Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 152: An unexpected surprise (4k)


Chapter 152 An unexpected surprise (4k)

“Obito, what did you do when you went back yesterday?” Mu Yue asked, looking at the Breath of Fire that had entered Obito’s panel.

“I didn’t do anything, I just went to play with Xiaolin.” Obito replied.

“You and Xiaolin?” Mu Yue felt that Obito might not have said something.

“There is another annoying guy.” Obito answered honestly, but he felt that Mu Yue and Kakashi were not familiar with each other, so he did not say Kakashi’s name.

Obito said this, then Muyue knew who it was, and it was 100% Kakashi.

Mu Yue gave Kakashi a thumbs up in her heart, not only can it help trigger the training mission, but it can also stimulate the growth of Obito’s strength. He is worthy of being Obito’s future teammate, and he has started to exert his strength even before he became a teammate.

“There is no need to do other exercises today. Let’s get more familiar with the current Breath of Flame. You have completed the introductory stage of breathing practice.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

“Hey, have you learned it?” Obito scratched his head. Yesterday, he was so absorbed in the battle of wits and courage with Kakashi that Obito didn’t even realize that he had completely learned the breathing method.

“Well, I have learned how to do it well.” Mu Yue praised.

“Haha, is that so? Shisui and the others should learn it soon.” Obito smiled brightly on his face.

“The first one…” Shisui, who was still practicing the breathing method, was a little unwilling. Although he had been practicing hard, he was still one step slower than Obito.

Mu Yue glanced at Shisui with appraisal, and her proficiency level had reached ninety points, still a short distance away.

The disciples’ progress in practicing the breathing method was much faster than he expected. Even if Shisui’s progress was slightly slower than Obito’s, Mu Yue felt that Shisui could complete the practice before the end of this semester.

It’s hard for Muyue to say what Metkai said, because Metkai only has 70 points of proficiency now.

However, Obito and the others only started to increase rapidly when they started combat training. If Metkai also made rapid progress in combat training, he might catch up with Shisui and Obito.

“Next, Shisui, you and Akai will have battle training.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

Metkay has also completed all basic training recently. Muyue asked Obito to be Metkay’s opponent, feeling that the two of them had little difference in strength and could train each other.

But now Mu Yue feels that breathing skills still require fighting stronger enemies and enduring greater pressure in order to progress quickly.

“Hey, what about me?” Obito asked, pointing to himself. He also wanted to use the breath of fire he had learned to have a good time on Metkai, and also experience the helpless feeling of Shisui. The feeling of defeat.

“Get familiar with the breath of fire.” Mu Yue knocked Obito on the head and said.

Although Metkai has just started training, considering the difference between the breath of fire and the breath of rock, Muyue directly entered the third stage, which means that Shisui can use all abilities except the Sharingan. Metkai can also go all out.

After all, Metkai’s Breath of the Rock purely provides physical strength, and Metkai does not know any ninjutsu. If the same rules as before are maintained, it will purely limit Shisui’s strength.

“Shisui, please give me more advice!” Metkai gave Shisui a thumbs up and said with great fighting spirit.

Zhi Shui is Mu Yue’s youngest disciple, but he is the strongest. In the eyes of Metkai, Zhisui is an out-and-out genius, and what Metkai likes to challenge most is genius. .

“Please give me more advice.” Zhisui nodded and replied.

“Start fighting!” Mu Yue announced.

As soon as Mu Yue finished speaking, Metkai immediately changed his breathing rhythm and rushed out, kicking out the physical technique he was best at.

“Konoha Tornado!”

The extremely fast whirlwind kick kicked towards Shisui.

Shisui has not fought against Metkai since the end of the summer special training. He did not know the specific strength of Metkai, so he chose to conduct a tentative attack first and also used the Konoha Cyclone Kick.

The powerful force caused the two of them to retreat several steps each, and Shisui had to retreat even more.

“It’s so powerful.” Shisui was a little surprised.

At this time, the power that Metkai erupted was actually greater than when Obito entered the fully concentrated breathing state.

“You can’t compete with Kai in physical skills.” Zhishui thought in his mind.

Having such terrifying strength without performing the full concentrated breathing method, Shisui can imagine how great the blessing of the Breath of the Iwa is to the body. Combating Taijutsu with Metkai is undoubtedly to exploit weaknesses and avoid strengths, isn’t it? Sensible.


