Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 195: It smells so good


Chapter 195 It smells so good

As time passed, Jiraiya gradually smelled the fragrance coming from the kitchen.

“It seems like fried fish?” Jiraiya smelled the aroma and guessed what Mu Yue had cooked.

“The fragrance is pretty good, but I don’t know how it tastes.” Jiraiya touched his stomach, and he felt a little hungry before he knew it.

Fortunately, Muyue and Minato didn’t keep him waiting too long. Just when Jiraiya was thinking about what to write in the novel, Muyue and Minato brought all the prepared dishes.

Jiraiya was instantly attracted by the strange shape and appetizing color of the squirrel mandarin fish. Although he encountered many unique delicacies when traveling around the ninja world, this was the first time he saw fish do this. .

“What’s the name of this dish? A lot of effort was put into its shape.” Jiraiya glanced at the squirrel mandarin fish and asked curiously.

“The name of this dish is Squirrel Mandarin Fish, and its shape is indeed the characteristic of this dish.” Mu Yue introduced with a smile.

“Jiraiya-sensei, don’t look at it as complicated, but it’s actually quite difficult to make. Kushina and I have been learning for a while but we couldn’t make it like Mu Yue, and the taste is even worse. Don’t.”

Minato talked about the hardships he and Kushina had to learn from the squirrel mandarin fish. When Kushina handed him the steps of cutting the flower knife halfway through, Minato had a helpless smile on his face.

“Haha, it’s very similar to what Kushina would do.” Jiraiya said with a smile.

“Eat the vegetables first. These vegetables should be eaten while they are hot.” Mu Yue warned.

Some dishes have completely different tastes when they are hot and when they are cold.

Jiraiya was not polite, he stretched out his chopsticks and picked up some fish meat and stuffed it into his mouth. When he picked it up, Jiraiya felt a little regretful, ruining such a beautiful dish.

But soon the regret in Jiraiya’s heart disappeared. He bit into the crispy shell and found extremely tender fish meat inside. The sweet and sour soup on the fish made Jiraiya’s appetite whet his appetite. One bite of fish made me even hungrier.

After eating the fish, Jiraiya felt like he was in a trance, transformed into a dragon and rushed into the vast sea, swimming freely, without having to search the world for the son of prophecy that could change the world.

When Jiraiya came back to his senses, he realized that what Minato said in the letter was not an exaggeration at all. It was so delicious that it was like being under an illusion. Just for a moment, Jiraiya had experienced the ultimate taste after a long time. A feeling of relaxation.

“The time control of this fried fish is really strong, and the ratio of sweet and sour in the soup is also perfect. No matter how sour or sweet it is, it will not achieve this effect.”

Jiraiya commented for a while, and then when he looked at the squirrel mandarin fish, he suddenly found that half of the fish meat was missing. Minato kept silent and kept cooking.

“Minato, when did you eat so fast?”

Now Jiraiya couldn’t sit still. He just said a few words and Minato ate so much, so Jiraiya stopped talking and quickly started to eat.

Not only the unique squirrel mandarin fish, but also the ordinary-looking braised pork with pickled vegetables and stir-fried pork with chili peppers made Jiraiya eat bowl after bowl of rice.

“Muyue, your fried pork with chili tastes delicious, but why don’t you put more meat?” Jiraiya looked around among the large amount of chili peppers with sharp eyes, and finally picked up a piece of meat and asked doubtfully.

“If there were more meat than chili peppers, it wouldn’t have this taste.” Mu Yue explained.

The fried pork with chili peppers he made did not mean that there were only chili peppers but no meat. It was just because the chili peppers were not eaten, so there were a lot of chili peppers in the end.

“This makes sense. Cooking is similar to ninja training. If you destroy the proportion, you will fail.” Jiraiya touched his chin and acknowledged. To synthesize Sage Chakra, you need to cooperate. Carat and natural energy ratio.

“Then this dish is suitable for a larger portion.” Jiraiya gave a suggestion.

Since adding more meat will destroy the taste, adding more peppers and meat will not destroy the proportion.

“I, Jiraiya, would like to call you Yume the best chef in the ninja world. After traveling all over the world, this is the first time I have tasted such delicious food.” Jiraiya praised.

This was his first time eating and he couldn’t help but want to clean his chopsticks.

Although Minato’s description of Mugetsu’s cooking was outrageous, after Jiraiya finished eating, he found that Minato was actually realistic and did not use any exaggeration elements.

“I don’t want to be the number one in the ninja world. I just put more thought into cooking.” Mu Yue said modestly.

“Haha, the extra thought you put in is incredible.” Jiraiya smiled and looked very pleased with Mu Yue.

At this moment, Minato suddenly coughed twice, with a hint of apology on his face and said:

“Mu Yue, I have something to apologize to you for.”

Mu Yue guessed something in her heart, but asked with a puzzled expression on her face:

“What’s the matter? Is it because you pick up the food too quickly when eating? This is unnecessary.”

Minato felt even more embarrassed after hearing Mu Yue’s words and explained:

“I really didn’t speed up on purpose. Mu Yue, your food is so delicious, I ate it very quickly subconsciously.”

