Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 150: Accident


Chapter 150 Accident

When combat training entered the stage of using chakra, the battle between Shisui and Obito became more intense.

Breathing without chakra and using chakra are two different intensities.

Stronger strength and speed, accelerated changes in chakra properties, these are all bonuses that can directly increase hard power.

At the climax of the battle between Obito and Shisui, the flames basically continued without stopping.

The property-changing ninjutsu of the same attribute follows the one-to-one offset principle, that is, the flame transformed by a little chakra can withstand the flame transformed by a little chakra.

When Mu Yue first traveled through time, Obito had more chakra than Shisui because of his older age, but later Shisui practiced more diligently and opened the Sharingan, and his chakra had already surpassed him. Obito.

The physical skills were no match and now the chakra was no match, so in the second stage of the battle Obito felt greater pressure, and on the first day he was defeated before he could hold out for long.

When there is pressure, there is motivation. Especially Nohara Rin will take a look at the battle during the break. Obito’s inner desire to show off will directly increase his motivation. His proficiency in breathing techniques is getting faster and faster day by day. He just relies on more proficient breathing techniques. He stayed in front of Shisui for a little longer.

When the second phase of training reached the last day, Obito was at a disadvantage at the beginning, and the disadvantage became worse and worse under Shisui’s calm and swift offensive.

When it felt like he was about to lose, Obito had to use all his concentrated breathing to block Shisui’s offensive.

Being able to stop water and concentrate on breathing, Obito only prolongs his downfall.

“Damn it, Xiao Lin is watching. We must not lose in such a miserable state.” Obito noticed Nohara Lin coming when he was fighting. His tired body seemed to have regained some vitality and became calmer at the same time. .

The sudden stimulation of potential and calm fighting made Obito think that he was going to break his zero-win record.

It’s a pity that Shisui didn’t give him a chance at all. He fought steadily without revealing any flaws. In the end, Obito was defeated due to lack of physical strength.

“Although you didn’t win, Obito, you have performed very well. You feel much stronger than before.” Nohara Lin comforted.

“Haha, is that so?” Obito said with a naive smile as his slightly depressed mood disappeared instantly.

“Well, your performance is good. After the third stage, I will do some review exercises. I should have almost learned the breathing method.” Mu Yue nodded and said.

After comforting the defeated Obito, Mu Yue naturally did not forget about Shisui who maintained an undefeated record, and said with a gentle smile:

“It can be seen that Shisui has worked very hard in your training. Not only your breathing techniques, but your physical skills have also made great progress recently.”

“Well, I have been practicing taijutsu recently after returning home.” Trying to get approval from the people he cares about, Shisui smiled happily.

“Obito, do you want to go play with Kakashi tonight?” Nohara Lin asked.

If Nohara Rin removed a certain person’s name, Obito would agree without hesitation, but if he called Kakashi, Obito would have to think about it.

In order to ensure that Kakashi will be defeated 100% in the next battle, Obito will ask Muyue what chance he has of winning against Kakashi after he progresses.

Currently Mu Yue judges that he may win, but the possibility is very small. It is possible to win only if Kakashi is careless and he performs exceptionally and adds explosive skills, so Obito is not ready to challenge Kakashi for the time being.

“Let’s go together. I’ve been quite tired from practicing recently. Let’s relax.” Obito finally agreed.

Tomorrow will enter the third stage of combat training. Obito felt that he might be miserable tomorrow, so he decided to enjoy it one night first.

Although Shisui’s Sharingan was restricted, Obito was no match when Shisui didn’t open his Sharingan.

Facing Shisui who let go of his ninjutsu restrictions, Obito felt that if he could hold on for three more minutes, he would be successful.

In the evening, Obito and Nohara Rin went to Kakashi’s house to look for Kakashi.

This trip made Obito feel lucky that he agreed to Nohara Rin today, otherwise he would have missed a good opportunity.

Obito got two pieces of good news during this trip. One was that Kakashi was not at home, and the other was that he could enjoy the world of two with Nohara Rin.

“Did you go for a walk?” Nohara Lin thought for a while and said.

“I don’t think so. He should be still doing missions outside. I came to Kakashi once before and happened to meet his teammates and asked him to do missions together.” Obito said with a smile.

“When was it?” Nohara Lin asked curiously.

Obito recalled it and said: “It seems to have been more than half a month. His mission was quite long.”

“It’s been more than half a month. It’s not easy for an official ninja.” Nohara Lin nodded, feeling a little pity.

Obito and Nohara Rin then played around for several hours, and then they went home separately as the night got darker.

“Haha, Kakashi, please do more tasks.” On the way home, Obito’s raised corners of his mouth could no longer be suppressed.


In the Hokage building, a tired-looking ninja and Kakashi walked into the Hokage’s office.

“Hokage-sama, please allow me to resign from the position of guiding the Jonin.” The tired ninja bowed and said.

“I don’t want to be the instructor for the time being.”

“Toda, what happened?” Sandai asked with a slight frown and puffs of smoke.

“I failed to protect my disciple. I am not a competent teacher.” Nagatomo Toda lowered his head and said.

“But at least the mission is accomplished.” Kakashi said.

Sarutobi Hiruzen probably knew what happened. There should be an accident in the mission. Although the mission was completed in the end, both Nagatomo Toda’s disciples died, leaving only Kakashi alive.

Nagamo Toda glanced at Kakashi, opened his mouth and finally said nothing.

“In that case, Toda, you should rest for a while.” Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed and nodded.

He can somewhat understand Nagatomo Toda. Nagatomo Toda is a very young jounin. It is his first time to take care of those two disciples. It is normal for them to have deep feelings.

“Thank you Sandaime-sama for your understanding. I will go back and rest first.” After receiving Sarutobi Hiruzen’s reply, Nagatomo Toda left directly, leaving Kakashi in the Hokage’s office.

Looking at Kakashi’s indifferent expression, Sarutobi Hiruzen puffed up and had a headache.

He took out the information and glanced at it, and found that there was no team that Kakashi could be inserted into. He could only wait for the ninja school students to graduate and the newly graduated genin to form a new team.

“Kakashi, this mission is so hard, you should rest for a while. I will arrange for you to join a new team after a while.” Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while and said.

“Yes.” Kakashi nodded, then turned and left.

“I haven’t come out of the shadows yet…” Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Kakashi’s back and thought that Kakashi was not like this two years ago, but he has changed since what happened last year.


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