Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 273: Teacher Chen and Mu Yue


Chapter 273 Teacher Chen and Mu Yue

“You guys should have a good rest in the next four days. There will be no training or missions.” After returning to Konoha, Minato told the three of them the next arrangements.

Minato felt that this mission was too dangerous for Obito and the others. They had just become official ninjas and encountered such a powerful enemy and experienced such a level of battle.

If Obito and the others hadn’t just joined the team not long ago, Minato would have wanted to give them a week off to rest and adjust.

“It’s such a long break all at once.” Obito scratched his head and felt that the vacation was a bit long.

He was a little unaccustomed to resting for four days at a stretch, because after Mu Yue completed a mission, he usually rested on the day he came back and continued training tomorrow. Sometimes he would take an extra day or two if he was tired, but this rarely happened. For four days in a row.

“It’s normal. After all, we encountered enemies of that level.” Kakashi felt that resting for four days was nothing.

When he was in other teams, he would usually take a few days off after completing a C-level or above village mission.

But Kakashi thinks it doesn’t matter if he takes a few days off. If every instructor can be like Mu Yue, he thinks it’s okay if he doesn’t take extra days off.

Although the pace at Mu Yue’s side is tighter, the students are not forced to practice, and even the students voluntarily go to practice during the holidays.

“Anyway, everyone can rest peacefully in the next few days. You don’t have to worry about the mission. I will report it right away.” Minato said with a gentle smile.

A new AB group has appeared in the Country of Yu. Minato has to report this news to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This is a bad signal for Konoha, and it means that Kumogakure may gather forces from the Country of Yu to attack the border of the Country of Fire.

“Goodbye, Minato-sensei.” Obito smiled and waved goodbye to Minato.

“Goodbye Minato-sensei.” Kakashi also said goodbye.

“Minato-sensei, remember to take a good rest.” Nohara Rin said with a smile and concern.

In the beginning, due to their previous impressions, Obito and Kakashi always called Minato “senpai” or “captain”, but during this mission, they got to know Minato again and felt how much Minato meant to them. He noticed the change in his identity, so he called Minato “teacher”.

“I will.” Minato smiled, waved goodbye and walked towards the direction of the Hokage Building.

“It’s been a four-day holiday. I don’t know what to do during these four days. Xiaolin, what are you going to do?” Obito asked Nohara Lin with a curious look on his face.

“I will take a break today and tomorrow and read some information about medical ninjutsu. In the next two days, I may go to Teacher Muyue to ask some questions about training. According to the time, the ninja school will start soon. Teacher Mu Yue may not be so free in the future,” Nohara Lin thought for a while and replied.

Obito’s eyes lit up, and he felt that what Nohara Lin said made sense, but he did not plan to find Mu Yue in the next two days, but planned to go to the southern forest to practice tomorrow.

This was not the first time he met the alternate Raikage, and Minato protected them very well, so Obito didn’t feel tired, both physically and mentally.

“If I go to Teacher Muyue to practice in the past four days, Kakashi will be even less likely to catch up with me.” Obito thought in his mind.

Theoretically, he is destined to be unable to defeat Kakashi, and he does not want to be surpassed by Kakashi in terms of strength.

“What about you, Obito? You don’t want to sleep at home for four days, do you?” Nohara Rin asked jokingly.

“It’s not a big deal if you sleep for four days. You must practice to practice.” Obito did not reveal his specific training plan, but answered vaguely.

“What about you, Kakashi?” Obito looked at Kakashi and asked.

“Practice.” Kakashi replied simply.

Now Kakashi’s desire to become stronger is really great. Whether it is Obito, Metkai or Shisui, he wants to surpass them and defeat them in actual combat.

Nohara Lin’s words reminded Kakashi that they happened to be on vacation and Mu Yue was also free at this time. It would be the best time to go to Mu Yue’s place to practice these four days.

Seeing that Kakashi looked like a training madman, Obito changed his mind. He would not rest today. He would go home first and then go directly to the southern forest to practice.

If Kakashi practiced hard for a day and he took a day off, the gap would be narrowed.

After reaching the intersection, the three of them separated and went back to their homes.


After becoming Metkay’s instructor, Teacher Chen finally understood why Metkay could have such a strong body at this age.

Teaching other disciples, Teacher Chen always teaches them that they don’t train enough, which leads to their lack of strength, and they need to practice more.

After he saw Metkay’s training, he told Metkay not to overwork himself, as it would damage his body.

Because according to Teacher Chen’s somewhat harsh standards, Metkai’s training volume has exceeded the standard by a lot.

“Haha, Teacher Chen, don’t worry. I have always been trained like this. Teacher Mu Yue adjusted it for me, so there will be no problem.” Metkai explained with a smile.

“Teacher Mu Yue? Who is he? If you are young with this kind of intensity, it may not be a problem. Problems will arise after middle age.” Teacher Chen said seriously.

