Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 130: The war is about to begin (4k)


Chapter 130 The war is about to begin (4k)

“Look at the changes in the nature of the flame breathing state, and use more chakra.” Mu Yue thought for a while and said.

Obito nodded, adjusted his breathing method, entered the breathing state of fire, inhaled a large amount of oxygen into his body, condensed a large amount of chakra in his throat, and then spit out a large flame very quickly.

There were too many flames sprayed out, and the uncontrollable flames were flying around wantonly. Mu Yue prevented the flames from igniting the forest and blocked them with water escape.

Shisui watched this scene quietly. Being familiar with Obito, he could clearly feel the progress in the changes in the nature of Obito’s chakra.

Only this kind of rapid progress will lead to flames flying around. If Mu Yue hadn’t taken action in time, Obito himself would have been burned.

“Teacher Muyue, eating spicy food can really increase the speed of cultivation.” Although his whole body was wet with water, Obito was still excited.

He felt that the sudden improvement in progress was due to eating Mu Yue’s cuisine.

After all, in his opinion, yesterday was a normal day, nothing was different from usual except Mu Yue’s cooking.

“What did you do when you returned from practice yesterday?” Mu Yue asked.

Mu Yue doesn’t think it’s due to cooking. If cooking can produce such a surge in proficiency, then it should have been effective yesterday. It wouldn’t be effective only after taking Tutu back, and there is no cooking illusion. Stamina and no lag show.

“I didn’t do anything, I just went home normally, and then I practiced for a while and made progress.” Obito thought for a while and replied.

“Tell me more details.” Mu Yue said.

“On the way home yesterday, Xiaolin encouraged me, and then we agreed…”

“This can be skipped.”

“After I separated from Xiaolin, I met an old lady who fell down and carried her to the hospital for treatment…” Obito talked about the various episodes on his way home. Basically, he was either helping the elderly or helping the elderly. The old man’s way.

“After I got home and practiced breathing techniques for a while, I suddenly felt my body was a little hot, and then it’s like this now.” Obito replied.

“I see, it should be that Obito’s actions and state of mind match the characteristics of the Breath of Fire.” After listening to Obito’s description, Mu Yue knew in her heart the reason for Obito’s rapid progress.

Obito perfectly fits the character needs of Breath of Fire. The enthusiastic and cheerful Obito will take the initiative to help people in trouble in front of him. His heart is as hot as a flame.

“Shisui, if you eat more spicy food, your breathing method will definitely change as quickly as mine.” Obito and Shisui shared their successful experiences.

“Is it really because of spicy food?” Zhishui felt a little unreliable in his heart.

It’s not that he suspected that Obito was lying to him. Obito would definitely not lie about such an important matter, but after listening to the conversation between the two, Shisui felt that the real reason might not be because Obito ate very spicy food.

“Stop chatting, let’s eat first.” Mu Yue handed the lunch box to the two of them.

You may not necessarily improve by leaps and bounds after eating, but it will definitely be better than not eating at all.

Shisui opened the lunch box and fell into deep thought when he saw a few neat large peppers inside. Should he eat the peppers directly now?

“There is meat inside the pepper.” Mu Yue reminded.

Shisui took a bite and found that the pepper was indeed wrapped in the meat, but there was actually minced pepper inside the meat. It tasted spicier than just eating the pepper outside, but the taste was still top-notch.

After delivering food to the two of them, Muyue went to deliver food to Metkai. Metkai’s meal was potato stew with beef.

Mu Yue gave Metkai an appraisal and found that Metkai’s proficiency had increased a bit, reaching 20 points of proficiency.

“It seems like it’s not stuck, it’s just that it’s too difficult so it rises slowly.” Mu Yue thought in her mind.

Judging from the current progress, Mu Yue feels that she does not have to worry about Obito’s training tasks.

Unless Metkai has another epiphany and his proficiency skyrockets, Obito’s breathing skill proficiency will definitely be much higher than that of Metkai in a month, and he will have some advantages in terms of hard power.

When the practice ended in the afternoon, Mu Yue asked Shisui and Obito to go back together.

Today, Shisui’s Flame Breathing proficiency went from fifteen to sixteen, which was a steady increase.

But it would be best if Shisui could learn something from Obito and make rapid progress together. It would be okay if he couldn’t learn from Obito. It would be the same practice if he went back with Shisui’s level of consciousness.

“Although you are excellent overall, Obito also has a dark side. He said.

Mu Yue still hopes that Shisui can be more cheerful and optimistic.

