Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 193: The fallen genius


Chapter 193 The Fallen Genius

“Shisui and Kakashi, how are you preparing?” Mu Yue asked.

“I can fight at any time.” Shisui replied quickly, with a faint smile on his face.

“No problem, we can start fighting.” Kakashi nodded calmly and said. With timely treatment and enough rest time, he has fully recovered at this moment.

“That’s no problem.” Muyue said with a smile, letting Shisui and Kakashi walk to the fighting field to prepare to start fighting.

Looking at Kakashi’s indifferent expression, Mu Yue mourned for Kakashi in her heart for tenths of a second.

Since Shisui had already defeated Obito with Kakashi watching, Kakashi had a general understanding of Shisui’s strength and methods.

But this is actually not a good thing for Kakashi. Instead, Kakashi will misjudge Shisui’s strength.

Because Shisui has never liked killing with one move, he can use as much strength as he can to defeat his opponent. If Shisui had used the Sharingan, Obito would have been controlled by Shisui’s genjutsu and couldn’t find him. , but the water was not used until the end.

In addition, Shisui’s age is very confusing. Kakashi never expected that Shisui, who was two years younger than them, was strong enough to hold back in the battle with Obito.

Of course, even if Kakashi does not miscalculate Shisui’s strength, Kakashi will most likely not be able to defeat Shisui. Under normal circumstances, Shisui and Kakashi’s overall strength is about the same, but Shisui uses his Sharingan. Then the situation is different.

According to Konoha’s habit of sparring, the two formed a seal of opposition to each other.

“At the same age, I am indeed not as good as him.” Kakashi thought to himself as he looked at Shisui who looked serious.

Although there is no way to go back two years and fight Shisui, Obito’s strength now exceeds that of him when he was six years old, and Shisui defeated the current Obito. In indirect comparison, Shisui is indeed as good as Obito. As I said before, he is even more talented than him.

However, Kakashi is still confident in this battle. He feels that Obito will lose not because of his strength, but because of his poor fighting skills. Although he has practiced less in the past two years, he has not done less tasks. The combat experience is very rich.

“The battle begins!” After the two of them got into position, Mu Yue announced that the battle had begun.

Kakashi immediately drew out the White Fang short blade from behind and slashed at Shisui.


Shisui used breathing techniques to strengthen his body and quickly took out the short blade given to him by Mu Yue, blocking the White Fang short blade slashed by Kakashi.

Kakashi’s expression remained unchanged, his hands moved very quickly, and the sharp blade kept slashing at Shisui’s various vital points.

Kakashi’s extremely fast knife skills made Shisui feel a lot of pressure, and there were a few scratches on his clothes.

Shisui knew in his heart how powerful Kakashi’s melee sword skills were, so he immediately used the teleportation technique to distance himself and then quickly formed a seal.

“Fire Escape: Fireball Technique!”

Shisui opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of flames, which eventually formed a three-meter-large fireball and quickly hit Kakashi.

Kakashi did not choose to resist the fierce fireball, but instead threw a smoke bomb and ducked to avoid it.

The moment Kakashi threw the smoke bomb, he immediately threw a large number of shurikens towards the edge of the smoke.

Boom! !

The fireball disappeared into the smoke, hit the ground and exploded. At the same time, all the shurikens that pierced the air quickly rushed into the edge of the smoke.

There was no sound of metal collision, the smoke dissipated, and only a little bit of charred land and shurikens were seen, but Kakashi was nowhere to be seen.

Shisui showed a thoughtful expression. The two jumped up the tree, hid in the tree and used shadow clones. Then they observed the movement in the north on the tree. Just now, his shuriken was facing south. Dumped.

Boohoo! !

Sure enough, Kakashi suddenly appeared behind the big tree where he was observing, throwing out a large number of shurikens.

Shisui also threw out his shurikens to knock down the incoming shurikens. At the same time, the collision of the shurikens caused several shurikens to stab Kakashi at a very weird angle.

Dang Dang!

Kakashi dodged some shurikens and knocked down others, but just when he successfully defused the shurikens, Shisui was already stabbing him with a kunai.

“Kakashi-senpai, the battle is over.” Shisui said.

“The battle is indeed over, but I am the winner.” A Kakashi rushed out from the nearby tree, holding a kunai and pointing it at Shisui’s vitals.

“You should be more careful about enemies that have disappeared.” Kakashi reminded him calmly.

“Kakashi-senpai, what you said makes sense.”

Just when Kakashi thought he had won, Shisui walked out of the tree and immediately came to Kakashi with the instant technique and pressed his kunai against Kakashi and said.

“It seems I won.” Zhisui smiled lightly.

“?Moe Feijima Fu-tama? As a student, you are already very good, but you need to be more cautious.” Kakashi said calmly, being resisted by kunai.

The next moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the ground where Zhisui was standing and pulled Zhisui into the ground, leaving only a head on top.

“If you were more cautious, you might have a chance of winning, but this time I won.” Kakashi, who appeared next to Shisui, announced his victory.

Obito, who was watching the battle, was confused by the changing situation and couldn’t help but complain:

“Kakashi is really cunning, both shadow clones are bait.”

