Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 218: Unexpected gains


Chapter 218 Unexpected Harvest

[Disciple Uchiha Obito’s trust level has been improved, and the current trust level is four]

[Disciple Uchiha Obito’s emotions were too intense, and the six bloodlines stimulated and opened the two Magatama Sharingan. His strength increased and he received a reward – the purity of the Byakugan increased]

[Disciple Uchiha Obito’s chakra +500, apprentice and returning master gain chakra +2000]

Obito’s outbreak directly brought a series of system reports to Mu Yue.

When the purity of Mu Yue’s white eyes improved, Mu Yue found that she could see farther and her observation skills became stronger.

Although Byakugan does not have levels such as one magatama and two magatama, not all Byakugan abilities are the same. Byakugan abilities can also be improved through exercise. In addition, purity is also one of the influencing factors.

Mu Yue is quite satisfied with this. The white eye is indeed a very convenient ability. When paired with the transparent world, it can also play a big role in battle.

In addition to the improvement of the Byakugan, the chakra increase from Obito’s awakening Sharingan also made Mu Yue feel happy, and he directly returned two thousand points of chakra in one wave.

Although there was no system broadcast from Kakashi and Metkai, Mu Yue could also see that they had made considerable progress. If they practiced for a while longer, they might be able to trigger enhanced rewards.

Seeing the disciples break through and deal with the enemies one after another, Mu Yue stopped spending time here with Fourth Generation Ai and the others.

“Water Release: Kirigakure’s Jutsu!”

After the seal spit out a large amount of thick fog, Mu Yue burst out with a breath of thunder and disappeared in front of the Fourth Generation Ai and others, rushing towards the forest.

His goal has been achieved, and there is not much chakra left, so it is safest to take his disciples back to Konoha quickly.

Dense fog obscured the sight of Fourth Generation Ai and the others. Fourth Generation Ai frowned, feeling that Mu Yue’s identity was even more strange.

“Isn’t this Kirigakure’s Water Release Ninjutsu? Could it be that he is actually Kirigakure disguised as Sunagakure, and Kirigakure also wants to come and get a share of the pie?” Yondaime Ai kept guessing in his mind.

Kakashi and others were not particularly far away from him. Under the extreme speed of Thunder Breath, Muyue appeared in front of the disciples just after the battle and before they could say a few more words.

“Teacher Muyue!” Seeing Muyue’s figure, Obito rushed up and hugged Muyue with excitement.

Then Obito asked with a worried look: “Teacher Muyue, are you okay? Have you defeated those Kumogakure?”

When Metkai saw Mu Yue who was intact, he squeezed out the last bit of strength and stood up, slowly walked towards Mu Yue, gave Mu Yue a thumbs up, and laughed heartily:

“As expected of Teacher Mu Yue, he can defeat even the strongest enemy!”

Kakashi stepped over to support Metkai and looked at Muyue. Obito and Metkai had said what they needed to say.

“I’m fine. Although I can’t be called completely defeated, I still have a small upper hand. You can trust me more? I said I would come to you.” Mu Yue said with a smile. .

Then Mu Yue sealed the severed Kumogakure chuunin into the scroll, then cut off the head of the shocked Kumogakure chunin and sealed it into the scroll, and used ninjutsu to summon Black Feather.

“Psychic art!”

A flash of white smoke flashed, and a giant black eagle appeared in front of several people.

“Hurry up, it’s very dangerous here, let’s go back to Konoha first.” Mu Yue said quickly.

The three of them had just experienced a tragic life-and-death fight, and knowing that it was not time to talk nonsense, they quickly jumped on the back of the giant eagle.

“Black Feather, fly in that direction.” To prevent this new psychic beast from not knowing the way, Mu Yue deliberately pointed the way manually.

Black Feather let out a loud eagle cry in response to Mu Yue, then flapped his wings and took off, flying towards Konoha.

On the broad eagle’s back, Mu Yue used palm magic to heal the injuries of his disciples.

Among the three, Obito was the least injured, with just a few scratches and a fall, followed by Kakashi, whose left leg was slashed by a sword, and the most serious one, Metkai, whose right leg muscles were severely damaged. Injury, physical exhaustion, physical fatigue.

“Akai, please don’t do excessive training for the next week. I will arrange special rehabilitation training for you.” Mu Yue said.

“I actually have to rest for a week!” Metkai couldn’t help but said in surprise.


Mu Yue pressed her fingers together and tapped Metkai on the head and said, “This is already the minimum deadline. Do you want to bargain with the teacher?”

