Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 217: Cut off the lightning of the past


Chapter 217 Cutting off the lightning of the past

The emergence of the Sharingan added a lot of chakra to Obito, but because Metkai and Berkeley were fighting together, Obito did not use fire escape attacks, but concentrated on breathing and took out a kunai to meet him.

Although Berkeley planned to deal with the strongest Metkai first, he actually put some of his attention on Obito to prevent Obito from sneak attacks. After all, he was much stronger than Metkai, even so he could Pressing down on Metka.

“Sharingan, it turns out you are not ninjas from Sunagakure, but ninjas from Konoha.” Berkeley, who knocked back Metkai with a kick, showed a surprised expression.

Soon after, Berkeley sighed regretfully: “What a pity, it would have been better if I had just rolled my eyes.”

Kumogakure is not greedy for the Sharingan. This thing is only stronger when used by Uchiha, but the Byakugan is different. The Byakugan is not as powerful as its strategic position in battle.

Perceptive ninjas are very popular in any ninja village. Only with the ability to perceive can you learn the perceptual ninjutsu. Byakugan is not perceptive anymore. It directly sees through a wide range. When fighting, it is equivalent to turning on the clairvoyance trick.

If he brought a Byakugan to the village, even if it was just one, Berkeley would not have to worry about it for the rest of his life. This would be a much greater contribution than killing the enemy Murakami.

“If you have the ability, come and try it.” Obito said provocatively.

“As you wish.”

Lightning light erupted from Berkeley’s legs, and he rushed towards Obito at extremely high speed.

Before the Sharingan was turned on, Obito could not see Berkeley using the lightning flash, and could only vaguely see a figure in the lightning.

When he opened the Second Magatama Sharingan, Obito could clearly see Berkeley running towards him, and even the dust on Berkeley’s body was clearly visible to Obito.

“Is this the power of the Sharingan? No wonder Shisui defeated Kakashi so easily after using the Sharingan. If it were now, he would definitely be able to defeat Kakashi 100%.” ​​Obito’s heart Can’t help but think about it.

But Obito didn’t let his guard down because he turned on the Sharingan, because he had defeated Hyuga Kamon who had the Byakugan before when he didn’t turn on the Sharingan.

Sometimes you can’t catch or dodge every time you blow your eyebrows.

“Kakashi, today I will show you what the real breathing method is!”

Just when Kakashi helped him block the sword injury, Obito could feel his breathing concentrated as never before. His heart was burning. He wanted to avenge Kakashi and use fire to defeat him. of enemies.

“The breath of fire, concentrate on breathing!”

Obito’s double Magatama Sharingan stares closely, inhaling a large amount of oxygen into the body, strengthening the body’s ability and enhancing the speed of property change.


Berkeley appeared in front of Obito and quickly swung his sword towards Obito’s chest.

But something happened that Berkeley didn’t expect. Obito easily dodged sideways and used kunai to fight back against him.


Berkeley quickly changed his moves to block the incoming kunai.

Dang Dang! !

The two exchanged blows very quickly. Although Obito’s kunai was not particularly powerful, with the blessing of Sharingan’s dynamic vision, he successfully withstood Berkeley’s attack.

“As expected of the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, his strength suddenly became so strong.” Berkeley was a little shocked by Obito’s growth in strength.

“Konoha’s powerful whirlwind!”

Now that he had been exposed, Metkai simply let go of his shouting and kicked Berkeley hard.

Berkeley felt a little uncomfortable now. He could easily deal with Metkai or Obito alone, but it was uncomfortable to face them both at the same time.

Metkay is fast, powerful and quick in movement, Obito has strong insight and can see through his movements, and he also masters a fire escape that can be released without seal.

The most important thing is that his condition is slowly declining. Berkeley’s chakra is not much, and it is even a little less than his fighting ability.

Berkeley wanted to deal with Metkay first, but Obito could see through his movements and shouted directly to Metkay every time to tell him to be careful, and at the same time harassed him with attacks, causing his attacks to be ineffective.

It would be even more difficult to deal with Obito first. The powerful insight of the Sharingan makes it difficult for him to succeed in a surprise attack, and Metkai’s support is very fast.

Berkeley would rather deal with two Obitos or two Metkais than one Metkais and one Obito. One of these two people has a strong insight and the other a strong frontal combat. Together, there has been a qualitative change.

Kakashi, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, was also surprised by the strength of the two of them. This is not a cat or a dog, but a jounin who can lead the team to carry out important tasks!

As for Obito and Metkai, they are not official ninjas yet, they are just little trainee ninjas, and have not even graduated.

“Completely surpassed, they are the real geniuses…” Kakashi thought in his mind.

Compared to him who graduated early, the current Metkai and Obito are more in line with the definition of genius.

In the past, he and Obito teamed up and were beaten by Berkeley, with little power to fight back. But now, Metkai and Obito, who has opened his Sharingan eye, can jointly suppress Berkeley.

“Thunder Sword!”

Berkeley, who felt bad, decided to fight desperately. He used chakra unstintingly in various ninjutsu and launched a crazy counterattack.

The strength of a desperate Jonin is terrifying. Obito and Metkai were both slightly injured, but they were minor injuries that had no impact.

“Fire Escape – Impatiens flower claws are red!”

While Berkeley had just launched a fierce counterattack, Obito quickly threw out four flaming shurikens and stabbed at Berkeley.

The flaming shuriken was extremely fast, and Berkeley had to use lightning to dodge.

“On the right!”

Metkay, who had been preparing for a long time, immediately launched a charge.

“Noon Leopard!”

Metkai used all the power he absorbed to strengthen his body, and poured all the chakra from the Eight Gate Armor into his legs. He used all the remaining power to kick out the ultimate kick.

