Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 321: Kakashi’s new move


Chapter 321 Kakashi’s new move

[Complete the teaching with an S rating for the first time and receive a reward—Proficiency in changing the nature of yang chakra and mastery in changing the nature of yin chakra]

The reward was very generous, and Mu Yue was directly given two mastery-level property changes, which were also the most special yin and yang property changes.

A large number of memories about the changes in the nature of yin and yang chakra and the cultivation continued to appear in Mu Yue’s mind. After sorting out the memories, Mu Yue opened his panel and took a look.

[Name: Hanyu Muyue]

[Chakra: 66500]

[Skills: Fire Attribute Chakra Nature Change (Perfect: 120/80000), Water Attribute Chakra Nature Change (Mastery: 8000/15000), Wind Attribute Chakra Nature Change (Mastery: 7800), Yin Attribute Chakra Changes in nature (mastery: 0), changes in the nature of Yang attribute chakra (mastery: 0)…】

In terms of chakra, the growth rate has slowed down slightly due to Mu Yue’s change in reward strategy, but it is still considerable. By the end of this school year, Mu Yue expects the total amount of chakra to reach 90,000 or even 100,000 chakra.

Although the recovery power is a bit worse, the overall amount is still comfortable.

Mu Yue fell into thinking when she saw that her proficiency in changing yin and yang properties was only zero.

I don’t know why, but the first three times he received the mastery-level chakra property change reward came with half the proficiency, but not this time.

“Is it because the yin and yang properties are special? Or is it the protection period for novices?” Mu Yue guessed in her mind.

The Void Speculation obviously has no results. Mu Yue can only get verification when she waits for the next time she gets the mastery-level chakra property change reward.

But Mu Yue is also very satisfied. A person with good talent may only be able to practice one property change to the proficiency level in his lifetime, but he got two proficiency level property changes in his last class.

On the second day, Mu Yue continued to teach at the same pace as the first day, but the content was slightly changed. Nothing happened to the system after the whole morning, and the rewards were not settled until the afternoon class ended.

【Complete a high-quality lecture】

[Rating: S]

[Rewards obtained: slight increase in physical skills, fire chakra property change +8, earth chakra property change +45, thunder chakra property change +35, wind chakra property change +10, water Attribute chakra properties change +15】

Looking at the reward content, Mu Yue was slightly disappointed. Today, he had the students in Group C practice physical arts all day long to see if he could get a reward that would enhance their body. In the end, they only increased their physical skills.

However, the overall reward is still very generous. If it continues like this, after the special training, Mu Yue’s changes in the properties of thunder attribute chakra and earth attribute chakra will also be promoted to the master level. By then, Mu Yue’s changes in properties will be That’s six masters and one perfection.

Mu Yue has figured out the mechanism of S-level evaluation after two days of class. There are more people, the quality of lectures must be higher, and it takes a longer time to achieve it. As for the rewards, they are completely different from the previous ratings. You will be rewarded for what you teach.

Although it is only one rating lower, the reward for what you teach is much more important to Mu Yue than the one or two A-level ninjutsu.

For example, if a student with a medical specialty is coming out soon, he will also find a way to hit the S-level evaluation by then, which may be of great help to him in developing a power bank.

Of course, the rewards are really good, but what Mu Yue teaches is really tiring. After I go back, I am so tired that I can’t stand reading anymore, so I have to rest for a while.

As the special training progresses, the suspended Chuunin exams are about to begin. As candidates, Nara Shimizu and Asuma asked for leave in advance with Muyue. The third Chunin exam is on Tuesday, and special tests are required. training.

Considering everyone’s need to watch the game, Mu Yue directly gave everyone a day off so that they could watch the Chunin Examination.

Of course, this is a day off, so we won’t let it go on Saturday this week, and we will let it go on Sunday.


August 4th, this is the day before the Chunin Examination.

Although there was only one day left before the Chunin Examination, several of Mu Yue’s disciples did not relax at all.

Hoo **** ho! !

Obito’s body is burning with fierce orange flames, and a punch or a kick can bring heavy high-temperature blows.

Whenever Obito sweated due to exertion, it would evaporate due to the high temperature. He practiced the Fire Release Ninja Taijutsu taught to him by Mu Yue over and over again. From morning to afternoon, he used the breathing method once Once again, I was draining my body of energy to seek a breakthrough.

Metkai’s Eight Gate Dungeon and the Breath of the Rock, Kakashi’s divine help could have saved the Jonin’s sword instantly. The two of them put too much pressure on Obito.

Not to mention Kakashi and Metkai, there is Terumi Mei who can restrain him in the top eight, waiting for him.

Obito doesn’t want to lose, he doesn’t want to lose to anyone. He has spent most of his nine-year-old life being a loser. Now that he has succeeded in counterattacking, he wants to keep winning, win for Mu Yue and win for Nohara Rin. , win to show Kakashi, he wants everyone to know that he, Uchiha Obito, is not weaker than others.

Bang bang! !

The big trees and stones around Metkai broke and shattered under the powerful force of Metkai.

