Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 285: Meet Tsunade


Chapter 285 Meeting Tsunade

After dinner, Obito and his disciples went home. Jiraiya, who was not satisfied, bought some sake, and the three of them chatted while eating and drinking.

Mainly because Jiraiya said that Muyue and Minato mainly listened and started some small topics from time to time.

“Imitating the tailed beast is harder than I thought.” Minato said about his development of ninjutsu, wanting to get inspiration from Mu Yue and Jiraiya.

“It is not an easy task to develop a ninjutsu similar to the tailed beast jade.” Jiraiya drank the sake in the cup and touched his chin.

A large part of the Jinchūriki’s deterrent power lies in the Tailed Beast Jade. The Tailed Beast Jade’s destructive power is so great that even Jiraiya has no way to deal with the Tailed Beast Jade. He can only think of ways to dodge.

“I imitated the shape of the tailed beast jade and developed it in the form of a chakra ball, but now the chakra ball is very unstable and is so powerful that it cannot even penetrate a big tree.” Minato continued to talk about what he was doing during development problems at hand.

“If it’s not stable, I think Minato you can find a solid round object to help you practice, such as a ball or something.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

Minato’s eyes lit up and he felt that Mu Yue’s suggestion was very good. He smiled and thanked Mu Yue: “It is indeed a good idea to use physical objects to assist in practice.”

After talking about Rasengan, Mu Yue also took the opportunity to express her previous thoughts.

“It is indeed inappropriate to set a seal on a single chakra acupoint to store chakra. I thought about it carefully. If the scope can be expanded to include more chakra meridian acupoints, it may be feasible. Pass.”

“You haven’t given up on this bold idea yet. It may be possible in theory, but it requires a very high level of chakra control accuracy and requires strong medical ninjutsu skills.” Jiraiya sighed.

He is still not very optimistic about this direction. Developing on chakra meridians and acupuncture points is too risky and can easily destroy himself.

Of course, the risk is high and the improvement is also great. If it can really be realized, the improvement in strength will be very intuitive, which is equivalent to adding a lot of chakra out of thin air.

“Well, I am somewhat confident in the accuracy of chakra manipulation, but I really don’t know much about medical ninjutsu. I haven’t had much time to study. At present, I have only mastered the palm sage technique initially, so I have been in the theoretical stage.” Mu Yue He continued following Jiraiya’s words.

Hearing that Mu Yue had begun to learn medical ninjutsu, Jiraiya swallowed back his words of advice.

Fortunately, Mu Yue is a person who knows the importance and will not mess around without being sure.

Minato was in awe after hearing Mu Yue’s words. Mu Yue worked really hard to develop a technique that could store chakra. Not only did he study **** sealing techniques, he was also learning medical ninjutsu. This made Minato feel that he had been a little lax recently. Not enough time was spent developing ninjutsu.

“Jiraiya-sama, you and Tsunade-sama are both Sannin. Can you help me introduce you? I would like to ask Tsunade-sama some questions about medical ninjutsu.” Muyue said after the preparation was completed. His ultimate purpose.

He had the idea of ​​​​looking for Tsunade before, but he was not fully prepared at that time. Now he is well-known in the Konoha ninja circle, and his medical ninjutsu also comes from the ninjutsu hall, and he is not big in all aspects. Problem.

“Tsunade, her medical ninjutsu is indeed very powerful and should be of great help to your learning, but she is not an easy person to talk to.” Jiraiya fell into thinking.

He and Tsunade are very familiar. They are both teammates and good friends, and they have been through life and death together countless times.

To be fair, Jiraiya believed that Tsunade was a kind-hearted person. In order to reduce the casualty rate of ninjas, Tsunade proposed that each team be equipped with a medical ninja. Although it was not adopted, it was considered an effort.

But to say that Tsunade has a good temper would be an understatement. After being a teammate for so many years, how could Jiraiya not know Tsunade’s temper?

“There is no problem in taking you to see her, but I can’t guarantee that she will help you solve the problem.” Jiraiya poured himself a glass of wine and replied.

If Mu Yue is seriously injured or has some disease, Jiraiya is sure to ask Tsunade to treat it. Tsunade still has the medical ethics as a medical ninja, but if it is to teach something, Jiraiya really can’t guarantee it. It will definitely work. This is a very personal matter. Tsunade has the right to teach or not.

“Well, Jiraiya-sama, you can help me introduce him. I will communicate with Tsunade-sama on other matters myself.” Mu Yue smiled and toasted to thank him. It would definitely be better to have Jiraiya to connect the bridge than to go there suddenly. Find something much better.

Jiraiya laughed and patted Muyue on the shoulder and said:

“You should be fine. You are only slightly less handsome than me, and you have amazing cooking skills. When the time comes, if you make cooking a condition, she might agree.”

“I remember she liked to drink and eat chicken at the same time.”

Mu Yue secretly wrote down the fact that Tsunade likes to eat tender chicken.

