Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 272: Raikage’s second loss


Chapter 272 Raikage’s Second Suffering

“Xiaolin, please take the client and step back, Kakashi and I will stop them.” Obito said quickly as he watched Yumogakure rushing towards them.

Nohara Lin was the weakest among them, so Obito subconsciously assigned her a safer job.

Nohara Lin looked at Kakashi, and Kakashi nodded. It was impossible to just focus on the battle and ignore the client. Letting the weakest Nohara Lin take care of the client while assisting in the battle was the best option at the moment.

With the same opinion, Nohara Lin took the frightened client back a certain distance, while condensing chakra to be ready to support at any time.

“Fire Escape: Fireball Technique!”

Obito quickly formed a seal, gathered chakra in his throat to change the properties of fire attribute chakra, spit out a large amount of flames to form a three-meter fireball, and threw it at the running Kumogakure.

Although the big fire ball has many shortcomings, the two advantages of low consumption and high power make it a magical starting skill. When you don’t know the details of the enemy, it is best to use the big fire ball to make a tentative attack. .

Boohoo! !

Kakashi threw out a large number of shurikens, trying to use ninja tools to disturb a few people, making it difficult for them to dodge so easily.

The four of them did not resist forcefully, but spread out and used the teleportation technique to avoid the fireball attack. At the same time, they drew their weapons to block Kakashi’s shuriken, and then continued to move forward.

“Such an action shows that the strength is not weak.” Kakashi exhaled and felt the pressure.

Although he did not have identification skills and could not directly see through the enemy’s chakra and ninjutsu, judging from the four people’s reactions to the attack, Kakashi knew that the strength of these people would not be simple, and there was not a single genin among them.

But this was expected by Kakashi, after all, it was the team led by the alternate Raikage.

The last time they met the candidate Raikage, only two Kumogakure forced them into a desperate situation. If Metkai and Obito hadn’t exceeded their limits, he might not have been able to persist in Mingwu’s heart.

Clenching the White Fang short blade in his hand, Kakashi was thinking about countermeasures.

If his teammate is Metkai, he will let Obito suppress the fire and then charge with Metkai.

But now his teammate is Nohara Rin. Nohara Rin obviously does not have the suppressive power of Metkai, and can stably and quickly deal with the enemy. The power of the strange power is very impressive, but it still has to hit the target.

“Let’s take a look at their strength first. If there are no Jonin among them, there will be no problem.” The enemy gradually approached, and Kakashi decided to test it out first.

“The Breath of Thunder, all concentrated!”

Kakashi inhaled a large amount of oxygen into the body to strengthen his body’s ability. Chakra condensed in the lower body and then rapidly changed its properties to activate the cells in the legs.

Then Kakashi rushed directly towards Motem who looked like the leader. If the leader was not a jounin, then it was even less likely that the others were.


Kakashi’s White Fang short blade and Mortem’s sword collided together, making a huge metal collision sound.

“The speed is pretty good, but unfortunately it’s not enough in front of my senses.” Mortem exploded with strength and pushed Kakashi out, and then a large amount of chakra condensed in his hands, turning the sharp sword in his hand into a thunder sword towards Stab Kakashi.

Although he is a sentient ninja, his strength is also a real jounin, but he is not outstanding among jounin.

At this moment, a burning kunai stabbed him, forcing Mortem to give up the attack to avoid the flaming kunai.

Kakashi used the high speed of Thunder Breath to return to Obito again, and said with a serious face:

“The leading Kumogakure should be a jounin, and the remaining three Kumogakure may be three chunin, but there may also be other jounin.”

Listening to Kakashi’s speculation, Obito felt a big headache. He had experienced the power of the Kumogakure jounin, and he had two magatama and the second gate of the Eight Gate Dunjia, Metkai, had to fight extremely hard.

It doesn’t matter if you have a Jonin. If he and Kakashi can’t kill each other together, there’s no problem in maintaining a stalemate. But if there are three more Chuunin, it will be unbearable. We can’t let Nohara Rin fight that alone. Three chuunin, this obviously won’t work.

“Fire Escape: Fireball Technique!”

Obito tried his best to prevent the opponent from approaching with a powerful fire ball, and then kept retreating.

“There is a huge difference in combat power.” Kakashi was frantically searching for a solution to the current predicament.

When he thought of the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his ninja tool bag, and Minato who was playing a game with the Raikage candidate, Kakashi thought of the only way to solve the problem at the moment.