Metkai scratched his head, feeling that with all the bells and whistles it would be better to kick him with all his strength.

Just when Kakashi thought he had won, a sudden change occurred, and the shadow clone Shisui suddenly counterattacked and died together with the two Kakashi shadow clones.

A shuriken on the ground suddenly turned into Shisui, who quickly opened his Sharingan and said:

“Kakashi-senpai, you are right, ninjas should be cautious.”

Kakashi looked at Shisui subconsciously and directly saw Shisui’s **** eyes.

“Sharingan!” Kakashi was shocked in his heart. He didn’t expect to see Uchiha’s famous Sharingan in the ninja world in Shisui, a first-year ninja school student.

The next moment, Kakashi suddenly found that his body was restrained by a suddenly growing tree and could not move.

Kakashi knows that the ninjutsu that can control the growth of plants is very famous in Konoha and the ninja world, and that is the wood escape used by the ninja **** Senju Hashirama.

But as an Uchiha, Shisui naturally couldn’t use wood escape. Kakashi quickly guessed that he was under the illusion. He wanted to remove it, but Shisui’s series of attacks were too fast, and Kakashi quickly Soon he felt the sharp short blade close to his body.

The illusion ended, and Kakashi saw Shisui who had appeared next to him.

“I agree, Kakashi-senpai.” Shisui smiled lightly.

Being able to beat Kakashi was within his expectation. Although he could always hear the teachers at the ninja school comparing him with Kakashi and saying that he was Kakashi’s second best, Shisui didn’t think he would. He lost to Kakashi because he was Muyue’s first disciple.

When Kakashi first used the smoke bomb, Shisui directly opened the Sharingan to capture Kakashi’s position. After that, a series of attacks were deliberately fished by Shisui.

At the end of the first wave of confrontation, his victory was already destined.

“There is no give or take, you won with hard power.” Kakashi said with a complicated expression.

Before today, he had never lost to a peer, not even a ninja who was several years older than him.

Just today, he lost twice, once to Metkai, who was the same age as him, and once to Uchiha Shisui, who was two years younger than him.

Kakashi was surprised and justified in losing to Metkai. After all, Metkai worked so hard and was recognized by his father.

Kakashi was convinced when he lost to Shisui in this battle. Shisui’s comprehensive strength indeed surpassed him.

“Can I still be considered a genius?” Kakashi asked himself in his heart.

Two years ago, people said he was a genius. Kakashi would not laugh because of it, but he felt that he agreed in his heart.

When he was five years old, he graduated early with the first grade in the Ninja School. At the age of six, he directly passed the chunin exam and became a chuunin. If he is not a genius, then how can he be considered a genius?

But can he still be considered a genius now? It’s the new year, and if not calculated in terms of years, he can already be considered nine years old.

How much has his strength improved at the age of nine compared to when he was six years old, and what kind of genius deeds has he done?

No, his hard power has not improved much, but the accumulation of experience shows that he has been improving, and he has not performed any extraordinary deeds. He is just a younger chuunin.

Maybe he could be called a genius in the past, but now he is no longer qualified to be called a genius.

Kakashi thought about when exactly he became like this. As he kept thinking, the picture in his mind gradually became clearer. It was a very deep night, a **** night. From that night on, Kakashi Call me back and no one can respond.

“Kakashi, are you feeling unwell?” Muyue asked warmly, looking at Kakashi’s pale face.

Mu Yue’s voice pulled Kakashi out of his memories. After coming back to his senses, Mu Yue and He Xi’s warm smile came into view. Kakashi felt relieved, and then shook his head and replied:

“I’m fine, I was just thinking about something.”

Mu Yue put her hand on Kakashi’s shoulder and said with a smile:

“If you are tired, you can take more rest. Cultivation is very important, but your body is the capital of practice.”

Kakashi nodded slightly, then returned to the place where he was watching the battle to rest.

“Xiaolin, look at me, I said Kakashi can’t win. Shisui can defeat even me, but I can’t even defeat Kakashi easily.”

As soon as Kakashi arrived at the viewing area, he saw Obito slandering him.

“I can’t beat Shisui, but it’s easy to beat you, an Uchiha who doesn’t open his eyes.” Kakashi said unceremoniously.

After listening to Obito’s words, Kakashi’s motivation to practice doubled. No matter what, at least he couldn’t lose to Obito.

“Damn Kakashi, sooner or later I will have something like the Sharingan.” Obito retorted after hearing Kakashi’s voice.

Kakashi replied with a chuckle.

Obito immediately realized what he had just said and admitted that he was no match for Kakashi without the Sharingan. He quickly changed his words and said, “I can defeat you even without the Sharingan.”

“Then prove it to me. If you defeat Akai, then you do have the strength to defeat me.” Kakashi said calmly, and the battle between Obito and Metkai will follow.

“I…” Obito was speechless for a moment. With the speed and strength that Metkai showed that morning, Obito really felt guilty.

“Okay, you are all powerful, Obito, you should prepare to fight.” Nohara Lin said with a gentle smile.


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