Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 322: The third exam begins


Chapter 322 The third exam begins

On August 5th, the Chunin Examination officially begins.

The third test of the Chunin Examination was held in a huge circular venue.

In the middle of the venue is a huge open space with a large area. There are also small trees and a pond with a small amount of water. All candidates will fight here.

In addition to the candidates’ fighting space, there is an auditorium rising up the stairs. Among them are many noble officials and wealthy business clients, as well as local residents of Konoha and ninjas.

The Third Hokage does not sit in the ordinary auditorium. He has his own special seat, which is one level higher than the auditorium.

“There are so many spectators.” Nohara Lin sighed as she looked at the sea of ​​people in the auditorium.

Before this, the most lively event that Nohara Lin had participated in was the festival, but there were not so many people.

“Xiao Lin, don’t be nervous. If you use your strength well, you will definitely win.” Obito thought that Nohara Lin was worried that losing with more people would look bad, so he comforted her.

Nohara Rin covered her mouth and chuckled: “Obito, you are looking down on me now. I won’t get nervous just because I’m watching the battle.”

Nohara Rin is not the kind of shy and timid girl. She will be worried about the result because of the strength of her opponent, but she will not be nervous because someone is watching her.

“Hehe, that’s good.” Obito scratched his head and laughed.

Obito doesn’t care about the audience anymore. The more people there are, the more excited he becomes. This is a good opportunity to become famous in Konoha.

“Hurry up and get there, it’s almost time.” Kakashi reminded him loudly.

Obito and Nohara Rin both nodded, and the three of them quickened their pace and walked into the center of the venue through the passage specially prepared for candidates, which is also the battle venue for candidates.

The three of them arrived neither early nor late. Three minutes after they arrived, all sixteen candidates were present.

Looking at all the candidates arriving, some spectators cheered, as if they were looking forward to the next battle.

“Have you heard, the audience’s shouts are all for you, you are the protagonists today.” Bei Liuhu said with a smile.

Listening to Beiruhu’s words, Obito’s heart surged. If he could get first place under the spotlight, this would be his first step towards becoming Hokage.

With a confident smile on his face, Metkai gave a thumbs up to a green figure jumping excitedly in the audience.

Clenching Terumi Mei’s pink fist tightly, if she wins this first place, she will be taken seriously by the Genshi and Mizukage, and the path to becoming Mizukage will become clear.

Zabuza glanced at Kakashi, who was only a few steps behind him, with a complicated expression. If he won, his opponent in the second round would be Kakashi.

Zabuza didn’t know how to fight in order to win, and the opponent even chopped down his mentor jounin.

“The rules of the third test are very simple. They are the same as in the preliminaries. You win if you beat your opponent until he is unable to fight or until he surrenders.” Bei Liuhu continued.

“If there is no doubt, except for Candidate No. 1 and Candidate No. 2 who have stayed behind to prepare for the battle, other candidates please return to the lounge and wait for notification.”

The battle in the venue can also be seen from the lounge, so it does not affect the candidates’ individual gathering of intelligence.

The rules were so simple that naturally no examinee asked any questions. They walked into the examinee passage and headed to the lounge together, leaving only No. 1 Mikaki Kisame and No. 2 Yamashiro Aoba.

Inikisaki Kisame stood there with an expressionless face. He only cared about two people in this exam, one was Metkai and Hatake Kakashi. In other exams, he felt that he had no problem.

Compared to the indifferent Kisame, Yamashiro Aoba was not so calm, and looked at Kisame with an expression as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

He had seen the performance of Inikasaki Kisame in the preliminaries, and he was considered to be the strongest group of candidates.

Beiliuhu asked the two of them to stand at the designated position, then waited for about a minute and then shouted loudly:

“The first game, Inigaki Kisame vs. Yamashiro Aoba, the battle begins!”

The loudspeaker equipment carried Bei Liuhu’s voice to the entire venue, and the spectators who were chatting turned their attention to the battle field.

“This Kisaki Kisame is a ninja from Kirigakure Village. Although they are both members of the Five Great Ninja Villages, we rarely hear about Kirigakure.” said an audience member wearing official attire.

“After all, Kirigakure Village is in the Kingdom of Water, so coming to the mainland will be more troublesome…” another official said.

“However, there are differences among the five major ninja villages. Our ninjas from the Land of Fire should be stronger.”

The officials nearby nodded in agreement. This was not only because Konoha was the ninja village of the Land of Fire, but also because Konoha had a strong record of winning battles.

Although the audience has confidence in Yamashiro Aoba, this does not erase the gap between Yamashiro Aoba and Inigaki Kisame.

The moment Heiru started shouting, Yamashiro Aoba immediately retreated and used ninjutsu to summon a large number of crows.


The crow’s rough and hoarse cry instantly spread throughout the venue.

A large number of crows were circling around Yamashiro Aoba, interfering with Inikiki Kisame’s vision and hearing.

Boohoo! !

Yamashiro Aoba immediately threw out several shurikens and attacked Kisame Inigansaki.

Kisame held the long sword and chopped off the shuriken with a casual slash. Then he directly inserted the sword into the ground and quickly formed seals in his hand.

“Water Escape·Exploding Water and Waves!”

Kisame gathered a large amount of chakra and then changed the nature of the water attribute chakra, spitting out a huge amount of water and rushing towards Yamashiro Aoba.

