Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 318: New special training, higher sprint rewards


Chapter 318 New special training, higher rewards for sprinting

But Hiruzen Sarutobi quickly calmed down. As the reigning Hokage, he could not accept disciples casually.

The answer is simple, because as long as his disciples have strength and merit, they are qualified to compete for the position of Hokage.

If you suddenly accept Mu Yue as your disciple at this time point, it will send a wrong signal.

Mu Yue is not a child, but a jounin who has already made some achievements on the battlefield.

He can accept Mu Yue as his disciple after retirement, which would not be so troublesome.

Sarutobi Hiruzen really hopes to have a disciple who can inherit his mantle and pass on his skills. Mu Yue is really the most suitable candidate. Mu Yue is very satisfied with both his talent and his personality. .

“I agree with your plan, no problem.” Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed with Mu Yue’s proposal.

There is absolutely no problem in teaching Ninja School students with Mu Yue’s level of change in nature.

As for one person teaching so many students at the same time, Mu Yue had sufficient experience in this area, and Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to believe first and then question.

“Then I won’t disturb you and Danzo-sama discussing important matters.” Mu Yue, who had achieved her goal, chose to leave in time.

It can be said that he has exceeded his goal this time. He originally just wanted to come over and go over the special training teaching plan and consolidate the genius character. But Danzo actually came too, and Muyue stabilized himself again. One hand.

When he was using water to escape, he deliberately used the Great Waterfall Technique taught by Hiruzen Sarutobi, and then pointed out that Hiruzen Sarutobi’s guidance was meritorious. He looked like he often accepted Hiruzen Sarutobi’s guidance. This way he grew up. It makes more sense from Danzo’s perspective.

Now it is still necessary to use Konoha to develop. Muyue can be strong but not too much beyond common sense.

At the beginning, Mu Yue felt that it was troublesome for him to travel to the root identity. Now Mu Yue realizes that it is thanks to him being the root, otherwise it would be really difficult to rationalize his strength. After all, he is not an Uchiha, and his strength skyrockets when he opens his eyes. .

The roots have brought him a lot of benefits. As a ninja trained by the roots, Danzo naturally has a trust in him. After all, he has been brainwashed since childhood.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, and then asked Asuma to return to the room.

“Teacher Mu Yue, I have encountered some problems with Feng Dun recently.” Asma followed Mu Yue without taking any notice and took the opportunity to ask Mu Yue some questions.

Mu Yue simply took Asma to a relatively open place for guidance.

“A ninja like Hanyu Mozuki should not serve as a teacher in a ninja school. Only by letting him return to my roots can he play his best role. Now that wars are raging, the roots need ninjas like him.” Watching Muyue leave, Tuan Zang said.

Although he wanted Mu Yue to go to the battlefield to help Orochimaru make contributions, it was obvious that Hiruzen Sarutobi would not agree to it directly, so Danzo first proposed a plan that Hiruzen Sarutobi would never agree to.

“Don’t mention this matter again, Mu Yue can’t return to his roots.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said firmly.

According to his observation of Mu Yue, Mu Yue was not suitable for a dark place like the Roots. Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t even plan to arrange for Mu Yue to go to ANBU.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks that Muyue is doing well now, doing what he likes and contributing to Konoha, and he has not fallen behind in his own cultivation.

“Hiruzen, he was trained by me!” Danzo emphasized with an unhappy expression.

“Do you have to mention the fact that you illegally recruited the descendants of war heroes as root members?” Sarutobi Hiruzen’s eyes became sharp.

Duanzo was silent for half a minute. He really couldn’t talk anymore. What he did was illegal.

“Even if he doesn’t return to his roots, he shouldn’t be teaching in a ninja school. With his strength, he can play a greater role on the front line. Send him to the front line as Orochimaru’s deputy. Kumogakure is more difficult than Iwagakure. There are too many to deal with.” Danzo said his ultimate goal.

“I have my own arrangements for the Kumogakure battlefield.” Sarutobi Hiruzen still did not agree to Danzo’s proposal.

He is very aware of Danzo’s little thoughts, so he refuses any request from Danzo related to Mu Yue.

“Hiruzen, what are you thinking? The ninja school does not need such a strong teacher!” Danzo didn’t expect that his own preparations would not work, so he couldn’t help but say.

“It’s just that you don’t know Mu Yue’s teaching achievements. Mu Yue’s teaching achievements can be regarded as the first in the history of the entire ninja school. His class is far superior to the same grade class, and his special training Let the graduates improve their level,” Sarutobi Hiruzen said while spitting out a burst of white mist.

Mu Yue first came into his sight because of this unique teaching achievement.

Now Konoha’s frontline actually does not lack combat power. Konoha’s situation is very good now. It is naturally impossible for Sarutobi Hiruzen to replace Mu Yue, a unique teacher, and send him to the battlefield.

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with suspicious eyes. Although Danzo asked Muyue to report regularly when Muyue was at the root, the report did not include teaching results.

