Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 153: Preparations before the big explosion


Chapter 153 Preparations before the big explosion

“Akai, is it convenient for your family today? I want to go to your house for a home visit.” Mu Yue said to Matkai after the training.

“Ah, what home visit?” Metkai scratched his head in confusion.

The Ninja School does not have the habit of holding parent-teacher meetings, and there is no such thing as home visits, so Metkai doesn’t quite understand what Mu Yue means.

“You can understand that I will go later? Meiyi Junting? After all, this is the first time I know about the Eight Gate Dunjia practitioners besides me.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

“That’s no problem, it’s very convenient.” Metkai nodded and replied with a look of joy.

Matekai would naturally welcome Mu Yue to his home. After all, Mu Yue had helped him so much, and Metkai was really grateful to Mu Yue.

Whether he is the top grader in the ninja school or defeats the ninja who spoke ill of his father, his ability to have such strength is inseparable from Muyue’s careful teaching. It can be said that without Muyue, he would not have achieved what he has today.

“Teacher, let me run back and talk to my father first and ask him to cook more food.” Metkai thought for a while and said.

The time for Meitekai to cook varies. Sometimes Meitekai has finished cooking after he returns, and sometimes he has not even started yet.

“It’s okay, let’s go back together. I can also buy some food on the way.” Mu Yue said warmly.

Although Mu Yue had no intention of eating at first, after everything Metkai said, Mu Yue was not prepared to refuse Metaka’s kindness. It would be more convenient for him to make plans in the future by eating together.

“Teacher Muyue, since you are a guest, how can I bother you to buy groceries.” Metkai shook his head, feeling that this was not good.

“Just think that the teacher is picky about food.” Mu Yue touched Metkai’s head and said with a smile.

Maitkai still felt that this was not good, but he could not convince Mu Yue, and was finally convinced by Mu Yue.

In the end, Metkai led the way and brought Muyue to his home. On the way, he bought some vegetables at the nearest market.

“I’m back.” Metkai opened the door and said.

“Kai, welcome home, did you exercise to burn off your youth today?” Matt Dai responded enthusiastically while washing vegetables.

“Of course, today is also a day of excitement for youth.” Metkai replied subconsciously.

When he remembered that Mu Yue was here with him, Metkai quickly said:

“Dad, please stop being busy, we have guests at home.”

“Oh, there are actually guests.” Matt Dai stopped and walked towards the door.

“Dad, this is Teacher Muyue, a teacher at the ninja school. He teaches well. Because his teaching ability is so outstanding, he has been promoted to a special jounin.” Metkai introduced Muyue.

Because of Mu Yue’s previous request, Metkai did not reveal too much information, but only told what everyone knew.

“Is he actually a special jounin? He must be a very good ninja.” Matt Dai said with a thumbs up showing his big white teeth.

“Hello, Senior Dai.” Mu Yue said with a smile, and Matkai gave him a brief introduction to Matdai on the way.

Matedai’s sense of Mu Yue immediately increased. Although he was much older than Mu Yue, Mu Yue, as a special jounin, did not need to call him a genin as a senior.

“Dad, these are the vegetables that Teacher Muyue bought when she came here.” Matkai handed the purchased vegetables to Matedai.

“Why do we still need customers to buy food?” Matt Dai felt that this was inappropriate.

“Haha, I saw a discount at a store on the road, so I couldn’t help but buy it. I’m sorry if it caused you any trouble.” Mu Yue said with an apology.

“If it’s a discount, there’s really nothing you can do about it. Anyone can’t help but feel excited when a product is on sale.” Matt Dai touched his chin, showing an understanding look.

Matekai scratched his head. Muyue and he were not together when buying groceries. He didn’t know whether it was a discount or Muyue specifically said it so that Matedai ​​could accept it with confidence.

Mu Yue did not force her to help with cooking and washing dishes. It was not good for the guests to be too enthusiastic. They had to be moderate.

While eating, Mu Yue took the initiative to initiate the topic and said with a smile:

“Akai worked very hard in school. Although his foundation was not good at the beginning, he has gradually gained strength since the first semester of fourth grade. Now he basically only has one opponent in fourth grade.”

“This is youth!” Matt Dai hugged Metkai and cried in tears. He was proud of Metkai.

Although his results were not good at the beginning, Metkai never gave up his efforts. Slowly watching his son grow from the bottom of the crane to the first, Matt Dai was really moved.

“Dad, you are still eating.” Metkai reminded.

“Eat more, burning youth also needs energy support.” Matt Dai said with encouragement.

“Senior Dai, can I see your Eight Gate Dunjia? I have also practiced this forbidden technique.” Mu Yue said after finishing the meal.

“Teacher Muyue, how do you know, and you actually practice this forbidden technique?” Matt Dai said in surprise.

“Dad, I told Teacher Muyue.” Metkai said.

“In addition to taking my classes at the Ninja School, Akai is actually my disciple, so he once told me about learning the Eight Gates of Dunjia.” Mu Yue said simply.

Exposing the master-disciple relationship with Metkai to Metdai was the result of Mu Yue’s careful consideration.

First of all, Matt Dai is a very reliable and unassuming person. Although he masters the forbidden art of Eight Gates Dunjia, he still honestly reveals this relationship to Matt Dai in front of his ten thousand-year-old genin without worrying about the consequences. leaked out.

Then speaking out about this relationship can improve Matt Dai’s favor, making it easier to continue with the subsequent Matt Kai trust level improvement plan.

“Teacher Muyue, no…” Metkai was a little surprised. He just wanted to explain to Muyue, but he didn’t expect that Muyue actually said what he had forbidden.

Mu Yue strictly prohibited the disciples from telling anyone about their relationship.

“It’s okay, he is your father, Akai, after all.” Mu Yue explained gently.

Maitkai felt Mu Yue’s trust and thought that he would remind his father not to tell this matter later.

“Kai’s teacher, that’s it.” Matt Dai figured out something that he hadn’t figured out before.

My son, Matt Dai, knew very well what kind of strength he had. In the first semester of the fourth grade, Met Kai’s strength suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.

Since Metkai didn’t tell him, Metkai just thought it was because of Metkai’s accumulated experience, but it would be much more reasonable if there was a teacher teaching him.

“Thank you very much. I really want to trouble you, Teacher Muyue!” Matt Dai bowed solemnly to Muyue.

He felt a little guilty towards Metkai. As a father, the only thing he could teach Metkai was the extremely dangerous forbidden art of Eight Door Dungeon. He couldn’t teach any other ninjutsu or physical skills because he himself couldn’t teach him anything. Won’t.

Today is very slow, there will be another chapter and it will be gone


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