My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1276: The road is getting wider and wider, the unprecedented honeycomb plan!


In order to ensure that humans in the New World can be evenly distributed to various territories, and to prevent survivors from blindly flocking to super territories and large territories, there will be a situation where the tail is too big to lose, and everyone is overwhelmed.

Qiao Yuansheng united with the “geniuses” of the super territory in the future ruins to jointly design a cruel system for exploitation.

Full name of the system: Guidelines for the standardized management of talent flow with the “identity system” as the core.

The core idea of ​​the status system is to restrict the free movement of the population through strict division of status, thereby establishing an indestructible class barrier.

It cruelly divides the same people into different grades.

People at the highest level enjoy endless privileges. Not only can they move freely between territories and enjoy luxurious treatment between territories, they can also participate in the decision-making and management of the territories to a certain extent.

The ninth class can only be restricted to micro-territories with scarce resources and harsh environments, and live an exploitative life lacking basic human rights.

At the same time, it also divides large and small territories into three, six or nine levels, realizing chain exploitation.

Every quarter, the downstream territories have to pay a large amount of “protection fees” to the upstream territories in order to maintain a stable position and not be banned.

But everything has its pros and cons.

The disadvantages of the identity system are numerous, but the benefits are also obvious.

As upstream rentiers, super territories and large territories can easily screen out a large number of talents without having to worry about too many ordinary people flooding into the ranks and increasing the burden on the territory.

At the same time, a large amount of resources can be obtained effortlessly during the selection process for territory development.

On the other side, there are strict regulations on the identity system. The price for ordinary people to leave rashly is too high. Small territories do not have to worry about population loss during the development process, let alone defections from contact with these large territories. Phenomenon.

Of course, Sumo has seen the huge harm caused by this system. No matter how outstanding the advantages are, Sumo is unwilling to copy it to the current New World.

What’s more, the current situation in the New World has taken a completely different path from that in the future ruins. In this case, there is no need to copy it.

“What is the main reason why they are unwilling to leave?”

Sumo smiled slightly and said.

The main reason?

The four of them frowned and thought for a while, and couldn’t help but give their opinions.

“Backward. What I mean is that our Red Flower Gang is too backward. To this day, we still use torches and hay for lighting at night. You can’t imagine how choking those things are. We would rather stay in the dark at night. I don’t want to light it even for a second!”

“There is also poverty. Not to mention these delicious meals, we have to fight for even an extra mouthful of rice cereal. Some people, no, many people can only eat half full every day, and in such days I don’t know how long it will last until it ends.”

“It’s safe. There are several alien territories next to our territory. We are worried about those aliens coming to sneak attack every night, and our sleep is not stable. It can even be said that we would rather sleep on the sampan on the river. I don’t want to stay and sleep in a mud house in the territory.”…. .

“There is no hope, no future, and we can’t find any reason to stay there.”


When it came to the difference between their own territory and Tianyuan, the four people started to complain.

Although these words are exaggerated to a certain extent, the current situation is basically the same.

And as time goes by, before the autumn harvest arrives, this situation will continue to worsen.

“It seems that you have found the direction for our next cooperation.”

The four of them exposed the flaws and shortcomings of their own territory one by one, as if they were conducting a 360-degree dig with no blind spots.

Sumo listened quietly, always with a gentle smile on his face, until finally, he cleverly ended the topic with a humorous and wise words.

When it comes to the nature of population loss, it can actually be attributed to two deep-rooted problems that cannot be easily solved.

First, the gap between territories is affected by innate factors and is difficult to equalize.

Each lord has different ideas on how to manage the territory, which will be more obviously reflected in the life experience of the people in the territory below.

And living things are born with the instinct to pursue a better life, and they will naturally migrate to better places driven by this instinct.

Second, the sense of self-protection and closed attitude between territories is also an important factor.

Each territory is like an independent kingdom, fighting independently and lacking the spirit of openness and cooperation.

The closed attitude is also like an invisible barrier, which greatly limits the resource sharing and collaborative development between territories. As a result, many people can only watch the territory next door seize the opportunity and prosper.

