Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 274: A small parting is more conducive to exploding gold coins


Chapter 274 A small parting is more conducive to exploding gold coins

“Grandma, I’m back.” Obito shouted impatiently as soon as he walked into the yard.

“Welcome home.” Grandma walked to the door and said with a kind smile.

“You must be hungry, I’ll cook for you.” It was just noon now, and grandma thought that Obito might not have eaten yet, so she turned to the kitchen to prepare lunch for Obito.

Obito smiled and nodded, then sat down in the living room.

When Obito sat on the chair in the living room, his body and mind completely relaxed, and he even felt a little sleepy.

“I didn’t feel tired before. Why do I still feel tired after sitting down to rest.” Obito scratched his head and felt a little confused.

If you don’t understand, you don’t understand. Sitting on a chair at home is still very comfortable. He can sit wherever he likes.

“Obito, Yashiro Uchiha came to see you yesterday and brought a lot of things. He said that if you still have time when you come back from completing the mission, you can attend the youth ninja exchange meeting in the clan.” Grandma was cooking When I remembered what happened yesterday, I spoke.

“Young Ninja Exchange Meeting, what is this, gathering together to chat?” Obito asked aloud, he didn’t understand very well.

“It’s more or less the same. It seems that there will be competitions and battles, and there will be rewards for winning. Your father also participated in it before.” Grandma Obito recalled.

“Then what reward did dad get?” Obito looked at the kitchen curiously. He rarely heard his grandma talk about his father.

“I don’t remember this, but your father was very happy at the time and told me a lot about how strong the seniors were, how hard he worked to defeat an opponent, etc.” Grandma paused and then answered road.

When she recalled the past, she realized that she was really old and had forgotten so much about her children.

“It’s only two days later. If you don’t want to go, Obito, don’t go. Anyway, they don’t know when you will complete the task.” Grandma said while cooking.

She knew that Obito couldn’t play with ordinary people of his own race since he was a child.

“Why not go if there is a reward? There is no registration fee anyway.” Obito replied with a smile.

He is not interested in communicating with his fellow tribesmen, but if there is a reward, he can go over and see what is going on.

“Eat quickly. Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight.” Grandma Obito said with a smile as she brought the prepared food to the table.

Obito nodded quickly and prepared to cook.

“Obito, how are you getting along with Xiaolin? Have you let Xiaolin know your feelings?” Grandma Obito asked with a smile on her face.

“Ahem.” Obito choked on his rice and coughed twice.

Grandma immediately walked over to Obito and gently stroked his back to help Obito calm down.

“What’s the matter? Grandma, you have to know that we are only nine years old.” Obito replied with a blush.

Grandma smiled and said nothing. She could see Obito’s little thought at a glance.

“Grandma, please hurry up and eat. It won’t taste good when it’s cold.” In order to prevent grandma from saying anything that would make him blush, Obito said quickly.

After eating, Obito shared with his grandma what he had heard from the client about the Kingdom of Yu, and then went to the southern forest to practice.

As he was about to arrive, Obito bumped into someone he didn’t want to see.

“Aren’t you sleeping at home?” Kakashi asked calmly.

He felt a little pity in his heart. If Obito didn’t come today, then he would have to work harder for one day longer than Obito and receive more teachings from Mu Yue.

“What about sleeping? Why should I sleep now in broad daylight? Of course I have to practice with Teacher Muyue.” Now that he had reached the southern forest, Obito said directly.

Obito was glad that he didn’t rest just because of a little fatigue, otherwise Kakashi would secretly work hard all day and he wouldn’t know it.

The two looked at each other and walked into the southern forest together. At this time, Mu Yue was developing water breathing and Zhishui was practicing normal practice.

“Why are you here at this time? Didn’t Minato take you to practice or perform tasks today?” Mu Yue asked when she saw the two coming over.

Mu Yue was pretending. He knew that Obito and Kakashi followed Minato out to do the mission, because he saw the rewards for completing the mission.

[Disciples Kakashi and Uchiha Obito worked hard to complete the commissioned tasks and received a growth reward of Chakra +700]

Looking at this reward, Mu Yue knew that Obito and the others might have encountered an accident again during the mission. There were only two disciples, and without the bonus of him leading the team, seven hundred points of chakra was already quite considerable. Numbers.

“Is it not my problem, but Obito and Kakashi’s really bad luck?” Mu Yue thought in her mind.

He used to think that it was his special selection that led to so many accidents. Unexpectedly, Obito and Kakashi still performed stably even without him selecting tasks.

“We just came back from the mission, and Minato-sensei gave us four days off.” Obito explained.

“This mission is really dangerous. Kakashi’s mouth seems to have the effect of ninjutsu. If he can’t tell an accident, something will happen.” Obito couldn’t wait to start telling Mu Yue about their mission experience.

“It’s just a coincidence!” Kakashi emphasized.