Meitkai’s operation puts too much load on the body. Using the breathing method to forcefully open the Eight Gate Dunjia is equivalent to stepping on the left foot and the right foot to go up to the sky, and it actually goes up.

Although the improvement is great, once it is lifted, it is equivalent to falling from the sky, which will cause great harm to the body. If it were not for the secret cultivation medicine, Metkai’s injury would normally take more than a month to recover from.

“Youth also requires a balance between work and rest!” Metkai immediately changed his words.

“Teacher Muyue, who is the **** guy? You actually only have the upper hand in strength.” Obito asked curiously.

In the battle with Kumogakure Jōnin, Obito knew how difficult Jōnin was to deal with, but Mu Yue could easily defeat Jōnin, and his strength was still on the next level.

“The son of the third Raikage, if nothing else happens, should be the next Raikage.” Mu Yue replied.

In fact, at this time, the fourth generation Ai has already gained quite a reputation, but Kakashi has been a ninja for a relatively short time, and Obito and the others have not become ninjas yet, so they do not know the fourth generation Ai.

“Ah, the next Raikage! Doesn’t that mean that Teacher Muyue has gained an advantage in the battle with the Raikage?” Obito said with a look of shock.

Although Muyue Sennin was omnipotent in his mind, Obito was still surprised to hear such breaking news.

Although he is a candidate Raikage, he is still a Kage, and he is a quite amazing ninja.

“It turns out to be the candidate Raikage, no wonder he showed that expression.” Kakashi nodded in his mind. He always thought that Mu Yue’s strength was unfathomable, but the enemy was the candidate Raikage, so it was no wonder Mu Yue was so angry at the beginning. careful.

“Your span is too big. Although his strength is good, he is still a long way from the Third Raikage.” Mu Yue rubbed Obito’s head and said with a smile.

This time, the person she was going to encounter was the Third Raikage. Mu Yue didn’t even want to fight and just ran away.

“Teacher Muyue, you didn’t see that we worked together to defeat a Kumogakure jounin this time!” After Muyue said about his opponent, Obito couldn’t help but tell the results of their battle.

Mu Yue smiled and looked like she was listening.

“That guy is really difficult to deal with. The three of us surrounded him and it was difficult to take down any one of him. Fortunately, I opened the Sharingan…” As he said that, Obito opened the Sharingan and his eyes turned blood red.

Perhaps because Kakashi helped block the sword, Obito did not express Kakashi’s idea of ​​giving up midway, but only said that Kakashi was injured and could not move.

“You all performed very well. It is not easy to defeat the Jonin. If you tell me, others may think you are talking nonsense.” Mu Yue praised with a smile.

This is indeed an unimaginable achievement. You must know that except for Metkai, Obito and Kakashi are not even nine years old.

Although it was a joint effort to kill the Jonin, it was still a very shocking record. This was a Jonin, and according to the panel, the Kumogakure Jonin was the more powerful among the Jonin.

If the three of Metkai and the others were assigned to the same class after graduation, Mu Yue felt that the instructor would be shocked when doing the bell-grabbing training. If they were jounin with average strength, they would be shocked even more by the students. Get an education.

However, based on their strength and performance, Mu Yue felt that even if Minato was not here, he would not be an ordinary jounin.

“No matter what other people say, they can’t change the fact that our youth is burning more and more vigorously.” Metkai said with a passionate face.

Although the injury was the most serious, Metkai did not regret what he did. On the contrary, he was very happy because he used his own power to protect the existence he wanted to protect, and he achieved a real victory.

Mu Yue glanced at the current panels of several disciples. Metkai’s Breath of Rock proficiency has reached the entry level forty points, Obito’s Breath of Fire proficiency has reached the entry level one hundred and thirty, and Kakashi’s Breath of Thunder has reached the entry level fifty-four. There has been considerable progress.

In addition to the improvement of skill proficiency on the panel, there are also invisible improvements, such as combat experience.

Except for Kakashi, Metkai and Obito don’t actually have much combat experience. This hard battle can be regarded as a severe exercise in the weaknesses of combat experience.

“I need to let Xiao Lin take a good look at my Sharingan when I go back.” After completely relaxing, Obito began to think about what he was going to do after returning to Konoha.

This time he defeated a Jonin. Obito seemed to have seen Nohara Lin’s surprised and admiring expression.

“I still want to challenge Kakashi.” Obito thought of a more important thing.

With the Sharingan this time, Obito is not afraid even if Kakashi has mastered some Thunder Breath. He can see through the movements of Kumogakure Jonin, so how can he be afraid of Kakashi.

