Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 173: An attack like a thrust from hell


Chapter 173: An attack like a thrust from hell

Troy quickly took out a special square shuriken from his ninja bag, and then injected magnetic escape chakra into it.

The shuriken was under the control of the magnetic escape chakra. Troy just waved his hand lightly and shot towards Kakashi like a rain of arrows.

Unlike other Magnetic Release users, Troy has developed Magnetic Release into a control skill. He can inject unique Magnetic Release chakra into the shuriken. As long as the shuriken is touched, the body will be magnetized. Then he was unable to move under his control.

Although Kakashi did not touch it with his hands, the magnetization of the weapon was directly transmitted to the body, just like touching it with his hands.

Relying on controlling the **** level with this hand, Troy has killed many jounin. Anyone who doesn’t know his ability will easily fall for it.

“Teacher Muyue, his shuriken is weird, don’t use weapons to block it.” Kakashi saw that the weird shuriken was coming again, so he quickly reminded him. He was worried that Muyue would also be hit by the same thing. Recruited.

“Fire Escape – Impatiens flower claws are red!”

Mu Yue spit out a large mouthful of flames, and then quickly threw out a large number of shurikens. The shurikens burning with high-temperature flames were like small fireballs with sharp edges, and were extremely powerful.

Boom! !

All the shurikens shot by Troy were blocked instantly, and many small fireballs continued to hit Troy and Nozomi Oka.

The two immediately moved away to avoid the fireball attack.

“What a powerful fire escape.” Troy said in surprise when he saw that all his magnetic escape shurikens were intercepted.

His magnetic release shuriken has two uses, one is pure control, which consumes less chakra, and the other is to consume more chakra to strengthen the power of the shuriken. He just used the second method.

“I’m going to fight, you look for opportunities.” Nozomi Oka said with a look of determination on her face as she drew the sword from behind.

Mu Yue looks like the kind of ninja who is particularly good at ninjutsu, so Oka Nozomi wants to find an opportunity through close combat.

Their Kumogakure is best at the Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu. The Hokage may not be able to use Fire Release, but the Kumogakure ninjas in the Kingdom of Thunder basically know how to use the Thunder Release Ninja Taijutsu.

“I will provide support in time.” Troy once again took out many square shurikens. Under the control of the magnetic escape chakra, the shurikens floated around him and could be shot at any time.

Chakra burst out from Oka Nozomi’s feet, and she used the teleportation technique to approach Mu Yue at high speed.

Seeing that the enemy wanted to play Taijutsu with Muyue, Kakashi was relieved. Muyue was not a partial ninja. Although Ninjutsu was very strong, Muyue’s Taishu was not bad either.

After getting closer, Oka Nozomi immediately injected a large amount of thunder attribute chakra into the sword in her hand, and the blue electric light enveloped the sword, making a crackling sound.

“Want to compete in ninjutsu? I’m a little bit good at it too.” Mu Yue chuckled and silently switched her breathing method from rock breathing to thunder breathing.

“Thunder’s Breath, concentrate on breathing, Thunder Escape, Finger Spear!”

Dazzling electric light erupted from Mu Yue’s hand, and with the use of concentrated breathing, the aura on her body instantly became terrifying.

Faced with the slashing sword, Mu Yue chose to point out with her right hand.

One hand is wrapped with a sword of lightning, and the other is a finger blessed with lightning.

Zizzi! !

A huge electric noise exploded, and a blue light burst between the two people, dispersing some of the surrounding darkness.


The sharp sword wrapped with dazzling electric light broke at an extremely fast speed, and the huge force caused Oka Nozomi to fly backwards, smashing several big trees before stopping.

Oka Nozomi’s eyes were full of incredible surprise. She couldn’t believe that her proud ninjutsu was actually crushed like this.

Mu Yue’s broken sword made Oka Nozomi couldn’t help but think of the Third Raikage of Kumogakure. The Third Raikage had a special skill called Hell Thrust, which was also a finger-based Ninja Technique. It was thought that only one finger was used. It was known as the strongest spear at that time, and it was a terrifying ninjutsu that even the tailed beasts could not withstand.

“Impossible, how can a Konoha ninja master the Hell Thrust? If it were the Ipponan hand, I would be dead.” Oka Nozomi, who vomited a mouthful of blood, comforted her heart.

You must know that even the children of the Third Raikage have not been able to master that terrifying nintaijutsu.

Troy was not idle when Oka Nozomi was attacking. He controlled the shuriken to stab Muyue from the other three sides. In conjunction with Oka Nozomi from the front, it was an all-round attack.

However, Troy did not expect Oka Nozomi to be defeated so quickly, and was knocked out almost instantly.

What Troy didn’t expect even more was the speed that Mu Yue showed next. Mu Yue dodged all the shurikens at a speed that he couldn’t see clearly. His shurikens couldn’t even reach the hem of Mu Yue’s clothes. bump into.

“So strong! So fast!” Kakashi, who could only watch the battle, couldn’t help but sigh.

Just now he was a little worried when he saw that Mu Yue did not use her super speed to dodge but instead used her fingers to hit the enemy’s sword hard. It turned out that Mu Yue’s physical skills were stronger than he thought!

Kakashi couldn’t see Mu Yue’s movement speed clearly just now. He only felt that Mu Yue moved many times in an instant, dodging all attacks perfectly.

After sighing, Kakashi was confused. A ninja with Muyue’s strength actually worked as a teacher in a ninja school. Does a ninja school need such a strong teacher? Isn’t it just teaching simple physical skills and three body skills?

It may seem a bit ruthless to compare like this, but Mu Yue’s strength can beat his last instructor.

“Haha, it seems that your companion is no match for Teacher Mu Yue.” Obito noticed the movement on Mu Yue’s side and laughed.

“It’s too early to say this now.” Although Lockerbie also felt a little bad, he still chose to believe Troy.

In order to quickly eliminate Obito and help Troy, Lockerbie deliberately sold a flaw to make Obito retreat steadily, waiting for Obito to rush in and finish off Obito with one blow.

“Teacher Muyue, I’ll be there to help you soon.” Obito felt that he was about to finish off the enemy in front of him.

“Don’t get carried away. What you are seeing in front of you is not the enemy who wants to kill you.” Kakashi couldn’t help but remind him.

“Damn Kakashi, you are still ordering me when you can’t move there.” Although Obito cursed, he did as Kakashi said and his attacks were much more conservative.

He didn’t want to be embarrassed by making a mistake at such an important moment, and he would definitely laugh at Kakashi for a while when it was over.

“Oka Nozomi, do your best to interfere with him.” Troy gave the order with a serious look on his face, and then took out a scroll and channeled two giant shurikens over one meter tall.

He was going to use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box, but because of the speed Mu Yue had just shown, Troy was worried that he would not hit.

Troy first used magnetic chakra to magnetize the giant shuriken, and then injected a large amount of thunder attribute chakra into it, so a high-speed rotating giant thunder shuriken was born.

Go to sleep, that’s it for today


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