Aware of the danger, Shisui left the spot in one move. The next moment, the tree where he was was directly kicked by Metkai and fell to the ground.

The strength of Taijutsu shown by Metkai did not panic Shisui, but there was no way for him to fail in front of Mu Yue at this level.

“Fire Release: High Fireball Technique!” Shisui quickly formed seals and spewed out a huge fireball towards Metkai. At the same time, he used shurikens to predict some of Metkai’s dodge space, and finally used the instant flash Shenju moved towards the unblocked area.

Meitkai did not expect Shisui to think so much while using a ninjutsu. When he dodged to avoid it, Shisui sprayed out flames from his palm and swung at Metkai.

“Breath of the Rock, Breathe with Full Concentration!” Unable to escape, Metkai had no choice but to use Breathing with Full Concentration to strengthen his body.

The rock breathing practice, which greatly improves physical abilities, can also make the body’s defense stronger.

If Muyue had her stripes on, even a small flame like Shishui would not be able to break through. But after all, Metkai has not yet learned the breathing method, so it can only reduce the damage he takes. The high temperature of the flames still makes Maitkai vulnerable. Tekai felt a little uncomfortable.

The physical ability was strengthened again, and Metkai directly burst out chakra and kicked Shisui quickly.

Shisui also considered that the concentrated breathing of the Rock Breath would have a strong physical strengthening effect, and had no intention of pursuing the victory. After swiping his palm, he immediately left with the teleportation technique, causing Metkai’s attack to fail again.

“It’s really strong.” Shisui thought as he looked at the ground where Metkai had kicked a small hole out of it.

The next battle made Metkai feel extremely frustrated. Except at the beginning, he didn’t even touch Shisui once.

“I got you!” Just when Metkai tried his best to hit Shisui with his second concentrated breath, his foot suddenly passed through Shisui’s body.

“Illusion?” Metkai was stunned.

At this moment, a flaming kunai flew past Metkai.

“It’s over.” Shisui said. He could have thrown it directly at Metkai when Metkai was under the illusion, but he was not an enemy, so there was no need.

“What a youthful battle!” Metkai admitted his defeat, laughed and praised.

“Now Shisui’s peers have absolutely no rivals. Even Kakashi, who is two years older than him, will not be Shisui’s opponent.” Mu Yue judged in her heart.

Even if Kakashi has more chakra, Muyue doesn’t think Kakashi will be Shisui’s opponent. If Shisui doesn’t use Sharingan, the two may be evenly matched, because Kakashi fights With more experience, Kakashi is no match for Shisui once he uses the Sharingan.

Mu Yue felt that Zhishui was slowly being developed into a boss by him. If it were the original Zhishui, it would be impossible for him to have such strength at this age.

Opening the Sharingan in advance will greatly increase your mental ability, and you can also use the breathing method to exercise your body. Shisui will become more and more exaggerated in the future.

“You are all very good. Let’s rest for a while and then continue to exercise.” Mu Yue smiled warmly.

Allowing the disciples to rest, Mu Yue also began to think about how to improve Metkai’s trust level on Metkai’s birthday.

Today has arrived, December 10th, and there are only twenty-one days left before Metkai’s birthday.

Based on observing the expressions and actions of the students, Mu Yue confirmed that when he helped Zhisui celebrate his birthday, other disciples should have gained some trust, so now Metkai’s trust level should be higher than before the birthday. Much higher.

However, Mu Yue doesn’t know the extent of this reminder. The trust level cannot be determined, and there is no way to see the increase. Mu Yue can only speculate based on the students’ performance.

To be on the safe side, Mu Yue strived to do her best, raise Metkai’s mood as high as possible, and break through to trust level four in one breath.

However, Metkai is more difficult. Unlike Shisui, who has long been an orphan, although Metkai does not have a mother, he has a father who always takes care of him, and he has a very good relationship with his father. Fatherly love.

When it comes to gifting ninja tools, Metkai rarely uses them, so it doesn’t mean much. Moreover, Shisui had just given them away, and the second disciple still seemed a bit perfunctory.

Actually, Mu Yue started planning for a big explosion very early, but Metkai really couldn’t think of a good way.

“Maybe we can start with Kai’s father.” Mu Yue suddenly thought of something and felt that her previous ideas were smaller.

To improve a disciple’s trust level, you may not necessarily have to focus on the disciple himself, but you can expand it a bit more.