In this environment, the people’s sense of belonging and loyalty to the territory naturally gradually weakened.

The biggest role of the identity system is to forcefully open this barrier and force circulation between major territories.

If you want to find a new system that can replace the identity system, naturally the most acute problem falls here.

How to open the communication barriers between territories?

“Perhaps you have heard a term more than once these days: Tianyuan Alliance.”

“Yes, this is an alliance initiated and led by Tianyuan Territory. It is mainly committed to promoting mutual assistance and cooperation among allies to jointly achieve prosperity and progress. Our goal is to create a close territorial community and jointly respond to The challenge of natural and man-made disasters.”

“So far, although we have not yet touched the player’s territory, we have successfully attracted a large number of Blue Star people to join us. We have provided them with a wealth of products and cutting-edge technology, and accordingly, they have also provided them with generous benefits. Resources in return, this is a win-win process!”

Tapping his index knuckle on the table, Somo put away his joking expression, looked at the four of them seriously and continued.

“If the territory behind you is willing to join the Tianyuan Alliance, I think the current problem should be solved.”

Easy to solve?

The four of them looked at Su Mo blankly, wondering what the connection between their unwillingness to leave and joining the alliance was.

In the end, Liu Zhi was stunned for a while, then suddenly realized what he was thinking and understood Su Mo’s thoughts.

“You mean that as long as we join the Tianyuan Alliance, the Tianyuan Territory will fund us to help us build the territory. Eventually it will reach a level similar to here, so no one will want to leave, right?”…. .


Looking at Liu Zhi with approval, Su Mo coughed lightly and took down four folders from the top of the pile of information.

“Of course, although the core of Tianyuan Alliance is mutual help, we also need to ensure that this help can bring actual benefits to both parties. In other words, our assistance is not unconditional, but is based on mutual benefit. Above. Taking the construction of modern electricity facilities as an example, we can provide you with advanced technology and equipment to help you get rid of the situation of relying on backward torches and realize modern lighting.

But before that, we need to see certain benefits. For example, what can the Red Flower Gang territory bring to us? ”

Sumo was so straightforward that even the other three people reacted.

Holy shit, isn’t this just technological poverty alleviation?

Liu Zhi swallowed, and when he thought that his territory might develop to the level of Hope Town, he immediately asked impatiently.

“What does your Tianyuan territory need?”

After finally saying this, the road is getting wider and wider!

Sumo nodded with a smile and pushed the file forward.

“This is a new era. Some people are willing to be stable, while others are willing to take risks.”

“We force a group of people who want to be safe to move forward, and there is no point in forcing some people who want to take risks to stop.”

“Take a look, this may be a document that can help you make a choice!”

From morning to noon, and from noon to evening.

The survivors staying at the Central Hotel were quite excited at first, but became more and more anxious as time went on.

Many people are worried that Liu Zhi and the others will tell Tianyuan Territory the information they want to leave behind.

“What are you afraid of? If they dare to tell the truth, we will pretend to follow them first, and then set off to find an opportunity to escape!”

“Yes, let’s sneak away during the chaos and come back here from the shore.”

“The road is dead, but people are alive. As long as we know the location, we can come by ourselves next time.”

“That’s good, we might as well go back and take our family with us, and then set off here.”

In the dark hotel corridor before the lights were turned on in the evening, shouts and curses continued to sound, and various sounds were intertwined, giving people an extremely depressing and uneasy feeling.

It may sound ungrateful, but this is exactly the current situation in the wasteland!

Before there is any direct conflict of interest, they can be brothers with the four Liu Zhi.

But when there is a conflict, both parties are enemies until the conflict is resolved.

If you want to tie them back and continue to live such a miserable life, you just want them to die!

“No, we have to take action. It’s too passive to stay here.”

“How to attack? Are we going to find Su Shen?”

“Not very realistic, I propose.”

At this moment, clear footsteps suddenly came from the corridor, interrupting the discussion.

It’s Liu Zhi and the others!

This walk lasted nearly seven or eight hours, and it was hard to imagine what they talked about during this time.

“Vice Lord”

Having guessed what a group of people were doing in the corridor, Liu Zhi waved his hands and smiled indifferently.

