei, and Zabuza, you stay, the others can leave.” After thinking that it was almost done, Genshi said.

Soon only Genshi, Terumi Mei and others were left in the room.

“You three are all geniuses of Kirigakure.” Genshi said with a smile.

Obito is so strong, but the battle between the top eight and Terumi Mei was also suppressed for a period of time, which is enough to show the strength of Terumi Mei. Not to mention Kisame, he almost defeated General Metkai in the top four. Win.

As for Zabuza, although his performance is much worse than Terumi Mei and Kisame, he is already the youngest and best performer among the remaining ones.

Kurosawa’s performance is similar to Zabuza’s, but Kurosawa is older than Zabuza.

“Kisame, you are very capable. I think you can go to ANBU to practice. If you two have any questions about water escape that you cannot understand, you can come to me and ask.” Genshi finally said.

Terumi Mei instantly beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly. The chance of becoming a Mizukage with Master Genshi was greatly increased.

Sorry, I watched the game today, so the update is late. Although I had expected it, I still didn’t expect to be defeated 3:0. I feel a little uncomfortable and my writing is slow. I will write more tomorrow.


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