He was worried that Metkai had met someone who didn’t understand and pretended to understand and was deceived.

“Teacher Muyue’s full name is Hanyu Muyue. In my eyes, he is a ninja whose physical skills are no worse than yours.” Metkai said with pride.

Although Ebisu said that Teacher Chen was the best in Konoha’s physical skills, Metkai felt that if Mu Yue used the Eight Door Dungeon and Breathing Pattern at the same time, Teacher Chen would definitely not be able to defeat Mu Yue.

Of course, because of Mu Yue’s request, Metkai didn’t exaggerate. He just said that he thought Mu Yue was no worse than Teacher Chen.

“Hanyu Mozuki, is that the Hanyu Mozuki that was in the Konoha newspaper some time ago?” Teacher Chen, who read the newspaper, was slightly impressed by this name.

“Well, that time Teacher Mu Yue took us on a food transportation mission and an accident occurred. When we arrived at the battlefield, we happened to encounter Yanyin launching a large-scale raid. Then Teacher Mu Yue took us to support the battlefield.” Metkai He nodded and said.

When Teacher Chen heard this, he could basically eliminate the suspicion that Mu Yue was a liar. After all, he was a ninja who contributed in the battle with the Jinchuriki. He was not that powerful.

“Well, you find time to talk to Hanyu Muyue, I want to chat with him.” Teacher Chen thought for a while and said.

He saw the respect on Metkai’s face when he talked about Mu Yue, so if he wanted to solve the problem as quickly as possible, he must find Mu Yue.

Teacher Chen is also a little curious about the level of Mu Yue’s physical skills that allows Metkai to say these words.

“Then I’ll go find Teacher Muyue and ask after training.” Metkai nodded and agreed.

After chatting with Metkai, Teacher Chen told Metkai to rest more before starting to practice.

So Metkai walked towards a big tree, where Shiranui Genma and Ebisu were also resting in the shade.

“What did Teacher Chen talk about with you? I see that his expression is very serious.” Shiranui Genma asked in a low voice with curiosity on his face.

Ebisu also looked at Metkai when he heard Shiranui Genma’s question. He also wanted to know.

“It’s nothing. I’m just worried that I’ll be tired, so I should reduce training and rest more.” Metkai answered honestly.

Shiranui Genma twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling the differences in the world.

Not long ago, he was reprimanded by Teacher Chen for not training seriously enough. In order to motivate him, Teacher Chen even performed thirty-year-old skills on the spot, kicking a big rock.

“But what Teacher Chen said does make sense. Akai, your practice level is indeed a bit exaggerated. It sounds very tiring.” Shiranui Genma said with a look of agreement.

Now he no longer asks why Metkai is so strong in physical skills, because he has seen with his own eyes that Metkai continues to perform various exaggerated exercises.

As a disciple of Teacher Chen, physical training is naturally indispensable. After all, although Teacher Chen knows ninjutsu, physical skills are his strength.

But Shiranui Genma felt that Metkai was no longer training and had reached the level of self-abuse. He could already imagine how tired he was just listening to it.

Shiranui Genma felt that if it were him, he might collapse from exhaustion before finishing.

“It’s okay, I don’t feel anything. I have been training like this all the time. If my talent is not as good as those geniuses, then I have to work harder and become a hardworking genius!” Metkai said with a bright smile and a thumbs up.

“A genius who works hard…” Ebisu thought about it and found that it really fit the description of Metkai.

If hard work can be considered a talent, then Metkai is definitely one of the top geniuses, or so Ebisu feels.

Before, he didn’t understand how Metkai, a student who was not a ninja and did not have a powerful ninja father, became so powerful. After training with Metkai for a few days, Ebisu had the answer in his mind.

“If I can work this hard in school, can I defeat Obito Uchiha?” Ebisu couldn’t help but have an idea in his mind.

Unfortunately, he will never know the answer because they have graduated and are officially genin.

But fortunately, Ebisu found a new path in Metkai. As long as he works hard enough and continues, he will be able to succeed.

“Akai, I admire you the most. You will definitely be the strongest among our current students in the future.” Shiranui Genma patted Metkai on the shoulder and smiled.

Because Metkai used powerful physical skills that he had never used in the exam, Shiranui Genma believed that Metkai was now much ahead of Obito.

“Akai will definitely be very strong in the future. You should worry about yourself. Why don’t you start practicing after taking such a long break?” Teacher Chen appeared quietly behind Shiranui Genma and said.

“Why is there no sound at all when walking?” He complained in his mind, and Shiranui Genma quickly got up to exercise.

Before Teacher Chen could speak, Ebisu wisely stood up and started practicing. There was no way to change the past, but he could start working hard from now on.

The dog at home kept barking for some reason yesterday and didn’t sleep well. He was not in good condition today, so he was a little late. There will be another chapter later


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