Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 161: United (3k)


Chapter 161 Union (3k)

But something happened that Kakashi didn’t expect. Mu Yue in front of him turned into white smoke and disappeared like his shadow clone just now, without the bell falling.

“It’s the shadow clone!”

Kakashi’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately wanted to slash behind him, but when he had this idea, a cold kunai was pressed against his neck.

“When you use shadow clone tactics, you should also consider whether the enemy is using the same tactics.” Mu Yue said, appearing behind Kakashi.

“After all, I’m not in your sight all the time.”

Kakashi remained silent. He had previously taught Obito not to be reckless, but this time it was his turn to be educated.

Hearing that Kakashi was criticized, Obito rushed to the scene to laugh at him immediately.

“The enemy has already disappeared in your eyes, and you rushed forward without observing carefully. If Teacher Muyue is the enemy? Mi Ya? He is dead.” Obito said unceremoniously.

Seeing that Kakashi also failed, Obito felt that the pain in his body was reduced a lot.

Don’t worry if he fails, just don’t worry if Kakashi doesn’t succeed either.

“At least I killed Captain Hanyu’s shadow clone, which is better than being beaten to the ground without you even touching it.” Kakashi couldn’t bear it when he heard Obito use his words to say something about him. Zhu counterattacked.

Mu Yue smiled and said nothing. With the current Kakashi Obito Metkai, if he didn’t let go, his shadow clone could easily take care of them all.

Because Kakashi was specially assigned by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mu Yue felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen would not be bored enough to spend hours watching them fight for the bell, but for the sake of caution, he still did not reveal too much strength. Prevent Hiruzen Sarutobi from seeing anything with his telescope technique.

He had sensed the surroundings in advance with his Byakugan and Sensing Ninjutsu, and there was no ANBU surveillance.

“After all, Kakashi is not his son, so he shouldn’t care that much.” Mu Yue thought in her heart.

“Because what I faced was not a shadow clone at all. I persisted for a while when facing Teacher Muyue’s true form. Once Teacher Muyue’s true form comes out, you won’t be able to do it.” Obito retorted.

“Maybe the one who knocked you down at the beginning was also a shadow clone.” Kakashi sneered.

“Absolutely not!” Obito firmly denied Kakashi’s words.

“You say so, Akai.” Obito saw that Metkai had also come over and wanted to pull Metkai into the camp.

“There is no point in discussing this, everyone has failed.” Metkai said.

He felt that whether the shadow clone or the original body was defeated and failed to grab the bell, everyone was the same.

Metkay’s words were something Obito didn’t expect. Metkay just formed his own faction without helping anyone.

“It’s good to summarize failures, but you should pay more attention to the things you didn’t do well.” Mu Yue stopped the argument among several people.

“There is still some time before the sun sets, and you still have a chance.”

“Actually, your strength is not weak among your peers. You might as well try teamwork. The power of cooperation can make one plus one greater than two.” Mu Yue reminded.

The classic project of grabbing the bell is actually a test of teamwork. As long as the students are seen cooperating, the instructor will let go to a certain extent. How can it be possible for three newly graduated genin to grab the jounin’s things?

Mu Yue started with this classic project because he wanted Kakashi, Metkai and Obito to communicate more, so that Kakashi would realize that his teammates were different from before.

Hearing Mu Yue’s words, the more mature Kakashi basically understood the implication of Mu Yue’s words. He has been a chuunin for more than two years and is actually very clear about these.

“It seems we have to cooperate.” In order to complete the task of grabbing the bell, Kakashi decided to reluctantly cooperate and complete the task first.

On the other side, although Obito was very reluctant, he quickly adjusted internally, walked up to Kakashi and said:

“Kakashi, now you should know whether you can do it alone. Let’s work together. The three of us will take action together.”

“Let’s burn youth together!” Metkai also extended an invitation to Kakashi.

“Cooperation is okay, but I must formulate the battle plan.” Kakashi ignored Obito’s previous words and said expressionlessly.

“Why should you do it? Can’t we all discuss it together?” Obito said, somewhat unconvinced.

“Is it enough that I have become a chuunin for more than two years?” Kakashi said calmly.

“Your arrangements are too rough. If Captain Hanyu hadn’t been serious, you would have had no chance at all.”

Kakashi directly used the ninja level to suppress others. Obito couldn’t think of how to refute for a while. He only regretted that he had not met Muyue earlier, otherwise he would have been a chuunin.

But it was impossible for Obito to be convinced by Kakashi, so Obito said:

“Don’t use your battle plan and still lose.”

“Then let’s talk about it after losing.” Kakashi replied calmly.

If they get to this point and still lose, Kakashi can only say that Muyue was not prepared to let them pass this training from the beginning.

Kakashi then guided Obito and Metkai to set up traps, and then explained the next battle plan to Obito and Metkai in detail.

