Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 104: Students’ progress (550,000 updates, please subscribe and ask for monthly votes)


Chapter 104 The progress of students (550,000 updates, please subscribe and vote monthly)

“Then study hard. The breathing method is difficult to learn, and the learning process is not easy.” Mu Yue said with a serious look on her face.

Although Breath of Fire is a little easier to learn than Breath of Rock, that is relatively speaking, and the actual difficulty is also very high.

The significance of the breathing method is greater than any ninjutsu or taijutsu he has taught before.

After demonstrating the power of Fire Escape under the Breath of Flame, Mu Yue also began to formally teach the two people how to practice the Breath of Flame.

“Stand up straight, relax your upper body and stand firm with your lower body. Use your abdomen to breathe, allowing oxygen to enter the body and into the chakra acupuncture points and meridians.”

The difference between Breath of Fire and Breath of Rock appears. Breath of Rock mainly strengthens the strength of the whole body, and everything else is secondary. Breath of Fire focuses on interacting with chakra to enhance the power of Fire Release.

“Huhuhu!” Obito opened his mouth wide and sucked in the air.


Mu Yue hit Obito on the head with **** together, then lightly chopped Obito’s abdomen with the knife and said:

“Pay attention to the abdominal force, not to open your mouth and inhale randomly. Pay attention to the rhythm and technique.”

“Huh?” Obito was a little confused. He didn’t expect it to be so difficult to breathe.

Shisui, who usually masters ninjutsu quickly, also encountered difficulties with breathing techniques and could not find the key.

However, these are all within Mu Yue’s expectations. Good talent has its limits.

While it was going on, Mu Yue ran in both directions. After teaching one side for an hour, she went to the other side and repeated the cycle.

After a morning passed, the proficiency of the three disciples in the breathing method was still zero, which profoundly made Mu Yue aware of the difficulty of the breathing method.

At noon, Mu Yue returned to her home in the main city of Konoha to find the students’ strength test materials and put them away, and then took them away when it was time for tutoring.

Maybe it was because Mu Yue said she wanted to send information, or maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen was not busy recently, Mu Yue met Sarutobi Hiruzen again.

“Sandaime-sama.” Mu Yue and Hiruzen Sarutobi said hello, and then handed over the packed information.

“This is the material for students’ strength test.” Mu Yue explained.

“Well, I’m sorry to trouble you, Muyue.” Hiruzen Sarutobi took out the information and looked through it with a smile.

The information was compiled by Mu Yue. The top ones are the results of the group test at the beginning of the special training, and the following are the results of each week’s strength test.

There are also scoring standards marked on the score sheet. For example, Group C and Group B are the scoring standards for fourth-year students, while Group A is the scoring standard for graduating ninjas.

The third generation took a general look, and judging from the data, after three weeks of special training, all students have made considerable progress.

If Mu Yue had not falsified data, then this special training must have been a very successful one, and it also proved Mu Yue’s teaching ability.

This time it is not as simple as a class. The special training students include all fourth-year students, outstanding students from first to third-year students, and a small number of graduated genin. The total number of students exceeds 300.

“Mu Yue, you did a good job. Thank you for your hard work. Forgive me!” br/>

“The students have also worked hard to practice, and it is not just my fault.” Mu Yue said modestly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a smile: “I will go over and take a look when your special training is undergoing the final test. I shouldn’t disturb you, right?”

“It’s not troublesome. If they knew that you were coming, Third Generation Master, the students would definitely be very excited.” Mu Yue said with a smile.

This is to be honest. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen had a bad reputation in his previous life, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not bad in Konoha. After all, he has been the Hokage for decades.

After reporting to her biggest boss, Mu Yue took Asma to practice.

“Oh, Teacher Muyue really shouldn’t have let the old man pass.” Asma sighed during the break.

Once Sarutobi Hiruzen is gone, it will be useless for him, Sarutobi Asuma, no matter how good his grades are, because he is the son of the third generation and it is expected that he will have good grades.

“Asma, have you forgotten what I said before?”

“Don’t care about other people’s opinions. You don’t live for others, but for yourself.” Mu Yue began the therapy.

After drinking all kinds of chicken soup, Asma regained her form and began to practice more seriously.


On Monday, Mu Yue told the students of the summer special training that the Third Hokage would come to visit their final exam.

The students immediately became excited. This was the Sandaime Hokage.

The Ninja School randomly picked up ten students and asked them about their dreams. Eight out of the ten students dreamed of becoming Hokage. Of course, they would be very excited if they had the opportunity to contact the current Hokage.

“Even Lord Sandaime is here, Izumo, this is a good time for us to become famous in Konoha.” Gang Zitie said with excitement.

“Indeed, if the Sandaime-sama can remember our names, we will be able to achieve great success in the future!” Kamizuki Izumo nodded and said, equally excited.

“You’d better save your time and go on a first-round tour and a second-round tour. Even if Hokage-sama comes, he won’t notice you.” Anko complained, even she felt that this was unrealistic.

“A big shot like the Sandaime-sama will definitely be able to see through that Izumo and I are unfinished rough jade. People like you who only use brute force will never understand.” Ichinyou’s Gangzitie counterattacked .

Kamizuki Izumo nodded in agreement.

“Then I will let you two rough jade know the power of brute strength!” Hongdou punched the two of them hard and fled.

After Yuhi Hong heard the news, she practiced more diligently, wanting to improve her strength as much as possible, so as not to be easily defeated by the students at school like last time.

After Obito learned the news, he immediately thought about the future.

“If the Sandaime-sama saw my outstanding performance, wouldn’t he praise me for my potential to become Hokage, hahaha…” Obito laughed, ignoring the looks of the people around him.

“Oops, it will be terrible if Gangzitie and Shenyue Izumo talk nonsense again.” Ebisu felt that he should remind his two younger brothers before the exam.

If that kind of news reaches the Hokage’s ears, his ninja career will be over before it even begins.

“Everyone, be quiet and continue practicing. Let Lord Sandaime see your progress.” Mu Yue smiled gently, watching all the students’ emotions being aroused, and nodded secretly in her heart.

Although the summer special training is not long, only five weeks, it actually takes a lot of time to practice. It takes more than forty hours a week. Based on the experience of one class a year, Mu Yue feels that he can trigger it once Increase rewards.

The only thing Mu Yue was worried about was that he almost missed the trigger, so he tried his best to make everyone practice diligently.

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