Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 286: One Hundred Thousand Two Hours of Tsunade


Chapter 286 One Hundred Thousand Two Hours of Tsunade

“Teacher Mu Yue.” Zhiyin was a little surprised to see Mu Yue, and then said hello to Mu Yue.

She is also a student who graduated this year. She has participated in Mu Yue’s special training and studied with Mu Yue for a while. She has a good impression of Mu Yue.

Mu Yue smiled gently and nodded.

“Huh?” Hearing Shizune’s voice, Tsunade looked at Muyue in confusion. After looking carefully, she realized that it was not Namikaze Minato, but someone she didn’t recognize.

Because Namikaze Minato often followed Jiraiya, and Mu Yue also had similar blond hair and a gentle smile on his face, Tsunade didn’t pay attention and just assumed that the one behind Jiraiya was Namikaze Minato.

“Shizune, do you know him?” Tsunade turned to look at Shizune and asked.

“Well, he is Hanyu Mozuki. He taught me for a while and is a very powerful teacher.” Shizune replied softly.

“Isn’t that the teacher of the ninja school?” Tsunade thought for a while and said.

She is Shizune’s instructor, so Muyue can only be a teacher at the ninja school.

Shizune nodded.

“Don’t underestimate Mu Yue. Although she is a teacher at the Ninja School, Mu Yue is not weak in strength. Not only did she defeat the Explosive Hunter, she also helped me repel the Jinchuuriki.” Jiraiya listed This is Mu Yue’s most impressive record so far.

“I didn’t say that the ninja school teachers must be weak, so why did you come here today?” Tsunade clapped her mouth with her hand and asked as if she didn’t get enough sleep.

She forgot when she went to bed yesterday, she only remembered that she had been drinking and eating.

“Muyue has been learning medical ninjutsu recently and has encountered some difficulties, so I want to ask you for advice.” Jiraiya said the reason for their visit.

Although Mu Yue said yesterday that he could communicate by himself, Jiraiya felt that it would be better if he opened his mouth. After all, they have been old friends for so many years.

“Can you please teach me medical ninjutsu? Then you can go back. I don’t have the time or interest to teach others medical ninjutsu.” After hearing this, Tsunade refused directly.

Tsunade might take action if she wanted to cure the disease, but teaching others was out of the question. Now except for Shizune, she was not interested in teaching anyone else.

Jiraiya’s expression was a little embarrassed. He expected Tsunade’s rejection, but he didn’t expect it to be so quick and direct.

“Tsunade-sama, I won’t waste too much of your time, and I won’t let you teach in vain. I can pay you.” Mu Yue said with a smile without changing her expression.

Hearing that there was a reward, Tsunade became slightly interested. After all, her carefree life was very expensive. Sometimes she could lose millions of taels in a night if she lost a little faster.

“How much money can you give me? I am one of the three ninjas and the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world.” Tsunade emphasized her identity.

It just so happened that she had lost almost all her money recently, so she wanted to get some blood back from Mu Yue.

Seeing that Tsunade became negotiable again after talking about remuneration, a helpless smile appeared on Jiraiya’s face.

“How about one hundred thousand taels an hour?” Mu Yue offered a very high price.

The normal process was that Mu Yue would first offer a low price, then wait for Tsunade to raise the price, and then Mu Yue would cut a little more. After all, if it was one hundred thousand taels an hour, Mu Yue’s small treasury would not be able to sustain it for a whole day.

But Mu Yue has already thought of other ways. If it goes well, it only requires spending some money upfront.

“One hundred thousand taels per hour.” Tsunade was a little moved after hearing this.

One hundred thousand taels is not a lot. The reward for an ordinary B-level mission is only about one hundred thousand taels, and you can’t get it all yourself.

“In this case, I can only deal with a few hours a day, and save a few days to be able to happily gamble.” Thinking of this, Tsunade decided to take over the job.

“For the sake of Shizune saying that you are a great teacher, I will reluctantly agree to it.” Tsunade finally replied.

“Thank you, Tsunade-sama.” Mu Yue thanked with a gentle smile.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but as long as Tsunade is willing to teach her the rest, it will be much easier.

“Do you want to start now? If so, I will start the timer. If you start, you will still have to charge one hundred thousand taels even if it is less than an hour.” Tsunade reminded.

Jiraiya interrupted Mu Yue’s words with his eyes and pulled Mu Yue aside.

“Haha, I’m sorry Mu Yue, Tsunade is not like this usually. She must have lost too much money recently.” Jiraiya explained for Tsunade.

Tsunade does have a bad temper, but this situation is still relatively rare now.

“It’s okay. After all, Tsunade-sama is not my teacher. It is normal to pay her.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

Then Jiraiya touched the clothes on his body, took out six hundred thousand taels and handed it to Mu Yue and said:

“I don’t have any money with me. There are almost 600,000 taels here. Take it first.”

He was the one who brought Mu Yue here, and he felt a little sorry that it turned out like this. Moreover, although the money was for Mu Yue, it was actually for Tsunade.

If Tsunade took the initiative to borrow money from Jiraiya, Jiraiya would not even blink an eye if she borrowed millions.

“Thank you, Lord Jiraiya, for your kindness. After all, this is my business and it should not be your responsibility.” Mu Yue declined Jiraiya’s kindness.

Looking at Mu Yue’s firm gaze, Jiraiya patted Mu Yue on the shoulder without saying anything more, and walked back to Tsunade with Mu Yue.

“Tsunade, we haven’t had dinner together for a long time. Do you want to drink together tonight? I’ll call Orochimaru.” Jiraiya invited with a smile.

Since the Second Ninja War, the three of them rarely get together. Jiraiya traveled to the ninja world, Tsunade left legends of big fat sheep everywhere, and Orochimaru devoted himself to studying various forbidden ninjutsu. .

“Drinking, that’s no problem.” Tsunade readily agreed.

She has limited time to teach people, but she has plenty of time to drink.

After inviting Tsunade to drink together, Jiraiya left. He also had to look for Orochimaru. Orochimaru was also difficult to find and was usually not at home.

“How about it, how many hours do you want to study today?” Tsunade looked at Mu Yue with interest. At this moment, Mu Yue had transformed into the appearance of banknotes in her eyes.

“Then let’s come for six hours first.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

It is now half past twelve noon, and it will be time for dinner six hours later.

After saying that, Mu Yue found her wallet and took out 600,000 taels of banknotes and handed them to Tsunade.

Tsunade glanced at it casually and nodded with satisfaction as she felt there was no problem. One hundred thousand taels an hour was indeed a very good figure.

“You are very good. I am optimistic about you. If you have any questions, please ask.” Tsunade threw the money to Shizune for safekeeping and then looked at Muyue and said.

She didn’t even say she would give money to Muyue first, but she took the initiative to give it to her. This refreshing energy made Tsunade more pleasing to Muyue.

This chapter is a bit short, but it’s a little too late in terms of time. If you don’t post it, you will lose your perfect attendance, and your brain will also send a signal to sleep.

Try to update more tomorrow (if status allows)


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