There is still more than half a month left, so Mu Yue is not in a hurry to make a final plan.

In the afternoon, because it was Sunday, Mu Yue went to Asma’s house to serve as a tutor.

“Teacher Muyue, how is your Feng Dun study going?” Asma asked curiously while taking a rest.

“Although he didn’t become the wind escape genius you expected, it doesn’t seem to be too bad.” Mu Yue responded with a smile.

“Wind Escape, Great Breakthrough!” Mu Yue quickly formed a seal to perform Wind Escape, spitting out strong wind towards the big tree.

Wow! !

Under the strong wind, although the big tree did not break immediately, it was bent by the strong wind, and the leaves kept making sounds.

“It’s still much worse than fire escape and water escape.” Looking at the slightly bent tree, Mu Yue sighed and said.

In order to create a persona for herself, Mu Yue was well prepared. Not only did she borrow a lot of information about Wind Release from the library, but she also went to Minato to ask for advice, looking like a beginner in Wind Release.

“You are already very strong. Teacher Muyue, you have only studied for more than a month.” Asma felt that his wind escape was saved.

“You also have to work hard to practice Fire Escape. Don’t wait until I finish learning Feng Escape and you haven’t fully mastered the training content.” Mu Yue touched Asma’s head and said with a smile.

“Definitely not. I feel like my fire escape has become much stronger recently.” Asma said that he would not let down Muyue’s expectations.

Sending Asuma home, Mu Yue found Sarutobi Hiruzen smoking in the classroom.

“Sandaime-sama.” Mu Yue greeted.

“The training is complete, thank you for your hard work.” Hiruzen Sarutobi smiled and nodded.

When Mu Yue was about to leave, Sarutobi Hiruzen remembered something and stopped Mu Yue.

“Mu Yue, have you decided on the candidates for the intern program?” Sarutobi Hiruzen asked. Not long ago, Sarutobi Hiruzen finalized Mu Yue’s revised intern program and assigned Mu Monthly election as person in charge.

“Well, it’s done. The groups and instructors have been determined.” Mu Yue nodded and said. There were only ten days until the ninja school vacation. Of course, he couldn’t delay it until the end.

“There should be two people on the list, Metkai and Uchiha Obito.” Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to ask.

“Yes, they are the top two in the last fourth-grade ninja school exam.” Mu Yue replied.

“Then I’ll trouble Muyue this time. Modify the list, remove one person or add two more people. I have a graduated ninja here who needs your help to teach. You arrange him to join Hemai Tekai Uchiha and Obito will form a group, and then you will be the instructor.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said his arrangement.

Looking at Mu Yue, Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of Kakashi, who currently had no team to join.

Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn’t want Kakashi to let himself down like this anymore. Obito and Metkai are the few people Kakashi cares about now, and Mu Yue is what Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks of his educational ability. Extremely strong and excellent teacher.

One month of vacation plus three months of internship in the third semester, a total of four months. Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn’t expect these four months to completely bring Kakashi out of the shadows, but at least it won’t be like this.

“Is it inappropriate for graduates to participate in internships?” Mu Yue listened to Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words and had a rough guess about the person who was about to intervene.

Having the opportunity to become Kakashi’s instructor is an unexpected blessing, but Mu Yue has to act first.

“This is true according to common sense, but it is also a helpless move.” Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and told Muyue about Kakashi’s experience.

From quickly graduating to becoming a highly anticipated super genius in Chunin, it is now difficult to even find an instructor.

“So he is Lord White Fang’s child?” Mu Yue showed an expression of surprise and regret, seeming to be worried about Kakashi.

“Sandaime-sama, don’t worry, Kakashi will be left to me. I will definitely work hard to help him get out of the shadows and regain his life.” Mu Yue said with a serious face.

“Master White Fang is a ninja that I respect very much. I will never let his children live in the shadows.” Mu Yue continued.

“With Mu Yue’s words, I’m relieved.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

The fact that Mu Yue is still a fan of White Fang is an unexpected bonus.

After returning, Mu Yue revised the internship plan. Originally, he wanted Nohara Lin, Obito, and Metkai to be a group. Since the third generation wanted to insert Kakashi, Mu Yue directly eliminated Nohara Lin from the internship. plan.

It would be better to follow those Chuunin teachers to do missions than to study with his shadow clone for four months.


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