Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 287: Tsunade wants to be ruined


Chapter 287 Tsunade wants to be ruined

“I want to develop a sealing technique that can store additional chakra in the body, but this involves a lot of chakra acupoints. How can I set up a sealing technique in the body without affecting the chakra acupoints.” Mu Yue said. asked.

In order to get a power bank for herself, Mu Yue is now studying sealing techniques harder than when she was taking the public exam, and she spends her free time thinking about sealing techniques.

Now, half of the sealing techniques he has acquired have been learned to the proficiency level, and the others are basically at the proficiency level with more than half experience.

Mu Yue feels that even if he is bad at sealing skills, he is only just a little bit behind. He has seen the panels of the ninjas in the sealing class, and the proficiency and quality are not as good as his. What he lacks now is the medical ninjutsu, so that he can Robust completion of development.

“Huh? Are you sure you’re here to ask about medical ninjutsu?” Tsunade complained after hearing Mu Yue’s question.

“I’m sure it involves a lot of medical knowledge, how to perform delicate operations in the human body, isn’t it?” Mu Yue continued calmly.

One of the reasons why he gave the money first was to worry that Tsunade would let him go immediately after hearing his first words. Now that Tsunade had received 600,000 taels, she still had to listen to a few words from him.

Tsunade thought for a moment and realized that developing this kind of ninjutsu indeed requires considerable medical ninjutsu skills.

Why is Tsunade so clear? Because she now knows that there is a ninjutsu similar to what Mu Yue described.

That is the sealing technique passed down from her grandmother Uzumaki Mito, called the Yin Seal, which can store chakra.

Tsunade did not learn this ninjutsu because it was very flawed and difficult to learn.

However, this ninjutsu has great potential. Tsunade has been thinking about how to improve the Yin Seal or develop matching ninjutsu.

But this is what happened before. Because of the death of her brother and lover, Tsunade is now unmotivated about ninja affairs. She knows that her idea can greatly improve her strength if she succeeds, but she also feels that It doesn’t matter.

So what if she is strong? The people she likes are all dead. No matter how good she is in her medical ninjutsu, she can only treat the living but cannot bring the dead back to life.

Now Tsunade only regards those studies as a tool to kill time. Sometimes she is really bored and doesn’t want to drink and has no money to gamble, so she just studies for a while.

“That’s true, but do you really understand? Meng Xiang? How difficult it is to perform ninjutsu?” Tsunade said lightly, wanting Mu Yue to retreat in spite of the difficulties.

“First of all, this requires extremely high levels of sealing skills. Playing with sealing skills in one’s own body can easily affect the body.”

Chakra is required to release ninjutsu, chakra is required to use taijutsu, and chakra is also required to climb walls and tread water. It can be said that the amount of chakra can largely determine the strength of a ninja.

If you could easily get a chakra power bank in your body, it would have become a must-have for strong people. This is really an extremely difficult thing.

Mu Yue raised her glasses, stretched out her hand and opened her palm to cast the Five Elements Seal. Five dazzling chakra lights appeared in Mu Yue’s hand.

“The Five Elements Seal can be used so smoothly.” Tsunade looked a little surprised. This was already a very advanced sealing technique.

“I am somewhat confident in the sealing technique. In addition, I have also learned the four-image seal.” Mu Yue dispersed the chakra and said with a smile.

“I have even mastered the seal of the Four Symbols.” Tsunade was even more surprised now. This was a super powerful sealing technique that even she had not mastered. In other words, in terms of the level of sealing techniques, Mu Yue would be better than her. Up.

“What is your current level of medical ninjutsu?” Tsunade continued to ask.

Mu Yue showed Tsunade his chakra scalpel and palm senjutsu.

Tsunade felt dizzy after reading this. Being able to master these two is already a very qualified medical ninja.

Just thinking about it, she knew that the next answer would definitely not be easy.

To use a metaphor to describe it, Tsunade originally thought that what she needed to teach was addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but it turned out that she actually needed to teach advanced mathematics.

“It’s really troublesome, why don’t I just ask Shizune to teach her.” Tsunade was lying on the wooden corridor, and the laziness in her heart began to set in.

“No matter how you think about it, how can I teach Teacher Muyue.” Shizune couldn’t help complaining after hearing Tsunade’s poor speech.

Shizune pushed Tsunade with her little hand and urged: “Tsunade-sama, you have already accepted Teacher Muyue’s reward, how can you break your promise?”

Mu Yue silently gave Zhiyin a thumbs up. Sure enough, being a good teacher is rewarded. It was not a waste of teaching.

After Shizune pushed her several times, Tsunade sat up again. The first thing she did was to rub Shizune’s face hard with both hands.

“Uh-huh, Tsunade-sama~” Shizune looked at Tsunade pitifully.

“Children like you are born to be rubbed by me, but you dare to preach to me.” Tsunade put down her hands after rubbing her and showed a proud smile.

After a short one-sided fight with Shizune, Tsunade gathered her mood and began to answer questions for Muyue.

Mu Yue had a lot of buffs on her body. It was brought by Jiraiya, Shizune’s favorite teacher, and he paid for it first in the end.

If one of them is missing, Tsunade may not be happy.

Mu Yue has to say that she has found the right person. Although Tsunade’s character is a bit bad, the level of medical ninjutsu is really unparalleled. Mu Yue discovered her after an hour of communicating with Tsunade. There are many problems that have not been discovered before.

Perhaps she was a little unhappy in her heart. When Tsunade pointed out Muyue’s question, her words were sharper. Either there was an idiot who didn’t know this, or even the dolphin knew about it.

