Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 105: Chidori (15)


Chapter 105 Chidori (15)

“Anyone among you who has learned the teleportation technique should come forward.” Mu Yue said to everyone in Group A.

Shisui, Obito, Metkai, Asuma and others who have learned the teleportation technique walked out of the queue as Mu Yue said.

“In the last two weeks, in addition to basic training, the rest of the time will mainly be the practice of the instant body technique.” Mu Yue said about the upcoming training arrangements.

He said to the students who had learned the instant body technique:

“Those of you who have already learned it can decide your own training during this part of the time. You can learn from me as usual, or you can practice according to your own ideas.”

The teleportation technique he wants to teach is naturally not shaving, but the teleportation technique most widely spread in Konoha, which is the D-level taijutsu he taught Shisui at the beginning.

The status of the instant body technique in Konoha is equivalent to the status of the three body technique in the ninja school. It is a not difficult but very practical physical technique.

Compared with those teleportation techniques with changed properties, such as water teleportation and lightning teleportation, the advantage of this D-level taijutsu teleportation technique is that it has low requirements and is easy to learn. It is very suitable for genin and chunin to learn, and even some Even jonins are still using it, and it’s very cost-effective.

Mu Yue had previously asked students to conduct chakra control training to strengthen their bodies, which was also a preparation for learning the teleportation technique.

The main purpose of using the instant body technique is to concentrate chakra on the soles of the feet and legs, and use chakra to strengthen the body to achieve high-speed movement.

There are two key points here. One is that the body must be able to withstand the stimulation of chakra, and the other is to control the amount of chakra used.

The body cannot withstand the high-speed movement brought about by chakra stimulation, which will cause losses to the body. During the battle, the body will quickly fatigue and the speed will be impaired.

The soles of the feet are the most difficult part to condense chakra. It is not easy to condense chakra on the soles of the feet, let alone control the amount of output. If too much chakra is used, it will not only lead to a waste of chakra. , and it will also affect the performance of the technique.

“It turns out that they have mastered the art of teleportation. No wonder their speed suddenly changed when they were fighting.” Shiranui Genma thought as he looked at the people walking out.

The group of people who just walked out were basically the ones with better scores in the actual combat test. They were either graduated genin or strong current students.

“You must learn this teleportation technique as soon as possible, otherwise you will definitely not get good results in the final actual combat test.” Ebisu said in his heart.

Due to last week’s incident, he had given up hope on life in the ninja school and turned to studying the future path of ninja.

So he didn’t want to be defeated in the first round when the third generation came to take the exam, so he should at least persist for two more rounds.

After giving a brief explanation, Mu Yue began to teach the students.

He first demonstrated the instant body technique several times, and then asked the students to practice according to what he just said, while Mu Yue guided them.

He would point it out aloud when students made mistakes in practice, and then help them correct their mistakes.

Mu Yue did not patronize Group A. He usually taught three groups in the order of ABC, and each group had shadow clones to assist.

If the main body stays in a certain group, students in other groups will not be able to receive the blessing of the skills taught by him.

Then Mu Yue went to Group B.

The training progress of Group B is one level behind Group A. Three weeks have passed and some people are still training on chakra control.

However, this was also within Mu Yue’s expectation. His requirements for Group B were only to complete chakra control training, strengthen physical skills, and improve the level of three body skills.

If these goals are achieved, he is actually more qualified than many graduated genin.

Some graduated genin have not even learned how to climb a tree. They have only learned the Three Body Techniques and their Taijutsu are commonplace.

After completing the chakra control training, you will not only have the ability to climb trees and tread water, but also lay the foundation for learning more ninjutsu in the future. No matter how strong the physical skills are, you can skillfully use the three body skills in the future. It has unexpected effects in battle.

Those who have not completed the chakra control training are still mainly practicing chakra control, while those who have completed the training are mainly practicing taijutsu and three body techniques, as well as various physical training.

With high proficiency in the Three Body Technique and coupled with the teaching skills, the students’ proficiency in the Three Body Technique has increased rapidly. Mu Yue saw that some students’ proficiency in the Clone Technique was above the entry-level 300 points.

After teaching Group B the Three Body Technique for a while, Mu Yue went to Group C.

Group C is the group with the slowest progress and has just started chakra control training not long ago.

This is also related to the composition of students in Group C. The students in Group C are either junior students or fourth grade students with average grades.

These students either have a short training time, have not practiced well in the past and have not laid a good foundation, or simply have poor talent, so their progress will be much slower.

It’s not that Mu Yue doesn’t want to teach more, it’s that she can only teach in this way. Bracing her head to make Group C keep up with the progress of Group AB will only have the effect of counterproductive.

And after three weeks of study, some students have actually been promoted to Group B.

“The secret to climbing a tree is to find the subtle amount of chakra that can be absorbed on the tree and then maintain it unchanged.” Mu Yue walked up a big tree as if walking on the ground, talking about what he had said countless times. times skills.

Although the words are still the same, in fact, when you reach different stages of cultivation, you will have different feelings when you hear the same words.

“Hey, Teacher Muyue, I should consider my training complete.” Hongdou ran quickly on the tree, and after running vertically, he could also run horizontally.

“Well,? Mengbo Flash Waits for Lang Tie to steal punishment? Next, practice the Substitution and Transformation Techniques, and start treading water practice in the afternoon.” Mu Yue nodded and said.

Hongdou has good ninja talent, and his learning speed is considered to be faster among the three groups of students. You must know that Hongdou has just practiced for one semester, and it is very difficult to complete the tree climbing training so quickly while taking into account other exercises. Not bad.

“Okay.” Hongdou, who received Muyue’s approval, jumped up and down the tree.

After successfully completing the training, Hongdou did not forget his two good brothers, and went directly to Shenyue Izumo and Gangzitie, who were still testing the big tree, to point out.

“Don’t be afraid of falling. Just concentrate the chakra on the soles of your feet, close your eyes and rush forward.” Anko pointed out seriously.

The corner of Gangzitie’s mouth twitched. If he really practiced according to Hongdou’s method, he would have to live a life of being fed every moment. His legs would be broken, and he would still rush forward with his eyes closed.

“I am the teacher Mu Yue who personally commented that she has completed the training. Don’t be ignorant.” Hongdou said with a smile, taking revenge on the two scammers who deceived her into not reviewing.

“Alas, you and I have ended up like this.” Shenyue Izumo looked at Gangzitie and said with a sad expression.

“Damn it, if there was a theory test, how dare Hongdou’s little thief An be so arrogant!” Why didn’t there be a theory test in Gangzi Tiehen’s special training? Otherwise, Hongdou’s face-to-face output wouldn’t have been irrefutable.

Inspired by Hongdou, Gangzitie and Shenyue Izuyun practiced harder.

Mu Yue kept walking back and forth between the three groups until the end of get out of class.

【Complete a large-scale teaching】

[Evaluation: A]

[Rewards obtained: Wind Release, Gale Palm, Thunder Release, Chidori]

Looking at the system’s rewards, Mu Yue’s memory of Chidori appeared in her mind.

Naruto has various Rasengans, and Sasuke also has various Chidori. This is also a relatively flexible ninjutsu.

It’s a bit laggy, so I’ll post one chapter first, today is still five updates per day


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