Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 319: Exceeded expected number of people


Chapter 319: Number of people exceeds expectations

Mu Yue guessed that there would be more people in this special training, because the batch of genin who graduated this year knew his teaching level and would be more willing to participate in the special training, and Mu Yue was in the Konoha newspaper It was reported about it, and it is somewhat famous in Konoha.

Although the content is located at the back, this Konoha newspaper is the only official newspaper of Konoha. It is rarely published, and its gold content is still very high.

But Mu Yue was still a little surprised when the teacher responsible for recording the number of applicants came over.

For the fourth graders, it is assumed that there is no problem for all grades to participate. For other grades, there are still eight for each grade as before, but there are more genin who have signed up, a total of 350 people.

What kind of concept is this? The total number of people in the special training that Mu Yue was responsible for before was not so large. This time, there were even more genin who signed up for the special training than the students of the ninja school.

“Teacher Mu Yue, what should we do? Do we need to modify the regulations? There are too many people participating in the special training.” The recording teacher asked Mu Yue.

Originally, this special training did not have any requirements for genin. You could join if you signed up, but the number of people was too exaggerated, even more than the students in school. With so many more students, he felt that Muyue would be unable to bear it.

“A special training with a total number of 694 people…” Mu Yue looked thoughtful.

If it was Mu Yue from before, he would have to find a way to get rid of some people. These are nearly 700 people, and they are not ordinary people. The average ninja army only has so many ninjas.

But things are different now. Mu Yue’s current strength can be said to be completely different from that during the special training last year. Not only has the chakra increased greatly, but her physical strength, ninjutsu knowledge, etc. are far beyond before.

“Let me give it a try first. Although there are a little more people, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

The number of people is unprecedentedly large. Mu Yue thinks this is a good opportunity. Previously, more than 300 people attended the class and it became a big class reward. This time, there are almost 700 people. Will the reward change?

Mu Yue changed the special training plan this time in order to get better rewards. Now that the opportunity is in his hands, he will naturally not throw it away.

Mu Yue glanced at the list of genin registrations and saw the names of familiar people. Many of them were genin who had just graduated this year and had experienced his first special training. As Mu Yue expected, Ebisu and Genin Shiranui Time has come.

There are also genin from other classes. For example, Asuma heard that Mu Yue was going to teach nature transformation and brought his teammates over.

Mu Yue also saw Inuzuka Midori and Nara Salt Water on the list. Mu Yue was a little bit unexpected. The members of the Nara Salt Water Team were all quite strong. If it was a normal Chunin exam, they might have been promoted successfully.

“Okay, Teacher Mu Yue, then make sure these people have participated in the special training.” Seeing that Mu Yue thought there was no problem, the registration teacher said.

He somewhat admired Mu Yue. There were so many people, let alone teaching things. Most people couldn’t even control them, but Mu Yue thought she could teach them.

But think about it, the registered teacher. After all, Muyue is not an ordinary chuunin like them. Muyue’s strength is officially recognized by Konoha, and her confidence is normal.

Mu Yue nodded and completely finalized the special training matters.


On Monday, all registered ninjas or Ninja School students went to Mu Yue’s designated training ground on time.

“Salt water, why do you need to participate in this special training? The nine-day chuunin exam is about to begin, so it won’t improve your strength much, right?” Inuzuka Midori asked with a puzzled look on his face.

The strength of a ninja is not achieved overnight. It takes a long time to train and improve. Except for the sudden awakening of the blood succession limit, it is difficult to achieve significant improvement in such a short period of time under normal circumstances.

“The person in charge of the special training, Hanyu Muzuki, is the examiner of the second exam, and according to the situation in the Death Forest, he is Nohara Rin’s teacher. If Nohara Rin also participated in this special training, I can collect More intelligence.” Nara Mizuno explained.

Since he fought side by side with Nohara Rin in the Death Forest, he knew two pieces of information about Nohara Rin. One was that she could burst out with very strong power, and the other was that she was a medical ninjutsu.

But if they can train together for a few days, Nara Mizuno is sure to figure out many of Nohara Rin’s fighting habits, which may come into play at a critical moment.

“In addition, according to my investigation, Hanyu Mozuki is a very powerful jounin, and teaching is his specialty. Even if Nohara Rin does not come, we should be able to learn something.” Nara Shimizu continued.

He inquired about Muyue’s strength from his jounin father. As for his strong teaching ability, he found out that there was a special summer training last year and asked the newly graduated genin.

“There are so many people, Midori feels like we are at the wrong training ground.” Midori Inuzuka looked at the piles of people on the training ground and was a little confused.

She took a cursory glance and felt that there must be five or six hundred people here. It was impossible for so many people to conduct special training together.

“There should be nothing wrong.” Nara Shuiyan frowned slightly.

There are indeed a lot of people here. If it weren’t for the fact that they all look young, and many of them don’t even have forehead protectors, Nara Shimizu would have thought that the ninja troops were gathering to do something.