Concentrated breathing is an explosive method, and the second door that is forced open is even more so. After fighting for so long, Metkai has almost reached his limit.


Meitkay, who was moving at great speed, seemed to have really transformed into a powerful leopard. After running to a suitable distance, he pounced directly forward. His feet were the sharp fangs of the leopard, and he would touch the sharp fangs of the leopard. Tear it to pieces.

Faced with the tacit coordinated attack between the two, Berkeley had no time to dodge. He could only consume a large amount of chakra to strengthen his body, hoping to withstand the blow.

Bang! !

A huge collision sounded, and Berkeley flew backwards at a high speed. The place where he was standing cracked due to Metkai’s powerful force.

Boom! !

Berkeley was like a cannonball being fired, knocking down more than a dozen big trees before stopping.

After this kick, Metkai could no longer hold on. It was his limit to support the ground with both hands to prevent himself from falling. The hot sweat on his forehead kept dripping to the ground.

“Akai, are you okay?” Obito quickly helped Metkai sit against the tree and asked worriedly.

Maitkai suppressed the pain in his body, showed a bright smile, gave a thumbs up and said:

“Of course it’s fine if you successfully hunt a beast, but you should pay attention to the enemy.”

Metka knows the importance of last-hitting, but right now he is unable to fight anymore.

Obito nodded, and while he was supporting Metkai, he was also observing Berkeley with his peripheral vision.

“But…damn it, are we going to lose at the hands of a few brats?” Berkeley’s body was trembling, extremely unwilling.

He has been a ninja for twenty-four years. He became a ninja and worked for Cloud Hidden Village at the age of nine. He became a Jonin at the age of twenty-three. To this day, he has done countless A-level tasks. Even I also did some S-level missions.

He had thought about one day that he would die at the hands of a strong man. This was normal for ninjas, because war was cruel and not even Kage was 100% safe.

But he didn’t expect that he would fall into the hands of three brats who were less than ten years old. The three of them combined were not as old as him.

Berkeley reluctantly wanted to stand up. He still had some chakra. He could still fight, and at least he had to kill one person on the other side.

The first time I tried to stand up, I failed. The second time I almost stood up, but fell down again. It was not until the third time that Berkeley successfully stood up tremblingly.

Obito silently took out a few shurikens.

Just when Obito was about to use the ninja tool to kill Berkeley, Kakashi moved, and Kakashi stood up. He held the White Fang short blade tightly in his hand, and there was no confusion in his eyes anymore.

“Implement your own way of tolerance and strengthen your beliefs…” Mu Yue’s words kept ringing in Kakashi’s ears.

Kakashi still doesn’t know what kind of ninja can always be praised by everyone, and he doesn’t know whether the mission or companions are more important to the village.

But now Kakashi understands one thing, that is, it is more important for him to be a companion on Kakashi’s side.

If Kakashi is required to sacrifice Metkai and Obito for the mission, Kakashi would rather not do the mission. If you like to accuse, just accuse.

Even in such a critical moment, Obito Metkai never thought of abandoning him. Even if he was injured and unable to move, he would do everything possible to kill the enemy and protect his safety, even if Kakashi asked for it. , the two of them never abandoned him.

They never give up, neither themselves nor him.

Looking at Metkai who almost fell down after the last kick, Kakashi’s eyes couldn’t help but become a little misty.

His teammates are fighting tooth and nail, but he can only be used as a liability.

“Hatake Kakashi, what are you doing, what have you done in the past two years!” Kakashi kept questioning himself in his heart.

Obviously he was once the most talented Chuunin who graduated at the age of five and six, but now he can only watch Obito and Metkai fight.

He has been so decadent in the past two years, so decadent that Kakashi now regrets it when he recalls it.

Thinking of Metkai’s expectations for him, Kakashi felt a little unworthy, as Metkai was so brilliant now.

“Do we really have to keep going like this?” Kakashi asked himself in his heart.

Kakashi used his own body to answer the questions in his heart. His breathing was more concentrated than ever before. The paralyzed leg seemed to have some feeling. He stood up slowly. He held the White Fang short blade.

He does not want to be the Hatake Kakashi who is idle and immersed in the past all day long. He wants to be the Hatake Kakashi who cherishes his companions and has the reputation of being a genius.

Kakashi closed his eyes slightly, and in his mind were all the memories of Mu Yue teaching the Breath of Thunder. At this moment, all the scattered memories were connected together.

Not only Mu Yue, scenes of his father teaching him sword skills also kept appearing, and eventually the two were combined.

“The breath of thunder, the flash of thunder!”

Under a quick concentrated breath, Kakashi felt a power he had never felt before. Then chakra exploded from Kakashi’s hands and feet, and dazzling electric lights appeared on his feet and hands.

Kakashi poured most of his power into his uninjured right leg, and instantly turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared.

“I want…” Berkeley just stood firm when he immediately saw a dazzling electric light rushing towards him.

He wanted to resist, but now his condition was worse than ever. His chest was sunken and he didn’t have much chakra left.

The next moment, Berkeley lost consciousness forever.

The electric light disappeared, and Kakashi appeared behind Berkeley. The White Fang short blade in his hand shone white in the sunlight.


Berkeley’s body split into two pieces and fell to the ground, with blood gushing out from his body.

Kakashi exhaled. He cut off not only the enemy’s body, but also the nightmare that had been haunting him for the past two years.

“Kakashi, have you learned the Thunder Breath?” Obito asked in surprise when Kakashi suddenly became faster.

“Haha, you are indeed a good friend. I look forward to the next battle with you!” Metkai congratulated Kakashi

Kakashi nodded calmly, and then said: “Then you have to be careful, a genius like me can improve his strength very quickly.”

Genius Kakashi is back.

This chapter is 3.6, and the three chapters add up to exactly 10k


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