After eating and drinking, Minato helped Jiraiya, who was already drunk, to go out. Muyue learned the sealing technique until 11:30 in the evening, washed up and went to bed.


The next morning, Mu Yuefeng created a shadow clone to deal with school affairs. The ninja school was about to start. There were some things that he needed to deal with there, and then he was going to the southern forest to teach the disciples.

But when Mu Yue finished eating and was about to leave, a ninja knocked on his door.

“Please go to the Hokage Building. Lord Sandaime has something to do with you.” The ninja said succinctly.

Mu Yue nodded, leaving a shadow clone behind, waiting for the main body to leave for the Hokage Building. Then the shadow clone went to the southern forest, where Shisui was still waiting.


Mu Yue knocked on the door of the Hokage’s office.

“Come in.” Hiruzen Sarutobi’s voice came from the office.

Mu Yue pushed the door open and found that besides Sarutobi Hiruzen there was a ninja he didn’t recognize.

“Sandaime-sama.” Mu Yue greeted Sarutobi Hiruzen with respect, and at the same time gave the unknown ninja a smile and walked to the desk.

“Is there any mission?” Mu Yue asked Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, and then said with a smile: “No, you were promoted.”

“Because of your outstanding performance in the ninja school and your contribution on the battlefield, you are enough to be promoted to Jonin.”

With that said, Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Muyue a brand new ninja certificate. It no longer said “Special Jounin” on it, but only said “Jounin”.

“Thank you, Sandaime-sama.” Mo Yue’s face showed excitement and gratitude, as if he had accomplished something extremely important, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was his benefactor who helped him in the process.

Of course, this was just pretending, Mu Yue’s heart didn’t waver at all.

As he expected, he was promoted from special jounin to jounin. He showed such strong strength and made great contributions on the battlefield. Coupled with the performance of the ninja school, he was promoted in a place with more relaxed promotion conditions. It’s perfectly normal to be promoted to Jonin during a war.

In fact, this was slower than Mu Yue expected. After all, it had been some time since he returned from the battlefield. Mu Yue guessed that Sarutobi Hiruzen was preparing to collectively promote a wave of meritorious ninjas, so he delayed it a little.

Mu Yue glanced at the information of the unknown ninja with her peripheral vision, and she was also promoted to Jonin.

“There is no need to thank me. This is earned through your own merit and strength. It is the reward you deserve for protecting Konoha.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a satisfied smile.

Mu Yue did not continue to say nice things, but her expression was still excited and grateful. He knew that Hiruzen Sarutobi denied it in his mouth, but he was very grateful in his heart.

This promotion is only to the ninja level, and other positions will not change as a result.

The reason is also very simple. His position in the ninja school cannot be promoted in a short time. There are two people above him, one is the teacher’s class monitor Shimono Hisanobu, and the other is the principal Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The leader of the teacher’s class is only an ordinary jounin, but he has been working in the ninja school for a long time. He is a senior jounin. It is impossible to remove him for no reason. The principal of Sarutobi Hiruzen is even less likely. It’s possible, it’s a very special position right now.

Of course, after all, he was promoted to Jonin, which is considered the upper echelon of Konoha. There will be no substantial rewards at all. Mu Yue got two more opportunities to choose ninjutsu in the ninjutsu hall.

Before Mu Yue left, two more ninjas walked into the Hokage’s office, which further verified Mu Yue’s idea. Normally, not so many people come to the Hokage building together.

After leaving the Hokage Building, Mu Yue went directly to the Southern Forest to practice.

After noon, Mu Yue returned to her home in the main city, because yesterday Jiraiya said that he would take him to find Tsunade at noon today. This kind of thing must not be done by the shadow clone.

“No matter how many times I eat it, I never get tired of it.” Jiraiya, who had lunch by the way, sighed with a satisfied look on his face.

“Try not to bring up topics like brother and lover in front of her.” Jiraiya reminded him as he thought of something.

“I will.” Mu Yue nodded, indicating that she had written down all these taboos.

Then Jiraiya took Muyue directly to Tsunade’s house.

“At this point, I feel like I just woke up soon. If I’m not at home, I can only go to a nearby casino to look for it.” Jiraiya didn’t dare to say that he would be able to find Tsunade at Tsunade’s house 100% of the time. hand.

Although Tsunade didn’t want to find the Child of Prophecy like him, she couldn’t be interested in all kinds of ninja things because of the death of her brother and her lover. If it hadn’t been for the war, she probably wouldn’t be in Konoha now.

Mu Yue and Jiraiya were quite lucky. As soon as they walked into Tsunade’s yard, they saw Tsunade and Shizune sitting in the corridor under the eaves.

“Jiraiya, why are you here? If you try to peek, I will beat you to death.” Tsunade crossed her arms and asked Jiraiya.

“Haha, is this the impression I have on you? But now is not the time to collect information.” Jiraiya replied with a smile without any shyness.

There will be another chapter later


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