Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 219: Another A-level mission


Chapter 219 Another A-level mission

It was noon when Mu Yue and others returned to Konoha.

“I’ll just handle the mission. You all worked **** this mission. Just take a day off today and have a good sleep at home.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

This time he didn’t say that he could practice if he couldn’t help himself, because this task was too difficult for the three disciples.

“I’m really tired.” Obito stretched and felt tired.

After a big battle, eating and sleeping outside, and working **** the road, Obito was exhausted physically and mentally.

He planned to take a nap before telling Nohara Rin about his heroic victory over the Jonin.

It was still early anyway, so even if he slept all afternoon, he could go find Nohara Rin at night.

“But it’s also very rewarding.” Metkai said with a bright smile, showing two rows of big white teeth and giving a thumbs up.

Kakashi nodded. This mission was really tiring and dangerous, but it also gained a lot.

Kakashi and Obito both went home to sleep. Metkai still had the energy to exercise, but was restricted by Mu Yue, so he could only go home and rest honestly.

Watching the disciples leave, Mu Yue went to the Hokage Building.

This time Mu Yue did not explain the situation to the registered ninja in the mission hall, but went directly to the Hokage’s office.

After all, he brought back a jounin corpse. Showing his face in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen more often would help improve his subconscious strength in Sarutobi Hiruzen.


Mu Yue knocked on the door of the Hokage’s office.

“Come in.” Sarutobi Hiruzen’s voice came from inside the door.

“Sandaime-sama.” Mu Yue greeted him respectfully.

“The class I led suffered an accident during a recent mission, and met Kumogakure Jōnin in the Kingdom of Kawakawa.” Mu Yue said directly.

“Kawakawa Country, Sunagakure is at war with Kumogakure, so it’s normal for Kumogakure ninjas to appear over there.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said, stroking his beard.

“Although the third Kazekage is missing, Sunagakure is one of the five great ninja villages and is not so easy to deal with. Perhaps Sunagakure is concentrating his efforts to drive Kumogakure out of the Country of Wind. In this case, the intensity of the war will be even greater. Upgraded.”

Sunagakure definitely does not want to fight on the mainland, because the people of the Kingdom of Wind originally live in the few oases in the desert. If the oases are destroyed by the war, it will be a big loss.

Since Kumogakure has launched a war, it will not be so easy to give up. As Sunagakure increases his power, they will also send more forces.

“One jounin and one chuunin, right? Then change it to an A-level mission. In addition to the normal commission fee, the village can give a bonus of 350,000 taels.” Sarutobi Hiruzen thought about it. I want to speak.

Not only because there are fewer chuunin, but one of the reasons why the last reward was close to an S-level mission is that Mu Yue also brought a piece of information with good value.

Mu Yue nodded. The original entrustment amount of the task was 50,000 taels, and the total amount was 400,000 taels. Each person can share more than 100,000 taels, which is not bad.

“Mu Yue, can you bring me two monster students? They have records of two A-level missions and one B-level mission before graduation.” The third generation sighed after seeing Mu Yue’s resume. made a complaint.

This resume is impressive enough for genin who have graduated a few years ago, because A-level tasks are not accessible to normal genin.

“Their efforts and strength are worthy of such a resume, and they have contributed no less in the mission.” Mu Yue said with a serious face.

“They are indeed very good.” Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded as he recalled the performance of Metkai and Obito in the summer training.

“Although the students in this holiday special training have also made progress, they are much worse than your time. The students all reported that the special training teacher is much older than Mao Yue. If all the teachers in the ninja school are like Mu Yue, If you are just as good, I don’t have to worry about it.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen mentioned the special training during the holidays.

“I’ll try it again during the first holiday of the new school year.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

Although he is getting stronger and stronger, he will not give up at the ninja school.

Because at the ninja school, you can quickly master various ninjutsu, and repeating them can also increase your proficiency. If you have enough chakra, you can quickly increase your strength.

After the report, Mu Yue quickly walked out of the Hokage Building, preparing to go to the southern forest zone for Shisui and Nohara Lin to practice.

Although Obito and the others rested, he still had two disciples practicing with the shadow clones.

[Disciple Metkai worked hard to complete the entrusted task and received a growth reward of Chakra +460, and was led by the teacher himself to receive an additional Chakra +230 reward]

[Disciple Uchiha Obito worked hard to complete the entrusted task, and received a growth reward of Chakra +460, and was led by the teacher himself to receive an additional Chakra +230 reward]

[Disciple Hatake Kakashi worked hard to complete the entrusted task and received a growth reward of Chakra +460, and was led by the teacher himself to receive an additional Chakra +230 reward]

Mu Yue was a little surprised by the income from the mission settlement. He thought it would only be a few hundred, because this mission was different from the previous one. Before, he encountered enemies during the mission and then defeated them.

This time, after completing the mission, I took the disciple to see the desert and encountered the enemy. Strictly speaking, the mission was completed at that time.

“Is it because the time between encountering the enemy and completing the task is very short? Or is it just as long as the task is not handed over?” Mu Yue couldn’t help but speculate.

If it was the latter, he would have to take on a C-level mission and go around looking for ninjas from enemy villages to fight with.

The total income from the mission of the three disciples was 2,070 chakra points, which was 70 points more than Obito gained when he opened the Sharingan.