No matter the thick trees or hard rocks, they could not withstand Metkai’s heavy kicking skills.

He is trying hard to reach the limit of Ikimon Kagan’s breathing.

In the last battle with the Kirigakure jounin, Metkai knew that he was still far away from the fourth gate, so after he came back, he worked hard to exercise. He didn’t need to fall down weakly in the next battle. Being able to watch teammates fight.

And he wants to become a chuunin, and wants to be promoted to chunin with a strong attitude.

Although two ninjas who had ridiculed his father came to apologize, there were far more than two people who had ridiculed his father, some he knew or not, overtly or covertly.

Metkai wanted to slap them in the face by passing this Chuunin exam. Their son, a ninja whom they looked down upon, became a Chunin just a few months after graduating, and was even stronger than them.

“Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”

Nohara Lin maintained her water breathing and used water escape ninjutsu.

Under the influence of Nohara Rin’s chakra, the water in the river quickly gathered to form a water dragon, which then spun in a circle under Nohara Rin’s control and finally crashed into the water.

“Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!”

After releasing the water dragon bomb, Nohara Lin immediately formed a seal and used the Water Prison Technique to create a large bubble on the river.

Since it is easier to use Water Release by the river, Nohara Lin has been practicing Water Release Ninjutsu by the river recently.

She is very aware of her disadvantages. The time to learn Water Release Ninjutsu is too short, so she can only practice more to increase her proficiency.

“Everyone is very good, I can’t hold back and try to win the first round of the battle.” Nohara Lin thought in her mind when the chakra was almost consumed.

Nohara Rin has a clear self-understanding. Her strength is incomparable to Obito and the others. No need to think about ranking first, second, or fourth. If she reaches the top eight, she will be successful.

She only hopes that she will not become a burden to Obito and Kakashi in battles in the future and can help them in battles.

“The Breath of Thunder, all concentrated!”

Kakashi’s eyes were silently breathing to the limit, and there was nothing in his eyes except the wooden figure made of special wood.


The shining yellow lightning burst out from the toes and gradually covered Kakashi’s legs. The powerful Thunder Chakra activated Kakashi’s cells, greatly increasing Kakashi’s explosive power.


The moment Kakashi rushed out, it was like a thunderbolt hitting the ground with a roar, and then a yellow electric light flashed across the special wooden figure, a scratch appeared on it, and it fell in two.

“Phew.” Kakashi breathed out.

“Sure enough, it still doesn’t work. The flash can be used, but the new move cannot.” Kakashi closed his eyes and recalled what he had just felt.

Although he has not fully mastered the transparent world, his perception is much stronger than before, so he can react in a flash that he couldn’t react before.

But the problem is that after that battle, Kakashi’s upper limit of breathing skills has been greatly improved, and his sword skills have also improved by leaps and bounds like an epiphany. Now the flash is no longer his fastest and strongest move.

Because there will be a thunder when rushing out, Kakashi named the new move Thunder Flash. This is a new move developed by Kakashi by recalling his experience of the transparent world and combining it with sword skills.

Thunder Flash is extremely powerful and extremely fast. It has no shortcomings except that it consumes a lot of energy. As for the problem of being unable to react, Kakashi feels that this is not a problem with Thunder Flash, but his problem. If he can open the world-opening weapon, he will definitely No reaction issues will occur.

Although Kakashi worked very hard during training, the difficulty of penetrating the world is greater than that of Zebra. It cannot be learned casually. In this month, Kakashi has not entered the state of complete penetrating the world again.

“Let’s try more, but with our current strength, we can’t win against them.” Kakashi was not discouraged and quickly continued to practice.

After awakening, Kakashi has never forgotten his goal, Metkai, Obito, and Shisui. He wants to win back these three people who defeated him one by one.

Putting aside the fact that Shisui hasn’t seen a move in a long time, the current Obito and Metkai are very powerful, especially Obito and his Sharingan. It’s easy for Obito to use moves that he can’t react to. Seize the flaw.

“Okay, let’s go back and rest early. It will not be worth the loss if it affects tomorrow’s condition.” Mu Yueying’s clone said at six o’clock in the afternoon.

Seeing the students working so hard, Muyue felt very happy. When these disciples first came, only Metkai was diligent. Although Shisui was not lazy, he was not as enthusiastic as he is now, let alone Obito. Now, from looking forward to vacation to now using vacation time to practice.

Everyone stopped as soon as Mu Yue opened her mouth. They also knew this truth, but they were too focused on practicing so they didn’t pay attention to the time.

Several disciples gathered together to rest for a while. Because everyone was very tired, they didn’t chat much, even Obito, who talked more. They simply encouraged each other and then disbanded. Only Shisui remained. He came down to practice because he was still a student at Ninja School.

“How come you have made so much progress?” Shisui, who was practicing more, was very confused and under a lot of pressure.

PS: Those series of words only count as one character, they just look like a lot, but in order to improve the look and feel, I will try to write as few words as possible

This chapter is 3k


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