But Mu Yue didn’t care. After all, this was the tutor who could help him complete the power bank plan. Even if he really spit out knives from his mouth, he would have to come to the class armed.

Besides, Tsunade is very beautiful. If she were someone from her previous life who had special hobbies, this might be a reward.

Happy time always passes quickly. When it comes to teaching medical knowledge, Tsunade is indeed a very good teacher. He listened to Tsunade’s lectures and then thought about it. Soon five and a half hours would pass. , from noon to dusk.

“It’s finally almost over. You must have a good drink tonight!” Tsunade showed an expression of relief. She taught Shizune this way even though she had been teaching for so long.

Tsunade decided not to earn any more money. The next time Mu Yue came up to her and blasted her away, she would rather lie down and feel comfortable.

“Tsunade-sama, if you are tired, you can end your rest now.” Mu Yue said with a gentle smile.

“You said it yourself.” Tsunade agreed without hesitation. Only a fool would refuse such a good thing.

Mu Yue looked up at the sky, and then asked with a concerned look: “Tsunade-sama, you must be tired and hungry after taking classes for so long. It just so happens that I also have a lot of experience in cooking. How about I Can I cook something for you? ”

“Teacher Muyue is so gentle.” Shizune sighed in her heart, finishing early and helping to make dinner.

She felt that as a teacher, Mu Yue knew the hard work of concentrating on teaching, so she acted like this.

Tsunade has always been happy to pick up good things for free, but she was worried that Muyue’s cooking skills were not good enough, so she asked: “What does it mean to have a lot of experience?”

“More confident than the sealing technique.” Mu Yue replied with a smile.

It turns out that his cooking can conquer even non-human beings.

Hearing this, Tsunade became interested. The level of sealing skills shown by Mu Yue was extraordinary.

Next, Mu Yue went shopping for groceries, went home and picked up some pastries, and finally started cooking at Tsunade’s house.

“Teacher Muyue, let me help you wash the vegetables.” Zhiyin walked to the kitchen to help.

“Well, you are such a good boy, thank you.” Mu Yue smiled and handed the three wrapped pastries to Shizune.

Shizune could smell an alluring fragrance from above, but she didn’t pick it up and looked at Mu Yue doubtfully.

“This is the reward.” Mu Yue stuffed the cake into Shizune’s hand.

After washing the dishes, Shizune tasted one curiously, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She had never eaten such a delicious dessert.

“Teacher Muyue, which dessert shop in the village did you buy this from?” Shizune asked quickly.

If it’s not too expensive, she can use her pocket money to buy some and eat it back.

“This is not for sale.”


“Because I did it myself.”

Zhiyin looked shocked, she didn’t expect Mu Yue to have such ability.

Zhiyin put away the remaining two pastries, preparing to eat one a day.

If it were other delicious things, Shizune would definitely share them with Tsunade, but not with sweets, because in Shizune’s memory, Tsunade didn’t like sweets, and she even said this bluntly when buying three-color dumplings for Shizune. How come so many people like to eat this stuff?

After Mu Yue finished cooking, she put some vegetables into the lunch box and asked the shadow clone to give them to Minato, and then took the dishes out.

“The aroma is quite good, but I don’t know how it tastes.” Tsunade could smell the aroma of the food before she even sat on it.

She glanced at it. They were all unfamiliar dishes, but they all looked good.

Tsunade randomly picked up a piece of meat from the fried pork with chili peppers. After eating it, she was instantly astonished. In a trance, Tsunade seemed to have gone to another world and forgotten all her worries.

After regaining consciousness, although there was an extremely hot feeling in her mouth, Tsunade just couldn’t control herself and wanted to continue eating.

After taking a bite, Shizune also fell into a state of immersion.

When Tsunade wanted to continue eating vegetables and rice, she suddenly found that the three plates in front of her were empty.

“Why did you do so little? Don’t underestimate the appetite of ninjas.” Tsunade didn’t eat enough.

“Considering that Tsunade-sama, you will go out drinking with Jiraiya-sama and the others at night, so I didn’t do too much. I originally wanted to get a whole chicken to try out the newly thought of dishes.” Mu Yue explained. road.

Now that Tsunade wants to punch Jiraiya hard, can’t she just change it for another day?

“But I will come to you tomorrow to study. I will do more tomorrow night.” Mu Yue continued.

Tsunade was a little conflicted. She originally didn’t want to continue living a carefree life of doing nothing.

But after eating Mu Yue’s cooking, she heard Mu Yue talk about a new dish made from whole chicken. Tsunade really wanted to taste what Mu Yue’s chicken would taste like.

“Then let’s teach for one more day. If you make more money, you can gamble more.” Tsunade decided to teach Mu Yue for one more day tomorrow, and then tell Mu Yue not to come after tomorrow’s teaching.

“Well, remember to cook more dishes tomorrow and make them delicious.” Tsunade reminded.

Looking at Tsunade’s expression, Mu Yue knew that her plan had taken the first step, and she nodded with a smile.

In the evening, Jiraiya and Orochimaru went to Tsunade’s house to ask Tsunade to drink, but what puzzled Jiraiya was that Tsunade looked unhappy at him.

There will be another chapter later. I am a little busy today, but I should still have more than a thousand words more than yesterday

In addition, I took a look at Tsunade from Minato Legend, and there seemed to be no Yin Seal mark on her forehead, so I guess Tsunade’s Yin Seal and Baihao’s Yin Seal were from the period of wandering around after World War III


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