Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 172: Unfavorable situation (3k)


Chapter 172 Unfavorable Situation (3k)

“Teacher Muyue, there is movement over there.” The noise was loud, and Obito also noticed the movement of the big tree not far away.

After saying that, Obito was about to go up to check, but was held down by Mu Yue.

“Idiot, don’t act rashly until you know the situation clearly. This is an **** mission.” Kakashi said, staring at the big tree in the distance.

After saying that, Kakashi quickly threw a shuriken at the big tree.

Boohoo! ! !

The shurikens kept piercing the air and blasting towards the big tree.

The next moment, a figure wearing a gray combat uniform with one arm exposed jumped from the tree.

“Hey, are you Konoha ninjas so timid? You don’t even dare to step forward to check the situation.” The gray-clothed ninja said.

Due to the darkness, Kakashi did not see the forehead protector on the gray-clothed ninja, but based on the other person’s clothes, he could tell which ninja village he was from. The ninjas in each village also wore different clothes.

“Teacher Muyue, it seems that he is a ninja from Iwagakure.” Kakashi expressed his judgment.

Currently Iwagakure and Konoha are in a state of hostility, and Iwagakure is 100% an enemy.

Kakashi really didn’t expect that he would meet a ninja in a C-level mission, but Obito’s crow’s mouth made him right.

As a rock ninja came down, there were a few whooshes, and soon several more ninjas wearing similar combat uniforms appeared next to him.

“One, two…six.” Kakashi frowned slightly. Not to mention C-level missions, B-level missions must be more difficult to encounter six ninjas in one go.

Those ninjas don’t look like genin.

[Name: Troy]

[Chakra: 20000]

[Skills: Magnetic Escape (Proficiency 20/15000), Changes in Thunder Attribute Chakra Properties…]

[Name: Nozomi Oka]

[Chakra: 6200]

[Skill: Change in the properties of thunder attribute chakra (skill 2500/3000)…]

[Name: Lockerbie]

[Chakra: 3600]

[Skill: Thunder attribute…]

“Two jounin, six chunin.” After giving all enemies an identification technique, Mu Yue knew the approximate strength of the enemy.

To be honest, the enemy’s strength was so high that Mu Yue was a little surprised. That Troy could be said to be an elite jounin. An elite jounin would lead a jounin and six chuunin. Such a configuration would be executed. No problem with S-level missions.

And the weird thing is that although these people wear Iwagakure’s clothes and have Iwagakure’s forehead protector, their skills are all related to the thunder attribute, and all of them master the changes in the properties of the thunder attribute chakra.

There is no doubt that these are Kumogakure ninjas wearing Iwagakure skin.

Mu Yue speculated that in order to intensify the conflict between Konoha and Iwagakure, Kumogakure deliberately sent an elite team to pretend to be Iwagakure ninjas to hunt Konoha ninjas, and Muyue and the others happened to meet them.

Kumogakure is a very reckless village, but if you really think that all the reckless people in Kumogakure can only fight, then you are overthinking it. Raikage himself is a reckless person, but he still has his subordinates who can make suggestions.

“Fire Release: Go Fireball Technique!” Obito quickly formed a seal and spit out a large fireball over three meters high, hitting the six Kumogakure.

“You Iwagakure are the cowards, come and fight me if you can.” Obito shouted.

“Leave the guy who scolded Konoha just now to me.” Obito and Kakashi Metkai said.

“Be careful, the enemy is not weak.” Muyue reminded, Obito’s chosen opponent was none other than Lockerbie.

In terms of chakra, Obito is far behind Lockerbie, but Mu Yue doesn’t think Obito has no chance of winning.

The strength of a ninja is not determined solely by chakra, but also depends on the changes in nature and the ninjutsu and taijutsu mastered.

If Obito can make good use of the explosive power of the full concentration call, he can defeat Lockerbie.

Boom! !

The six Kumogakure ninjas were all very fast and moved out of the way. The huge fireball blew up the trees next to them.

The loud noise woke up the Numata Yoshikaei family who had already rested.

“You stay in the tent and don’t come out, we will solve the problem.” Mu Yue said quickly.

“Then I’ll trouble you all.” Numata Yoshihuai knew that going out as a family would only cause trouble, so he held the child in his arms to prevent him from running around and walked back to the tent.

As the positions of several people were scattered, Kakashi immediately moved, pulled out the White Fang short blade and slashed at the Kumogakure ninja closest to him.

Boohoo! !

At the moment Kakashi took action, a large number of shurikens shot out from the dense forest and flew towards the moving Kakashi.

After Kakashi noticed it, he quickly backed up and shot down all the incoming shurikens with the White Fang short blade.

He is cautious and never charges without reservation.

“Seven, are there any ninjas hiding in the dark?” Kakashi looked around cautiously.

“Haha, Konoha ninja, Mena’s life is over.” The Kumogakure ninja burst out laughing when he saw Kakashi actually dared to take Troy’s shuriken.

The master’s attack can only be dodged and not directly received, otherwise he will die.

Kakashi suddenly found that he could not move, and a strong suction controlled him unable to move.

“The shuriken just now!” Kakashi looked a little ugly.