“We are all here for activities. Have you eaten? Let’s go have dinner together?”…. .


“Don’t you just want to stay? No matter how big the deal is, this is the procedure for staying. I have already completed it.”

Liu Zhi suddenly bared his white teeth. Although his smile looked a bit sinister under the dim light, the stack of information he took out from his carry-on bag attracted everyone’s attention.

Under the dim light, everyone could see clearly, and the huge title was clearly visible on it.

“Naturalization Application Form for Ordinary Residents of Tianyuan Territory”

Further down, the word “agree” has been filled in in the opinion section of the application form, and Somo’s lord seal has also been left on the seal.

For a moment, everyone’s heartbeats accelerated, obviously knowing what this meant.

“Boss, we are not.”

“Hey, you don’t want it?”

Liu Zhi glanced at the speaker in surprise, and the latter immediately shut up decisively.

They were still studying how to stay in the Tianyuan territory just now, but now the opportunity has been presented to them. If they don’t know how to cherish it and want to refuse it several times, they will really miss the opportunity and there will be no regrets.

“If you’re not in a hurry, let’s go eat first. You still have one meal to decide whether to leave or stay.”

Putting the information back into his bag, Liu Zhi turned around and walked down the stairs again.

The people gathered in the corridor were stunned for a few seconds, and then they followed in a hurry and headed straight to the Huoli Restaurant.

It was already a restaurant where they had eaten several meals. After ordering, everyone sat down nervously and looked at Liu Zhi in the center.

I saw him calmly opening the cloth bag again, taking out the stack of naturalization application forms and placing them on the table.

Estimating the thickness, there are at least a hundred sheets, which is enough for everyone present to get a portion.

“You all want to stay, right?”

Liu Zhi stretched out his chopsticks, picked up the cold dish, ate it, and drank a big sip of beer happily.

I don’t know what he was talking about. Everyone shook their heads at first, and then nodded in embarrassment.

“Life here is really comfortable. There are hotels to stay in, beer to drink, and three meals a day. I would like to stay here and don’t want to go back.”

Liu Zhi sighed twice and then changed his tone:

“Not only do I know what you think, Lord Su also knows it, but he understands the difficulties of the four of us, and finally gave the choice to you to decide.

This naturalization application form has no conditions. As long as you sign it, you will be residents of Tianyuan Territory. ”

“Is it that simple?”

“It’s that simple.” Liu Zhi glanced at the speaker and continued calmly: “Not only that, Lord Su said that as long as you sign this naturalization form, not only you can stay, but also yours My family will also be picked up by the fleet in the future.”


The unreal feeling suddenly came to everyone’s mind.

This is not a dream, is it?

When they decided to stay, they were already prepared to abandon their families.

Now suddenly tell them that while they stay, their family members can also be taken over.

“Boss, we still know how much we weigh, but I’m afraid we can’t afford this treatment.”

“Yes, boss, just say it if you have anything to say, don’t scare us.”

“If we can’t stay, we will never make it difficult for you. I, Wu Kang, can guarantee you this and I will never make it difficult for you!”

Seeing a group of people in disarray, Liu Zhi stopped smiling and put down the wine glass in his hand.

“Humph, you are smart.”

The people who can join the first batch of envoy teams are basically the elites selected by the territory.

This group of people may not have strong professional abilities, but they definitely have some cleverness.

“But I still want to remind you one last time. If you want to get this naturalization form now, there are no conditions. Just get as many as you want.”

“But if you still want to take it after hearing what I say next, it won’t be so easy. Damn.

It’s really a trap.

Hearing what Liu Zhi said, no one here was willing to eat crabs, and they all shook their heads in rejection.

“Okay, let me get straight to the point. In addition to staying, there is indeed a huge opportunity in front of you.”

From the compartment in the bag, Liu Zhi took it out again.

But what was taken out this time was not a naturalization application form, but a document about fifty pages thick.

The original title at the top of the document was “Tianyuan Alliance Cooperation Agreement,” but someone added a striking subtitle next to it with a pen.

Hive Project!

(End of this chapter)

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