Mu Yue knew that Minato might really be like this, after all, Minato had superhuman reflexes.

Then Minato showed a serious expression and apologized:

“Sorry Mu Yue, I lied to you when I said I didn’t have time to eat. In fact, I wasn’t particularly busy during that time. I just wanted to bring food to Kushina, so I found an excuse to be busy. .”

“So that’s it. I’ve known it for a long time. How can anyone be so busy that they still come here every day to eat.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

Sometimes you can pretend to be stupid, but you can’t let others think you are really stupid.

“Kushina is practicing secretly, so she can’t come over, but she really wants to eat Muyue’s food, so…”

Minato and Mozuki briefly explained, hiding Kushina’s identity and monitoring ANBU and a series of secret information.

I can no longer hide it, because Minato will go to the battlefield with Jiraiya in a while, and he can’t leave a shadow clone to bring food to Kushina.

“Sorry to trouble you, Mu Yue.” Minato said apologetically.

“It’s okay, it’s just an extra meal. It’s nothing compared to your help with my sealing technique.” Mu Yue smiled and nodded, saying that she wouldn’t be hungry for Kushina in Konoha. .

After eating, the three of them sat together and chatted for a while. At first, Jiraiya asked Mu Yue about cooking, and later they talked about sealing techniques.

“I have an idea to set up a seal in the body, store some chakra inside, and when the combat chakra is not enough, release the chakra in the seal to quickly replenish chakra.” Mu Yue said her idea out.

Both Jiraiya and Minato have very high levels of sealing skills, and they know more local knowledge than him as a time traveler. Mu Yue wants to take this opportunity to find inspiration.

Anyway, to put it bluntly, this is just an idea and an idea, and it is impossible to see his true level of sealing skills.

“The idea is very good, but it is basically impossible to implement it.” Jiraiya thought for a while and replied.

“Your idea came from the Jinchūriki Tailed Beast, right?” Jiraiya asked.

Mu Yue nodded. In fact, his inspiration came from Tsunade’s Yin Seal.

“The reason why jinchūriki can use the chakra of tailed beasts is because tailed beasts have very unique properties. Sealing them into the human body can achieve the effect of fusion. No matter how much chakra the tailed beast has, it will not affect the chakra meridians. Acupuncture points.”

“But your idea is different. If you want to store your own chakra, you must set up a sealing technique on the chakra meridian acupoints, not to mention the difficulty of setting up a sealing technique on the chakra meridian acupoints.

A large amount of chakra is suddenly released at a certain meridian acupoint. The large amount of chakra spurting out will affect the chakra of your entire body into chaos, causing you to be unable to release ninjutsu. How can you use this in battle? “Jiraiya explained.

“And also consider the damage to the body caused by a sudden burst of large amounts of chakra.”

Jiraiya’s words made Mu Yue suddenly realize a lot. He had previously thought that Tsunade’s Yin Seal was to maintain her appearance, so he made the Bai Hao Jutsu released by the Yin Seal become an automatic one that cannot be turned off once it is turned on. Medical Ninjutsu Mode,

According to Jiraiya, it’s not that Tsunade wants to heal automatically but that Tsunade can only do this. Otherwise, the sudden surge of chakra will become a negative state that hinders oneself, just like turning on the Eight Gates of Armor. The same chakra.

Jiraiya’s words were indeed of great help to Mu Yue. Before, he only thought about building a power bank in his body, but ignored other aspects.

However, Mu Yue did not give up the power bank plan directly. Jiraiya thought it was impossible, but he might not be able to do it because he was cheating.

He has a transparent world, absolute control over his body, and can complete any delicate operation inside. He also has excellent sealing skills.

Mu Yue only learned sealing techniques for half a year and has mastered the sealing techniques of Five Elements Seal and Contract Seal. Not long ago, he has become proficient in the evil-sealing technique given to him by the third generation, and he has already mastered the fire-sealing technique.

“Maybe we can make an automatic rock breathing pattern seal first.” Mu Yue thought in her mind.

He can stop innovating and imitate Tsunade to create a fully automated sealing ninjutsu.

The reason why it is Rock Breath is because the Rock Breath pattern can extremely strengthen the body, even the inside of the body can be strengthened to prevent the sudden burst of chakra from hurting the body.

“Thank you, Master Jiraiya, for reminding me. I took it for granted.” Mu Yue thanked him.

“It’s okay. The most important thing for young people is to think more. If you don’t dare to think, you are still young, haha.” Jiraiya patted Mu Yue on the shoulder and smiled.

“Mu Yue, this makes me a little ashamed. I have never thought about this kind of thing. I just tried to improve the effects of some sealing techniques.” Minato said with a smile.

If the person who said this was not Minato, Mu Yue felt that the person must be in Versailles. Those who can improve the sealing technique truly understand the sealing technique.

But as for Minato, Muyue felt that Minato might really think he had a good idea.

When the time was almost up, Minato and Jiraiya left.

Mu Yue gave an appraisal when Jiraiya left.

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