Because Danzo sent Mu Yue to the ninja school without really teaching well, Danzo didn’t have a clear understanding of Mu Yue’s teaching ability, but he knew that he taught well.

Sarutobi Hiruzen found the information that Mu Yue submitted to him before and threw it to Danzo.

Although Danzo didn’t know much about ninja schools, he could still understand the table. Seeing that the average score of the class led by Mu Yue was much higher, he knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not exaggerating.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, did not let go at all and Danzo had no choice. After all, he was only the Hokage’s assistant, and his rights all originated from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“The more you value Mu Yue, the more Mu Yue will help me in the future.” Danzo comforted himself in his heart.

Then Danzo no longer mentioned Mu Yue, and talked to Sarutobi Hiruzen about his real purpose of coming here, about Kirigakure’s compensation issue.

This time Danzo came prepared. He produced a lot of information to prove that the benefits of letting Kirigakure suffer more outweighed the disadvantages.

Sarutobi Hiruzen refuted this one by one, but still did not agree with Danzo’s plan.

In the end, this conversation ended with regret, and the only person hurt was the door being slammed shut.


[Disciple Uchiha Shisui worked hard and achieved perfect results in the academic examination, and received rewards: Chakra +300, Ninjutsu proficiency scroll]

The final exam is over, and the system rewards are distributed as usual, but since Shisui is the only disciple left in the ninja school, it seems a little less.

However, the rewards created by Obito Metkai and the others outside the school are no less than those of the Ninja School, but the messages no longer pop up at the same time.

“Teacher Muyue, can you give me a farewell reward? I will miss you during the holidays. Another reward I recommend is dumplings, which are cheap and delicious.” Hongdou quietly covered the test paper and turned his big eyes smartly. Said to Mu Yue.

“Teacher Muyue, Hongdou only scored 81 points this time and has regressed.” Good brother Gang Zitie quickly raised his hand to report.

“Teacher Muyue, you are too used to Hongdou. In my opinion, we should set a standard. People with a score below 95 points will not eat dumplings. In this way, Hongdou’s grades may be improved.” Military Advisor Shenyue came out. Yun provides Mu Yue with suggestions to improve Hong Dou’s performance.

Anyway, he has always been above ninety-five, and this standard is still very simple for him.

Mu Yue looked thoughtful, Hong Dou was indeed not very enthusiastic about learning theory.

He has both teaching methods and cheating teaching skills. Hongdou himself is not stupid. Staying around 80 years old is really a stretch.

Gangzitie’s report certainly chilled Hongdou, but Shenyue Izuyun’s suggestion frightened Hongdou even more. If this was true, she wouldn’t expect to get dumplings from Muyue.

Seeing that Mu Yue seemed to be really considering it, Hong Dou quickly punched Gangzi Tie and then kicked Shenyue Izumo, and then said quickly:

“Teacher Muyue, don’t listen to their nonsense. Studying takes a whole semester, and there are only two exams. If you study but don’t perform well and therefore fail to get the dumpling, it will cause great trauma to your heart. .”

Hongdou looked at Mu Yue with a heartbroken expression, as if he was a loyal minister who wanted to stop the emperor from listening to the slander.


A precise blast of energy hit Hongdou on the forehead, causing Hongdou to subconsciously hug his little head.

“It’s understandable that you didn’t do well in the test once, but you didn’t get over ninety even once, so you failed to perform well every time?” Mu Yue said with retracted knife.

“Hmm, I heard that there is a disease called test nervousness. Maybe I have this disease. I get nervous when I take a test, so I fail every time.” Hongdou said matter-of-factly.

“That’s a coincidence. I got the disease today and I will never give you dumplings for Hongdou. I just don’t want to give you dumplings for Hongdou.” Mu Yue said with a smile.


When it was almost time, Mu Yue knocked Hong Dou on the head and gave her her share of the dumplings.

“At least don’t regress next time.” Mu Yue touched Hong Dou’s little head and said.

“Hey, I tried my best.” Hongdou immediately beamed after getting the dumpling.

“Teacher Muyue, are you alone in this special training like the first time?” Hongdou asked while eating dumplings.

“Yes, and this special training will teach you things you can’t learn in the ninja school.” Mu Yue nodded and replied.

“What can’t be learned in ninja school?” Hongdou was very curious.

“You’ll know next Monday.” Mu Yue didn’t say it out loud.

“It’s such a pity that Brother Ebisu has graduated and I can’t train with him anymore.” Gang Zitie said with a pity look on his face.

“Yes, this is indeed a pity.” Shenyue Izumo said with a look of approval.

For them, Ebisu is not an ordinary senior, but a leader who opens the door to a new world.

“That’s not necessarily the case.” Mu Yue smiled and shook her head.

This time he will teach nature change, and since he has gained some popularity in Konoha, there should be more genin coming to this special training than the first time.

After Mu Yue said this, not only Hongdou, but Shenyue Izumo and Gang Zitie were all looking forward to the special training next week.

Taught by Mu Yue alone, there are also heavyweight new contents. These two points alone make it full of attraction.

This chapter is 3k, and I wrote 8k today


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