Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 171: Mission abroad


Chapter 171 Mission Abroad

“When can we do S-level missions?” On the way to the Hokage Building, Obito thought of what Kakashi said that hurt his heart yesterday and couldn’t help but sigh.

Not even ninjas can be encountered in C-level missions, which is obviously not the kind of mission he wants to do.

“Just tonight.” Kakashi replied.

“Why?” Obito asked in confusion.

“I dreamed when I was dreaming.” Kakashi said calmly.

“It is difficult for even Chuunin to participate in S-level missions. You want to complete S-level missions before you graduate?”

“Damn Kakashi, if you can’t do it yourself, don’t think that I am the same as you. I will definitely have the opportunity to do S-level missions after I become a chuunin.” Obito immediately became full of fighting spirit.

Since they can complete D-level tasks efficiently and can be granted the privilege of taking on C-level tasks, and their C-level tasks can also maintain super high efficiency, wouldn’t they be able to do higher-level tasks soon?

“Teacher Muyue, we must take on a challenging mission later to let them see our strength.” Obito said with full fighting spirit.

“It’s better to have a fight.” Metkai’s hands were a little itchy after two days of hard work.

Kakashi has no requirements for this, he has already done a lot of C-level tasks.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded in agreement. Obito and Metkai wanted exactly what he wanted.

“These are some current C-level tasks.” The registration ninja spread out several scrolls for Mu Yue to look at.

“Conquer the bandits hiding in Yingzui Mountain, eliminate the unknown beasts harassing Kamao Town, and **** the client back to the capital of Tian Country…”

Mu Yue glanced at it, and it was clear that those who fought were basically fighting bandits or driving away wild beasts, so Mu Yue simply ignored them.

It is true that he wants to fight, but fighting ordinary people or beasts will not help him in any way.

“Let’s **** the client back to Tian Country.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

“Are you sure you want to choose this mission? The situation in the ninja world is a bit chaotic now. Although there is no ninja village in Tian Country, there is a certain degree of risk in going abroad now.” The registered ninja reminded.

Actually, he felt that Mu Yue might as well take on the task of conquering bandits and driving away ferocious beasts. Many of the tasks were in the Fire Country, which was safer.

“We are not afraid of risks, we are afraid of no risks.” Obito’s eyes lit up when he heard the words of registered ninja.

“Thanks for the reminder, that’s it. I believe their strength can cope with possible crises.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

He chose this assignment because he wanted to go abroad. There was no risk and he didn’t want to choose it.

The registration ninja did not try to persuade anyone, but helped several people register and told them the client’s current location.

“What kind of risks will we encounter, an ambush by enemy ninjas?” Obito said excitedly after walking out of the Hokage Building.

“? By accident, Dansan suddenly broke down? C-level missions won’t encounter the crises you think of.” Kakashi said speechlessly.

Return ninja ambush. If you encounter ninjas on C-level missions, you can report back to the village.

Then Mu Yue and the others went to the hotel where the client was resting and found the client who issued the task.

“Are these the ninjas who have taken over the mission? They are really young and promising.” Some rich middle-aged people were stunned for a moment when they saw Obito Kakashi and the others and praised them with a smile.

“I am Numata Yoshihuai, the client of the mission. These two are my wife and daughter.” Numata Yoshihuai briefly introduced.

“I am Hanyu Muyue, the captain of this mission.” Muyue nodded and briefly introduced herself.

“Uncle, you have really good taste. I am number one in the ninja school!” Obito said with a smile.

“First, brother, are you very powerful?” Numata Yoshihuai’s daughter said with her big eyes blinking.

“Of course.” Obito showed a proud expression.

“Why didn’t I remember that you were number one when I was in school?” Kakashi said suddenly.

“Hey, were you just talking big words?” The little Loli showed a puzzled expression.

“That’s because you graduated early.” Obito tried his best to explain.

Then he said that having won the first place twice was also the first, and that the last school year was more valuable.

Although the little loli didn’t understand what Obito was explaining, she felt it was fun to watch Obito explain with a red face and dance, and she giggled, and the air became a little happier for a while.

After a brief understanding of each other, it was time to get down to business. After learning that Numata Yoshihuai was ready to leave, Mu Yue proposed to leave immediately.

Perhaps considering that he still had his wife and daughter with him, Numata Yoshihuai prepared a carriage.

Numata Yoshihuai and the others were sitting on the carriage, while Mu Yue and his disciples were running along.

Compared with the speed of ninjas, the carriage is not fast. Needless to say Muyue, Obito and the others can do it with ease and can chat while running.

When it was time to rest in the evening, everyone gathered together to chat for a while, and Mu Yue finally understood why Numata Yoshihuai acted so tactfully.

Numata Yoshihuai is a businessman, but although he does business in the Country of Fire, he is actually from the Country of Fields, and his whole family is from the Country of Fields.

Because of the war, Numata Yoshihuai was worried about danger on the way home, so he issued a C-level mission in Konoha.

“I don’t know when the ninja world will be at peace. The four major countries have declared war on each other, and business will be difficult to do next.” Numata Yoshihuai sighed.

Frequent wars make it difficult for a man like him who is doing stable business. It was less than ten years since the last war, but such a great power war suddenly broke out again.

“Uncle, you will be fine if you stay in our Fire Country with peace of mind. As long as we Konoha ninjas are here, other countries cannot enter.” Obito patted his chest and said.

“The strength of Konoha ninjas is indeed worthy of trust.” Numata Yoshihuai nodded. This is a point recognized by the ninja world.

The ensuing **** mission went smoothly. Mu Yue and others did not encounter any attacks until they left the country. Not to mention ninjas, not a single bandit was seen blocking the way.

This made Obito very disappointed. There were certain risks as promised. The **** was on the way to rest and practice. Apart from teasing the little loli, it was no different from usual.

“This is what a C-level mission looks like. You have such a rich imagination.” Kakashi said.

He has done many C-level missions, but has never encountered a ninja in a C-level mission.

However, it became a lot more lively after leaving the Country of Fire. Occasionally, there would be some stupid thieves who wanted to come over and rob them, but there were not enough to fight them. Metkai kicked them all and they all fell down.

On the first night after going abroad, Mu Yue was thinking about her combined ninjutsu, when suddenly there was a movement in the big tree not far from where Mu Yue and others were resting, and the leaves rustled.

“Are you inviting people over so blatantly?” Mu Yue raised her glasses very calmly, and rolling her eyes was indeed a very convenient ability.

This chapter is a make-up for yesterday. The plot of leaving the village has been revised and revised, so the writing is relatively slow


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