Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 170: Task privileges (3k)


Chapter 170 Mission Privileges (3k)

“Although D-level missions are the simplest missions, being able to complete twenty D-level missions in two days can be considered outstanding among genin.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

“Grandpa Hokage, do you mean that we can take on missions above D level?” Obito looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen expectantly.

“Haha, well, that depends on your teacher. After all, I don’t know your strength very well. If Mu Yue thinks you can do it, then I will specifically allow the “Mei Qian Yu” level mission.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

Actually, he didn’t think the problem was big. During the final exam of the summer special training, he had seen the battle between Obito and Metkai, and they were both very good. Plus Kakashi, an experienced chuunin and a high-ranking Mu Yue, the C-level mission is very easy.

Because normally C-level missions generally do not encounter ninjas and there will be battles, but the opponents are usually stronger ordinary people or beasts.

“Teacher Muyue, you know us. Our strength should not be limited to odd jobs.” Obito turned to look at Muyue, his two big eyes full of expectation.

“Sandaime-sama, I think they are fully capable of completing C-level missions.” Mu Yue answered Sarutobi Hiruzen as Obito expected.

A very important aspect of his promotion of the intern program is to go out and do tasks.

My hands were too **** in Konoha. When Mu Yue was practicing, he didn’t dare to release his ninjutsu with all his strength. His proficiency level ninjutsu were more destructive than the last. If there was too much movement, ANBU might be attracted.

And he really needs a real battle to understand his true strength, rather than an ordinary sparring session.

Mu Yue doesn’t want to be like Kaguya Otsutsuki, who has incredible strength but cannot display it in the end.

“With Mu Yue’s words, I’m relieved.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile and touched his beard.

“Thank you, Lord Sandaime, for your trust. I will definitely protect the students.” Mu Yue said seriously.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and nodded, and said to the registered ninja: “In the future, Muyue class can take on C-level tasks, and other intern classes will still have the same rules as before.”

Other intern classes do not have teammates like Kakashi. Whether their instructor can defeat Kakashi is a question.

The registered ninja nodded quickly. Since the Hokage has spoken, he must have nothing to say, and it will not be his responsibility if anything happens in the future.

Although she had obtained the authority to accept C-level tasks, it was already evening, so it was naturally impossible to accept the tasks at this time. Mu Yue led her three disciples towards home.

“Okay!” Obito couldn’t help but pump his fist in celebration after walking out of the Hokage Building.

“Akai, we are definitely the only ones in the fourth grade who can do C-level tasks. The others must still be looking for cats and dogs.” Obito laughed directly.

“It is indeed something worth being excited about. This proves that our youth is moving towards higher heights!” Metkai also said with a laugh.

The laughter of the two attracted the attention of some other ninjas who came to the Hokage Building, and Kakashi silently lowered his head a little.

He suddenly remembered the last group of teammates. Although they were not strong, they would not suddenly laugh at the door of the Hokage Building.

“Hey, Kakashi, you must have done C-level missions. What kind of enemies usually appear in C-level missions? Will there be chunin and jounin?” Obito asked enthusiastically.

“There are generally no ninja enemies in C-level missions.” Kakashi replied.

“Huh? There are no enemies even in C-level missions?” Obito was confused.

He still remembered how resolute the ninjas were when they just registered for the mission. Only when the Hokage came did they relent and let them take on the C-level mission. The process was so difficult that it even involved the Hokage. Obito thought the C-level mission was too dangerous, but the result was stuck. Cassie actually said that she couldn’t meet any ninja enemies.

“It’s not that there are no enemies, but that you generally don’t encounter ninja enemies.” Mu Yue corrected.

“C-level missions related to combat are usually to defeat beasts and bandits, neither of which will encounter ninjas.” Mu Yue explained that generally if there are ninja enemies, they are B-level ones.

“Why is this like this…” Obito was a little disappointed. He still wanted to go on a mission to defeat the enemy ninja and then come back to tell Nohara Rin about his heroic deeds.

But there is nothing to say about conquering wild beasts. They had a picnic in the southern forest and killed a wild boar together.

After walking into Konoha’s home, Obito’s mood improved again, because he would be able to eat the fresh food prepared by Muyue later.

Mu Yue asked Kakashi and the three of them to sit in the living room and chat, while Mu Yue started to prepare the dishes.

“Teacher Muyue, let me help you.” Kakashi said, not wanting to be a freeloader.

“Then come and help me wash the vegetables.” Mu Yue did not refuse. Working together is also conducive to cultivating trust.

Kakashi stayed in the kitchen and watched Mu Yue cooking. He was curious about how Mu Yue made such delicious food.

“Muyue, are you back?”

Minato’s voice came from outside the door.

“Minato, just come in, I’m cooking.” Mu Yue turned around and said.

After receiving Mu Yue’s approval, Minato opened the door and walked into Mu Yue’s home.