In the original work, Shisui had very few scenes and basically only lived in his memories, but he was able to commit suicide to impress his friends. Mu Yue felt that he could not be a normal person.

There are many psychopaths in this world, but Mu Yue doesn’t want to see her disciples become psychopaths.

Shisui nodded with a thoughtful expression, preparing to take a good look at Obito on the way home.

If Obito can always progress faster than him in practicing the secret method of breathing, then there must be something better than him.

In this way, Shisui began to observe Obito.

“Xiao Lin, did my shadow clone do anything strange at school?” Obito asked.

“No, just like Obito, you are the same as usual.” Nohara Rin replied with a smile.

“That’s good, I’m also worried that the shadow clone will affect my image in the ninja school.”

Watching this scene, Shisui silently remembered that Obito liked chatting with Nohara Rin.

No one knows better than Obito himself whether the shadow clone has done strange things, but Obito still asked. The question was meaningless. It was obvious that Obito simply wanted to talk to Nohara Rin.

However, they did not encounter any elderly people in need of help today, and the two of them returned home smoothly.

The next day, Shisui and Obito gathered together to practice in the southern forest.

On the way to breakfast, Obito helped an old woman. Shisui noticed that Obito was smiling after helping the old woman.

After successfully reaching the southern forest, Shisui no longer paid attention to Obito, but concentrated on training.

Continue to observe Obito when he goes back in the afternoon.

But this time it was a little more bumpy than yesterday. They met an old man who came to Konoha to visit relatives carrying a large sack.

The old man is from a village near Konoha. His daughter married into Konoha. The crops in the fields have been harvested recently, so he wanted to give his daughter and her family a taste.

The sack the old man is holding is nothing. It may not be light to ordinary people, but it is nothing to ninjas like them who have chakra.

But after they took the old man to the place, they discovered that his daughter’s family had moved. In order not to waste the old man’s heart, Obito went to the nearby houses to inquire about the news and then looked for it. It was already dark when he found it.

Shisui seems to know why Obito’s time to go to the southern forest is unstable. If something like this happens from time to time, it will be difficult to arrive on time.

“Thank you so much. These are not valuable things. You can take some home.” The old man said with a grateful face and wanted to share the contents of the sack with Obito and Shisui.

“No need, Grandpa. Even if you don’t have us, you will definitely be able to find us in the end.” Obito said with a naive smile and waved his hand.

Rejecting the reward, Obito and Shisui returned to their respective families in the Uchiha clan.

Lying on the bed, Shisui was still recalling the memories of Obito in the past two days.

After observing Obito carefully, Shisui really felt that Obito was a very unique Uchiha, different from any Uchiha he had ever seen, so different that he didn’t even look like an Uchiha.

Most of the time, Obito appears to be very careless, and he is already considered outstanding among his peers. He can even walk without paying attention and fall or hit something.

And Obito seldom controls his emotions, almost all kinds of emotions are displayed on his face.

When it comes to finding people who need help, Obito is very observant and can notice things that Shisui cannot.

After three days of observation, Zhi Shui found Mu Yue.

“Teacher, if Obito’s breathing technique is due to his passion for helping others to make progress, I’m afraid I won’t be able to learn it. I won’t be able to sincerely look for strangers in need of help like him.” Shisui said honestly.

Shisui doesn’t object to helping others, but he can’t do that step.

Hearing Zhishui’s words, Mu Yue smiled. He rubbed Zhishui’s head and said with a smile:

“You can learn from Obito, there is no need to imitate. Maybe you are kinder in your heart than you think.”

He didn’t know exactly what Shisui and Obito did, but he could see that although Shisui’s breath of fire was not as fast as Obito, it was not slow either.


At noon on Monday, Mu Yue once again received the news that the Jonin meeting was convened.

Because we were in a ninja school, Mu Yue went there alone this time.

Minato and Kushina arrived slightly earlier than Muyue, and when Muyue arrived at the conference room, they were already standing inside.

Mu Yue stepped forward to greet the two of them.

“It has only been a few days, and we have another meeting.” Kushina was speechless.

Mu Yue smiled and did not join in the complaint. There were too many people here. Some things should not be said casually. He was different from Kushina. Kushina had a special status. Let alone complaining about the meeting, even a few curses were not a problem. Not big.

I briefly got to know some jounin during the last meeting. Mu Yue continued to look familiar this time and didn’t say much, just chatting a few words.

After everyone arrived, Sandai explained the reason why the jounin meeting was held so quickly for the second time.

“The Cloud Hidden Village of the Kingdom of Thunder has declared war on us.” Hiruzen Sarutobi said with a serious face.

