Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 121: Standing above the sky (45)


Chapter 121 Standing in the Sky (45)

Mu Yue did not go to the main city of Konoha at night, but studied sealing techniques in the house in the southern forest.

Noticing that someone was moving quickly nearby, Mu Yue temporarily put down her practice and walked out.

“Ye, Danzo-sama has something to ask you.” The root ninja said calmly.

“Do you need me to change into uniform?” Mu Yue asked.

Although there is no formal establishment of the root, he still has the uniform and mask of the root.

“No need, just follow me.” The root ninja shook his head and said.

Mu Yue followed the root ninja silently, vaguely guessing something in her mind.

The day before yesterday, I asked him to be careful not to reveal his identity. Today, I asked him, a dark man, to go to the base openly and openly.

Obviously, his identity no longer needs to be hidden.

If nothing else, I may have experienced regret in the Hokage’s office today or yesterday.

Although the next step was to go to the root base camp, Mu Yue was not too panicked.

A few days ago, he had just reported the situation to Danzo and told him all the rewards given to him by the Third Generation. That was called a loyal person.

He is now registered with the third generation, and he is also a loyal character at the root, focusing on stability.

“Lord Danzo.” After arriving at the root base, Mu Yue greeted Danzo with respect.

“Ye, you are excellent.” Danzo suddenly said.

“It’s all thanks to your training, Mr. Danzo. Without your training, Mr. Danzo, I would just be an ordinary orphan.” Mu Yue said respectfully.

“Mi Tao, the Third Hokage values ​​you very much.” Danzo continued.

“Maybe so. On the day the special training ended, he praised me many times and gave me two ninjutsu and three hundred thousand taels.” Mu Yue answered according to the report she had written before.

“By the way, my position in the ninja school has also been promoted today, and I have become the grade director of the first grade. I may have been promoted by the Sandaime.” Mu Yue added.

Danzo nodded, looking thoughtful.

Duanzo was testing whether Mu Yue knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to leave Mu Yue.

After some testing, coupled with the mission report from the previous few days, and his confidence in his brainwashing skills, Danzo was temporarily convinced that Mu Yue was loyal to him.

“The Sandaime and I discussed it and felt that your talent, Muyue, should be used to cultivate ninjas in the ninja school instead of staying at the root.” Danzo thought for a while and said.

“Tomorrow I will go to the Hokage Building to help you remove the root curse seal on your body. From now on, you will no longer be a root ninja.”

“Danzo-sama, could it be that I did something bad? Why should I be fired from the root?” Mu Yue said with a look of fear.

“Danzo-sama, I want to protect Konoha with you!”

At this time, Muyue was extremely calm. He definitely didn’t believe Danzo’s lies. He even discussed with Hiruzen Sarutobi to better utilize his talents, but he was probably forced to leave.

Since Danzo is going to act, he should accompany Danzo in the act.

Danzo is a good leader who reluctantly lets go in order to bring out the best in his subordinates, while Mu Yue is a good subordinate who is loyal to his roots.

Looking at Mu Yue’s performance, Danzo nodded with satisfaction. No matter what, Mu Yue is loyal to his roots and loyal to Shimura Danzo.

“No, you did a good job, but now you have a more important task.” Danzo said slowly.

“Although you are no longer a member of the root organization, if one day my order comes to you again, will you still complete it?”

“Of course we have to complete it. Danzo-sama’s mission is an important mission to protect Konoha.” Mu Yue said without hesitation.

Danzo smiled and handed Mu Yue two scrolls.

“One of them is a high-level fire escape ninjutsu in the village, and the other is practicing secret medicine. You will continue to work hard in the future. I will inform you when I need you.” Danzo said.

Duanzo is not worried that his investment will fail. Even if Muyue is no longer loyal in the future, Danzo will have a way to make him loyal.

The resources at his base are not so easy to get.

“I will definitely not let down your hard work, Lord Danzo.” Mu Yue said with a moved face.

“If there were more ninjas like Muyue in the roots, I wouldn’t have to worry about no one guarding Konoha.” Danzo said with satisfaction.

“Go back, practice hard from now on, and wait for my call.”

Mu Yue finally left with a look of reluctance, giving Danzo an appraisal before leaving.

[Name: Shimura Danzo]

[Chakra: 69000]

[Skills: Wind Chakra Nature Change (Mastery: 4400/15000), Wind Release, Vacuum Wave (Mastery: 300/15000)…]

[Potential: S (Basic Talent + Sharingan)]

As he thought, Danzo should have the strength of a Kage level one, but not particularly outstanding.

Compared with his old classmate Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo’s performance is much worse. Not to mention the chakra difference is over 100,000, and his skills are also incomparable. Unlike Sarutobi Hiruzen’s five basic attributes The changes are all at the proficiency level. The skill proficiency of the proficiency level is much worse than that of Sarutobi Hiruzen. There are not many proficiency level ninjutsu, they are all wind escape.

However, Mu Yue did not underestimate Danzo. In any case, Danzo was much stronger than him now.

Although he is not very proficient in ninjutsu, Danzo has mastered a lot of forbidden techniques. It is still quite difficult to deal with in actual combat. You can know from his battle with Mangekyo Sasuke that without the help of Obito, Sasuke may overturn. .

After walking some distance away from the root base, the expression on Mu Yue’s face gradually returned to normal.

“You still don’t want to let go of someone you want for three generations? Being too persistent will make people bored.” Mu Yue sighed in a low voice.

He really wants to grow up peacefully and do what he can when he develops to a certain level of strength.

But Danzo always seemed not to want to make things easier for him. Suddenly a root ninja would appear in the yard, and he would not give up and call Mu Yue to the root even if he wanted to let him go.

Mu Yue is very dissatisfied with Danzo, and he is also dissatisfied with the root. He is also dissatisfied with this dangerous world full of lunatics.

If his strength can reach a level that is enough to suppress everything in the future, Mu Yue would not mind standing in the sky for once and making the world a little normal.

After returning home, Mu Yue took out the scroll given by Danzo and took a look.

Finding that the so-called advanced fire escape ninjutsu was the fire dragon flame bomb that he had mastered, Mu Yue immediately lost interest. As for the secret medicine for practicing, Mu Yue didn’t even bother to look at it and threw it into the corner.

Mu Yue continues to study sealing techniques. Judging from the current situation, Danzo seems to want to use him as a nail into the Third Generation.

Then the research on sealing techniques cannot be stopped. Maybe one day Danzo will suddenly give him a new curse seal. Mu Yue feels that it should not be the same day when it is released, so that Sarutobi Hiruzen will find out. Quite a slap in the face.

“Finally mastered it.” Mu Yue nodded secretly in her mind as she looked at the five-element seal that had finally been introduced, and then directly smashed a skilled scroll up, and a lot of sealing knowledge appeared in her mind.

In a world where strength is paramount, only your own strength is the most reliable.


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