Yamashiro Aoba frowned and quickly backed away, and ordered the crow to fly higher.

The amount of water in Kisame’s body was too great, and soon the entire battle field was turned into a large pond by Kisame’s water escape. Yamashiro Aoba escaped the impact of the water flow, but he could only stand on the water and fight with the attacker. Kisame comes to fight.

Bang bang! !

The two sides fought for a while, and even if a crow interfered with the mountain city Aoba, he was beaten back steadily.

This limited-field battle is too unfavorable for Yamashiro Aoba. Kisame can dive into the water at any time to avoid the crow’s attack, but Yamashiro Aoba has no good way to deal an effective blow to Kisame.

“What a great draw.” Yamashiro Aoba felt a little helpless. It happened that he was still practicing Fire Release, but was restrained by Kisame Water Release.

“He’s still quite capable, not too weak.” After a few rounds of fighting, Kisame discovered that Yamashiro Aoba was much stronger than expected.

Although there is nothing outstanding, Yamashiro Aoba can be considered good in all aspects.

“Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”

Since there was enough water in the venue at this moment, Kisame did not spend much chakra to condense a huge water dragon and hit it towards Yamashiro Aoba. The crow that interfered with his sight was instantly rushed away by the huge water dragon.

“Fire Release: Go Fireball Technique!” Yamashiro Aoba made the final struggle. He first spit out a Gou Fireball to block the incoming water dragon bomb, then controlled the remaining crows to block his body, and then Yamashiro Aoba himself Holding his breath and diving into the water, he quickly swam towards Kisame.

But Yamashiro Aoba underestimated Kisame’s professionalism as a Kirigakure ninja. Even though Yamashiro Aoba was very careful not to cause any noise, and had a fire ball to cover the sound of water dragon bombs colliding, Kisame still found himself trapped. Aoba, a mountain town in the water.

Kissame pretended not to notice, and the moment Yamashiro Aoba got closer, he suddenly dived into the water and started fighting with Yamashiro Aoba.


A large amount of water flow exploded, and Yamashiro Aoba was directly knocked out of the water by Kisame’s full force and flew out.

This is not over yet. Under the control of Kisame, a stream of water rushes straight towards Yamashiro Aoba who has not yet landed.


Under the impact of the water flow, Yamashiro Aoba directly hit the wall at the edge of the battle field.

For ordinary people watching the battle, it didn’t take long. They just felt that Kisame used a water escape venue and suddenly turned into a large pond. Then the two fists and feet fought twice, and water escape and fire escape collided. Then Yamashiro Aoba was beaten into the wall, and the whole process only took a few minutes.

“It seems that this person is an outstanding ninja from Kirigakure Village and cannot be measured by the standards of ordinary ninjas.” The official who had previously said that the ninjas of the Fire Country were stronger ninjas said while stroking his beard without any embarrassment on his face.

“Yes, after all, Kirigakure must have sent the strongest genius in his ninja village when he came all the way.” The official next to him agreed.

“I didn’t expect Kirigakure’s ninjas to be so strong. I wonder how efficient their delegation is.” Kisame’s strong performance made some wealthy businessmen on the field recognize Kirigakure’s strength.

The Kirigakures smiled when they heard this, but the expressions of the Konoha ninjas in the audience were not very good, and they lost the first round.

Danzo, who was sitting on the right side of Sarutobi Hiruzen, frowned when he saw this scene, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Although with his eyesight, it was not Yamashiro Aoba who was weak but Kisame who was too strong, in Danzo’s eyes losing on such an important occasion would be an embarrassment to Konoha and should not be done.

The Genshi sitting to the left of Sarutobi Hiruzen only smiled lightly, saying nothing and not smiling too happily.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not frown or smile. He stared at the field with a normal expression, making it impossible to see through his inner thoughts.

“Kisaki Kisame wins!” After discovering that Yamashiro Aoba had lost his ability to fight, Hirohu neatly declared Kisame the winner.

After Beiruhu announced the result, a medical ninja quickly took Yamashiro Aoba for treatment, while Kisame walked towards the lounge.

“Come on, Xiaolin.” Seeing the end of the first game, Obito cheered Nohara Rin up.

“You can use more water escape at the beginning. You will have a field advantage in front of you.” Kakashi walked to Nohara Lin and reminded him softly.

Although there is a drainage system on the battle site, it is obviously not very good. Although the amount of water is constantly decreasing and is not as much as before, it is still a favorable environment for Nohara Lin.

Of course, if the battle drags on for too long, it will definitely be over.

“Yes.” Nohara Lin smiled and nodded at the two of them.

“The second battle, Nohara Rin versus Nara Mizuno, candidates please enter quickly.” Beiruhu’s voice came into the lounge.

Nohara Lin waved goodbye to the two of them and walked towards the battle venue.

“Mido will cheer you up.” Inuzuka Midori also cheered for Nara Shimizu, who was about to fight.

Nara Shimizu nodded and turned around to walk towards the venue.

Although he failed to collect information about Nohara Lin during his special training with Mu Yue, his physical skills were slightly improved there.

PS: This is the first update today. I said I wanted to take some time off the day before yesterday, but it worked. I didn’t fall asleep until 2 o’clock last night. I’ll try harder today. If it doesn’t work, forget it. What should I do? I have to finish writing the book first. I’ve really been out of shape lately with my writing.


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