Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 271: Yellow flash and AB combination


Chapter 271 Yellow Flash and AB Combination

Obito and the others had not fought a single battle until they left the Country of Fire, but Obito did not relax because according to past experience, enemies could only be encountered in foreign countries.

Although Kakashi felt that there was a high probability that he would not encounter enemies, he was also very cautious. After all, he was not very confident in his heart after encountering accidents four times in a row.

Unlike the ninjas, because the journey was very safe, Zumi Zongshu gradually relaxed his vigilance and became talkative.

“If you have the idea of ​​​​playing in Yunokuni, I strongly recommend you to try the natural hot springs in our country. They are very comfortable. As for scenic spots, I recommend you to go to Rose Street, where every household has a whole street. Planting roses, when the roses are in full bloom, the beautiful petals will fly everywhere when the breeze blows, which is very romantic. ”

“It would be very romantic to plant roses all over the street.” Nohara Lin imagined a large number of red rose petals blowing in the wind, and said with a twinkle in her eyes.

Obito, who had been paying attention to Nohara Rin because he was worried about Nohara Rin’s injury, noticed Nohara Rin’s expression, and secretly wrote down the name of this attraction in his mind, hoping to take Nohara Rin with him if he had the opportunity.

“Everyone stop, there is a situation.” Minato turned on his perception and found that there were many chakra auras nearby, one of which was extremely powerful, so he quickly reminded Kakashi and the other three.

“There are many ninjas nearby, but we probably encountered them by chance. Let’s hide first.” Minato thought for a while and then said.

During the mission, the mission takes priority. They only need to deliver the client, and there is no need to engage in additional battles.

If it was just Minato himself, he might check to see which ninja from the ninja village would be harmful to Konoha, but there are three young students here, and Minato doesn’t want to cause trouble. .

Although Obito didn’t understand why he was hiding, he didn’t disobey the order and hid in the tree with Nohara Rin.

Minato continued to sense the aura of those ninjas, but soon he discovered a strange thing. The ninjas who were not on the same route as them suddenly accelerated towards them.

“Oops, the other party also has sentient ninjas.” Minato immediately thought of the reason.

He can sense the enemy, but he has no way to hide his aura, so the opponent’s sensing ninja can also sense them.

“Kakashi, take this.” Minato handed the Flying Thunder God Kunai to Kakashi. Kakashi performed best in the last bell-grabbing training, so Minato currently believes in Kakashi the most.

“You three protect the client and don’t act haphazardly. Just let me deal with the enemy.” Minato warned with a serious look on his face.

He could sense that the chakra was very powerful, and he would definitely not be a simple enemy.

“It turns out to be a Konoha ninja, that’s just right.” The Yondaime nodded when he arrived at the location and saw the forehead protector on Minato’s head.

Iwagakure’s side is too useless. The two jinchūriki who came up were suppressed and beaten by Konoha. Kumogakure’s senior management discussed for a while and prepared to increase their efforts to attack Konoha.

“Sir, be careful, this guy’s chakra is not weak, and it seems to be the Namikaze Minato who Iwakaku calls the yellow flash. It is said that he is extremely fast.” Motem told the relevant information about Minato. .

In addition to being responsible for perception, he will also write down a lot of information about ninjas. The name Namikaze Minato was collected by him some time ago, and he performed well in the war between Konoha and Iwagakure.

“It’s extremely fast, so I want to see how fast it can be.” Yidaai’s expression was indifferent. He didn’t think this so-called yellow flash could be faster than him. His speed had already surpassed that of his father. The Third Raikage.

The Fourth Ai considers himself to be the second fastest ninja in the world, the first being Kirigakure disguised as Sunagakure.

“That’s not…” Obito saw the shocked expressions of the fourth generation Ai and Kirabi. He immediately recognized that these were powerful enemies who once needed Muyue to cut off their rear. There were candidates from Kumoyin Village among them. Raikage.

“Obito.” Kakashi called Obito’s name and communicated with Obito with his eyes.

Obito shut up instantly. Mu Yue had told them several times that he couldn’t tell anyone about meeting the alternate Raikage during that mission. He could only say that he met the Kumogakure Jōnin who was killed.

“It’s actually Kumogakure’s new AB combination.” Minato frowned slightly, this was not an easy enemy to deal with.

Compared to Minato, the fourth generation Ai and Kirabi became famous earlier, because Kumogakure and Sunagakure fought early, and the new AB combination has already stepped on the corpse of Sunagakure’s famous senior to become famous in the ninja world.

Although Nohara Rin was the only one present who did not know the strength of the Fourth Ai, looking at the atmosphere, it was clear that he was encountering a strong enemy, and he stared at the enemies not far away with extreme caution.

“I heard that you are very fast, but I don’t think you are as fast as me. What do you think?” After speaking, the fourth generation Ai directly entered the thunder escape chakra mode, and his whole body was wrapped in dazzling blue lightning, like Wearing a piece of thunder armor.

Boohoo! ! !