“Didn’t you hear the reminder from the registered ninja? Kumogakure appears in Yu no Kuni, we just happened to meet him.”

“I only know that there have been five accidents in a row.” Obito said that facts speak louder than words.

When Obito said this number of times, Kakashi was speechless. Five accidents occurred in a row, and two of them even met the Raikage candidate. This is indeed a bit evil.

Obito then continued to share the mission experience with Mu Yue and said: “Teacher Mu Yue, you will never guess who we met this time. Fortunately, Teacher Minato’s Flying Thunder God is very powerful, otherwise you might have met No more for us.”

Obito really feels that this mission is very thrilling. He didn’t see the battle between Mu Yue and the Fourth Ai last time, so he doesn’t know the specific strength of the Fourth Ai. This time, although Minato is in front, the distance is still It’s actually not very far, and you can see the details of the battle between Yondaime Ai and Minato.

“Is it that Raikage candidate again?” Mu Yue thought for a moment and said. It was Kumogakure and powerful. The first thing he thought of was the fourth generation Ai and Kirabi.

After all, the Third Raikage is not that easy to cultivate, and it can only be encountered on very important battlefields.

“Teacher Muyue, you are too good. You can guess this.” Obito looked at Muyue in surprise. He didn’t expect Muyue to guess it so easily.

Mu Yue replied with a smile; “Maybe I’m lucky.”

“Okay, let’s talk after we finish training and rest. Let’s train first.” Mu Yue continued. Obito and the others must be preparing to practice when they come to the Southern Forest at this time. If they want to chat, they can just go to his house to find him at night. .

“Kakashi, you have started to practice the breathing method. As long as you still have physical strength, you will maintain a state of full concentration.”

“Obito learn a new fire escape from me first, and then practice the breathing method after mastering the fire escape ninjutsu.”

Kakashi’s top priority is to solve the reaction problem. The realm of thunder breathing is more important to Kakashi than other abilities now.

There is an upper limit to training to strengthen reactions. There is no way to fundamentally solve the problem with this kind of training. As long as the reaction problem is not solved for one day, Kakashi’s Thunder Breath will be restricted. It is a gamble to activate the speed with all his strength. Bet the other party can’t react at this speed.

As for Obito, Mu Yue feels that Obito still lacks a powerful and wide-range fire escape.

In order to prevent the flames from burning up the forest, Mu Yue took Obito to the river for training.

“Teacher Muyue, what kind of fire escape are you going to teach me? Is it the fire escape that looks like a sea of ​​fire?” Obito asked excitedly. Mu Yue’s head was so hard when he performed the first C-level mission that he still showed it. Remember.

“No, but in terms of power, this ninjutsu is not worse than that one.” Mu Yue shook her head and said.

What he wants to teach Obito is the Fire Dragon Flame Bomb, which Danzo gave the ninjutsu scroll.

Mu Yue first explained the release principle and various key points, and then gave a demonstration.

“Fire Release・Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!”

Mu Yue quickly formed a seal and then condensed chakra and opened her mouth to spit out a large amount of violent flames.

The flames of the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet are different from ordinary fire attacks. Because of the ferocity of the fire, attacks can be launched from many directions at the same time.

Of course, ninjutsu will not be powerful without reason. It is precisely because of this characteristic that the flames of the fire dragon bullets are very difficult to control. If used improperly, let alone attack the enemy from multiple directions, it is good not to burn yourself.

Under Mu Yue’s control, the extremely ferocious flames split into three flames and rushed toward the river, evaporating a large amount of river water, and white mist kept rising.

Because too much water evaporated instantly, in Obito’s eyes, the river surface became extremely uneven for a moment.

“This ninjutsu is very powerful, but it also consumes a lot of chakra. Don’t use it like a fire ball.” Mu Yue reminded.

“Yes, yes, I know.” Obito’s eyes lit up when he saw the fire of the fire dragon bullets being so fierce, and he nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

After demonstrating it once, Mu Yue carefully divided the Fire Dragon Flame Bomb into pieces and explained it for demonstration.

He will teach different things to different people. If it’s Shisui, he won’t explain it in too much detail because it’s a waste of time. In many places, Shisui can draw inferences just by listening to it.

[You taught your disciple Fire Release and Fire Dragon Flame Bullet. Due to the disciple’s gratitude, he was rewarded with a critical hit and obtained the Ninjutsu Water Release and Water Prison Technique (proficient level)]

It was probably because they hadn’t seen each other for a while. Although Mu Yue didn’t deliberately try to stir up emotions, Obito also showed off his skills.

Water Prison Jutsu is indeed a good ninjutsu. It can be used to trap enemies, and sometimes it can also be used to protect yourself and resist attacks.

When the training was over, Mu Yue invited all three disciples home for dinner.

“Okay, I can eat Teacher Muyue’s food again.” Obito happily agreed.

Shisui and Kakashi were also happy to go and agreed directly.

When Muyue was cooking in the evening, Minato and Metkai also came to his house.


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