This was also the first time he encountered this weird technique. The shuriken couldn’t be moved just by touching it.

Just when Kakashi burst out chakra and tried to get rid of control, the Kumogakure ninja moved.

“Go to hell!” Kumogakure Chuunin immediately took the opportunity to pull out his sword and stab Kakashi in the heart.

“Wind Blade!”

The moment Kumogakure Chuunin thrust out his sword, Kakashi quickly recalled the memories of his life in his mind.

“If there really is an afterlife, my father would be surprised when he saw me.” Kakashi thought, he was only eight years old this year.

Kumogakure thrust out his sword, and a large amount of blood spurted out, but it was not Kakashi’s blood, but his own blood.

I saw a speeding wind blade directly chop off the head of the Kumogakure ninja in front of Kakashi. The blood spurted out and splashed onto Kakashi’s face, making him particularly awake.

Kakashi looked back, and Mo Yue, whose smile was still very warm under the cold moonlight, slowly retracted his outstretched right hand.

There is no doubt that Mu Yue took action.

“His Wind Release is actually so powerful!” Kakashi was very surprised.

He thought that Mu Yue only knew fire escape and thunder escape, but he didn’t expect that Mu Yue also mastered this advanced wind escape ninjutsu.

“Looks like I caught a big fish.” Troy slowly walked out of the shadows and smiled.

With Mu Yue’s Wind Release just now, he is not considered incompetent among the jounin of Konoha.

“Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness!” Mu Yue quickly formed a seal and spit out a huge thunder spear.

Feeling the power erupting from Mu Yue, Troy immediately stepped aside and changed positions.

However, Muyue’s attack was not aimed at him, but at several other Kumogakure Chuunin.

Under Mu Yue’s control, the spitting thunder gun quickly split into pieces, and then instantly killed the three Kumogakure Chuunin covered in it.

Including the Chuunin who had just been killed by Mu Yuefeng’s Blade instantly, the number of Kumogakure’s side was greatly reduced.

The sudden turn of events surprised even Lockerbie, so Obito caught the opportunity and kicked him back two meters.

“Haha, you Iwagakure are unlucky if you meet us.” Obito felt excited when he saw Muyue destroying four enemies in an instant.

“It’s just a desperate struggle. The loser must be you Konoha.” Lockerbie quickly adjusted his state.

Although several teammates died, Lockerbie did not think that their operation would fail. This time they were led by Lord Troy.

Lockeby did not believe that the Konoha jounin had the strength to defeat Troy.

“Interesting, don’t you want to use us for training?” Troy said, looking at the only two Kumogakure Chuunin left.

As he was speaking, a sound broke through the air suddenly, and a kunai wrapped with lightning stabbed Kakashi, who could not move.

Mu Yue, who had long been observed, instantly shot out a kunai with flames.

Boom! !

The two kunai collided together and instantly caused a big explosion, blowing down the big tree next to it.

“Sir, this person is difficult to deal with, let’s go together.” Oka Nozomi appeared next to Troy and said.

Mu Yue only took three shots from beginning to end, but both times she killed someone, and once she intercepted her sneak attack with great accuracy.

Troy nodded. He didn’t have any plot to challenge him. As long as he could kill the enemy, it didn’t matter what method he used.

“There is one more.” The appearance of Oka Nozomi made Kakashi’s heart completely sink to the bottom.

He didn’t believe that the person who had been hidden until now appeared was an ordinary character, maybe he was also a jounin.

Although the field is four against four, the enemy may have two jounin, and he is still controlled by an unknown ninjutsu and cannot move. Kakashi has no hope of victory.

“Teacher Muyue, please go and take the client away. We will stay to cover you.” Kakashi said.

Since there is no hope of winning, it is better to let the most promising among them go and complete the **** mission.

Kakashi believes that if they fight desperately against the enemy, it will not be a problem to lead one person to break through with Mu Yue’s strength.

“Kakashi, are you kidding? You actually want Teacher Mozuki to be the kind of person who abandons his companions!” Obito shouted angrily as he punched out a large amount of flames.

The unhappiness in his heart caused Obito to mess up his attacks, and he was gradually suppressed by Lockerbie.

“This is the best choice now.” Kakashi replied calmly.

The gap in combat power between the two sides is too big. Their opponents are two jounin and two chuunin, both of whom are experienced. However, their Metkai Obito lacks experience. Kakashi does not expect them to win against any enemy. .

“Teacher Muyue’s youth doesn’t stop here.” Metkai kicked out the Kumogakure ninja and said. At this moment, he did not agree with Kakashi’s words.

First of all, he thought that Mu Yue had not used all his strength, and secondly, he thought that it was impossible for Mu Yue to leave his disciple behind and escape with his client.

“I’m really underestimated.” Mu Yue smiled slightly and raised her glasses.

“Kakashi, maybe you can trust your teacher more.”

Kakashi looked at Mu Yue, and saw that Mu Yue’s smile was still as warm as usual, and there was no trace of worry at all.

“Maybe Teacher Muyue can really do it?” An idea appeared in Kakashi’s mind.


A large number of shurikens attacked again.

There will be another chapter later, it may be late, so it is recommended not to stay up late


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