As soon as Minato walked in, he discovered that there were two teenagers in Muyue’s house.

Obito and Metkai also noticed Minato walking in.

Obito looked at Minato’s dazzling blond hair, blue eyes and the somewhat familiar warm smile, and instantly overlapped Minato’s and Mozuki’s faces.

“Hello, I am…” Minato showed a warm smile and prepared to greet the two of them.

“I know, you must be Teacher Muyue’s twin brother!” Obito replied.

“It looks like Teacher Muyue without glasses!” Metkai felt that Obito’s speculation was reasonable.

“It looks very similar to Teacher Muyue who wears glasses. Look at the smile and the warm feeling.” Obito analyzed in detail, no one understands Muyue better than him.

Although he was misunderstood, Minato was somewhat used to it. During the Jonin meeting, he had been made similar jokes by many acquaintances.

So Minato smiled and explained: “I am Minato Namikaze, a friend of Mu Yue.”

“Hey, isn’t your surname Hanyu?” Obito now felt that Minato and Muyue were long-lost brothers.

“Minato, I’m sorry, they are all my disciples and they are visiting my house today.” Mu Yue explained.

“It’s okay, after all, we do look alike sometimes.” Minato smiled and said he didn’t care.

He is very open-minded in this aspect. If he looks like a bad guy with a bad personality, he might be a little concerned, but for a person like Mu Yue who has a gentle personality and looks like him, he only thinks it is fate.

After washing the dishes, Kakashi walked out of the kitchen curiously and took a look at Minato. He happened to see Minato smiling and explaining, and he instantly understood why Obito thought Minato and Mozuki were twin brothers.

Because the two people did look very similar, and their hair and eyes were similar, so he felt the same way at first glance.

But if you look carefully, Kakashi can still see the difference. Minato’s temperament has a bit of a dull feeling, but Mu Yue’s words don’t.

“Muyue, do you need my help?” Although Minato asked, he was actually walking towards the kitchen.

“Minato, you came just in time. Help me process the vegetables a little and cut off the unnecessary parts.” Mu Yue arranged work for Minato.

The two have been neighbors for a long time now, and they often cook together, but Minato assists them most of the time.

“Minato, didn’t I talk to you about the interns before? I am also responsible for leading a class.” After finishing the cooking, Mu Yue said.

“I remember, but why is one person already wearing a forehead protector?” Minato nodded and asked curiously.

“His name is Hatake Kakashi. It was an accident and it’s a bit complicated to say, but he is now a member of my class.” Mu Yue replied.

“Hatake…” Listening to this last name and Kakashi’s white hair, Minato suddenly remembered some bad things, so Minato didn’t ask Kakashi anything related to it.

Next, Mu Yue also introduced Minato to the disciples.

“Minato is a very powerful jounin. Many powerful jounin in the village feel inferior to him when facing Minato.” Mu Yue praised with a smile.

“Wow, isn’t that super strong?” Obito heard Mu Yue praise Minato so much, and Minato looked a lot like Mu Yue, and he instantly felt that Minato must be as strong as Mu Yue.

“It’s not as exaggerated as Mu Yue said. There are still many seniors in the village who are worth learning from.” Minato said modestly.

“Muyue, I am still…” As he said this, Minato felt a little embarrassed, and even took away the food he had eaten every day.

“I know, I’ve packed it for you.” Mu Yue handed the lunch box to Minato.

“Sorry to trouble you.” Minato said thanks.

He felt that Mu Yue might have guessed something, and it was indeed a bit suspicious to pack it away every day.

If you say he is busy, he can still come and pack things to take away. If you say he is not busy, he uses being busy as an excuse to pack things every day.

But there is nothing Minato can do. Mu Yue can just guess it. This cannot be said explicitly. Kushina’s identity is too sensitive. Telling Mu Yue that is harmful and unhelpful.

All Minato can do is to share his training experience with Mu Yue as much as possible to make Mu Yue stronger and survive this dangerous period safely.

“Teacher Muyue, I think you can investigate. Maybe he is your long-lost brother.” Obito suggested.


Mu Yue brought her **** together and accurately landed on Obito’s forehead.

“If you don’t eat anymore, Kakashi and Akai will finish the food.” Muyue reminded.

Obito then realized that the two guys, Metkai and Kakashi, were actually working **** the rice while he was talking, and the chopsticks even left an afterimage on the table.

“Save some for me.” Obito couldn’t care less and started to cook quickly.

Mu Yue arranged for the shadow clone to deliver food to Shisui and Nohara Lin and then started eating.

My condition today is not very good. I have only written 8k so far. I am trying my best to see if I can write another chapter before two o’clock in the evening. If not, I will make up for it tomorrow. Please don’t stay up late and go to bed early. It’s hard to tell if there will be anything tonight, but there will definitely be something tomorrow


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