“Brother Ebisu, long time no see! You’re really here.” Gangzitie, who arrived at the training ground early, saw many genin looking for Ebisu.

Huang Tian paid off his hard work. After searching Gang Zi Tie for five minutes, he saw the familiar face wearing sunglasses.

Hearing what Gang Zitie said, Kamizuki Izumo also trotted over and said: “We have met again. We miss the time of creating ninjutsu with you, Brother Ebisu.”

The corner of Ebisu’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t miss it at all, which made him become a detour for girls, and also caused him to leave a bad impression in front of the Third Hokage.

“Hey, isn’t this Zite and Izumo? Long time no see.” Shiranui Genma, holding a thousand books in his mouth, smiled and raised his hand to say hello.

He is now quite familiar with these two little fans of Ebisu.

Shiranui Genma said hello, and Ebisu couldn’t pretend to be dead anymore, so he responded calmly: “Well, long time no see, good morning.”

Looking at the forehead protectors on Ebisu and Shiranui Genma’s heads, Gang Zitie said with envy:

“Brother Xuanjian, after you graduate, will you do tasks every day to make a lot of money? Defeat the strong men of the enemy ninja village and then rescue the daughter of the noble to be rewarded…”

“Hahaha.” Shiranui Genma was amused by Gangzite’s words, “Zitie, you should read less novels. How can genin have such rich experience? Genin who have just graduated can’t even take on the mission to leave the village. Most of them All the time is spent practicing.”

Their team configuration is much worse than that of Obito. In addition, there is no one who is awesome and goes directly to the Hokage to ask for high-level tasks. Even with Teacher Chen and Metkai, they have always been honest in doing D. level tasks.

“But there are still some interesting things. For example, the enemy-bewitching technique you developed together has been used by even the strongest ninja in Konoha’s taijutsu.” Shiranui Genma talked about their fight for the bell. .

Now that I think about it, Shiranui Genma couldn’t help but laugh. He tried so hard to attack but was brutally beaten. Instead, Ebisu broke the pot and used a magic trick to confuse the enemy and **** the bell away.

Shenyue Izumo and Gang Zitie looked shocked. Although it was just physical skills, it was not easy to be called the strongest. Even such a being was actually caught in the magic of confusing the enemy.

As one of the developers of the Enemy Confusion Technique, Shenyue Izuyun and Gang Zitie instantly felt proud of themselves, and the corners of their mouths could not help but raise upwards.

“Brother Ebisu, I think there is greater potential in the enemy-confusion technique. How about we discuss developing it again?” Kamizuki Izumo sent an invitation to Ebisu.

“I think it’s pretty good at this stage. No more changes are needed.” Ebisu declined. He was here to learn about nature changes, not to be criticized.

“That’s a pity. I recently found a very good picture album. I originally wanted to share it with you, Brother Ebisu.” Izumo Kamizuki said with regret.

“Well, it’s okay to discuss it if you have time.” Ebisu still couldn’t bear to see his fans disappointed.

“Do you want to discuss ninjutsu?” Shiranui Genma teased.

As the time gets closer and closer, there are more and more people on the training ground and it has become more and more noisy.

“I didn’t expect everyone to come. They gathered together like they were at school.”

“After all, this is Teacher Mu Yue’s special training. Originally, I said that I was going to receive special training for a month. The instructor was a little unhappy, but after hearing that it was Teacher Mu Yue, he readily agreed.”

“Long time no see, how is ninja life?”

“It’s almost the same as during the internship, but I’m still not allowed to take on C-level tasks.”

Students and ninjas all formed groups to chat. After all, most of them were only slightly different, and many of them knew each other.

“Everyone, be quiet.” When the time reached eight o’clock, Mu Yue appeared and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

Mu Yue didn’t use a loud voice, but most of the people on the field were students or newly graduated ninjas, and Mu Yue’s height of 1.8 meters was extremely conspicuous among them.

Although some people did not hear Mu Yue’s voice, they saw the familiar blond figure, and the students near Mu Yue became quiet. This quietness quickly spread to all the students, and the entire training ground became quiet. , the students all looked at Mu Yue quietly.

“Many of you are old friends. This is not the first time you have taken my class. Thank you very much for your trust. However, there are a lot of people in the venue. I hope everyone can keep quiet before I finish speaking. .” Mu Yue continued.

Mu Yue is quite tolerant of students speaking in normal small classes. After all, it would be too boring to say nothing except answering questions in a class. But now there are close to 700 students in the training ground, and 70% of them are If one person speaks, there will be a hundred people.

“The main items of this special training include chakra control, taijutsu, basic ninjutsu and changes in chakra properties!”

There is only one update of 3k today. I fell asleep at three o’clock yesterday. I am not in a good state today and I feel a little uncomfortable. I will adjust my schedule and write more tomorrow


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