Mu Yue glanced at her own panel.

[Name: Hanyu Muyue]

[Chakra: 43000]

The large amount of chakra brought by the apprenticeship and the mission directly increased Muyue’s chakra to 43,000 points.

Mu Yue feels a little more secure in her heart. Until today, it has been almost ten months since he traveled through the world of Naruto. With 43,000 chakras and a batch of perfect proficiency skills, as long as he acts cautiously, his life will be saved. There are guarantees.

“Mu Yue, how about noon. Are you coming back from your mission?” A lively voice called Mu Yue.

Mu Yue looked back, and Kushina smiled in surprise and waved to him.

“Well, we just finished handing over the task, are you shopping?” Mu Yue responded with a smile.

“Yes, I’ve been bored to death recently. Minato is not here, and there is no food for you.” Kushina sighed.

Now she can only stay in a house with a whirlpool staircase and a powerful sealing technique for most of the day. She can occasionally go out for a walk, but she can’t go too far because there is a person outside who suppresses the chakra of the tailed beast. It was a large barrier, and she could only roam within the barrier.

Kushina’s mentality was good at first, because Minato would come to accompany her every day, practice sealing techniques with her, and then bring meals cooked by Mu Yue.

As a result, Minato is now on a mission, and Mozuki occasionally leaves the village, which makes Kushina feel that life is getting more and more boring.

“How about I go rent a kitchen and cook something for you now. It just so happens that I haven’t eaten either.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

He didn’t ask Kushina to go home with him. If Kushina could go directly to his house to eat, there would be no need to ask Minato to take him with him.

“Haha, Muyue, can you read minds? I was just thinking about the taste of your food.” Kushina said with a smile.

“Then I’ll trouble you.” Kushina directly agreed to Mu Yue’s kindness. She is a person who likes to be straightforward.

Mu Yue found a hotel to rent a kitchen that seemed to have little business.

The boss didn’t want to agree at first. Although there were no guests coming, he still wanted to be embarrassed. It was nothing to lend the kitchen to the guests.

But Kushina gave too much, plus the forehead protectors on Mu Yue and Kushina’s heads, so the boss finally borrowed them.

Smelling the aroma of Mu Yue’s cooking, the boss swallowed his saliva and kept comforting himself that it must only smell good and taste good.

But looking at Kushina’s crazy way of cooking, the boss knew that the taste was definitely not bad.

“Master Ninja, can you cook a dish for me? I can give you five hundred taels.” The boss finally couldn’t help but order food for the guests in his restaurant.

Mu Yue shook her head and rejected the boss. His chef skills were not used to make money.

“How about I give you free use of the kitchen this time?” The boss couldn’t help but be tempted when he saw Kushina eating so deliciously.

I don’t know whether it was because I hadn’t eaten his food for a while or because Kushina had a good appetite today. Most of the four dishes made by Mu Yue were quickly eaten by Kushina.

“You don’t need to do it for free, as long as you are willing to lend me the kitchen when you are not busy in the future.” Mu Yue replied.

Kushina’s side is not enough to eat, so he will go and make more, and he can make the boss’s at the same time.

“Okay!” The boss was finally curious about what such fragrant food tasted like.

Mu Yue cooked a few more home-cooked stir-fries and gave a plate to the boss.

When the boss took the first bite, his first feeling was that he was not worthy of opening a restaurant. When he came to his senses again, the plate in front of him was already empty.

At first, the boss was motivated by money, but now he just wants Muyue to come more often so that he can get some food.

“Well, I’m alive.” Kushina made a happy voice after finishing the meal.

“Have any other girls been to Minato’s house while I was away?” Kushina suddenly asked cautiously.

“It seems not.” Mu Yue recalled it and said.

Kushina breathed a sigh of relief and explained: “Minato is so popular that there are always a bunch of female ninjas surrounding him.”

“Kushina, you should be more confident in yourself. Minato always leaves a letter when performing tasks to remind me not to forget Kushina’s meal.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

“Ah, isn’t it because he makes me seem to only know how to eat.” Kushina complained, but there was an unstoppable smile on her face.

After chatting for a while, Kushina asked about Mu Yue’s success in practicing the sealing technique.

“Currently, both the Five Finger Seal and the Contract Seal have been successfully cultivated. The Five Elements Seal is still a bit weak, but it should be able to be successfully cultivated in about a month.” Mu Yue said.

“Then you are a little faster than I expected. It seems that you have been practicing very hard.” Kushina was a little surprised after hearing Mu Yue’s success in practice.

“I dare not let down Kushina-sensei’s teachings.” Mu Yue said in a joking tone.

“In this case, Konoha’s strongest seal ninja, Kushina-sensei, will teach you a super powerful sealing technique that is even stronger than the Five Elements Seal.” Mu Yue’s words were very useful to Kushina, and she immediately put on a Teacher look.

“Stronger than the Five Elements Seal?” Mu Yue looked curious.

“Yes, that is the top sealing technique of our Uzumaki clan, the Four Symbols Seal!” Kushina showed a proud expression.

3.2k I really can’t write anymore. I really want to write but my eyes are too swollen. I’ll leave it at that for today. Sorry, I shouldn’t have stopped here


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