Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 194: The dragon returns to the sea


Chapter 194 The Dragon Returns to the Sea

“Akai, how did you suddenly become stronger?” Before the battle, Obito humbly asked Metkai for advice on how to become stronger.

“It’s not like he suddenly became stronger. It’s just that he can initially use the physical skills he’s learning.” Metkai scratched his head and said.

There are eight gates in the Eight Gate Dunjia. He can only open the first gate now, so it can only be regarded as a preliminary use.

“Don’t worry Obito, my youth will not let you down, and I will definitely satisfy you with the energy to fight Kakashi.” Metkai said with a thumbs up.


He was actually thinking just now that Metkai’s youth should not be too overheated, let him win and then show off in front of Kakashi and Nohara Rin.

Of course, Obito would have this kind of thought when he was just imagining things. If Metkai really gave in, Obito would not be happy.

“But you must be careful with my Fire Release.” Obito reminded seriously.

Feeling the sight of Kakashi and Nohara Rin, Obito decided to use all his chakra to fight this time to get the slightest chance of victory.

He has already thought about using his own style to complete this battle. He cannot imitate the fighting methods of Kakashi and Shisui, and Kakashi himself has not defeated Metkai.

“Start!” Mu Yue shouted.

“Fire Release Go Fireball Technique!” Obito jumped back and quickly formed seals to spit out a large fireball.

Raging fire continued to spurt out of Obito’s mouth, eventually forming a three-meter-high fireball that quickly hit Metkai.

Meitkay, who originally charged towards Obito, immediately turned to the side to dodge the fireball.

Whoosh! !

After Obito released his ninjutsu, he immediately threw out a large number of shurikens towards the dodging Metkaiza.

Dang Dang! !

Metkai waved his kunai to block the incoming shurikens, but was caught off guard by several shurikens that tore through his tights, leaving blood stains.

“The breath of fire, concentrate on breathing!”

Obito changes his breathing rhythm, absorbs a large amount of oxygen, strengthens his body’s abilities, and increases the speed of change in his fire attribute chakra properties.

“Fire Release: Dragon Fire Jutsu!” Obito then quickly released a Fire Release towards Metkai.

“Breath of the Rock: Concentrated Breathing, Eight Gates of Dunjia, Open the First Door, Open!”

Seeing that Obito seemed to want to defeat him with a fast-paced attack, Metkai no longer held back and used all his methods in an instant. With the blessing of the breathing method and the Eight-door Armor, his physical ability increased rapidly. Speed ​​and strength have been greatly enhanced.

The fire dragon flew faster than the fire ball, and quickly rushed in front of Metkai.

Metkai knew that Haolonghuo was more flexible and could control the direction to a certain extent, so he directly used Shao to retreat towards the rear and hid behind a tree not far away.

Boom! !

The high-speed fire dragon burned the big tree, and it broke and fell to the ground with a loud bang, kicking up a cloud of dust.

“Damn, it’s too fast.” Seeing that his fast-paced attacks were ineffective, Obito knew in his heart that victory was getting further and further away from him.

He didn’t use much chakra for the Hao Fire Ball. He used Mu Yue’s bluffing technique. It looked powerful, but in fact it was not very powerful, but the Hao Dragon Fire Technique actually used a lot of chakra. .

The Breath of the Rock’s full concentration breath-enhancing physical ability is already strong, coupled with the explosion of the Eight Gate Dungeon, Obito has almost no ability to fight in close combat with Metkai.

Obito tried to compete with Metkai in Taijutsu, but was instantly beaten and couldn’t find his way around. He only managed to avoid being eliminated by Metkai by activating the flames with all his strength.

“Can’t see clearly at all.” Obito was thinking about countermeasures.

It would be better if there were no obstructions. There are big trees tens of meters high everywhere here, which greatly affects Obito’s ninjutsu hit rate.

The battle between the two sides became more and more intense. Some of the ground was scorched by Obito Fire Escape, and some big trees were broken by Metkai.

Obito’s chakra is getting less and less, and his body is getting more and more exhausted. He feels like he is losing.

Although he always belittles Kakashi, Obito recognizes Kakashi’s strength, and that is the genius ninja Hatake Kakashi.

When they were in the ninja school, they were friends who often interacted with each other. Kakashi was the long-term number one genius, and he was the Uchiha who everyone said was the last.