Kakashi’s status in Obito’s heart is very special. Kakashi was the genius he longed for during his early years and was also his good friend. After he found himself slowly catching up with Kakashi, Obito really very happy.

It is with this mood that Obito will be particularly angry when he sees Kakashi giving up. That is the genius Kakashi he is chasing.

“This time, it’s you who will chase me!” When he thought that Kakashi was going to be defeated by him, the corners of Obito’s mouth could not help but rise, and his body could not help but tremble.

“Stop giggling like that and shaking all the time.” Kakashi said with a dark look on his face. Kuroba is not particularly big. Although the four of them are not sitting next to each other, they are still relatively close.

“Who is giggling, **** Kakashi, I want you to look good when I come back to Konoha.” Obito’s smile became smaller and he glared at Kakashi.

“You will know if you are stupid or not, just ask Akai.” Kakashi said lightly.

“Akai, you are the judge. I believe what you say.” Obito looked at Metkai.

Metkai glanced at Kakashi, then at Obito, recalled Obito’s smile just now, and then said with a serious face:

“Obito, you did look a little silly when you laughed just now.”

As he spoke, Metkai gestured with his thumb and index finger.

“Ah, you too, Akai.” Obito’s eyes widened, but he didn’t expect that his good brother who had just fought against the enemy together stabbed him in the back.

“Just a little bit.” Metkai said without conscience.

“How much benefit has Kakashi given you?” Obito showed a heartbroken expression, and he firmly refused to admit that his smile was stupid.

“If you don’t believe it, you can ask Teacher Muyue.” Looking at Obito’s reaction, Kakashi said with a smile.

“Teacher Muyue, I believe in you the most.” Obito looked at Muyue expectantly.

Mu Yue raised her head and looked at the sky. It was really nice to see the scenery flying in the sky with the psychic beast.

Silence was better than sound at this time. Although Mu Yue did not speak, it seemed that everyone got the answer, and Obito did not continue to ask questions.

After flying into the Kingdom of Fire for a while, Mu Yue let Black Feather land, and then led his disciples to hunt for a hot meal.

The four of them feasted on the bird.

After eating and drinking, Muyue did not waste Obito’s current high mood and began to teach Obito the illusion technique.

[You taught your disciples the magic of Tree Binding, and as a result of their extreme gratitude, they were rewarded with a super critical hit and a change in the nature of the fire chakra (perfect level)]

A large number of fire escape training memories kept appearing in Mu Yue’s mind, and his understanding of flames reached a whole new level.

Another explosion of rewards, a smile appeared on Mu Yue’s face. In his opinion, the changes in the nature of the fire attribute at the perfect level were no worse than the other two perfect skills.

It makes Mu Yue’s fire escape limit extremely high. Even those fire escapes with low proficiency can have considerable power with the blessing of perfect level property changes, and it adds more possibilities to the flames. Sex, Mu Yue didn’t understand flames like Amaterasu before, but after receiving the memory of perfect nature changes, he understood a little.

“The mood is so high this time, I probably won’t be able to use perfect skills on my birthday.” Mu Yue thought in her mind.

The results of this mission were beyond Mu Yue’s expectations. He originally wanted to solve Kakashi’s problem and stimulate Obito to open his eyes, but unexpectedly his trust level also went up.

The disciples have improved a lot in this mission, but Mu Yue’s strength has improved even more, and Obito’s training mission is about to be completed.

Although Obito was triggered late, it was also settled late. Muyue felt that the reward should not be much different from that of Matt Kaibi. By then, it would be two thousand chakras plus mastery-level skills.

“Don’t tell anyone about meeting the alternate Raikage. Just treat us as if we only met a jounin and a chuunin.” Mu Yue reminded before returning to Mu Yue.

He didn’t want to try his best to disguise himself and then be exposed by his disciple’s unintentional words.

“Why, Teacher Muyue, you didn’t lose?” Obito asked with a puzzled look on his face. If he had achieved such a record, the news would have spread throughout Konoha the same day he returned to Konoha, and the news would have spread throughout Konoha the next day. All over the Fire Nation.

“Teacher Muyue doesn’t want to be famous.” Kakashi speculated that Muyue would become famous instantly if word spread about this kind of record.

“I don’t want others to know my strength for the time being.” Mu Yue nodded in agreement.

After reviewing the experience of this mission with the three disciples, Mu Yue took the disciples back to Konoha.

This chapter is 4k. I don’t know if it’s because of eye fatigue or some other reason. My eyes are swollen. I have to take a break after writing for a while. I can only say that I will try my best today

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