Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 216: Bloody eyes


Chapter 216 Bloody Eyes

“It’s finally time to fight back, Kakashi, don’t hold back.” Obito felt a little more relaxed and couldn’t help but say.

He is ready to use ninjutsu at any time.

“It’s me who should say this. Make good use of all your chakra and don’t release invalid ninjutsu.” Kakashi clenched the White Fang short blade in his hand and stared not far away. of Berkeley.

“Our youth is burning very hot today.” Metkai gave a thumbs up for himself, Kakashi and Obito.

Then the three looked at each other and nodded.

Maitkai looked like he was preparing to charge and shouted: “Then, let’s go!”

“Fire Escape: Fireball Technique!”

Obito quickly formed seals and spit out a large amount of flames to form a huge fireball four meters high and hit Berkeley.

Although Metkay’s kick just now was very strong, Obito still did not think that Metkay could collide head-on with Berkeley, so Obito wanted to create suitable offensive opportunities for Metkay.

The four-meter-high fire ball looked very powerful. Although Berkeley was not unable to block it, he did not want to resist the dodgeable fire escape ninjutsu and immediately dodged to the right.

Of course, Kakashi would not let Berkeley dodge so easily. He immediately threw out a large number of shurikens, and at the same time jumped to the tree and continued to approach Berkeley through the big trees.

Facing the incoming shuriken, Berkeley raised the sword in his hand and gathered chakra in his palm to change its properties. The silver-white sword was immediately shrouded in blue lightning.


Berkeley swung his sword with lightning and instantly dispatched the incoming shuriken.

“At this level, the battle will be over soon.” Berkeley grinned.

Three children of this age actually have such strength. They are all geniuses. Killing geniuses in war can make greater contributions than killing ordinary ninjas.


At this moment, Kakashi, holding a kunai, rushed forward with a burst of speed and stabbed Berkeley from the side.


With a calm look on his face, Berkeley quickly turned around and blocked Kakashi’s thrust with his sword.

Just when Berkeley was about to kick Kakashi away, a strong wind came from his body, and Metkai seized the opportunity to launch an attack.

“Sunagakure Great Cyclone!”

Metkai bursts out chakra and pours power into his legs, kicking out extremely fast tornado kicks.

Zizzi! !

Berkeley’s expression did not change, he quickly condensed chakra, and suddenly there was a burst of lightning on his feet. He directly pushed Kakashi five meters away, and then a lightning flash appeared behind Metkai to avoid it. He missed Metka’s kick and hit Metka with an elbow, causing Metka to fall forward.

Just when Berkeley was about to take advantage of the victory and use the thunder sword to attack Metkai, Kakashi’s body suddenly rushed out.

“Purple Lightning!”

Kakashi condensed a large amount of chakra in his palm and quickly changed the nature of the thunder chakra. Incomparably shining purple lightning appeared in Kakashi’s hand, and transformed into a sharp blade-like shape through shape change.

Using the purple electricity to accelerate his body, Kakashi rushed towards Berkeley at great speed.

Shiden’s speed is not as fast as Chidori, but this does not mean that Shiden’s speed cannot be improved at all, but it is not as big as Chidori’s improvement, and is more suitable for ordinary people without Sharingan.

Berkeley did not change direction, but rotated his body to make the thunder sword strike in the direction of Kakashi.

But to Berkeley’s surprise, Kakashi changed his moves in mid-air, and the shining purple lightning blade in his hand turned into several bolts of lightning and struck towards him.

Although Kakashi’s purple lightning was so flexible that it surprised Berkeley, it was not like he had never encountered a similar situation in his ninja career. He instantly burst out with a large amount of chakra, making lightning in his hands, and the blue lightning on his sword. It became more intense and sent out a burst of powerful lightning that blocked most of the purple lightning. Then Berkeley quickly adjusted his body to dodge the remaining lightning.

Metkai quickly got up and charged towards Berkeley again, and the Kakashi shadow clone who was repelled followed suit.

“Fire Release: Dragon Fire Jutsu!” Obito has already prepared the next Fire Release Ninjutsu.

Obito gathered a large amount of chakra at his throat and then compressed it to change form and compress it into the shape of a fire dragon, and finally spit out a ferocious fire dragon with sharp teeth.

After releasing the Goryū Fire Technique, Obito felt a sense of emptiness in his body. The Goryū Fire was no more powerful than the Goryō Fire Ball, and consumed much more chakra.

Faced with the compact offensive rhythm of the three, Berkeley also showed a serious expression.

He waved his sword to persuade Metkai to fight back, then ducked and grabbed the oncoming shadow clone Kakashi and threw it directly towards the dragon fire.

Boom! !

The Dragon Fire exploded directly and engulfed the shadow clone Kakashi.

At this time, Kakashi’s body pulled out his white teeth and slashed at Berkeley’s vitals.

“Thunder Sword!”

Dazzling yellow lightning appeared on Berkeley’s sword, and the sword in Berkeley’s hand vibrated at an extremely fast frequency.

Berkeley swung his sword to resist Kakashi’s attack while turning sideways to dodge Metkai’s attack.

The huge power coming from the Berkeley sword made Kakashi frown. He glanced at the dangerous thunder sword with fear, and Kakashi quickly retreated.

“I’m afraid this guy is not weak among Jonin.” Kakashi thought about the countermeasures in his mind.

Berkeley perfectly fits Kakashi’s impression of Jonin. He has no shortcomings in ninjutsu or physical skills. He has rich combat experience and can transform everything he masters into combat power. He is too difficult to deal with.

Even the strongest among them, Metkai, could barely keep himself from being injured in the head-on collision in Berkeley.

Since most of the chakra was consumed, Obito also took out a kunai and joined the battlefield.

