Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 151: Fighting for Ideas (3k)


Chapter 151 Fighting for Ideas (3k)

“Ninja, shouldn’t we focus on the mission? Isn’t the mission the most important thing?” Walking out of the Hokage Building, Kakashi recalled the expression on the head of the office, Tomo Toda, and felt a little confused.

He said that Nagatomo Toda had completed his mission and was a qualified ninja, but Nagatomo Toda was not happy and looked at him with a hint of anger.

If it were not in the Hokage’s office, Kakashi felt that Nagatomo Toda might have something to say.

But Kakashi didn’t understand why Nagatomo Toda was angry with him. He wasn’t the one who killed his teammates, but the enemy. He just expressed his opinion.

“Is the life and death of the disciple more important than the completion of the mission?” Kakashi thought in his mind.

If Nagatomo Toda really thinks this way, then Kakashi thinks it is good that Nagatomo Toda does not serve as the instructor. Nagatomo Toda who has this idea is not a qualified ninja at all.

“A qualified ninja should complete the mission at all costs, even if it leads to the death of teammates…” Kakashi returned home at night and muttered, looking at the dark house.

Once upon a time, Kakashi also had a father who made him proud.

His father is Hatake Sakumo. He is very powerful. He once made great achievements during the Second Ninja War and killed many ninjas from hostile ninja villages. He is honored as Konoha White Fang.

Kakashi admires his powerful and reliable father and has been practicing hard with his father as his goal. He graduated from the ninja school at the age of five and was promoted to chuunin at the age of six, all following in his father’s footsteps.

But something happened when he was seven years old that changed Hatake Sakumo’s image in Kakashi’s mind.

During a major mission, Hatake Sakumo failed in order to save his teammates, causing Konoha to suffer huge losses. There was a lot of curses in the village, and even the rescued teammate stood up and accused Hatake Sakumo of doing something wrong.

Soon, Kakashi came home from training one day. He saw a body lying in a pool of blood at home. The white fang short blade that killed countless ninjas finally ended its owner. s life.

From then on, Hatake Sakumo was no longer the strongest and most qualified ninja in Kakashi’s heart.

As a ninja, Hatake Sakumo was unqualified. He acted emotionally for his teammates and caused Konoha to suffer huge losses. As a father, he was also unqualified for abandoning his seven-year-old child.

He was no longer proud of his father, and he was no longer proud of anyone.

Kakashi opened the door and first cleaned the house from top to bottom. There was a lot of dust accumulated in the house after not being back for more than a month.

With the convenient ninjutsu of Shadow Clone, even one person can clean the entire house quickly. Kakashi quickly completed the cleaning work, and the house returned to its usual cleanliness.

“Do you want to exercise next?” Kakashi, who had nothing to do after cleaning, thought to himself that dinner was already taken care of on the way home and there was no need to cook it himself.

In the end, Kakashi did nothing and lay in the yard watching the moon.

“Kakashi, are you at home?”

At this time, a familiar female voice from Kakashi came from outside.

“Maybe I have to do another mission after I come back. Xiaolin and we can just go and play.” Then an excited male voice came from the side.

Kakashi walked out slowly and said calmly: “What’s the matter?”

“Damn it, you didn’t complete the mission?” Obito complained softly, feeling very regretful.

“If nothing else happens, I won’t have to do missions for a long time.” Kakashi said.

He also guessed that there might be no more teams to join, and he could only wait for the freshmen to graduate.

“After all, this mission has been going on for so long, it doesn’t hurt to take a little more rest.” Nohara Lin said with a soft smile.

She didn’t know that Kakashi’s long period of time could last up to four or five months.

“That’s not the reason.” Kakashi shook his head and said.

“What’s the reason? Kakashi, you can’t be lazy.” Obito hoped that Kakashi would do more tasks.

“There is no team for the time being. The teammate is dead. The captain is not ready to continue to be the instructor for the time being.” Kakashi said calmly without hiding anything.

“Teammate is dead, ah…” Listening to Kakashi say these words in an understatement, Obito was shocked.

Since they had met a month ago, Obito had not even forgotten the appearance of Kakashi’s two teammates. However, two living people died like this. Obito felt the cruelty of ninjas in an instant.

“I’m sorry.” Obito apologized to Kakashi. He felt that Kakashi must be feeling very uncomfortable now.

Hearing Kakashi’s words, Nohara Rin was also stunned, and then quickly comforted Kakashi.

“Did you misunderstand something? I’m not too sad. Although my teammates passed away, their sacrifices were not in vain and the mission did not fail.” Kakashi said.

“Kakashi? Is it worth the sacrifice of teammates for the mission?” Obito couldn’t help but ask.

He was not familiar with Kakashi’s teammates, but Obito knew that Kakashi’s teammates were definitely not bad people.