Obito’s overall performance is actually better than that of Metkai, but his surname is Uchiha. According to public perception, the ninjas from Uchiha, the largest family in Konoha, are all very good.

So Obito, who was mediocre in actual combat and ranked last in theory, became the Uchiha’s most popular one among the people.

Obito is a very optimistic person, but he cannot ignore everyone. He envies and even yearns for Kakashi, and is praised by teachers and admired by classmates.

Even the Kakashi he longed for lost, so it was natural that he would lose, right?

“No!” Obito’s eyes suddenly became firm, denying the wavering voice in his heart.

What does he yearn for? He doesn’t want to be someone like Kakashi who doesn’t dare to show his face all day long. What he wants to do is to surpass Kakashi!

Obito’s breathing gradually became more concentrated, and his eyes were full of desire for victory.

“The ultimate Konoha strong whirlwind!”

Metkai concentrated all his strength, poured all his strength into his legs, kicked to the limit, and launched the final attack.

The strong wind driven by Metkai’s powerful force blew some gravel and rotten leaves on the ground towards Obito, but Obito, who was wearing goggles, did not need to squint.

Obito’s eyes were more serious than ever before. He absorbed a large amount of power from the outside world and exploded all the remaining chakra in his body.

“Breath of fire, concentrate on breathing, this is my last strength!”

Obito concentrated all his strength on his fists. He did not consider whether he could control the flames and not hurt himself later. He just wanted to use this last strength to gain the invisible light of victory.

Boom! !

Metkai’s extreme kick collided with Obito’s fist that burned a lot of flames, and the air explosion generated between the huge force collision blew up the dust around him.

Kakashi looked at Obito in disbelief. He had been kicked by Metkai before. He knew how powerful that kick was, but Obito actually withstood it?


In the end, Metkai was the better one and kicked Obito flying backwards. Metkai’s legs were also injured and he almost fell down, but he still kept standing with perseverance.

“Ahem, it hurts.” Obito coughed, feeling the pain in his body, he couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

“So it hurt so much when Kakashi was kicked?” Obito guessed Kakashi’s psychological activities at the time while controlling his expression. Kakashi didn’t even cry out in pain, so he Not even more.

Obito wanted to stand up with his hands on the ground, but found that the hand that punched, his right hand, had no strength at all. He supported the ground with his left hand and tried to stand up. He tried three times, but finally failed. .

“I still lost.” Obito gave up and stood up, turned over and lay directly on the ground looking at the sky.

He didn’t know how to describe his current mood.

He tried his best and used all his strength, but he still lost.

While thinking about it, Obito suddenly laughed. He remembered the way Kakashi was kicked away by Metkai. It was really embarrassing, and he was kicked away with a look of disbelief.

He lost better than Kakashi. Kakashi was kicked out. At least he and Gai were in a stalemate for a while.

After laughing, he thought about his record.

So far, among the other four disciples of Mu Yue, Nohara Lin has not fought with Obito. Obito has not won the battle with Shisui and Kakashi, and the battle with Metkai is generally the same. Win less and lose more.

Obito suddenly remembered what Mu Yue said, failure always runs through life.

This is a very Muyue sentence. Obito feels that this sentence makes sense, but he really wants to win.

“What a youthful and joyful battle!” Metkai gave Obito a thumbs up and said with a smile.

Obito’s final counterattack was somewhat beyond Metkai’s expectations. Without the blessing of the Eight Gate Armor, he might have lost.

“Mei Qiandong nephew Jiyi Huaiyan? Get treatment and have a good rest.” Mu Yue quickly appeared on the field and took Metkai and Obito to a cool place to rest and receive treatment.

Nohara Lin saw this and stepped forward to help.

“Xiao Lin, my last punch was not strong, Kakashi was kicked away, and I almost won.” Feeling Nohara Lin’s treatment, Obito’s eyebrows became full of smiles , couldn’t help but step on it and said.

Kakashi just walked over and suddenly rows of neat black lines appeared on his forehead. He admitted that Obito’s last burst of punch made him a little impressed, but he was just bragging that he almost won.

“I feel like my breathing technique has improved a little. Kakashi, just wait. I will defeat you after I am familiar with the improved breathing technique.” Seeing Kakashi coming over, Obito said with confidence. .

While receiving treatment, Obito kept reviewing the battle between himself and Metkai in his mind. He could feel that he had improved at the last moment, otherwise he would not have been able to hurt Metkai.

