Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 1: The Will of Fire? Fool your will!


Chapter 1 The Will of Fire? Fool your will!

“I didn’t expect that I didn’t become a teacher after graduating from normal school, but instead traveled through time and became a teacher.” After sorting out her memories, Li Muyue complained helplessly in her heart.

He felt that he really had a strong connection with the word teacher.

In high school, he was a good student in the art class, so many classmates would ask him questions, and he was nicknamed Teacher Yue. Then when he applied for college, he slipped all the way to a normal university, at home. On the advice of others, I chose the school’s relatively strong teacher’s major, and then I tutored my roommate in college and was nicknamed Teacher Yue.

To everyone’s surprise, when she finally graduated, Li Muyue rebelled and became a civil servant directly instead of becoming a teacher.

What he never expected was that on his first day at work, as soon as he walked into the office door, he would travel through time in the next moment and become the new teacher of the ninja school who just walked into the office.

His current physical name is Hanyu Muyue, but his name is still the same as Muyue, but his surname is different.

“Alas, this is not a safe world. There are too many psychopaths and paranoid perverts, and they are also very strong.” Mu Yue sighed in her heart.

He casually observed the office. It was not much different from the office in the school in his previous life, but the sharp kunai placed randomly on the desk told him that this was no longer the peaceful country of his previous life.

What makes Mu Yue feel even more **** is that he is not only a teacher, but also a ninja at heart!

The original person was an orphan raised by Genbu since childhood. The reason why he became a teacher in the ninja school was because of Danzo’s order, asking him to observe and record the students of the ninja school to pay attention to whether there are any geniuses.

“It’s not a good place under Guoying’s hands…”

Just as Mu Yue was thinking about how to survive in this dangerous world, an emotionless mechanical sound suddenly sounded in her head, and a transparent blue panel suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

[The teacher system is launched, congratulations, you have successfully become a teacher]

[You can get rewards by giving lectures to students. The better the students, the higher the rewards]

[Can recruit outstanding students for one-on-one teaching, and teachers can receive rewards as their disciples’ strength increases]

[ps: Accepting a disciple requires the approval of both parties, and cannot be accepted unilaterally]

Mu Yue studied the blue panel. Now there are only two options on it, one is personal template and the other is master and apprentice. Mu Yue clicks on the personal panel.

[Name: Hanyu Muyue]

[Age: 18]

[Chakra: 4300]

[Skills: Three Body Technique, Fire Release, Hao Fire Ball Technique, Fire Release, Phoenix Fire Technique, Instant Body Technique, Konoha Fluid Technique]

[Evaluation: The elite among the chunin are cannon fodder with a greater role in the war]

After reading some heart-wrenching comments, Mu Yue silently closed her personal panel and clicked on the master-disciple option. Maybe it was because she had no disciples yet, so it was all blank.

Waiting for the bell to ring, Mu Yue remembered that she had a class in the first period, so she packed her things and walked towards the classroom.

Although she is a new teacher, since there are not many teachers in Ninja School now, Mu Yue also became the class teacher, leading the freshman class.

Mu Yue looked at the class list and saw several acquaintances.

There are Mitarashi Anko and Steel Goddess Tsuki Izumo, the two future Konoha Gate Gods.

When she saw Uchiha Shisui’s name, Mu Yue’s eyes lit up. This was an extraordinary genius.

Since it is the disciples who gain rewards as their teachers gain strength, the more talented the disciples must be, the better.

Mu Yue adjusted her expression before walking into the classroom, and walked into the classroom with a sunny smile.

The classrooms of the Ninja School are somewhat specially designed, probably to facilitate the students in the back rows to see clearly. The height of the students’ seats is higher in each row and increases upwards.

Mu Yue’s arrival plunged the already noisy classroom into silence.

After all, they are all five or six-year-old children, and it is their first time to go to school. Most of them are curious and in awe of the existence of ninja teachers.

Of course, there are some exceptions. For example, there was a little purple-haired girl with a single ponytail sitting in the front row who said carelessly after Mu Yue came in:

“Brother, you are so good-looking. Are you our teacher?”

Mu Yue smiled and nodded and replied:

“Yes, this good-looking little classmate, I will be your homeroom teacher in the future.”

“Hey.” The purple-haired little girl who was praised for her good looks immediately felt that the blond male teacher was a good person.

The other students felt a lot more relaxed when they saw the interaction between the two. Although it was their first time to go to school, they had heard some relatives who went to school complain that the teacher was cruel.

Mu Yue quickly walked to the podium and wrote her full name in chalk, then turned around and formally introduced:

“My name is Hanyu Mozuki. From today on, I will be everyone’s teacher. I will ask for your guidance in the future.”

“Okay! Teacher, my name is Mitarashi Anko.” The purple-haired girl was the first to respond.

With Anko taking the lead, others responded to Mu Yue, and Zhishui also followed suit.

Mu Yue felt a little disappointed in the silent system. He thought he could accept Shisui as his disciple in this way. After all, it would be regarded as recognizing the teacher, but it failed because of a bug.