Kakashi’s teammates could clearly have informed Kakashi that day and left directly, but they did not do so. They also specifically reminded Kakashi that this mission would be difficult and required extra preparation.

“Compared with mission failure, the sacrifice of teammates is easier to accept.” Kakashi replied calmly.

“I really don’t like you at all!” Obito’s blood pressure suddenly rose after hearing Kakashi’s answer, and he couldn’t help but punch Kakashi.

“Because you are not a ninja yet. In the world of ninjas, missions always come first.” Kakashi said as he caught Obito’s fist.

“Emotional ninjas are unqualified ninjas.”

“Come and fight, I’m going to wake you up.” Obito couldn’t bear it anymore.

Kakashi threw Obito out, and then said: “You are the one who is not awake. Are you a student who has not graduated yet to preach to me, a chuunin?”

Obito, who was becoming more and more angry, directly started the breathing method to improve his physical ability, hoping to teach Kakashi a lesson.

But at this moment, Kakashi had no intention of holding back. He directly used all his strength to suppress Obito.

A variety of earth escape, thunder escape and ruthless physical techniques made it difficult for Obito, who used full concentration breathing, to resist.

“Damn it!” When Kakashi knocked him to the ground again, Obito couldn’t help shouting unwillingly. He was unwilling to be inferior to someone like Kakashi.

“If you still maintain that childish idea, then give up the idea of ​​becoming a ninja.” Kakashi said ruthlessly.

“Have you felt the difference between you and a formal ninja?”

Although he kept belittling Obito, Kakashi was a little surprised, because in just over a month, Obito had made great progress, both in fire escape and taijutsu. Significant improvement, and he can still sustain it for so long despite his full strength.

“I just don’t want to be defeated by someone like you.” Obito clenched his fists tightly, the unwillingness in his heart reached the extreme, and his anger was burning fiercely.

“What do you think of your companions!” After an angry shout, Obito’s breathing became more concentrated than ever before, and he felt a steady stream of power pouring out of his body.

“The breath of fire, concentrate on breathing!”

In an instant, Obito’s body disappeared from the spot, appeared next to Kakashi, and punched Kakashi in the face.

Obito’s sudden surge in speed caught Kakashi off guard and he was knocked to the ground.

“Can it be stronger?” Kakashi didn’t understand. He had never encountered such a thing before. His opponent suddenly became stronger after hitting and shouting.

Fortunately, Kakashi has rich fighting experience. Not to mention this kind of sparring battle, he has been at a disadvantage in life and death fights. He quickly stabilized the situation and did not let himself fall further into a disadvantage.

At this time, the battle was already very fierce, with fire and lightning in the open space, and the aftermath of the two people’s attacks created small craters in the surrounding area.

“Don’t fight anymore. If you get injured later, you won’t be able to play.” Nohara Lin’s tit-for-tat confrontation was completely unlike a normal sparring match. She was worried that something would happen, so she spoke.

Nohara Lin’s words gradually calmed down Obito, who was angry. He was not strong enough to defeat Kakashi.

After Obito stopped, Kakashi also stopped. His desire to fight was not high to begin with.

“Really, if we have different opinions, we can discuss them carefully. Why did they suddenly start fighting?” Nohara Lin sighed, helped the two of them dust themselves off and tidy up their clothes and said helplessly.

“It’s not what he said that made people so angry.” Obito was worried about what Kakashi just said.

“Being so angry only shows that you are still very naive.” Kakashi said lightly.

“You bastard, do you want to continue?” Obito’s blood pressure, which had dropped, began to rise again.

“That’s fine if you want to be taught a lesson.” Kakashi said it didn’t matter, he could win anyway.

“You guys, I’m going to be angry if you keep doing this.” Nohara Lin said with her hands on her hips.

Recalling the scene of Nohara Rin breaking a big tree with one punch, Obito closed his mouth.

Obito stopped talking, and Kakashi had no intention of provoking trouble and became quiet. He was not in a calm mood today.

However, with this episode at the beginning, Obito and Kakashi are destined to find it difficult to live in peace today.

Kakashi bought a grilled fish from the barbecue, and Obito said that the fish must have been dead for a while and was unhealthy.

Obito bought a portion of tempura. Kakashi said that the oil may have been used countless times and it was very unhygienic.

In short, the other person entered the store with the wrong foot and breathed wrongly. There is something wrong with it.

Nohara Lin could only keep fighting with the mud in the middle, and there was no other good way.

“It’s almost the end of the term, and another semester is about to pass. Time flies so fast.” Nohara Lin tried hard to find a topic that the two of them could not argue about.

“I will graduate in one semester. If some people continue to maintain such childish ideas, I will be really worried for the village.” Kakashi took the lead in attacking.

“Whoever becomes your next teammate is really unlucky.” Obito was not to be outdone.

Nohara Lin:……

I was drinking at my uncle’s house today and was a little late


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