Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 120: I shadow you and regret it (35)


Chapter 120 I shadow you and regret it (35)

Danzo walked directly into the Hokage’s office without knocking.

When Danzo entered, Sarutobi Hiruzen was standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the Hokage’s office, looking down at Konoha.

The Hokage Building is very tall, so tall that you can stand on top of the Hokage Building and have a panoramic view of the main city of Konoha.

“Hiruzhan, is there anything you want to discuss?” Danzo asked aloud.

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around, nodded and said, “Take a look at the information on my desk.”

Danzo walked to the desk, picked up the information on it and started to look through it. The words Hanyu Mugetsu came into view instantly.

Seeing Mu Yue’s name, Danzo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a guess immediately flashed in his mind.

“He was discovered just after reminding him not to reveal his identity. How incompetent.” Danzo thought to himself.

However, as an old actor, Danzo’s expression did not change at all. He quickly read through the information. There was nothing else on it, only some information about Mu Yue.

“Isn’t it just that we have newly promoted a special Jonin with outstanding educational ability, and we need to confirm it together?” Danzo said calmly.

Since Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t make it clear, he pretended not to know anything.

Hearing Danzo’s words, Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed out loud.

“Haha, Danzo, are you sure this is just an ordinary special jounin?” Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Danzo with a smile.

“Does he have other special qualities besides his strong teaching ability recorded in the data?” Danzo was still pretending to be stupid.

It is impossible for him to voluntarily admit to sending people to the ninja school.

Sarutobi Hiruzen put the pipe into his mouth, puffed out a puff of smoke and said, “Danzo, you don’t have to pretend to be stupid with me here. I know that he is a root member of Yume Yupurin.”

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen threw some information to Danzo.

After reading this, Danzo’s expression suddenly changed. It contained not only the information on his secret cultivation of Mu Yue, but also some other information on Anzi’s cultivation.

“How did he know?” Danzo was a little confused. He didn’t expect that his so-called secrets were actually transparent in front of the third generation.

Although Danzo established another ANBU, the Root, under the slogan of training ANBU, Hiruzen Sarutobi was not stupid. He could not watch Danzo’s power expand infinitely, so he limited the number of members of the Root.

This is the reason why Danzo cultivated secret disciples like Mu Yue. He did not give them to them openly, so he could only cultivate additional members secretly.

“I did all this to protect Konoha. The number of root members you specified cannot protect the safety of Konoha.” Danzo not only failed to admit his mistake, but instead tried to get Hiruzen Sarutobi to relax the restrictions of the root.

“Now that the war is about to begin, Konoha needs more root personnel to protect Konoha. Hiruzen, don’t tell me that you think Konoha can stay out of it.”

Danzo wanted to change the topic from illegal training to whether Konoha will be involved in the war and how to protect Konoha.

But Danzo is an expert. Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has been Hokage for decades, is even more expert than Danzo. He knows Danzo’s thoughts well and was not confused by Danzo’s words. He knocked on the table and said:

“Let’s not talk about other things for now, let’s discuss your illegal training of additional members.”

“There are five people here, three of them are descendants of war heroes. How dare you attack them, Danzo, do you want to destroy Konoha’s will of fire!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s eyes became sharp, and he stared at Danzo with a very oppressive look.

The so-called war heroes are ninjas who died in the war. For example, Mu Yue’s parents who died in the war are considered war heroes.

Danzo didn’t say anything. Normal children wouldn’t be so easy to fool and take advantage of. The descendants of ninjas like Mu Yue are generally not too bad in talent.

“I am also cultivating talents for Konoha.” Danzo thought for a while and quibbled.

“Hasn’t that Hanyu Mozuki been promoted to a special jounin by you? Isn’t he considered a talent?”

“Maybe he will be better if you don’t interfere.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said unceremoniously.

In his opinion, Mu Yue is indeed a good talent, with outstanding teaching ability, and a very good talent in sealing arts. She can also use water escape and fire escape fairly well, and she is also very good at dealing with people.

“Mu Yue is not suitable to stay at the root. Tomorrow you come to the Hokage Building to eliminate the curse mark on his body.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said his ultimate purpose.

Getting Mu Yue is his goal today, and beating Danzo is incidental.

“What do you mean Hiruzen? I spent all my energy to cultivate him. I am the leader of the root.” Danzo said with clenched fists.

Although Mu Yue was not a root member that he valued, being asked to leave like this was like having the fruits of a tree that was planted with hard work being picked away by others. It was aggrieved!

“If you reject me, you will regret it.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said calmly.

Danzo’s face was uncertain, and he did not answer Hiruzen Sarutobi’s words for the time being.

“Then what should I do with the resources I spent on him?” Danzo asked.

Sarutobi sighed and pointed at the information on the table.

Danzo instantly understood what Sarutobi Hiruzen meant, and there was no need to compensate for the illegal training.

Danzo took a deep breath and said coldly: “I will come tomorrow.”

After speaking, Danzo turned around and left. When he walked to the door, he said again: “Hiruzhan, you will regret it.”

“I am the Hokage.” Sarutobi Hiruzen reminded while sitting on the chair.


The wooden door of the office was slammed shut.

As soon as he walked out of the office, Danzo’s expression returned to normal instantly.

It’s just that a special jounin was asked to leave. He might be unhappy, but he would never be particularly angry. The reason why he showed an extremely angry look in the office was just to express his anger and let Sarutobi Hiruzen Give compensation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t want to compensate, but correspondingly, except for Mu Yue, the other four people who were trained in violation of regulations could be treated as if Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t see them.

This was the subtext of Sarutobi Hiruzen pointing to the information on the table, so except for Mu Yue, the two of them did not talk to anyone else.

Except for Mu Yue’s four people, they will basically be members of the root organization by default from now on, but they will not be on the official member list of the root organization.

“Fortunately, A was not discovered.” Danzo thought to himself.

When Danzo saw the list of secrets, his heart skipped a beat, thinking that the wood escape ninja he was hiding had been discovered.

As long as his Wooden ninja is not discovered and all other secrets are exposed, Danzo feels that the loss is not great. He believes in the power of Wooden.

As long as the Wooden ninjas can be trained, who will have the final say in Konoha in the future?

However, on the way back to the roots, Danzo still felt a little angry. Yesterday, he was thinking that after Mu Yue became a senior member of the Ninja School, he would have one more person in Konoha’s reach. As a result, Mu Yue was directly wanted today. gone.

“Go and tell the night to come over.” After returning to the root base, Danzo ordered his men.


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