Although it is not good to rely on others, Kakashi currently thinks that Minato is the only one who can solve this dilemma.

At this moment, Kakashi saw Minato who was looking this way. Minato had been waiting for an opportunity. The two sides looked at each other, and Kakashi decided to believe Minato.

Kakashi took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai and shot it towards Motem.

Since it was a kunai shot from Kakashi’s hand, Mortem didn’t pay much attention to it. He didn’t notice the flying thunder **** technique on the kunai, so he dodged it sideways and continued to rush forward.


Minato used the Flying Thunder God to appear behind Motem, pierced Motem’s body with the Flying Thunder God Kunai, and then grabbed Motem with his hand, leaving the Flying Thunder God mark on his body and moving towards the four sides. Throw it away on behalf of Ai.

The Yondaime did not expect that Kakashi also had a flying thunder **** kunai. He stared at Minato with a cautious face, and quickly caught Motem and pulled out the flying thunder **** kunai and threw it away, leaving the Kumogakure ninja to do it. Its healing.

For the fourth generation Ai, there are two people he cares about very much in his unit. The first one he cares about is Kirabi. Although he is not a real brother, he is better than a real brother. The second one is Motem, who is very rare. Perceptive talent, and very loyal to him.

When others die, Yondaimei will feel sorry and sad for them, but if Motem dies, it will not be as simple as a little regret, but will be very angry.

“Don’t continue to act. Just stay by Bi’s side.” Yidaai said with a serious face.

“Yes!” Motem accepted the fourth generation Ai’s kindness.

Mortem was seriously injured with one blow, and Minato continued to focus on Yondaime Ai to prevent Yondaime Ai from using his extreme speed to surprise Obito and others.

Seeing Minato take away a jounin, Kakashi was instantly relieved. He picked up the White Fang short blade and slashed at the nearest Kumogakure ninja with explosive speed.

“The breath of fire, concentrate on breathing!”

Obito couldn’t care less about this crisis situation. He directly opened his two Magatama Sharingan, and at the same time entered the breath of fire full concentration breathing state, pushing his strength to the peak that he could currently reach, holding Kunai stopped two Kumogakure ninjas by himself.

“Sharingan!” Seeing Obito’s eyes turn red, the two Kumogakure instantly recognized that this was the bloodline limit of the Konoha Uchiha clan, so they gave up the idea of ​​attacking Nohara Rin, and the two joined forces Deal with Obito.

Obito is now grateful that Mu Yue has given them special dodge training. With the powerful observation ability of the Sharingan and excellent positioning, even if two Kumogakure ninjas use nintaijutsu together, they can’t touch it. The corner of his clothes.

However, Obito does not have a good opportunity to attack. It is indeed true that two fists are difficult to beat with four hands. With one against two, Obito can only keep himself at the upper hand, but he cannot defeat any enemy quickly. .

But Obito is not in a hurry, because there is only one enemy on Kakashi’s side. He will wait for Kakashi to deal with the opponent before helping him. By then, the two Kumogakure will not be able to hold on for a few moves.

Before Kakashi could deal with the enemy and come to help Obito, Nohara Lin saw that the surrounding environment was temporarily safe, so she ran towards the besieged Obito.

Obito and the Kumogakure ninja noticed Nohara Rin’s arrival at the same time.

“This Uchiha is difficult to deal with. You have to bear it first, and I will arrest his companions and threaten him.” One of the Kumogakure said decisively.

He felt that Nohara Rin must be very weak. If she hadn’t used ninjutsu to help, why would she have been watching the show.

The Kumogakure ninja rushed out without waiting for his companion to reply.

Although the other Kumogakure ninja felt a bit of Kumogakure swearing in his heart, he also knew that only in this way could victory be possible. If they continued to fight normally, their defeat would only be a matter of time.

Seeing the Kumogakure ninja rushing straight towards Nohara Rin, Obito knew in his heart that the Kumogakure ninja must have underestimated the enemy, so he only used his peripheral vision to observe over there and concentrated on dealing with the remaining Kumogakure ninja.

Originally, the two of them were at a disadvantage, let alone one on one. The remaining Kumogakure ninja suddenly had a few blood marks on his body.

“Hold on!” He silently cheered for his teammates in his heart. The leaving Kumogakure ninja hit Nohara Lin in the head with his fist, trying to knock Nohara Lin unconscious.

“Strange punch!”

Nohara Rin concentrated a large amount of chakra on her arm and then exploded, waving her slender fist to meet the fist of the Kumogakure ninja.