“Cloud Hidden Village, aren’t they invading the Kingdom of Wind and Sunagakure Village to start a war?” A jounin said with a surprised look.

Although the third Kazekage of Sunagakure Village has disappeared, it still has the foundation of being one of the five great ninja villages. It is impossible for Kumogakure Village to defeat Sunagakure Village in a short time.

At this moment, there is only one possibility for Kumogakure and Konoha to declare war. Kumogakure wants to start a war on two fronts and attack Konoha and Sunagakure at the same time.

“Damn Kumogakure barbarians, they really deserve to die!” Kushina scolded mercilessly.

Hearing the news, Mu Yue was not surprised. After all, Konoha was going to be surrounded by the four major ninja villages. The declaration of war was just two declarations of war, and the fight had not even started officially.

Mu Yue can guess a little bit about the thoughts of the ninjas of Yunyin Village.

Before the Third Kazekage disappeared, Kumogakure and Konoha actually had a lot of friction, which shows that Kumogakure has a lot of thoughts about Konoha.

However, because what happened in Sunagakure Village was so big that the Kazekage disappeared immediately, so Kumogakure took action first against the leaderless Sunagakure Village.

If Iwagakure does not declare war on Konoha, Mu Yue estimates that Kumogakure will not declare war on Konoha without gaining a huge advantage over Sunagakure.

But it is different if Iwagakure declares war on Konoha. Although Kumogakure is fighting on two fronts, Konoha, which needs to deal with Iwagakure, also has to fight on two fronts.

Would the Third Raikage think that Kumogakure would be inferior to Konoha under the same circumstances? Of course not. If this was the case, Kumogakure would not be so active in the ninja world.

Mu Yue estimated that the Third Raikage’s idea was to fight Sunagakure while consuming Konoha’s power, and then destroy Sunagakure first and then sweep Konoha, and finally take down Iwagakure who was fighting Konoha. Dominate the continent.

Mu Yue could only say that the idea was a good one, but she overestimated their own strength, and underestimated Konoha’s strength and Iwagakure’s ambition.

It is not difficult to see that Ohnoki is very ambitious in the future direction of the Third Ninja War. If the Third Raikage hadn’t been strong enough, Kumogakure would have had a large wave of ninjas die in Iwagakure’s encirclement and suppression.

“Spies should be sent immediately to interfere with their battle with Sunagakure.” Danzo said.

As long as Sunagakure can hold back enough Kumogakure ninjas, Konoha doesn’t have to worry about too much pressure from a two-front war.

Nara Shikaku fell into thinking. If Kumogakure wanted to attack Konoha, it would be easier than Iwagakure.

Because if Kumogakure wants to attack Konoha, he generally has two options: one is to enter from Yuno Country in the northeast, and the other is to enter from Tianno Country due north.

The ninjas in Yu no Kuni are weak, and Tian no Kuni is even weaker. There is not even a ninja village.

This means that the defense area that Konoha needs to pay attention to is very large, and the areas bordering Tianno Country and Yuno Country must be guarded.

“We need to prevent Kumogakure from defeating Sunagakure, and at the same time strengthen border defenses.” Nara Shikaku said.

This time he agreed with Danzo’s opinion that Kumogakure must not be allowed to use his full strength to attack Konoha.

Mu Yue could notice that the atmosphere of this meeting was heavier than the last time, and many jounin had serious expressions.

“Sunagakure and Kumogakure are already at war, and Iwagakure will soon have a war with the village. I’m afraid the third ninja war will break out this time.” Minato said worriedly after the memory.

Minato has rich experience in missions, but he has never experienced the Ninja War. When the Second Ninja War ended, he was still studying in the Ninja School.

However, he could feel the cruelty of the Ninja World War just by looking at the written materials. A large number of ninjas died in the war, and even the shadow of a village may die in the war.

Kushina has a special status. Once the war becomes fierce, Kushina will go to the battlefield. This is what Minato is worried about.

“Those Kumogakure black barbarians are really worried about the world being in chaos!” Kushina’s face didn’t look good either.

But Kushina was not worried about going to the battlefield, but thought of her country that was destroyed by the war.

Kushina hates war. She witnessed with her own eyes how her country and village perished in the war, and the memory is still clear to this day.

“Obito training tasks, student exam rewards, yearly class promotion rewards…” Mu Yue silently thought about the rewards that were closer to her.

The war is gradually approaching, and now his strength is not enough to protect himself in the war-torn environment.

There will be more later


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