Being one against three, Berkeley still showed no sign of decline. He was extremely fast, and Kakashi, who was so fast, could not even catch his figure.

While Berkeley and Metkai were fighting, Obito thought he had seized the opportunity, and immediately took out two more kunai, and put his left hand behind his back to secretly form a seal with one hand.

“Fire Escape – Impatiens flower claws are red!”

Obito condensed chakra and used fire escape ninjutsu again, and three kunai carrying flames stabbed towards Berkeley.

Just when Obito thought that the hope of victory was just around the corner, he didn’t know that Berkeley had actually been paying attention to him, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Berkeley’s feet were covered by a large amount of thunder and lightning, and he disappeared in front of Obito’s eyes in an instant, and the three flaming kunai also fell into the air.

“So fast!”

Obito’s pupils shrank suddenly, and the next moment Berkeley appeared directly beside him and brandished a sharp sword.


Kakashi appeared at his limit and used the White Fang short blade to block the slashing sword.

But how could the raid planned by Berkeley end here? The chakra that had been condensed long ago exploded, and the sword instantly exploded with lightning. Kakashi was unable to withstand Berkeley’s terrifying lightning escape swordsmanship, and a streak of blood appeared on his left leg. scratches.

“Kakashi!” Obito couldn’t help shouting worriedly, and began to blame himself in his heart. If he had been more cautious, this situation would not have happened.

“Sunagakure’s powerful whirlwind!”

When Metkai saw this, he exploded and kicked towards Berkley, preventing Berkley from further hurting Kakashi, while Obito hugged Kakashi and retreated backwards.

Feeling the numbness coming from his left leg, Kakashi knew something was wrong. Being cut by the sword was nothing, but being paralyzed by Thunderbolt would mean temporarily losing his combat effectiveness.

It was so difficult for the three of them to deal with it. If only Obito and Metkai were left, there would definitely be no hope of victory.

“Obito, let me go. Let’s go with Akai. If I use up all the chakra, I should be able to block it for a while. If I can use my breathing skills to retreat separately, I might be able to escape. .” Kakashi thought for a while and said.

He is only temporarily unable to move his left leg. If he has chakra, he can barely move one leg, and he can also form seals with his hands.

Right now, Kakashi has no hope of winning. If the three of them are in full strength, they still have a chance to win, but in this state, it is difficult for him to participate in the battle.

Rather than being defeated one by one, he might as well try his best to keep Obito and Metkai alive. Anyway, with his legs paralyzed, he would definitely not be able to leave.

After speaking, Kakashi broke free from Obito’s arm and stood on the ground with one foot.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think Uchiha Obito and Metkai are the kind of people who would abandon their teammates and leave!” Obito couldn’t help shouting, his eyes gradually turning red.

“Have you forgotten Teacher Muyue’s mission? To survive, it’s not about abandoning your teammates, it’s about making the right choice.” Kakashi shook his head and said.

“It’s hard for me to fight with you like this. Instead of us all dying here, it’s better to sacrifice me so that you two can survive.”

Kakashi was very calm when he said this. He had already chosen to continue completing the mission regardless of his teammates being injured. He was prepared for this.

In order to complete the mission, you can sacrifice your teammates, and of course you can also sacrifice yourself.

Kakashi is not afraid of death. Before he was seven years old, he did not understand death. After seven years old, he is not afraid of death.

“If there is an afterlife, just ask your father if he regrets making that choice.” Kakashi thought to himself.

“Kakashi, who do you think you are!” Obito lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly.

Mu Yue asked them to leave Obito because the battlefield there was too advanced and leaving behind would only become a flaw for Mu Yue and affect Mu Yue’s battle.

But this time, the enemy was just a jounin that Teacher Mu Yue could kill with just one ninjutsu. He had practiced decades more than them and was no stronger than them.

Facing this kind of enemy, should we abandon our teammates?

“No!” Obito roared in his heart. This was his comrade who was injured to save him. If he abandoned his comrade in this situation, it would be the same as death, because it is no longer Uchiha Obito who would do this. .

Obito’s pent-up emotions because of Mu Yue’s back cover completely exploded. He was not willing to be so weak and unable to help Mu Yue in the battle. He was not willing to be looked down upon by Kakashi and actually asked him to abandon his companions and run away. , He is not willing to give in, he is really not willing to give in!

The extreme emotion caused a special chakra to appear in Obito’s mind. Under the influence of the special chakra, Obito’s eyes completely turned blood-colored, and two magatama patterns appeared in his eyes.

The moment the Sharingan appeared, the world in Obito’s eyes changed, becoming clearer and easier to observe.

“This is…” Obito was stunned for a moment, and instantly thought of his previous answer to Shisui’s question about how he felt when he opened his eyes. It was exactly the same as he was at this moment, and even more effective.

“Kakashi, you narcissistic guy, do you think it’s impossible without you? Two people are just two people. Without you, Akai and I can defeat the enemy. Just watch it here!” Tu raised his head and stared at Kakashi with his **** eyes and said.

“Obito, you actually…” Looking at Obito’s **** eyes, Kakashi showed a shocked expression. Obito actually opened Uchiha’s Sharingan at this time.

Kakashi knows the reputation of the Uchiha Sharingan. As long as an Uchiha has the Sharingan turned on, he will become a jounin when he grows up normally, which will greatly improve the strength of the ninja.

Obito immediately turned around and ran towards Berkeley. Without the help of Kakashi and Obito, Metkai, who faced Berkeley alone, quickly fell into a disadvantage.

“Is this the power of persevering in faith?” Kakashi murmured as he remembered Mu Yue’s words.

This chapter is 3.4k, and the next one will be posted as early as 12 o’clock, and it will be posted later around 1 o’clock


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