Minato threw out three flying thunder **** kunai, two shot into the big tree on the side, and one shot towards the Kumogakure ninjas.


Kirabi pulled out the short blade and easily knocked the kunai shot by Minato to the ground.

“What kind of accuracy is this? Three kunai can make it crooked like this.” A Kumogakure ninja complained when he saw this scene, thinking that the yellow flash might not be very strong. Throwing ninja tools is a basic ninja skill.

“I don’t want to compete with you who is faster, but I have a good suggestion. You should leave quickly. I don’t want to waste energy on things other than the mission.” Minato replied without any fear on his expression.

Although the AB group has a great reputation, Minato is very confident in himself. He is mainly worried that Obito and the others will be affected.

“Although there is no mission, there is no reason to leave when you see the enemy.” After saying that, the fourth generation Ai rushed out with all his strength.

He exploded a large amount of chakra to activate his body, and his physical abilities were greatly improved. Even his nerves were activated and his reaction ability was improved.

In the eyes of others, the fourth generation Ai’s body had disappeared, and there was only a blue light rushing towards Minato.

“I won’t bet with Kakashi next time. It’s too dangerous.” Feeling the terrifying aura rushing towards him, Obito regretted letting Kakashi say those words.

If Mu Yue is present, Obito will not panic at all, and is even in the mood to joke with Kakashi, because Mu Yue can gain an advantage in the battle with the Fourth Ai and lead them to successfully retreat.

Obito is not sure about Minato. He doesn’t know much about Minato’s strength. He only knows that he is very strong, but he doesn’t know how strong it is.

Kakashi was very speechless. This had been five accidents in a row, and he still encountered a ruthless character like the alternate Raikage. He felt that he had encountered accidents in a few months that would be difficult for others to encounter in their lifetime. All over.

Facing the fourth generation Ai who rushed up at extremely high speed, Minato did not panic. He had extremely strong reaction and perception abilities.

Before Yondaime Ai officially took action, Minato didn’t know whether he could respond to Yondaime Ai’s attack. After Yondaime Ai took action, Minato knew that he could do it.

The moment the Yondaime was about to rush forward, Minato once again threw a flying thunder **** kunai. This time, he did not use any force and just threw it gently upward.

“Stay where you are? Let’s see how you can withstand my ninjutsu charge.” The Fourth Ai seemed to have seen Minato’s body being beaten into two parts.

The next moment, something happened that Yidaai did not expect.


Minato used Flying Thunder God to reach the big tree on the side.

The Fourth Ai felt Minato’s figure flash in front of him, disappearing from his eyes at a speed he could not understand, dodging his charge.

A look of great astonishment appeared on Yondaime’s face. He didn’t understand how Minato left at this moment, and how he escaped his impact. At this moment, his heart was full of doubts.

But something even more puzzling happened to him. Namikaze Minato, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared above him, holding the thrown Flying Thunder God Kunai, and a large amount of chakra burst out in his hand to strengthen his strength. He stabbed the fourth generation Ai’s body.

The fourth generation noticed Namikaze Minato’s attack, but the attack was so sudden and fast that even if he reacted, he could not dodge or defend.

At this critical moment, Minato suddenly felt a blade carrying a powerful thunder attack coming towards him, and immediately gave up the attack and used the Flying Thunder God again to return to the tree.

“Brother, that guy can move through space through kunai.” Kirabi quickly told Yondaime what he had discovered.

Just now he saw Minato suddenly appear on the tree to avoid the impact of Yondaime Ai, and he had an idea, so he shot a thunder knife directly above Yondaime Ai.

Originally, he was just guessing, but Minato moved all three times around Kunai, which made Kirabi directly confirm this information.

“Bi, you performed very well this time.” Yondaime used extreme speed to return to Kumogakure’s team, praised Kirabi, and at the same time quickly scanned the surroundings to record the positions of all the Flying Thunder God Kunai. live.

With his speed, he can arrive at this distance in an instant. All he needs to do next is force Minato Namikaze to use Flying Thunder God again.

As if he had read through Yondaime’s thoughts, Minato fired three flying thunder **** kunai again, increasing the points he could move.

Seeing that Namikaze Minato was not simple, Yondaime Ai’s men decided not to cause trouble to Yondaime Ai and went to fight other Konoha ninjas.

Mortem led three Kumogakure ninjas and rushed towards Obito and the other four.

Before, Muyue asked Obito and the others to use transformation techniques to hide their appearance, so Motem did not recognize Kakashi and Obito, but this did not prevent him from preparing to kill Obito and others to disturb Minato.

“It’s probably like one jounin and three chuunin, which is beyond their range.” Minato sensed the chakra rushing towards Obito and others Kumogakure ninjas, and prepared to find an opportunity to help.

With the strength of the three Obitos, it is already the limit to deal with one jounin. If there are three more chunins to help, then Obito and others will definitely be defeated.

This is their first battle a little earlier, just think of it as the butterfly effect of the protagonist. At this point in time, Kirabi has not yet become a jinchūriki, and there will be another chapter later


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