Kakashi knew that what Obito said was true. After these days of thunder breathing practice, he also had a preliminary understanding of the breathing method.

“You can come and try.” Kakashi replied calmly, as if he didn’t take Obito’s challenge to heart.

Although he was determined to practice and learn breathing techniques in the near future, Kakashi would not let Obito have a chance to be proud.

Seeing that Obito still had the energy to compete with Kakashi, Nohara Rin was relieved, so there shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Mu Yue also nodded secretly in her heart. A battle from time to time is indeed helpful to stimulate the growth of disciples’ strength.

Obito is indeed the fastest to get started with Breath of Fire. This time he has made progress in the battle and gained a lot of proficiency.

Maitkai is also quite good, and he is more comfortable using the breathing method and the eight gates at the same time.

Kakashi failed twice in a row and witnessed Obito’s breakthrough in battle. He will definitely be very active in his next training.

As for Shisui, Shisui is mainly responsible for putting pressure on him in this battle. Currently, no one among Muyue disciples can put pressure on Shisui, including the current Metkai.

Shisui’s Sharingan can not only capture Metkai’s movements, but also has almost no shortcomings. Ninja Taigen is very good, even if Metkai uses the Breath of the Rock and the First Gate at the same time, there is nothing he can do. Defeat Shisui.

But Mu Yue believes that this situation will soon be broken.

The first three doors of the Eight Door Dunjia are the safe areas of the Eight Door Dunjia. As long as you learn the first door, you can quickly open the third door.

Facing Metkai, who has the Breath of Rock and the third gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia, Shisui is difficult to deal with. Sometimes you can’t react just by seeing the action.

Mu Yue is very much looking forward to Metkai adding a defeat to Shisui who has an undefeated record. Maintaining a fixed ranking is not conducive to the growth of the disciples’ strength, and they have to put pressure on each other.

Obito’s injury was relatively serious and he stopped practicing. Metkai began to exercise after treatment, while Kakashi quickly started practicing Thunder Breathing after a friendly exchange with Obito.

After the disbandment time came, Kakashi also went home directly to finish dinner quickly and continue practicing.

In order not to be defeated by Obito, he must use the breathing method in battle as soon as possible to increase his strength.


After bidding farewell to his disciples, Mu Yue also returned to her home in the main city.

But this evening, a guest came that he did not expect.

“Muyue, let me introduce to you, this is my teacher Jiraiya.” Minato said with a smile on his face as he introduced the white-haired ninja standing next to him to Muyue.

“Is that Master Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas?” Mu Yue looked a little surprised, but she quickly showed a gentle smile and greeted Jiraiya.

“Hahaha, I am Lord Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin, a handsome man who can shut up even a crying child.” Jiraiya re-introduced himself with a proud smile.

Then Jiraiya looked at Mu Yue carefully for a few times, then at Minato, touched his chin and asked, “Are you related?”

“Jiraiya-sensei, didn’t I introduce Mu Yue to you in the letter?” Minato scratched his head and said, could it be that he remembered it wrong?

“Haha, just kidding, I think you guys do look a bit alike.” Jiraiya replied with a smile

If he didn’t know anything and saw the two of them, he might really think so, but Minato had already introduced Muyue to him in a letter, and he just wanted to tease his somewhat naturally stupid student.

“It’s time to eat, let’s eat together. You guys sit down and have a cup of tea first, and I’ll prepare dinner.” Mu Yue invited.

It is still in the development stage, so of course the more friends the better.

“Teacher, please take a rest, let me help Muyue.” Minato and Jiraiya said, and after Jiraiya nodded, they walked into the kitchen skillfully.

“The unspeakable delicacy in the world. It’s so delicious that it’s as if it’s a genjutsu. It’s really exaggerated. You can eat genjutsu when you eat food.” Jiraiya, who was sitting alone in the living room, thought of Minato and The Muyue cuisine he described.

He just arrived in Konoha today, and the reason why he went straight to Minato’s house as soon as he came back was because Minato wrote to him many times and praised Muyue’s cuisine as unique in the world.

However, Jiraiya didn’t have high expectations. He was a person who traveled around the ninja world all day long. He had never eaten anything delicious. No matter how delicious the food was, how delicious it could be.

4k chapters, please give me a monthly ticket, I will update it tomorrow, I will work hard every day


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