Mu Yue did not show his inner emotions on his face. After everyone was introduced, he pressed his hands to signal everyone to quiet down.

“Before I lecture, let me ask you a question first. Do you know where Konoha came from?”

The classroom instantly became silent again. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Although Shisui, who has received education from the clan, knows a little bit, he does not like to be pushy and will not answer proactively unless he is called by name.

“It’s built by people.” Hongdou thought for a while and replied.

“It was indeed built by people, but what I know is who built Konoha and why Konoha was built.” Mu Yue did not deny Hongdou’s words and continued on from Hongdou’s words. Talking about it.

“Before the era of Ninja Village, there was the Warring States Period with constant wars. During that period, even children as old as you might have to take up arms to fight, and a tragic war might break out at any time…”

When talking about this cruel history, Mu Yue’s voice became deeper, directly placing the cruel reality of the Warring States Period in front of the students.

Maybe it’s because the children in the ninja world are more precocious, or maybe because this is Konoha, many children feel the heaviness, and even the atmosphere of the classroom has changed.

“At this time, two families stood up, one was the Senju clan and the other was the Uchiha clan.” Mu Yue’s tone changed slightly, from low to passionate.

“I know, I know, the first Hokage, Hashirama-sama, is named Senju.” When Mu Yue mentioned Senju, the students immediately felt involved. They didn’t know about the Warring States period, but Qianju They still know about it.

Shisui felt a little disappointed when he heard that everyone was paying attention to Senju, but no one noticed Uchiha. He didn’t quite understand why, they were all the founding ninja clan of Konoha.

“In order to protect the family’s descendants, and in order for the children to fight without weapons in the future, the two clans worked together to create Konoha, attracting more ninja clans to join, and finally ended the Warring States Period, and this is how we have Konoha now. ”

“Wherever the leaves dance, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout.

It is the struggle of our ancestors who are not afraid of sacrifice that makes us who we are now and the ninja school that we have today. This spirit of selfless dedication is also our will of fire in Konoha! “After saying that, Mu Yue’s expression was a little serious, as if she was still remembering her ancestors.

He thought that Shisui would be interested in a teacher who was familiar with history and understood the Will of Fire.

“So this is how Konoha came to be? I must pay my respects next time I pass by Hokage Rock.”

“I will also become a ninja of the Will of Fire in the future and protect Konoha!”

The students below have already imagined in their minds how their ancestors fought **** battles to win the country for them. They are all excited and express their desire to learn from their ancestors.

Shisui’s eyes also lit up, and he felt that this teacher seemed a little special, and he began to be more interested in the next life of Ninja School.

Originally, he heard from the elders in his family that the people in the clan who taught him at the Ninja School had already taught him, and he was planning to graduate early and go to the police department to help, but now it seems that this is not entirely the case.

“So do you know how many attributes of chakra there are?”

“Five kinds, water, earth, wind, thunder, and fire.” A student from a ninja family quickly answered.

“That’s not entirely true. There are seven types of chakra attributes. In addition to the five basic attribute changes of water, earth, wind, thunder, and fire, there are also two special attribute changes of yin and yang.” Mu Yue corrected with a smile.

This kind of correction after asking questions can leave a deeper memory for students.

Immediately afterwards Mu Yue began to talk about the basic understanding of chakra, and from time to time he would tell a joke to amuse the children to make the students laugh.

Time passed quickly, and four classes passed in one go. When the bell rang, Mu Yue stopped and said with a smile:

“After school, tomorrow we will talk about refining chakra!”

Mu Yue announced the end of get out of class very directly and gave a preview of the next class.

When they heard Mu Yue say that school was over, the students were stunned for a moment, wondering if the class had just started. Why was it that school was over? Looking back carefully, it seemed that class had already ended four times.

Just because of Mu Yue’s guidance, they were serious and relaxed in class, so they didn’t notice the passage of time.

“Refining chakra, I’m so looking forward to it.” Hongdou heard Mu Yue’s words and couldn’t wait to fast forward to tomorrow.

None of her family members are ninjas, so they have not been exposed to this kind of knowledge in advance.

“Isn’t it interesting to go to class? My cousin actually lied to me and said that school was difficult. When I got home, I told my aunt about stealing money to buy snacks.” Gang Zitie looked indignant as if he had almost been deceived.

“Then wouldn’t it be better if you just blackmail your cousin into giving you snacks?” Izumo Kamizuki next to him expressed his opinion.

Gang Zitie instantly showed an expression of enlightenment and patted Shenyue Izumo on the shoulder, admiring:

“Good idea brother, if I succeed, I will give you half of the snacks.”

Zhi Shui looked at Mu Yue who was about to walk out of the classroom, thought about it and got up and followed her.

[Lecture completed, settlement]

[Evaluation: a]

[Use the stories of ancestors to inspire students’ sense of responsibility and enthusiasm, the lecture content is coherent and interactive, and students are highly satisfied]

【Reward settlement…】

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