“I arranged the shadow clone in advance to keep an eye on Captain Hanyu. Now the shadow clone is sitting over there, and the main body has been hidden. Later I arrange the shadow clone to attract the shadow clone of Captain Hanyu, and his real body must also be there. I will follow you, and then we will…”

“Be careful, don’t do unnecessary things.” Kakashi warned after explaining.

Kakashi then asked Obito and Metkai to hide, as well as his own body, and commanded the shadow clone to seduce Muyue.

When the shadow clone Muyue was lured into the trap area by the shadow clone Kakashi, shurikens from all directions were instantly shot at the shadow clone Kakashi and the shadow clone Muyue.

The shadow clone Kakashi knew his mission, and without evading, he turned around and used the Thunder Release Ninjutsu to delay Mu Yue. In an instant, both shadow clones were stabbed and dissipated.

“It’s a good tactic. If it weren’t for the shadow clone, it would be dangerous.” Mu Yue quietly said to Kakashi who was observing the surroundings.

God knows how surprised Kakashi is at this moment, Mu Yue actually touched his side quietly again!

Kakashi went directly to the ground with a teleportation technique, and put some distance away from Mu Yue. Mu Yue’s praise just now really scared Kakashi to the point of breaking out in a cold sweat.

However, Mu Yue was not in a hurry to take action. She jumped under the tree and continued to smile: “This time is very good. I learned the lesson from the last time.”

Although the situation was not good, Kakashi, who had faced a real life and death crisis, could still remain calm. He observed Muyue carefully and immediately shouted:

“This is not the true body, but a shadow clone. Don’t come out yet and continue to wait for the opportunity!”

He remembered that Mu Yue had rested on the grass. Even if the grass roots and dust were removed, it would not be so clean that there was no dust at all. But in front of Mu Yue, it was as if she had put on exactly the same new clothes. .

Kakashi then stared at Mu Yue cautiously. Whether it was his body or his shadow clone, Mu Yue was not easy to deal with because he was too fast.

“Is it really okay to be alone? Have you forgotten how you failed not long ago?” Mu Yue continued to rush towards Kakashi and waved his fist.

Mu Yue was very fast and powerful. Even if Kakashi responded with all his strength, it was very difficult. He quickly received two punches and one kick, looking very embarrassed.

“They will fail if they come out now. As long as they hide and don’t come out, they still have a chance to grab the bell.” Kakashi retorted.

If everyone’s whereabouts were exposed in order to defeat the shadow clone, then the combination of punches originally prepared would be completely useless, and they would have no chance of winning in a head-on battle.

It’s better for him to hold Mu Yue’s shadow clone now and let Metkai and Obito continue to hide and search for the location of Mu Yue’s body, and still have a chance of victory.

Kakashi had good intentions, but holding Muyue back was harder than he thought.

His rich combat experience and quick, accurate and ruthless sword skills were completely useless in front of Mu Yue. Mu Yue seemed to see through all his attacks. Kakashi didn’t even touch the corner of Mu Yue’s clothes. He has withstood Mu Yue’s attacks countless times.

Mu Yue is much stronger than Kakashi imagined. Kakashi is so strong that he can’t understand why a ninja of this level would be a teacher in a ninja school. If he has the strength to do tasks, it is not about making money and flying.

Kakashi became more and more tired, but Muyue’s attacks became more and more fierce, and he could no longer hold on.

Even though there was more and more dust on his body, Kakashi still had no intention of calling Obito and Metkai out.

He still has the same idea. If he doesn’t come out, there is still a possibility of success. If he comes out, he will fall short and fail.

He can give up his teammates for the mission, and he can also give up himself, not to mention that this is not even a real fight.


Mu Yue grabbed Kakashi’s flaw, knocked the short blade out of Kakashi’s hand, and then punched Kakashi with a punch.

Just when Kakashi was ready to be hit hard, a passionate voice sounded.

“Konoha Great Cyclone!”

I saw Metkai touching me at some point, and kicked Muyue with a very fast whirlwind leg, forcing Muyue back and allowing Kakashi to survive.

The rescued Kakashi did not show a smile, but frowned and asked:

“Didn’t I tell you not to come out? If you expose your position now, there will be no hope of success.”

“I don’t understand what you are saying, but I know that I am not practicing for the sake of practicing. This power is used to protect the existence I want to protect!” Metkai said, staring at Muyue closely.

“Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!”

Then a ferocious-looking fire dragon suddenly appeared and flew straight towards Mu Yue. When Mu Yue was testing dodge, it also turned and rushed towards it, successfully forcing Mu Yue back some distance.

“Are you kidding? If you give up your companions to gain victory, I, Uchiha Obito, don’t need it!” Obito continued to shoot shurikens at Mu Yue.

Seeing Obito also come out, Kakashi frowned even more. In his mind, this training was destined to fail.

However, he will not give up directly. Since this is the case, let’s give it a last try.

There will be more later, I will finish it today


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