Since this was her first real combat, Nohara Rin was worried that it was not powerful enough, so she used half of her chakra on this punch.

Looking at Nohara Lin’s fair and slender arms, the Kumogakure ninja was extremely disdainful. A little girl whose thighs were not as thick as his arms wanted to compete with a ninja like him who had been practicing physical skills for a long time.


A figure flew out at high speed and hit the tree hard, breaking the tree.

Looking at his teammates flying backwards and fighting Obito, the Kumogakure ninja was dumbfounded. Is this how you catch people?

His teammates were dumbfounded, and Kumogakure himself, who was knocked away, was even more confused. He couldn’t believe that his strength was lost to a little girl with skinny arms and legs.

But the severe pain and blood in his palm reminded him that this was the truth. It was extremely difficult for him to move his fingers. He felt as if all the bones in his palm were broken.


Obito seized this opportunity and kicked the remaining Kumogakure away with a Konoha whirlwind.

Kumogakure’s body on Kakashi’s side already had several exaggerated wounds dripping with blood, and he was in extremely poor condition.

Just as Yondaime Ai continued to attack Minato, Minato used Flying Thunder God again.

The fourth generation Ai looked around quickly. He had memorized all the points and could use his speed to attack Minato at any time.

But something unexpected happened again. This time Minato appeared directly next to Kirabi and aimed a kunai at Kirabi’s head.

“There should be no kunai with spells engraved on it.” The fourth generation Ai’s face became extremely ugly.

“Could it be that he can still carve that kind of magic on people’s bodies?” Yondaime thought of Motem who was injured by Minato, and a possibility suddenly came to his mind.

The Flying Thunder God Kunai stuck in Mortem’s body has been removed by him, and only Mortem and Minato have had direct contact there.

Khilabi has extremely fast reaction speed and decisive action. Almost instantly, he immediately pointed the knife behind his back.

Unlike Ai who was attacking before, Kirabi was always in a state of preparation, and his extreme reaction gave him a chance to counterattack.

“If you want to hurt both sides, come on, I won’t be afraid.” Kirabi said calmly without looking back.

Although he is young, Kirabi is well aware of the cruelty of ninjas, and he believes that his elder brother will avenge him. When the time comes, the injured Minato Namikaze will not be his opponent.

“Although we are opponents, I admire you very much. Your reactions and decisiveness are enough to be called a ninja killer.” Minato praised.

From the beginning of seeing through the intelligence of Flying Thunder God, to now reacting to his attacks to the extreme, Minato believes that there must be a place for Kirabi in the future ninja world.

“How about everyone stop and take a step back. We have no mission conflict, and we are not fighting on the battlefield.” Minato then said.

He did not intend to kill Kirabi, because this would make Yondaime Ai go into a rage. Yondaime Ai was too strong. If Yondaime Ai suddenly went up and killed Obito now, it would be difficult for Minato and the others to protect him.

I didn’t kill Motem before but severely injured me and threw him away. This was partly for the next attack, and partly because I didn’t want to break up the peace talks.

He is optimistic about the future of Rabbi, and also the future of Obito and Kakashi. They have really grown up, and it is not certain who is stronger.

The Fourth Ai thought for a moment, and then paused the battle, asking the three Kumogakure ninjas to support each other and walk back without attacking again.

Kirabi was willing to trade death for injury to replace Namikaze Minato, but the Fourth Ai did not want his good brother to die like this, even if he could kill the injured Namikaze Minato afterwards.

The words of Minato and Yondaime were like they suddenly pressed the pause button. The enemy stopped attacking. Minato spoke again, and Obito and the three also stopped, and then stood together to protect the client.

“Namikaze Minato, I remember you, you are very good.” The Fourth Ai said in a deep voice.

Before meeting Minato Namikaze, except for the Kirigakure ninja who also knew the Thunder Chakra Mode, he had never suffered a loss against another ninja in his life. This was the second time.

“I will never forget you either.” Minato said seriously.

He had a hunch that this wouldn’t be their last fight.

Kumogakure and Konoha are at war. With their strength, they may meet again when a war breaks out.

In the end, the two parties went their separate ways. The Fourth Ai took his men to find a place to heal, while Minato and others continued to complete the **** mission.

Because of this encounter, Minato quickly took Obito and others back to the Land of Fire as soon as the mission was completed to prevent encountering such a dangerous situation again.

I wanted to finish writing it in one go, so I was a little late and went to bed. Good night everyone


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